HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1911-09-29, Page 7OW TO AIME THE WEATHER A. FEW SIGNS WIIICII IXAVE BEEN TESTED. Flowers, Clouds, Sky, Sun, 1 oon, Stars, Winds, Animals, All Are Barometers. There ean be no doubt, It least in the minds of those who have been at pains to acquire the old weather- lore and to watch by its aid the changes of the weather, that the wise ones of long ago had unfailing barometers in their fields, by the waysides, and even at their hearths, and thereby they bad an interest in ?" Nature which some of us might do worse than try to recover. fs Even 7Gthose who spend the most c.:1 part of their lives in big cities could learn something, and so get closer to Nature, while those who are dwellers in the country could do much more. Par the benefit of both classes we 'give some signs which have been ested, and our readers may verify hem at their leisure. FLOWER BAROMETERS. Expect rain when you find the impernel closed by day. It will rain before sundown if the marigold continues shut after seven in the morning. There will be rain if the eonvolu- lus and the chickweed close. Should you seethe leaves moving any perceptible wind, you should not go far without your waterproof. CLOUDS AND SKY. There will be fine weather if the _iclouds at sunrise fly to the west, if fL,4he sun, is then surrounded by a 'circle of white clouds is i If the sunset clouds have purple n their red there will be fine -eather, but if only red there will e rain next day. A border of black :o the red in the south-east im- 'roves the weather. i Rain may be expceted that clay vhen the sun rises pale or a light ed, but not until the following day hould the sunrise clouds be red. There will be rain that day hould dark clouds gather and re- aain in the west. Wind may be looked for when nail white clouds with ragged ges gather together. in Sumner a. red sky at sunrise retells Wind and showers, .but in inter steady rein -throughout that ,yk A clear . and sunny morning in mmer or in autumn fortells rain, d when rain falls while an east ind is blowing you may expect the in to last for four -and -twenty airs. The weather will improve should halo or ring form round the sun .ring bad weather, and if there e clouds in the east in the even - in before sunrise will give a e afternoon. SUN, MOON, AND STARS. 'etch the stars on a clear sum - r night, and should there be no Ling stars you may expect the weather to continue. ny change of weather at the i.rters of the moon will last for t quarter. gine weather for Several days be counted upon when there is list before sunrise at the time of ,r full moon, or if the new moon $ clear ; but look for wet should ise pale, amigos wind should it e halo round the moon in fine • ther, there, will be rain: andd the the halo the sooner will rain • WINDS, MIST, ETC. t there is a steady north wind for or three days, look for fine Cher thereafter. damp fog or mist accompanied ind brings rain. fere is usually wind before a dorstor m. slier° is lightning without thun- if an evening after a clear day, ne weather will continue. • re will be fine weather dur- hat. day if a mist rises in the ing from low lands. Also 1 white mist or dew appear in vening near a river and spread the land. rain is about to go when a ow appears. deet rain or wind, and often When the stars appear larger user, or flickering in the sly. IMALS, INSECTS, iETC, pis creep out of the ground rain. remain in their hives, or fly ort distances from them, ad weather may be expeeted. Mewl scream and plunge an usttal into water, awal- i> loner than areal, crows trtimeiv nisy and fly in and birds in general pick eatlers, was, and bet'nl:'r es,to their nestts before 1w CANADA BLJ$(NESS COLLEOS CHATHAM, ONT. ONE 01+' AMERICA'S GREATEST BUSINESS SCHOOLS over 2,000 choice positions filled in past Four Years Some others lust filled.;- I 13, IIANN, from Newfoundland, placed with hask, tithing Go., Moose ,Taw, as Steno. FERN SMITIL Steno., Peabody Overall Co., Windsor, E. 0. RO BINSON likkpr„ with Bell Furniture Co„ Southampton, Ont FLO.SSIE ANDERSON, Steno, and Bicker, Can Wolverine Go„ Chatham. MILDRED AND FR'ON, :Steno„ with De Laval separator Co., Winnipeg. It. J. SCOTT, teacher, with Drake College, Newark, N. J. The salaries of the three shown last week average over 570') per ufunum The salaries of the six here shown average close to 5700. Our student+ are prepared for the big positions whore the big pay is offered. I'1' PAYS 1'O Ai TEND TH.5 BEST. Catalogue 33 tells of the work at Chatham. Catalogue 34 tells of our home courses, Address, D. i11eLt0FtL4N ik CO,, 0. 13. colts°o, Chatham, Out. FEATHER DYEING' Cleaning and Curling and Aid Gloves cleaned. 'those can he sent by post, 10 per oz, The best place is BRITISH AMERICAN EI EINC CO, MONTIUSAL. GUARDING CROWN JEWELS. A Remarkably Strong Room in the Tower of London. There has only been,one attempt to steal the Crown Jewels from the Tower of London, and that was when the famous Irish adventurer, "Colonel" Blood, attempted the feat in 1671. The clumsy methods of the notorious "Coionci" are not to be compared with the subtle and scientific ways of the modcru cracksman, but ezee the latter—olid' he possess the genius of a d. zen Raflieses—could 1i'.s.re. ly h 'pe to steal the Crown Jewels from the new Jewel Room, which is now com- pleted in the Wakefield Tower of the Tower of London. The floor and walls are made of solid stone, while a new steel grid has been built to enclose the plate- glass regalia show -case. The bars of this grid are made of the finest tempered steel, the ends being em- bedded in the solid masonerry of the roof and flooring. Connected with this grid is a hidden electric alarm, which instantly warns the custodians of the Tower if a bar be wrenched ever so slightly. The doors of the Jewel Room are iron. lined and fitted with the latest in complicated locks,. The jewels themselves wiii lie in automatically closing steel cases, absolutely burg- lar-proof. While the room is be- ing completed the jewels are kept in the Government strong -room, and when everything is ready they will be taken to the Wakefield Tower under guard and mounted for public exhibition in their new cases be- hind the grid. At one time it was proposed that a trap should be eonstrueted, so that, if necessary. the jewels could be lowered through the stone floor: into the dungeon beneath the Wake- field Tower. This dungeon, how- ever, is below the level of the ie river, and very damp; consequently the scheme was abandoned. As a mat- ter of fact, nothing has been housed in this dungeon. since the Middle Ages, when prisoners languished in the Tower. Europe's total area covers 3,870,- 000 square miles. Easy Breakfast ! A bowl of crisp Post r 1� sties and cream -- the thing's clone! Appetizing Nourishing Convenient Ready to serve out of the package. "The Memory Lingers' right Canadian Foatum Corea( Company, Limited, Windsor, Ontario, Canada. WHAT IS A. BOND ? A mortgage on the C. P. I2.. could aot very well be held by one per- son so it is split up and sold in sec- tion to a number. Such sections are called bonds. 13onds are al- ways readily turned into cash at ear or even better, and they pay wice as much interest as a savings. rank deposit; Write to the Royal iecurities . Corporation, Toronto, Ind get an interesting book on the Subject. They will be glad to fiend - it and you will be pleased to:trait it; it's free. LABOR. Cholly--"Are you working youn way through college ?" Algy—"Yes ; I'm working the money out of father." LOW COLONIST FARES TO THE PACIFIC COAST. • Via the Chioago, Union Pacific and North West- ern Line, daily from September 1 it11 to October 15th from all points in Canada. Pullman tourist sleeping cars daily. Persoually uoinhtntod Califor- nia tam's in Pullman tourist sleeping ears on through trains leave Chicago Tuesday and Thurs• flay of each week. For rates: folder; and full' particulars apply to 33. If. Bennett, Gods. Agt., 46 Youge 5e., Toronto, Oivaria. CLEVER DOG.. Cook—My dog took first prize at the eat show. Hook—How was that 1 Cook—He took the cat. Ifnpurities of the Bleed Counter- acted.—Impurities in the .blood come from defects in the action of the liver. They are revealed, by. pimples and unsightly blotches on the skin. They must be treated inwardly, and for this purpose there is no more effective compound to be used than,-Parmelee's Vege- table Pills.. They act directly on the liver and by setting up healthy processes have a beneficial effect upon the blood, so that impurities are eliminated. Margaret—Isn't it strange 1. Katherine What? Margaret — That many awoman who has bleached her hair wants to keep it, dark. If every housekeeper would u Wilson's Fly Pads freely duri the Summer months the house peril would seen be a thing of past. "Breach of pron4ise suit , Uncle Eben, "is de result of •a dat wears his heart on his sl meetin' a gal dat 'carries hers her pocketbook." TRY MURINE EYE REMEDY ter Red, Weak, Weary, 'Watery Eyes and GranulatedEyelids. Murine Doesn't Smart—Soothes Eye 'Pain. Druggists„ Sell. Murine Eye Remedy, Liquid, 25e, 50c, $1.00. Murine Eye Salve in Aseptic Tubes, 25c, $1.00, Eye Books and Eye Advice Free by Mail. Murine Dye Remedy Co., Chicago. Some things that come 'to those who wait are badly moth eaten, On Sale Everywhere. -There `•ln.ay be country merchants who do not keep Dr. Thomas' Eclectrio Oil;. though they are few and far be-' tween, and these may suggest that some ether oil is just as good. There is nothing so good as a liniment or as an internal medicine in certain cases. Take no other. The de- mand for it shows that it is the only popular oil. 'THIS is a HOME DYE The ANYONE. con use L deed ALL these . DIFFERENT 6/114DS `_., of Goods with the SAME Dye.' used ONE DYEFCRALL I NDS0FG000S OLEAN and SIMPLE to Use. NO chance of using the' WRONG Dye for the Goods one hes to color. All colors from your Druggist or Sauil.r, FREIE Color Curd nod STORY Booklet 10, who Johnson-Ltichssrdso,, Co.. Limited, Montreal, ...1411211,112. NOT .POLITE. The family had never been in the habit of saying grace, but when the minister took tea with them they thosight it proper to bend their heads over their plates devoutly. All would have gone well if the young hopeful had not piped up : "It ain't polite to smell yer meat l" No one need fear cholera or any srumner complaint if they have a bottle of Dr. J. D. Kellogg's Dy- sentery Cordial ready for use. Lt. .c rrects all looseness of the bowels promptly and causes a. healthy and natural action. This is a medicine adapted for the young, and old. rie''i and poor and is rapidly be - .''inning the most popular medicine i.cholera, dysentery, etc., in the iket. T , e "Doesn't. it worry you fully to owe so many bills you of `p y l" }Ie—"No. Why. slcl I worry ever other people's 'bles V' aetieally all Canadian drug - 40 and general dealers •�vr,.Ply.•Padi. If ;your iter ctoes not,'ask him why. of men oul d make good .ii' yed to furnislia the motive r far Wino mills. dyed: Lint ,•.'-nt Cures Dter,Jdruff. THE PARSON'S REVENGE. A clergyman was accustomed to use scientific terms whiclx,,the people dict not understand. A' deputation waited on him with the request that in the future, whenever he used such terms, he would explain them. On the following Sunday he used the term "hyperbole," and ad - sled :— "As agreed on, I beg to explain this -word. Were I to say that at this moment the whole of my con- gregation are sound asleep, it would be hyperbole, but if I say that one-half are asleep that is not hyperbole, but the truth." The next day the deputation again called to say that the minis- ter need not explain technical terms. The people would learn their meaning from. to dictionary. SOUR CREAM RECIPES. Johnny Cake.—Two cups sou' cream, two cups sour milk, onto teaspoonful soda, two tablespoon- fuls white flour, two tablespoonfuls sugar, two cups corn meal sifted three times, three eggs. Bake one hour. Sour Cream Cookies. --One clip sour cream, one cup light brown sugar, one egg, one small teaspoon- ful soda, one small teaspoonful salt. Flavor, mix soft, and bake. Salad Dressing.—One cup sour cream, whipped, one tablespoonful sugar, pinch of cayenne. ii s it 'Mary, another knife, one . is ifot clean." t clean, r:•lum? I'm t to be. The last thing vvas soap!" • No child;shoul 1 be allowed to suf- fer ::air hour ' from . • worms when prompt .relief can be got in a simple but strong,remedy—Mother Graves' Worm Exterminator; • Unless we are wrong again, we have discovered why cheese is served with pie: The restaurant person, t sties to get rid of the cheese, It always looks as if it had been kicking around the place for weeks. Blood Poisoning is often caused by slight .cuts or wounds. Death may result. • Hamlins Wizard Oil will draw out the poison, heal the wound and prevent serious, trouble. A girl can't help feeling at first that it's pretty scandalous for her to becolnee an aunt. — Minard's Liniment Relieves Neuralgia. If a nraia hasn't opinions, he's a nonentity'; and if he has them. he's a nuisance. *11 Papa ---`'Well, slid the photogra- pher • succeed in making the baby look pleasant?"r. Mamma -- "No ; but the baby succeeded in making the photographer look very 'plea- sant," SENTENCE SERMONS. Deceive nobody, not ever thy- self. God is a discovery, not an inven- tion. The keynote of Christianity is power not words. • • Do 'the best you know, that you may know better. You may not nlake a living, but you ean make a life. Friendship is -tile flower of a moment, and the fruit of time. Would you count your true friends? Fall into misfortune. The mountain is composed of atoms, and friendship of trifles. There are advantages in growing old. It settles many questions. Whoever complains of not having found atrue friend accuses himself. In all your work watch some master workman; it is a great help and incentive. Teach your children to create. Don't `always giye them finished products to enjoy. What is your life? It is even a vapor. Steam is a vapor, but, harnessed it moves the world. The extraordinary rests on the ordinary and presupposes it. He who is not ordinary cannot be ex- traordinary. We are cups to quench God's thirst, and God takes pleasure in a man when he fulfills the purpose of his being. It is a common saying that 'a friend is kept by three things : by honoring him in his presence, by praising him in his absence, and by aiding him in his need. Faultless inPreparation.—Un- like any other stomach regulator, Parmelee's Vegetable Pills are the result of long study of vegetable compounds calculated to stimulate the stomachic functions and main- tain them at the normal condition. Years of use have proved their faultless character and established their excellent reputation. And this reputation they have main- tained for years and will continue to maintain, for these pills, must al- ways stand at the head of the list of standard preparations. WHAT HE THOUGHT. "What do you call aperson that reads heads?" "A phrenologist, my boy." "Gee 1 Then ma must be one of those. things. She felt onhead' this afternoon and said right away, 'You've been swimming.' " t,.23 m1 Carterhall, Ned. Minard's Liniment Co.. Limited. Dear Sirs, --While in the country last Bummer I was badly bitten by mosqui- toes, so badly that 1 thought I would be disfigured for a couple of weeks. I was advised to try your Liniment to allay the irritation, and did so. The effect was more than I expected, a few uppile:Writs completely curing the irritation, and preventing the bites from becoming f=ete. MINARD'S LINIMENT is alio a good article to keep off the mosquitoes. Yours truly, . W. A. V. It. QUALIFIED. Ryter—I've half a mind to write a popular novel. Crytie—Well that's as much as you will need. It is an undisputed fact that one packet of Wilson's Fly Pads has actr'ally killed a bushel of house flies. Fortunately no such quan- tity can ever be found in a well kept house, but whether they. be few or many Wilson's Fly Pads will kill them all. "Does you son indulge mueh in piscatorial exercises. "No, he don't care for nothin' but to go off fishin' ." Corns cannot exist when Hollo- way's Corn Cure is applied to them, because it goes to the root and kills the growth. The young wife's version : "Laugh, and the world lapghs with you ; weep, and you get what you want !" Mlnard's Liniment Cures BurnS, Etc. FACT AND FANCY. Faint wad Stever won fair. lady. A frog cannot breathe with its mouth -open. Friendship is to some girls where- in to ,stick pins. Irish moss makes delicious jelly. It's a wise child that takes after its rich maiden aunt. Suspension bridges have been found in South African ant -hills, The kitten's eyes are opened in nine days, the bridegroom in one, The Japanese;have eighteen words for tri" The black sheep of the family is usually the ono that gets fleeced, Happy.' the man who as in love with himself.1 He ED C F', Y IN BUYING s (J. Bonds are the safest invest. ment a person Gan drake beeanse they are secured by first mc rt. gage on the whole assets of r... Corporation issuing them. J Bonds are the best inves r.::>.nt a person can make becatl.,: no other investment offering t?.e. same,security paw as high a �.tc of interest. g Bonds offered by us are tbr' . ouglily investigated as to ti_ -•: safety before being offered tj our clients. g Write us to -day for literature on Bond Investments and a list of those we recommend. L SECURITIES CORPORATION LIMITED BANK OF MONTREAL BUILDING )(ONCE AND' QUEEN STS. TORONTO R. M. WHITE - Manager MONTREAL -QUEBEC -HALIFAX •LONoon.(rt. c.) FARMS FOR RENT AND SALE. ASK DAWSON, HE KNOWS. �F you want to sell It farm. consult mP. g 1•' meyou want to buy a farm, tu,u1t ii . l. HAVE some of the best fruit, .Stock. Grain or Dairy Farms in Ontorto. and prices right. gamW. DAWSON, Ninety Colturue IA. Street, Toronto. AGENTS WANTED. AGENTS WANTED.—A study of other .AGENTS propositions convinces all ` taut u0ne can equal ours. You will al. ways regret it if you don't apply for particulars to Travellers' Dept.. 228 Alhert 5t., Ottawa. TTNEM1LOYED MEN OR WOMEN, Da iL you wish to make Five Dollars dal tor balance of yearn- If so, consult J. 14 Nichols Co., 1Ami's4, Toronto. MISCELLANEOUS. AY ScaledWork , 9 Esplanade, ToM SCALES. ronto s�,,",,+, AWMILL MACHINERY. POPsi.'f,T3314t. i J 'Or -hem -Y. 'lathe Mills. Shingle :rlil,s, Engines and Boiler., Mill, families. The E. Long Manufacturing Co., Lid., 1Y est Street, Orillia, Ontario. p GENTS WANTED. A LINE FOR .. every home Write us for our choice list of agents supplies. We have the greatest agency proposition in Canada to -day. No outlay necessary. Apply 33. C. I. Co., 228 Albert St., Ottawa. ANCER, TUMORS, LUil1PS, etc. In- ternal and external, cured without linin by our home treatment. Write us before too late. Dr. Delltuan Medical Co., Limited, Collingwood, Ont. i• TON SCALE GUARANTEED. Wilson's l) ticale Works, 9 Esplanade, Toronto. P1:G1ALISTS ADVICE' FREE. Consult us in regard to any disease. Lowest pricesin drugs of all kinds. rrusses fitted by mail. Send measnre• Crntxinhldbage. t drw anythg soin first-class a stores to Dr. Gellman, Collingwood. Ont. II t 101ITIN ttL STOOK . BROKER Member standard Stock awl �Jining Exchange LISTED STOCKS CARRIED ON MARGIN Correspondence invited, ,T; MELINDA. ST., TORONTO for Mrs If ,-est. o; uta; 7����, Y -- �)�• � to plums isjrstthe - kind for which you would have to pay MI0etan retail store. It le extra wide, fully 10 inches 'Rj long, in all colors, withwiilowtryy -"@ Sons ofgt•eatlengththatdonot lose their curl easily. Send ns B SLi10 tin.day, for ibis lea, eppor- tnnity not to homissed 1i, offer. , .1 also an extra large and haw l -oro ttu ' 91.30 plume at 52.00 SOWS m)tlev by mn11, express at Taoney order. Remember that soar money wi 11 1 e -o- fundedift.hepinme snot entirelymati,fn n y. OMYorkOstrichfee A, L111613415Bwcy,tN.Y. Sliver Pine Healing Oil Healey a Barb -Wiest witheti itae�;r4 a swatch Mas, I5err. McCtgA'ie, or 'Slow- BRAY, MAN., Writes: "Please send me a bottle of your Silver Pine. nettling had a colt cut last whiter with barb wire—I used halt -t bottle and it healed up and didn't leave a scratch. Not ' hsr4anothercolt that has got c Hiatt I "hlqulitto to heal witty what is left, hitt I would like to have you send mo another bottle if I should happen" to need ft, for I think I could not get on without it," • For all kinds of wound, bruises, burns' and Sores on animals or human beings,' Silver Pine Heal- ing 0i1 is a quick, safe and wonderful healer. I ,eep a bottle on hand for tines, o