HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1911-09-29, Page 5e 1The Molsons Bank1 Capital paid up $4,000,000 Reserve Funs $4400 ,000 D O Total Assets over 44,000,000 cv l-leo.d Office - - ;Clontreal 1 Ineo porated 1855 D Has 78 Branches in. Canada, and Agents and Correspondents in ca n kr all the Principal Cities of the World. ca iA GENERAL BANKINF BUSINESS TRANSACTED. t SAVINGS BANK DEPARTMENT at all Branches. Interest allowed at highest current rate n iZurich Branch - J. A• CONSTANTINE, Agent 1 egdrudDONII D+aD®00D(IIIDADaDGIII!WIDCiiDaD(11110a DAM Sit up and Take Notice We have on display our New Prints, and Dress Goods. Almost everything you could wish for in Spring and Summer wear. Also our New Wall Papers, of the latest de- 7E e- 7E designs at popular pric- 1 es. 5 Call and Inspect Before Purchasing j R. N. DOUGLAS, General Merchant, BLAKE. D)iDMINDaDa®a{, D®aDa®aD®aDOGIOa a . . . ZURICH . ■ . MEAT MARKET WE keep in stock a " full line of fresh meats, hams, etc. etc Our cuts are noted for their tenderness and wholesomeness. Our -aim is to keep nothing but t•e best. tWe make otr awn roansaeges. = 1 Give pus a call. ♦..a.®oia......a....s`.... ♦ •� EXETER • 8 e. .......................... Sunday last being set apart as '-Rally Day," in all Sunday Schools, it was generally observed in Exeter. Rev. Mr. Bartlett of Toronto. General Secretary of Sun. day Schools gave addresses in both Methodist churches and in the afternoon at the Sunday Schools. Special music was prepared by the different choirs, also the churches were beautifully decorated with flowers for the occasion. Miss Ella Brown, nurse of Grace Hospital Detroit, is holidaying at her home here. Mrs. Kestle wife of Rev. Thos. Kestle died at her home here on Friday last, after an illness of over two years. The funeral took place on Sunday to the Exeter cemetery. Mrs. Donglas who has been spending a few weeks at Grand Bend returned home, on Saturday. On Friday evening of last week a very unique social was given under the auspices of the W. C. T. 11. by the committee having ch of the mission work in the f the YONfiBLUT & QEICHERT: IiNI 11 11111111111 11 11 11 11 Why don't some flours behave'? Why don't they keep good ? Oecause they contain too much of the branny particles, too muck of the inferior portions of the wheal-- may be little pieces of the oily gems. Which act on one another—that's why some flours "work" in the 'sack. FIVE ROSES is the purest extract of Manitoba. spring wheat berries. Free from branny particles and such like. Twill keep sound, and sweet longer than necessary. Keep it in a dry place, and when needed you Mind it even healthier, sounder, fresher, drier than the day you bought it. Buy lots of FIVE ROSES. It keeps. v �Iplulllllllill IIIIT'1111111111 Nppiilllillllllllllllllli 1,11.1, 1 011,110:111.., ll•„l,,, 1111 dill � 1Qgitrk Act ,g11UI `r a11I` pp ►►P,1 illi . liiu�i lIIII �Illlllliliulilllll101�I�I �II(illll� �lllll�l�ilulid lli u9llllll1111mit, uiIuililllllll�llll�livalllllll I�I�IIIIIIIIIIlII11� i � ��... IIIIIIIIIII�II u, 711=0O I�IIIIIIh Xfmth•� os 11 �,� itaol i )1110110te 1111111111111111111 111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 LAKE OF ME .e�uruN+' Iilll�bl ! *0008 MILLIN0 CO 111111111111111 PAN, L,M,rE MONTREAL l ergo .4'...-0-').040.4)..00.4").+ lumberman's camp. The numher seven being a feature o en- tertainrnent• The program. and the o nta,SHWC bill of fare all being accord with 4o0ome••##o0oo•®oo* the perfect number. Miss Anna Dow left on M onclay ' Lost—Oa Saturday, bot; to attend business college in Bend and Dashwood, a Loudon.ulster with satin collar. Mr. and Mrs. T. A. Russell and( please at Guenther's liven;: Miss Jessie '.Russell of Toronto, also Mrs. Ramsden of Midland, attended Mrs. Fred Goothnaa'; the Cameron and Russell wedding, day evening as`a •resulti on Tuesday. When Mr. Goodman. ca Dr. Rolstan who left for the Old his work at six o'clock i Country some weeks ago, returned he found her at the ` home on. Tuesday, feeling much cella, sirlvoy '. 'z benefitted `by ibis. ocean v oyu'ge �viiiincl,tt2nd” other Mrs. Rolston met him in London mediately picked he her Mrs. Wanless and two children her to the room ttndiv_. of Duluth are visiting with Mr.to his neighbor's Mr. and Mrs. L. Hardy. accross the street. Th A very pretty wedding took pia. made as comfortable as ce at the home of Mr N. Kestle on medical i. -id summoned.. Tuesday Sept 26th, when their eldest daughter Pearl, was united iu marriage to Mr. Luther Penhale The bride was becomingly attired in a cream voile gown, prettily trimmed with lane and pearls Among the many useful presents received was a kitchen. shower given by a number of her -young friends. The bride's going away gown being Navy blue with hat to match. They left on the evening train for Detroit and other places. On their return they will take up their residence on Andrew st. Mr. and Mrs. Penhale have inanv friends who wish them many years of happy wedded life. Miss Helen Russell left on Tues- day for Toronto University, to take up her final year's work. Here we Fire Aoain *0-4 4� oo® Miss Mildred Brown who is attend -1 ing Model school in Clinton, and the Misses.Luln and Elsie Geiser who are ttenclin! Normal in London, spent Friday and Saturday at their homes rand i here. black Will voocl. Tues, dent. i • Reeve Sweitzer Accidently e�,fl•°m Shot at Grand Bend, ing, the -A sad gloom was cast upon our a A SAD AND TRAGIC DEATH ill a'i'}ed 1c19k'& y was and njiuies. with the finest lot of goods ever shown in Z urich. Just received a large quantity to please any- body, so drop in and see. if JC cant suit you. Also carry an immense No. of samples to choose from, All kinds of goods for trousers, dark or light prices low as possible. Laundry in Connection W. H. HOFFMAN ZURICH failor• Farm ets That Want THE BEST We Call at The Massey - Harris Shop. Our Machines for themselves. also handle Olds Gasoline Engine. spea Jas. Whyte, Ag't MASSY -HARRIS CO A quiet wedding was solemnized at the home of Mr. Thos. Russel on Tuesday, when his daughter Bertha, Superintendent of the hospital at Midland was united in marriage to Dr. Lannon of Strat- ford, only the immediate members of the contracting parties being present. The ceremony was per forme&at-high noon, by- the Rev, S. F. Sharp, pastor of Cavan Presbyterian church. After par- taking of a dainty repast -the happy,. couple left on the evening. train fora short wedding trip after which they will matte theirhome in -Stratford. Word was received here on Tuesday, of the death of Mrs. J. Bissett (nee Miss McFall) of Sttathroy. Mrs. Bissett bad been sick for some time with typhoid fever. But it was not expected that she would succumb to the disease. Deceased leaves her sorrowing husband and two small children. The many friends here sympathize with the family in this their sad bereavement. Mrs John Spackman and Mr. •Hugh Spackman are visiting with friends, in St. Thomas. l,•Iticts of hp') es !lave been pas - sin„ thrnnt_>li c.t•eir. fur ship- ment fr•Inaa !lr us;,i1 stntion. The pie crop i, holt, hut• Ow finality is surd to bp. h„ve the average. BORN Tambo—In Dashwood on Wednesday Sept. 20th, to Mr. and Mrs. Ezra Tiernan, a son. DIED H svwoou—In Usborne, on Sept, 24, 1911, Thedo Thelma, daughter of Mr. and Mrs, T W. Heywood, aged citizens on Tuesday afternoon last in 1 year, 5 mos. 12 days , ath of Mr. Sweitzer of — B'hipke Reeve of Stephen Township, at tot y Mw ,john 1tlonSday ikr;ening fora few days outing at^Grand11 Fend and were enjoying the sport of fishing and shooting at what is known as -'the cut south of the Bend. It appears Air. Sweitzer was on the shore while, the others were in the boat and b4 some accident a gun in the boat was accidentally discharged the charge entering Mr. Sweitzers leg just below the knee severing the main artery and shattering the bone. The accident occurred about 10.30 a. in., and as the party were some distance dowjr the river it took some time to gat to their conveyance all the assist- ance was resorted to and Mr. Sweitzer was conveyed to his- home at Shipka as soon as possible, reaching there about 4 p. in., succumbing to his in- juries before being removed to the house. Mr. Sweitzer was a man who was most highly respected by every one with whom he came in contact, always generous and charitable to! those in need, jovial and happy. He was a consistent member of the Evan- gelical church, and on Friday last' was present at the fowl supper taking an active part, in the proceedings. He has been elected the position- of. Reeve of Stephen for many terms and always filled the office with satisfac- tion to all. • About twenty years ago Mr. Sweitzer suffered a heavy loss in the destruction by fire of his.. mills, which he afterwards rebuilt and about three years ago were again destroyed by fire. By the death of Mr. Sweitzer is removed one of the sunny natures of our midst and of his home. There remain to mourn the loss of a loving husband and father, the sorrowing widow and two daughters, Martha at home and Mrs. Lippert of Khiva, and 'three sons Simon J., Centralia, Wil- liam and Mathew. at home; besides five brothers Jacob, John, Henry and Daniel. of Crediton, and August of Delaware, Pen,, and two sisters Mrs. C. Trick of Crediton and Mrs. Adam Gaiser of Detroit. The sympathy of the community is extended to the be. saved family in this their hour of sorrow. The funeral will take -place on Friday afternoon. de of -54 ears and 4 clays. ilex]:ilex]:in company with Messrs. tz and Gotfried Fahner left however were of such a ii' xe ` that! death relieved her sufq44gs, at 8 o'clock. The deceased was. about 72•' year- of age Enidleaves ices her aged husband a grown.�up ' tirntly, all of whom are- living in the United States. Mr. John Hoffman of the, Dash- wood planning mill was at: Grand Bend on Tuesday. on business. The brick Work in connection with the new brick block is 'now finished 'and the work of putting :on the roof is. being pushed forward as rapidly as possible. - itfr. D. O'Brien of Mt Carmel, was a pleasant caller in our village on Tuesday. • Miss Shoemaker of Detroit, ..is the guest of Me. and Mrs. Geo l;cli'ghoffer. for a few days. Mossa.0—At Zurich Road Sept. 21st to Mr. and Mrs. Frank Mosseau, Twins, boy and girl, o`t+se;ro.e..es..•••••• •••• o . e CREDIT ONi, MARRIED OANNON—RUSSELL—In Exeter Tuesday Sept 2tith 1911• a residence of the bride's fa Mr. Tbos. Russell, by the 5. F Sharp B. A. B D. Bertha Russell to Dr Gann Stratford. PENaiLE—KESTLE—In Exete Sept. 25th 1911, at the resi of the bride's parents, Mr. Mrs, Nelson Kestle, by the Richard Hobbs. Mr L Penhale to Miss Pearl Kest of Exeter. E 'BULL DO Gasoline ]Engine This Engine has been designed to meet the demands of the farme to do all kinds of out door work such as pumping water, sawing wood., ing feed, or tialy other work requiring an engine that can easily be This engine is well built and cheap he p compared ipa ed to other makes. All hay are strong and a guarantee it Every farmer should engine,' •••••;•••••••••••••••#•••• The Misses Ada and Nora Siebert are visiting at the home of Me. and Mrs: S..Brown this week. !, Mrs. Mm. Suhr. of London, visited her sister, Mrs. Godfried Gliiscr, for a few days this week. Mr. and Mrs. John Andrews of Us - borne, were the guests of Rett. and Mrs. Robert Ilicks. Mrs. Hugh Girvin of Lucknow is visiting for a few weeks with her daughter, Mrs. H. K. Eiiber. Mr. and Mrs, Geo. Trellee .of De- troit, are the guests of the Tatters parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred. Bilber.- Messrs Geo. Silber and Nelson Shenk, who have spent the past •sunt- mer as fire rangers in New Ontario, returned home last week. Mrs. Scott who visited her sisters Mrs. Link and Mrs, Bertrand, re- turned to her home in Philadelphia on Monday morning. 1 to 12 Norse Power $73 to $440 ALBERT MORLOCK, Agent, CREDIT • a a A. Et if aK • WILL;p .rar•,• Do you own. "PA1tKYTE" or ar you a Slave to i health ? A "Parkyte" Sanitary Chemical Closet in your home is the stro kind of insurance against the germs of disease. It is a preventative ag epidemics and -contagion in the Sumner, and an absolute necessity the round. Requires neither `Vater nor Sewage; can be placed in any part of home; cost less than a Cent a, day, and lasts a lifetime. Endorsed by the leading Physicians, and Health Official:, Specifie the most Prcn'linent Architects; and adopted by whole Municipalities. Over 15,000 have been installed in Canadian Homes in less than e year. Ask your dealer for prices. The "Parkyte" Sanitary Chemical Clcset is inacle in Canada by Parker -Whyte Limited, Winnipeg, Man. Branches—Tor011to, Montreal, Calgary and \ ancc and is sold by @,. Nartleib, Zurich, o