HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1911-09-29, Page 3hl;it atli ecls ly+r;1 rN bee; t0 ; ,r - a tS- u- rn si- es he ke 0' 'res, is1 nee In es ,nt ire ;d.11 ke ar ta- he at 'a1 )tS al- re - in if a 011 as he NCI as of ;or. ;es ng THE GOYEBN;EI; DEFEATED Leven Members of the Laurier Cabinet Overthrown at the Polls.• RBEITS ; AJ t UTY 18 FO TY -N CONSERVATIVES ELEC T E9 Ontario 73. Majority ALGOMA EAST -Smyth ,, ,. ,, 64 ALGOMA WEST --Boyce . 500 BRANT --Fisher .... .... ..: . . ....... 250 BRANTFORD-Cockshutt ..., 700 BROCKVILLE-Webster .., ... . 125 BRUCE NORTH -Clark 92 B11UC'E SOUTH -Donnelly .,.. ...... 105 CAR'LETON-Kidd .... .... 1,000 DUFFERIN-Boat . ... . ... ........... 1,000 DUNDAS-Broder .... ,. ........ 675 DURHAM -Thornton .., . 517 ELGIN EAST -Marshall .,,, ,,., .... 400 ELGIN WEST-Crothers ,.-, .. . 836 ESSEX NORTH -Wilcox 250 FRONTENAC-Edwards .„ .... 400 •GRGNVILLE-Reid .. 1,200 GREY EAST -Sproule , ,,. „ 1,200 QIIEY NORTII-Middleboro .... 150 GREY SOUTH -Ball 17 h1ALDIMAN'D-Lalor :... .... .... 500 ALTON-Henderson . ,.. 600 A.OLILTON EAST -Barker .: ,. ,..1,500 If AMILTON WEST -Stewart ASTINGS EAST-Nortluup ,, ..1,000 ASTINGS WEST -Porter .... .,..,, 1,200 UIRON EAST -Bowman .. 137 HURON SOUTH -Kerner . ,.. .. 300 HURON WEST -Lewis .... 160 KIN GSTON-Nickle ,,. ,,:.... 345 LAMBTON EAST -Armstrong .., .,,. 375 LANARK NORTH -Thoburn .. , ... 155 LANARK SOUTH-HagSart ...... 1,000 LE EDS -Taylor .... . - . .... 1,100 LI4NNOX AND ADDINGTON-Paul . 200 LINCOLN -Lancaster ,,., .... . 1,200 LONDON -Beaty .... .... ,... ..1,898 MIDDLESEX EAST -Elson 651 MIDDLF,SEX NDRTH-Elliott .... 360 1USICOICA-Wright 800 IPISSING-Gordon , ., , .... 100 ' ORTIIUMBERLAND EAST -Walker 350 ORTIiUM13.ERLAND WEST -Munson 4 NTAILIO NORTH -Sharpe .... ...... 590 IOTARIO SOUTH -Smith .... ... 66 TTAWA-Fripp .... .... ...... ......1,112 T'TAWA-Chabot .... .... .... ..... XTORD, S. -Sutherland ,,.. .... .. ' ARRY SOUND-Arthurs .,,. ........ 641 6 400 250 FIRTH, NORT31-316rphy ,.,. 250 ERTII, • SOUTH -Steele .. .... ...... 71 ETERBORO, E.-Sexsmit7l ,.. '600 STEARN:0, W. -Burnham ........83 RI.NC.0 EDWARD -Hepburn . .. 250 ENFREW, NORTII-White ., 600 MCOE, BAST --Bennett ... .. 300 OZCOE, NORTH -Currie .. ....... 200 111COE, SOTJF1I-Lennox .. ..•1,800 ORSIONT-Alguire , .... 120 RONTO,'24 .21 snoSeres BAST -Kemp .. ..-- 2,389 RONTO, NORTH -,Foster ,. . ...3,242 RONTO, SOUTH.-Macdonell .,.2,325 RONTO, WEST --Osler ., .... 8,006 ICTORIA AND IIALIBURTON ATERLOO, N,-Weichel ... , ........ 470 ATERLOO, S. -Clare .. .... .... 650 eI ELLAND-German (Ind.) .. ,., acol. Ise ELLINGTON, N. -Clarke .. .... .. 60 .tib ENTWORTH-Wilson .... .. .... .. 2110 Lre ORK, CENTRE -Wallace .... .. 448 ORI:, NORTH -Armstrong . 76 ORI, SOUTH -Maclean „ .. .. .... 2,400 Quebec -22. RGEN TEUIL-Perley .... .... 650 ERTIIIER-Barrette .... 13 ROME --Baker .... .... .... ... 24 IIAMBLAY VERCHERES-Rainvillo 77 HAMPLAIN-Blondin .,,, 49 IIARLEVOIX-Forget .. .... 118 OMPTON•-Cromwell . .. . ... . 60 ORCHESTER-Sevigny ..,, 200 OCHIILAGA-Coderre ... . ... 100 ACQUES CARTIER-Monk ., 900 OLIETTE-Guilbault .... .... 36 A.BELLE-Achim ..., .. 250 'ISLET-Paquet ,,,. 440 al- IONT31A0NY-Lesperance ., 250 IONT3IORENCY-Forget ..., ,. 54 ghMONTREAL- 'r 41te. Anne--Dohorty.. ..•. .... 652 ss� Antoine -Ames ...... .... 2,000 tits di'ONTIAC-Brabazon .... .... .... 743 OUNTY-Pelletier .... 000 IIEFFORD-Davidson 100 RRI;BONNE-Nautel , ,, . , , 110 'K1 EE RIVERS -Normand .... 200 Now Brunswick -5. its ;us .%e sr - he od in - 2e, in - Ip e Yc 11 ne 11 )rn O5 he he sly • of is ,a- th ge ENT-Robicleaux KING'S -ALBERT -Fowler .... „ .. T. JOHN CITY AND COUNTY - 136 200 100 YORK -Crockett .... .... ...... ...... 1,000 British Celunibia-7. CO110X.ATLIN-Clements .... . , 84 IFOOTENAY- Goo deve .... 900 `AMAIM O -Shepherd ........ 700 FW ''WESTMINSTER -Taylor 900 ANCOUVER lltevens .,., ,. . ..2,000 ICTORIA-Barnard ,,. .. 240 ,Y5.LC-CARIBOU--Burrell „ .. .. ..., 800 Alberta -3. LOAM' -Bennett .. . .. . 1,600 ]i,ATHCONA-•Douglas .... .... .... 400 ICTORIA-White .... .... 50 Manitoba -10 RANDON-AII; ins 350 A ?WEN-- Campbell...............106 ISGAR-Shat pe . ,,. . 100 ACTION ATD•-Sta;Iles . . 100 ......................500north00 °st.:Ne on LA PRAIRIE-Meighen . 1,000' ROVLNCI1rR-•Bleau ...,. 200 I,I.IRIC-B1'adbury .....................100 ............................700700 INNIPEG---li 1nett .,.. .... .... .. 4,000 Weft ScOtla-8, LOLIESTF ,---Stanfield .. ., .... .. 643 CUMBERLAND -Rhodes ,... 400 DIGBY-Jamieson , ,.. .., . . . ,. , 272 HALIFAX (1) -Borden .... .... 4 HANTS -Trem eine „ ,. ,.,. .. 160 ICING'S --Foster .. .:.,,. 227 LUNENBURG--Stewart. .,,, ...,. 302 SHELBURNE-QUEEN'S-MoCurdy „ , 130 Prince Edward island -2. QUEEN'S -McLean ....... 100 QUEEN'S -Nicholson -„ ,.... 100 Saskatchewan -3. PRINCE ALBERT -McKay .... ...... .200 QU'APPELLE-Lake .... .... .... .. .400 $ASKATOON-McLean ...... .... .... 200 NATIONALISTS ELECTED -2. YA01ASKA-Moudon .... .. 80 RIMOUSICI-baulay .... 200 L BE ALS ELECTED Ontario -12. ESSEX, SOUTH -Clarke .... .... 175 GLENGARRY -McMillan .... 300 KENT, EAST -Gordon ...... .... .... 250 KENT, WEST-Mocoig .... .. .... .... 25 LAKETON, WEST -Pardee .... ..... i 250 MIDDLESEX, WEST -Ross ,,,. .,,, 130 NORFOLK -Charlton .... .. ...... 148 OXFORD, NORTH -Nesbitt .... ...... 297 PRESCOTT.`-Prouix 800 RENFREW,,, SOUTH -Low , ., 300 RUSSELL-klurphy .... . .. . . ... .... 1,000 WELLINGTON, S. -Guthrie „ ..., 618 Quebec -39. • BAGOT-Maroil.... .... ......:....... 107 BEAUCE-Beland .... ...... 3,000 I3EAUHARNOIS-Papineau .. .. -. 36 BELLECIIASSE--Talbot .............119 BONAVENTURE-March .... .... .... 1,200 CRATE AUGU AY -Brown 43. DRUMMOND AND ARTIIABASKA- Brouillard ...... .. 37 HUNTINGDON -Robb .... 60 KAMOURASKA-Lapointe .. 96 LAPR AIRIE AND NAPIERVILLI: - Lanetot .... 152 LASSOMPTION-Seguin ,,. 300 LAVAL -Wilson „•.•, ... 581 LEVIS'-Bourassa .... . -.. 350 LOTBINIERG Fortier .... .. .. ... 310 MAISONNEUVE-Verville .... .. ,.., 2,000 MASKINONGE-Mayraud ,.,, ..,. 111 MEGAN TIC-Pecaud 200 MISSIScUOI-Kay .... .. .. 25 MONTOALM-Lafortune -,,, .. 100 MONTREAL e- n. JAMES' -Lapointe .. 237 ST- LAWRENCE -Bickerdike 1000; ST. MARY'S --Martin .. 800" NICOLET-Turootte . ... .,,.. 42 I'OR.TNEU'-Delisle „s �.:..•:70D� t UEI31�lb. C> NTRE-Laehane , 16i? QUEBEC, EAST -Laurier .. acct. RIGIU0LIEU Cardin .... ... 600 RICHMOND-WOLT'E Tobin ... 450 ROUVILLE--Leraieus .. 250 ST. HYACINTHE-Gauthier ,.,, ,,,., 120 ST. JOHN-IBERVILLE-Demers .. .. 2,000 SHERBROOKE-McCrea .... .... .... 124 SOULANGES-Laurier ,... ., ... 200 STANSTEAD-Lovell .... 156 TEMISCOUATA-Gauvreau :, .. .,,, 400 TWO MOUNTAINS-Ethier .. ,,,, acct. VAUDREUIL-Boyer .... .... .... .. 218 WRIGHT-Devlin .... .. .... 800 Now Brunswick -8. CARLETON-Carvell .: .... ... , „ 2 GLOUCESTER-Turgeon „ .. ...... 400 NORTHUMBERLAND-Loggie ,,. 600 P, ESTIGOUCHE-Reid 100 ST. JOHN CITY-Pugsloy -•- ,,,. 64 8UNBURY.QUEEN'S-McLean „ .. 238 VICTORIA---MICHAUD ..,, :1,553 British Columbia -None. Nova Scotia -10. ANNAPOLTS-Pickup , , .. „, . , 23 ANTIGONISH-Chisholm ..,. 400 CAPE BRETON N. AND VICTORIA - McKenzie .... 40 CAPE BRETON, S. -Carrot .. .. ,...,180 GLTYSBORO-Sinclair .... 200 II.ALIFAX (2) -Blackadder '90 INVERNESS --Chisholm :... ,. 1,200 PICTOU--Macdonald .... .... .... 250. RICHMOND -Kyte ., ,.,, ,. 100 YARSIOUTH-Law ...... , . ,. , 120 Prince Edward island --2. XING S -Hughes .... .... .. .... 50 PRINCE -Richards ..., 100 Manitoba -None. Saskatchowaii-7. ASSINI13OIA-Turriff 200 BATTLEFOILD-Cluttnpagne „ 1,000 IIU/MOLD T -Neely ,,. . 100 2dACKENr,1E-Cash . 150 M00:1I1 JAW -Knowles „ .... 300 REGINA -.Martin .... . .. . .. .. 100 SALTCO,1TS--McNutt 200 Alberta -6. EDMONTON -Oliver .... .... ..... 2,000 McLEOD--Warnock .. .... 130 MEDICINE HAT -Buchanan ,. 200 RED DEER --(In doubt) -Clark .. STRA.THCONA-Douglas ... , 400 VICTORIA -White . , ... 50 (RESULT BY PROVINCES. Opposition. Gov't. Ontario ,. ...... ,,,, 73 12 Quebec* 24 39 33anitoba ... 10. 0 British Columbia . ,,,. 7 0 6 Alberta .,,. 4 •• 4.14 1 Now Brunswick 6 8 "Nova Scotia , ..... 8 10 Prince Edward Island .... 2 2 Saskatchewan .... 3 7 Total , . ,, , 133 84 Conservative Majority ,... 49 Elect: ;is to be held -Chicoutimi and Gaspe, Quebec; tho Yukon, and Rainy River, Ontario. PRICES OF FARM F OOUC taI'O1n'a PROD" TIlr. LEADING TIU.Di CENTRES OF AMERICA. Prins of Cattle, (,rain. (Meese and Other ►,'roduco at Rome and Abroad. BR.EADSTUFI'S, • Toronto, Sept. 26.--Flour-Winter wheat 90 per cent. patents, $3.10, ., Mont:tat freight. Manitoba flours firm, as follows First patents, $5.30; second patants, $4,- 80, and strong bakers', $4.60, on track, To. ronto. Manitoba Wheat -No. 1 nominal at 51.10, and No, 2 at $1.08 1-2, Bay. ports. New wheat, 20 lees. Ontario Wheat -No, 2 white, red or mixed, now, 86c, outside. Peas -Milling qualities, 93 to 95e, out• side. Oats -Ontario oats, old, No. 2- at 41 to 42c, and new at 40o, in car lots, outside. No. 2 Western Canada, 47c, and No. 3 46e, Bay ports. ' Barley -No, 2 is probably worth 75e, outside. Corn -No. 2 American yellow quoted at 71e, Bay ports. Rye -Car lots outside, 75e west, and at 77e east. Buckwheat -No. 2 at 54 to 55c,- outside. Bran -Manitoba bran $23.60 to $24, in bags, Toronto freight. Shorts, $25. COUNTRY' PRODUCE. , Brans --Small lots of, hand-picked, $2.30 per bushel. Honey -Extracted, in tins, 10 to Ile per ib. Combo, $ 2.25 to $2.50. Baled Dray -No. 1 at 513 to $14 on track. and No. 2 at $10, to $11. Baled straw --56 to 56.50, on track, To- ronto. ' Potatoes -Car Iots, , to ;Bags, quoted tit $1.25 to $1.40. Poultry -Chickens, 14e per lb; fowl, 11 to 12e; ducks, 13e; turkeys, 15 to tic, Liv poultry, about 2e lower than. the BUTTER, EGGS, CHEESE. Butter -Dairy prints, 21 to 22e; ini 16 to 17c. ,Creamery quoted at 26 to per ib. for rolls, and at 23 to 24o fet solids. Eggs -Strictly new -laid, 23 td 24c, yin fresh at. 20 to 21e per dozen, in ease lot Cheese -Large quoted at 153 per lb., a1 twins at 151-4c. MR:R. BO -RD --ENI k"`2,v spy PREMIER -ELECT OF CANADA 40 to" $4.65; first clears, seooults, 52.25 to $2.60. $3.35 to $3.75; do., 1leki.X KILLED IN EXPLOSION» meat of Boiler Also Kills a Horse TYed Nearby. • Al despatch from Ottawa says: .t4 boiler exploded on Saturday in the:ownship•of Gloucester, on the •1lontrea1 road, six miles below 0t- ta .instantly killing unc of the on the machine named Euclid ge. He was struck by flying tints of the boiler and also ed by the escaping steam. The tier, who was standing at the if' the machine, had a miracul- scape. .A. horse, one of a team red fifteen or twenty feet was killed instantly, being ; on the head by a piece u the FATAL EXPLOSION. dand Four Injured in ills Near Montreal. itrli. 14I�j7treal 60r 3: s • ca>ther• cond ition a>.# lti.ret;ult etplosion het one of the pow - "Is. at Bel.ni1 on Saturday. George, C;n;simir Williams trice Menal;id were brought ae .ity at night and taken to General Hospital; where the named died a few hours after zing there. Two other men suf- . cl less serious incl -tries. v1 Ii1i;T1EEN PEOPLE BILLED. veymakers Met 'Detail at ,a Level Crosslnf. A despatch frown Neenah, W'i•;- consin, says; Thirteen persons are dead, three other, are dying, and five are seriously'hurt as the result of a fast train on the Chicago Northwestern -Railroad on Sunday crashing n.o a hayrack on which a party of thirty-one merrymakers. t'were tat rning from a celebration. The accident occurred at level crossing. Of the dead ten are men and three women. All but two of the dead and injured were residents of Menisha, Wis. �E I'OSTOFF1C Village of Witt ',gid, Visited by Village :rJg.OBBED. Bu A despatch from Brantford says: HOG PRODUCTS. Bacon -Long clear, 12 to 121; in case,,3ots.. 4 mess,' $20 to 1. Hams in idiom to $2 5 17 to 17i -2e- do.,heavy, to 15 r 11 to 111-2e; breakfast i;baeon, i7 to 1 backs, 191.2 to 20e. Lard -Tierces. 101.2e; tubs, 10 3.40; pail 110. BUSINESS AT MONTREAL. Montreal, Sept. 26. -Oats`. - Canadian Western," No. 2, 47e, ear lots ex Store; extra No. 1, 461-2c; No. 3 C. W., 46e; No. 2 local white, 46e; No. 3 local white, 45 1-2c; No. 4 Local white, 45e. Flour -Manitoba Spring wheat patents, firsts; $5.40; do., seconds, $4.90; Winter wheat patents, $4,- 75; strong bakers', $4.70; straight rollers, 54.25; do., in bags, $1.85 to $2• Rolled Oats -Per barrel, $5.25; bag of 90 lbs., $2.- 50. 2..50. Millfeed-Bran, Ontario, $23 to -524; Manitoba, $23; middlings, Ontario, $27 tp $28; shorts, Manitoba, $25; mouillie, $26 to $32. Eggs -Selected, 24 to 26e; No. 1• stock, 20 to 22c. Cheese -Westerns, 15e; easterns, 141-2 to 1.4 5.8c. Butter-Clhoie. est, 25 3.4 to 26c; seconds, 251-4 to 251.2e. LIVE STOCK MARKETS. Montreal, Sept. 26. -Choice Ontario steers sold at $5.75 to $5.85; good at $5.60 to 65.- 65; 5:65; fairly good at $5.25 to $5.40; fair at $4.75 to $5; and common at $4.25 to $4.50; choice North•Weet steers sold at $5.60 to $5.65, and mixed carloads at 55.40 per cwt. A few heavy bulls brought $3.25 to $4; light at $2.50 to 53; choice cows at $4.60 to $4.75; good at $4.25 to $4.50, and the lower grades at $2.25 to $4 per cwt. Lambs sold at $5,50 to $5.75, and sheep at $3.50 to $3.75 per cwt, A fairly good trade was done in hogs, and prices were steady at the recent decline, with sales of se- lected lots at $7 to $7.25, and heavy fats at $6 to $6.25 per cwt., weighed off ears, Calves sold at from $3 to $10 each, as to size and quality. UNITED STATES MARKETS. Buffalo, Sept. 26. -Spring wheat -No. 1 Northern, carloads store, $1,061.4; Win• ter quiet. Coin -No. 3 yellow, 72e; No, 4 yellow, 70 1.4c; No. 3 corn, 70c, on track, through billed. Oats ---No. 2 white, 47 3.40; Nq. 3 white, 47e; No. 4 white, .46c. Barley -Malting, $1.14 to $1.20. Rye -No. 2, on track, 97e. Minneapolis, Sept. 26. -Wheat -Septan- her, $1.02 1-8; December, $1.031.2; May, 51,- 073.8; No. 1 hard, $1.03; No. 1 Northern, $1.031.2 to $1.04 1-2; No. 2 Northern, 99 1.2e to $1.021-2; No. .3 wheat, 951.2 to 991.2o. Corn -No. 3 yellow, 641-2 to 65c. Oats - No. 3 white, 431-2e. Rye ---No. 2, 85 to 861.20. Er/01-$21:50 to $22. dour 3•'irst patents, $4.90 to $515; do., seconds, $4. - Early on Saturday morning the vil- lage of Waterford was thrown into great excitement when Postmaster Alex. Rock made the discovery that during the night the safe had been blown open and a registered pack- age containing $3,000, as well its $1:5 worth of stamps and $8 in cash, had beea stolen. Three strangers who bearded a traiet from Scotland to Waterford on Friday afternoon are suspected of having done the job. $32,9.00 REWARD Ot'FI:RED. Discovery of Bank Looters Will Env l'iell Soane One. A despatch from Vaneouser, B. C., says: Upon instructions from the head office of the I3ank of Mont- real, it is announced here that the reward in connection with the rob- bery at the New Westminster branch has been increased to a to- tal of $23,000, $5,000 for informa- tion leading to the arrest and con- viction of the perpetrators, and 10 per cent. of the sum returned. The total sum stolea was $372,Oo0. all is recovcieu, the lucky detec- tives will- divide $:37,000 in addi- tion to the $3,000. - CRUISER'S G1'N EXPLODED. Fourteen People Killed on Board the Gloire. A despatch front Toulon France, says: Fourteen persons were killed by the explosion of a gun on board the armored cruiser Gloire during gunnery practice here on Wednes- day. The Gloire is of 1,000 tone displacement and has a speed of 21 knots. ORDER FOR LOOCO 1OTIYES. Kingston Company to Build' Twen- ty -live for G. T. Peelle. A despatch froth Kingston says: Hon. Wm. Harty, President of the Canadian Locomotive Works Com, party of Kingston, an Wednesday ty afternoon received word from Mont- real that it had been a:wards:l contract by the Grand Trunk Paci- fic c Railway Company for the con- struction of twenty-five largo loci, - motives. This company has now enough work ahead for another year Or mere. GIIE.AT UPllkYAb IN SPAM Strikes Are Spreading, and Numerous ArrestsIave Been Made, A despatch- from Madrid says: The Government, acting under the Royal • dceree of Tuesday suspend- ing the constitutional guarantees because of revolutionary activity, has ordered the arrest of working- men's committees and political agi- tators:in the disturbed districts. Three hundred persons were irn- prisoned• in this city on Wednes- day night. Among those arrested here was Senor Largo Caballero,' general eottnsol for and Vice -Presi- dent df the General Union of La- bor. His offices were closed. The military has taken into its keeping arms and munitions of every de- scription which were on sale. At Barceluna 158 persons were ap- prehended and many were taken in- to custody at Bilbao, Seville, Va- lencia and Saragossa. ' The ,revo- lutionaries apparent;.' are still in possession of Jativa, toward which troops a.re marching from Valen- cia. At Jativa and Carcag 'nte riot- 'ars set fire to -the public buildings and tort' up the railway traeks. There has b:111 truth's, at Ynhti'1riu. 1IA1'I'J%NIN(;s FROM ALL OiEM. T'IIE GLOBE IN A. sisf (altadj'' 1)30 fhnpirc and the World. iu .General Hefo;'e I.our Eyes, • CANADA, . Toronto's .assessment is $344,- 835,115. • Hamilton is likely to have a rate war between the Hydro -Electric and Cataract Companies. A young child of Mr, Joseph Johnston of Bellwood was found drowned by its: mother in a tub. A little son of Mr. Albert Neil .of Coledon township died from drink- ing poi.,on from an old bottle. Twenty yardmen in the G. T. R. Stuart street yards at Hamilton have struck because a man taken on during the strike has been ap- pointed assistant yardmaster. At Digby, N.S., Harry Wilson shot and killed his brother George over &erne difference in the fratri- cide's house. Montague Brown, aged 27, man- ager of the Quebec and St. Maurice Lumber Company, was killed by a fall from a tree which broke, drop- ping him down an embankment. The Winnipeg City Council has made terms with Sir William Mac- kenzie fur the pur'ehase'of the street railway interests in that city, and the agreement will be submitted to a vote of the ratepayers. GREAT BRITAI`. Sir Robert Hart, ex -Controller - General. of Chinese Customs, is dead. - A general strike has been called in Ireland and employers, have re- plied by a lockout. The Rev. Dr. Robinson Duck- worth, Canon and sub -Dean of Weetminister and Chaplain in Ordinary to the King, is dead, aged. 77. Sydney C. Buxton, President of 1'h7 British Board of Trade, has invited loading representatives of the employers and the employes to form a permanent Industrial Board of twenty members, with Sir. George Rankin Askwith, cumptrol- er-general of the commerical, labor and statistical departments of the Board of Trade, as chairman. • GENERAL. Ouin; "at0 a dilespread re olue tiunary plot Spain has been placed under martial law by a decree of King Alfonso. The autopsy on the body of Premier Stolypin disclosed the pres- ence of blood poisoning. The heart was as large again as it ought to he. The cause of death was the in- jury to the liner caused by abullet. ELECTRICITY E:N THE FARM. A. Satisfactory Test in West ds - ford. A despatch from Ingersoll, says; --A highly satisfactory test with Hydro -electric power was made on the farm of Mr. John Pronse, West Oxford, when a large number gath- ered to witnes the process of silo - filling by the aid of the current. Amutlg those in attendance was Hon..1d;rm Beek, Chairman of the Hyo. o -electric Commission, the In- gerso11 Power Light Commission, ere, and a number of representa- tive farmers. ylr,: Prowse has in - mailed an equipment .which is be- ing operated l:;- Niagara power. and whieh ;worked iert Fatisfactolily itt Friday's s test. ;!.Ir. Prouse has had 11:e re: -idem,' wired, as well as his h5rne end nut -buildings, even to the milk -house, probably be1nc; the fast firmer in m-estern Ontario to eel,; ,t the "white coal" for agr i- eueultural purposes 1'nl:A` TFORD'S Iii i9; BURNED.. Large Arena and Two Adjoining 1Ao ses Bernell. A despatch f em Brantford, says; --Brentford'e Skating .arena on SVaterlim street, the largest of its kind in western Ontario, Caught fire at 7.15 on Thursday .morning, and within ten minutes was a roaring mass of flames and. smoke, the fire spreading to a dozen houses ad- joming, two of which were entir,'ly destroyed and a half dozen. other's. badly seorched. The firemen were for some time utterly unabla to eon- tr,ol tl)e flames, which epeead in four directions from the t'ery hot blaze which the ,big wooden structure rhhade. In addition, two (ratite barns within the block also werede- stroycd. Early reports of the clam - age place the loss at $15.000, pate• tia.tly covered by ineu once