HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1911-09-29, Page 1The Official Organ of Zu Vol. XII. FRIDAY MORN 1 6 OUR MILLINERY a OPENING We cordially invite the ladies to our grand. Diplay of Fall Millinery and Novelties. Miss E. Fowler is Ipi again in charge and will be pleased to show you the latest in New Fall Hats, Shapes, Trimmings, etc. IR Opening days Saturday, Sept. 23rd and Monday Q ti Sept. 25th and Following Days. New Fall Dress Goods , We are showing an exceedingly large range of the newest goods for Fall and Winter Suity. Our store is noted for its large stock of Wall the popular lines in seasonable Dress Goods and we have outdone 1Di all previous efforts this season in selecting a larger and better stock than ever. You are cordially invited to look over our goods, whether you buy or not. Ladies' Coats and Jackets 15 Do not buy your new Fall Coat before looping over our stock. have,j nst received a large shipment of the latest styles and cloths �( Also Fur Lined and Imitation Astrachan Coats, Fur Collar, etc. i g e and. nd 'Flannelettes t. d� t °cull special; a.ttentinn to. 'our line of Wrapperettes ri ettes 'VOW 41:044h-09(4'7* d px� y as a Underwear We handle the famous Puritan make of Underwear. A complete T� line in Men's, Women's and Children's Underwear, all sizes and prices. Sweater Coats We are making a specialty of Sweater Coats this fall. We are showing a large range for men,. women and children. Prices from 50 cents up. If you intend getting one, call early before the best colors are gone.OtAlso a full line of Toques just in. Hose and Gloves Another line that we make - special feature of. We carry everything in this line worth buying and we.want you to see them. Fur Ruffs and fluffs What about your furs for the colder weather. Our new stock is now in and is complete in every detail. Be sure you see them. Gent's Wear Cap, Gloves, Socks, Shirts, Ties, Mufflers, etc.. we can please you. We are outfitters for men. If you need a New Suit, Overcoat, Our price is right, quality considered. keiatale•ca.ir:a. a-atees �9.e'v LOCAL NEWS. Mr. Samuel Dietz has returned_ from his trip to the West. . Mr. 0 Eilber's Jack Hunter won. 2nd money in the open race, at Exeter Fair, last week. Mr. and Mrs. Edmund Sipple of Lansing, Mich., are visiting an, town. The defeat of the Laurier govern rent Dame as a surprise to both. liberals and conservatives, Mr. J. Deoher Sr-, tookfirst prize at Exeter Fair for roadster tea besides a number of other prize for horses. Mr. Louis Jeffrey has purchase; the four, feed, and grocery bust ness carried on for some time b Mr. W. S. Ruby. We wish t new owner every success, As the official returns of t election are not made up as Ve to press, we will be unable to gi. the detailed vote for South Rur until..next week. Mr. Merne majority is about 100, A very successful fowl sup and concert was held at Credi on Friday evening. The proceed which were quite large will be ed in aid of the covered shed, 1s by the Evangelical churoh. The best mica for use in cal machinery is produced in ern Ontario and the adjoining of Quebec. The electrical inch; is growing rapidly and good desposits are not found in countries in the world men' production of mica in C should continue to increase Diarrhoea is alveays m prevalent during Septe prepared. for -it. Chamb Colic, Cholera and Diarrh' needy is prompt and effec (3011 MO Ite ele a ldeo 1 Fur Coats Headquarters for all kinds of Fur Coats, Fur Lined Coats, We can give you extra values in these. No trouble to show goods. ALD. and Hay Townrship SEPT. 29, t 91 1. evner's cider mill will be run y Monday and Tuesday until t{'tker notice: he services in the Evangelical eh will, until further notice, ilk t 7 p. ni, instead of 7.30 p. eginning with next Sunday lug Campbell and J. J. Merner wly elected M. P„ attended servative demonstration at en on Saturday evening. The uronswere represented. ile, at this early date, there solutely no possible way of ng,.a definite , statement, it is �iated by the seers and prophets the field crop, of Canada for ill be, by far the largest in istory of the countrv- -ssrs Ira and Fraer Brown. of Atone and Misses ^Ada and ie,Seihert of Dashwood, spent lay at the home of Mr. J. isr. i erheet H. Bleed' hag par- d the dwelling recently erect - Mr. F! W. Hess, for $950 00. a nice 'comfortable dwelling, itis goode value at the figure he 01=01 convention of the ¢J. T. CT. for Huron County will beld in the Temperance Hall, dorich, on Oct 10 and 11, and re attended by delegates from 'r the county. At the public Sing on the evening of the IOth -Mr. Dewey, of London, will be speaker, and his address will One of snob interest as should. NO tation Astrachan Lined Coats, Leather Coats and Corduroy Coats. 0 § The Stove Question We at% right when. it comes to the question of buying a good. § Rrnge.or Heater. Our leader is the Peerless • Peninsular Range, NI which cannot be surpassed in quality. . fully guarantee every stove We sell. Hecla Furnaces, Eavetroughing, Etc. PRODUCE TAKEN iN EXCHANGE J. Telephone, 9 reeterb, „an. is-ea-at:leather shoes in way After e.ernoving all the rub the surface—eyeell with a yritg, then polish" -it with a T.;,loth. 'This not only giyes the V/or a bright appearance, but ves it. 'el complaints in children in, to Newicv Fall Shoes The New Fall Models in Menis and Women's Shoes are now ready for your inspection. Children's Fine Shoes We carry a full line of the Weston Shoes, the best The best Children's Shoe pn the market. These Weston Shoe are solid throughout and no other shoe can equal them for wear. Men & Boys' Everyday Shoes -We have a full line of Split Leath- er Calf, Grain and Kip. Ladie's Shoes There ace the New High Toss,. Short Vamps in Patent Leathers and Gun Metals. Gentlemen's Shoes The new High Toes in Patent Lea. ther, Gun Metals and Dongola These are the leaders. BOots, Rubbers and. Felts bought d. the best Manufacturers in Canada. Brind your feet and get them Fitted. We do 'Repairing Butter and eggs taken in exchange SAM. E. FAUST, NB MI ZURICH Digestion and. Assimilation . It is not the quantity of food taken brie the amount digested -and assimilated that gives strength and vitality to the system. Chamber- lain's Stomach and Liver Tablets invigorate the stomach and liver and. enable them to perform their functions naturally. For sale by All Dealers: dollars to each of my cle haf peen in thy- employ t years," said a Jewish mercha the lawyer who was draftin will. "why. that's very libe responded the solicitor, "N ! None of tem have peeler° der von year, und it vill look Miss Catherine Kaercher died, the home of her -brother, M last, at the advanced age 9f 8 years. The funeral toot place.on Friday and was largely attended. The remains were interred in the Evangelical cemetery, Broneon Line. October 3rd and eth will he in- teresting days in Blyth, these .4an en takeve No physician can be' a better remedy. For wE'Crlattem--Every line of , matter in a newspaper its publisher semething If to benefit some individual dividual should pay some. far it. One would not go grocer:5, store and ask the letter to hand` out ten pounds of Sugar •' for nothing, even al- thenghe the grocer be a personal Irie'nd, and even although the gift he not a largo one. If the benefiei- ary of -advertising does not pay for the proprietor must shoulder the 1st, People do not seem to tinder - end that a newspaper pays its dates being set for the holdeng of :penseS by renting space occupied the annual fall fair. Every effort a landlord. does for the house he is being put forth by the direotors Atg to a, tenant. to make the fair this year surpass , The celebration of Children's Day d Harvest Horne in the Evange- al chnrch last Sunday. was a de - la_ success. The decorations of ehureh were very artistic, ()ou- sting of all kinds of fruit grown pon the farm and in the garden, • ins bringing many "encomiums" ) the committee who had charge the deoorations. In the forenoon „ .ettached an appropriate sermon, a "The Truth and how to apply In the afternoon, Rev. J evrenzenbach of Dashwood, Rov '4eiger one of our boys and at pre - tent, attending Model School t llitton, and Mr. Geo. Edighoffer .,f the Con., gave very interest. attached to it; a faith that ealls isig, talks to the children on various for more sacrifice and endurance and heroism. That's the range). that will win and hold men Not every boy can be a rich, • or a great mart politically or se -sit. HEALTH AND BEAUTY. Peroxide of hydrogen rubbed on the arms frequently will make any growth of hair, however unpleas- ant, much lighter and less notice- able and in time tends) to entirely destroy the growth. Many fruits are said to have a salutary effect on the complexion; some are more direct than others. Oranges are not only good for the complexion, but the acid tends to meelvtAter Pia, - Alcohol a p lea to th'e iicie with a soft cloth will remove all grime and oil and at the same time benefit the skin. Cold cream is also excellent and. should be used in place of alcohol if the skin is very dry. any heretofore held. Lucknow Brass Band has been engaged and aside from the extensive prize list there is a full program of sports. The attempt to make religion easy and to tone down the deman ls which it makes of a, inert, in ord to make it popular, is on.e of the greatest folliee ever committe.1 The fact of the 'matter is, mien to not want a,n'easygoing religion ; it doesn't challenge their devotion and courage and all the strength of their best. manhood they will eventually come to scorn and depise it What is needed to day is a harder religion ; a Gospel with a more compelling programme tepees. The evening was to be- come the crowning event of the celebration. A htrge assembly gathered in spite of the inclemency of the weather. Mr. All Melick, ly but he can be a gentleman. /. Sri) of the S School, gave a short boy with gentlemanly manners • ,lress '''The Need of being who is trusty and honest and does , (artful," after which e unigue his very best every day will gaie most interesting programm the attention and confidence of es rendered by the school. Spec - men, and will be given paying txnd • tal mention shottld be made of the responsible positions as soon as he "diseionary Concert exercise, given is old enongh, to fill them. Boys ,.eer the ohildren assisted by the like to have fun and a good time ° ioir, making a deep impression and it -is right that they should. °port the large assembly. The They will never be boys but' once, inging by the children a,nd the but to have fun altogether is not .hoir in generai, a dnett by' Muriel what they are intended for. Boys :'eeeter and Olive O'Brien and the are of value ohiefly to make men, eilos Miranda,Brown and Miss good for somethitee in the world, 1:1110. Rennie also deserve special Character, like a lions°, rntest hav,e mention. The offerings during the a good foundation, The founda, ..ay in the intereets of the Mission reverence for God, resnect and This was one of the best pre. obedience to parents, deferenee for ,.0*anuns given on a Children's Day 'old people, end a proper respect foi' and will long be remembered, was the laws Of the land. the ...ereliot of matey , Apples Wanted At the Hensall Evaporator after Sept. 1st., starting off at 50 cents per cwt. for fall apples. Bring in as soon. as possible after above date. GEO. JOINT HENSADL. Phone No. 16 nesday afternoon Sept. 20th, at the home of Mrs. J. A. Williams. Miss Ethel Willia.ms conducted the devotional exercises after which Mrs. C. Heyrock conducted the Educational, the subject chosen was "The Evangelistic Department ot Work" which proved very instructive and interesting. The business was then transacted, and the election of officers resulted as follows President Mrs. C. Hey - rock, Vice Pres , Miss Ethel Williams, Cor Sec., Mrs. S. Mer- ner, Reo Sec., Miss Anna Hess, Assistant Mrs a Fritz, Trea,s., Miss Ella Rennie, Organist Miss E Rennie Snperinteiadents, Lumber - man's Mission, Mrs. J. Williams. Parlor meetings, Mrs. E Zeller, Mrs. C. Fritz. Anti Narcotics Mrs. S. Merner. Purity and Mother's Meetings, Mrs. C. Heyrotek. Press Ethel Williams. Temperance in Sunday Schools. Mrs, J. Geiger. Law Enforcement Mrs. Koehler, Evangelistic Mrs. A. Geiger. Sailors Work, Mrs. A. G. Vines. A Good Full Stock Of Watches - And Jewellery . Try our 75 -cent Alarm Clock. You take no chances. We absolut- ely guarantee them 2 years The Best Luminous Alarm Clock and spasmodic repeater, $1.25 and $2.00, None 13etter. Mussical Alarms, vvith auto age — GUARANTEED F. W. HESS 5Iens and Womens SUMMER SHOES W 11 are showing all the newest linesof Women's and Men's Summer Shoes fos warm weather, A lat of Womens Oxfords which we are now° selling at a great bargain. Regular $L5o, $1.75 and 52.00 For $1.00 Just the Shoes for summer wear. Come before sizes are all gone, Try us when you need A Trunk or a ...Suit Case Butter and Eggs Taken in Exchange, F IT 9 Zuric The Horne of Good Shoes