HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1911-09-22, Page 1041110•44.14... T 40193111.0:00.09.0110,161 AMAMI=Mr /4. You are cordially invited to see the leading styles in Fall Millinery. We shall endeavor to show all goods we can without any effort to sell and we hope for the attendance of every- one. Your Winter 'Underwear will be satisfactory if you buy it here, where all the different kinds are shown and a proper tit is assured. We're glad. to show what we have whether you choose to 'buy or not. Bid values in Ladies' New Coats • See these elegant garments and you'll realize their uncommon attractiveness. The styles are simply grand, you can't help liking them. The priees-xe ask do not begin m tell the true worth of the garments. FURS Come and. see Our new stock. of Furs, Ruffs, Muffs, Ladies' Fur Coats and Gent's Fur Lined Coats, we have them all PrIces,, Velveteens, WrapperetLes and Flannelettes we aro showing all coTors iu VelvEteens, which are very fashioliable this ft41.1, Ladies' Neckwear and Belts MARKET RliPORT —The lowing is the report of Zurich market corrected up to Thiirs,day, Barley . 60 to 52, Peas „ 76 Bran .. - 20.00 Shorts...... 22,00 22.00 Oats , 37 38 Wheat , 75 7a Five Roses flour . . . 2,80 P urity . 2S,) kdi.-tEDii Os to The fiaist and' Elnuipp families piemcked at tile Bena 011 Saturday. h, Codfreid Gaiser has improved the appearance of his house by a coat , of paint, itoyal Household ,.. -. ..., 2,•80 , 'Mr. owl- MrH s. arry Kuhn and , , -.4101:ce fuluilY • • • • - • ...... • 2 KU Ktr. and Mrs, John Hweitzer antoul H tty „,„ ......... .„ .. 6 00 d s 7.00 loSt. and Znrich on Sunday. DrieapPle Clover seed . .. _ 8.00 . 9 00 ',A (, mai, of &vision fey the hear. itr of complaints and appettis against Butter 16 1() Eggs .. .. . • 16 16 llogs liveweight 7,15 HENSALL IS/ A.RKET Gook's Best Flour. 2-76 Wheat ....... . .. • • • • • 80 Otits . . 30 30 Barley .. 60 70 Peas 80 .80 (logs liveweight 7.1'5 FALIJ"FAIRS-1911, Kincardine --Sent. 20, 21 A t wood — . Sept. Sept 221.: 2.2222 Lacknow Seaforth , ,Sept 26, 27 * Ripley Sept 27, 28 ..... Sept 28; 26 'Ningbo tn . Sept 28, •26 ......Doust.oand Lot for Sz1C.--Good 28. 29 4tory and, half ft'nuie house with good Milverton Sept. O. 29 eellttr, Hard mid soft water. On Viverton „ . 3, 4 , t ." • Oct 3 the proPerty is a .food sillily This 13ty th .. ' .Oct ... porn ).• is situated. just east of the Teeswater.......... ..... • . Oct 4, ' village and is owned'by Robert 'Walk.: Brussels. ...... - • . • . • . • • . • %AM or. Por "terms and particulars apply 1 Dungannon . . .... Oct -5, • to John Dyer. the voterslist Was held on Thursday Of:last week. Judge Doyle presided. S$nte 58 appeals were lean; with. ,•:.).listiEttie. Clark who left for Al- hertit the latter part of July, has de- ir6d to prolong her visit. She was Auietly married on the 24th a August to Mr. Ernest Hodgson, formerly of 9, McGillivray. Heartiest con- gratulations. A ppculiat accident accurrA on :Monday in Mr. Jos. Hoist's' brick yardrwhen Mr. Sam 'leaden was dumping a load of clay in the tread, One wheel of the cart went dowo, turning cart and. horse completely over and breaking both shafts. THE OSTERMOOR ESS Kirlzton..... ... , .......... c .), Gorrie . ........ ...... • ...... Oct 7 On 'Wednesday of last week Judge I Zurich Sept. 27, 28 Doyle held court. There was one ' case, The McLaughlin Carriage Co. i .. HUNTING FORBIDDEN ' ,i•:, vs. van Morrikin. It appears Mor- I ,„ rigor TrarchaS.ed a buggie from the Hunting is prohibited 411(.1 all above Company for which he gave dogs are to be kept out of Lots 22 . two notes, when the notes came due DTaylor d 'Si and 23 Con. 7, Hay, . • . , , , • they ete not paid by Morrison, and 6 -Sp • . an W. McAllister' " the'Company sold the boggle and yip- - - ,pheit the amount ' received on the NOTICE!ny otes and this suit was for the balance . that 'iilas still owing. judgement was . diVen in favor. of Tice McLaughlin — Notice is t hereby given thaa 0,,, Court will be held, pursuant to The '-'°. Ontario Voter's Lists et, byhie On Friday morning as Mr. Chas. honour the. Judge of the. Gounty Zwicker was returniirt'"from Centialia Courtof the County of Huron, on in his auto, a horse drireit by Mr. Saturday the 23rd day of Sept; benii of :lc 1-le.tiA,r.. Alia-11011 *became frightened ember 1911., at the &Clock a, na , at the .T6W11, El4 , and bolted40r the feince, which it aril Zurich. to hear and deter . 'Pd...4) jump. In going over it got complaints of errors and oni.'.. i slope feet tiro up .in the, fence and missions in the Votes List dr trio, luta lo be freed from the wire. When Municipality of the TC..mushiP of 0.e animal got up it 'MIS not in the Bay for the year 1911 ' d. ' least frightened, an\\hen harnessed Fred Hess Sr., . 41-1,1 hitched to the buggy passed the Clerk of Hay- . . •,. ., . its - . , , aato aim went 011 way as imaph. Zurich, Sept. 11.th. 1311- ' . .. .‘ • . nactog'hail happened. No damage Was done to the buggy or harness, and the horse only received a few scut - One third of Tour life is spent in bed. it should be spent in perfect repose, that sweet restfnl, beneficial sleep, which proves a balmy relaxation trom every care. Do yon so spend it? If not, the 04termoor will surely help yon It,s "Bnilt for Steep" Other mattress 2 piece from $3.00 up. ‘Ye have everything that is New in Ladies Neckwpar and Belts. Yon will find everything that is iit-w and different displayed here. All the very cleverest idea are new, smart. tasty and up to date. ,usualelaalancomanamotsMareaugea• BIG REDUCTION IN La A.76.112,947061Wer22.—. ,m-owa Higeltvst prilTs paid for all kinds of li--anynrodiiee GENERAL MERCHANT 7uric 010 torio 9 407 Telephone 28 aarscancestawarorms. HE-.7ADQUARTERS FOR Celebrated CL TllI r adw otsvsoltat*„ •1 We have not 3 sold out -• 1' ... bin, tehes' The horA. se is quiet. one and Implement .fgene(1 f ( . i ht 'by tot auto 6 : ;Weis I ever r 6 Business yet gre-Eare stili E ,- ' A parson was applied to for nd A full stock of all kinds of IN1 to choose from at prices just a little cheaper than the ordinary run. Terms Cash or Trade at Cash Price • HARTLEI PHONE,3 9 ZURICH HURON'S LARCEST COMBINATION C.ITORE es giesea ta Just to hand. Bring in your orders. Close price F C4 PHONE' in 0911MIMILIMPAINNOMOS ZURICH RU forging ahead at the old vice by a member of his congrega ton', wbo 00111piti ince( of the Place. --continual noise made on a The followina are some of our lines trombone by a next•doer neishbor ',Oat a. man," he asked, "wit. we keep in stock praetices on such an instrntnent Plows & Repairs . • from morning to night be a good Percival No. 10-13, riertry48. Obristitin?" -Such a man miabt No:21, Coelishutt all kinds, "posSibly•be a good Christian," tho inson all kinds. Land Rollers, parson.replied, "but his next door • neighbor couldn't" Implements & Repairs Binders, mowers, cultivators (best made) floe Drills, Disc liar- , rows (best made') Eureka Onion Seed. Drills for ., seeds, Eureka Fountain Spray., ers best in the market, Gar- den Cultivators, Lon- ` don's Ray Tracks, London's Barn Fixtures. Buggies, Carriage -s,; - Wagons All..our own make. rt lr ih'1° C,) ZURICH As usually treated, a spraineA ankle will disable a man for three or folr but by a oPlsilig Chamertam's Liniment freely as soon a.; the injury is received, a.nd observing the directions with eatTh bottle, a cure eau lie effected in from two to four days, For side by All Dealers. NOTICE Some of tbe so celled sportsmen have a poor recollection from year to year I.S tO the commencement and olose of the hooting and fish ing season. They should clit this' out and paste it in their bats Opening season for grouse and I •Partridge from Oct • ltith trl NOV _inclusive, Bare- i n el tiding cottontail rabbits from Oet ht toi Deo, 16th inelusive. Ducks or 41i kinds, or tiny other water and snipe, rah, plovers or any birds kno-wn as shore birds or wafflers from Sept; 16t -h to Do'rii k2 her itth inclusive. Woodeock from October 1st to November 1 Mb' inclusive. Deer from lst to 15th. Novetnber inclusive. Black and ' grey stoirrels from. November 161b to December ist inolusive. MDT & °ASCII Take Pleasure in Announcing that on . Saturday, Sept..23rd arid - Monday, Sept. .25, They are having their Fall Millinery Openings. MISS GICUERT who has lveu in charge of this Millinery department, or the last couple of years, will again be with us, and we will be pleased 't nave you come in .and look over oar stock. We cordially invite youto visit sur show i•ooin. Ladies' Fall Dress Goods We have at large stock of Ladies' Press Goods in all the latest guides. Anyfhing in the line of Dross Goods can be shown hero. Prices from 25c to $1.40. Flannelette and Blankets We have the largest range of Flannelettes ever shown hi this store, light or dark in color, also carry all the different sizes of Flannelette and Woolen mankots. . • Sweater Coats Our Sweater Coats just arrived last week and yon ladies who wtnt a nice SWWILOr come early and Nve are SUM! '.V0.-00.11 please you. Th 1110n and boy:; . r (scats an also very fashionable. Frc3h Groceries always kept on hand Oat Meal 20ca package or 3 for 55c Prod ti A taken in Exchange, I'lleri!hy refine:4 that all tlCC0)00;i4.1 °Wing at (1111):1011.5 Brick and ..1,11071 'Yardi, be paid on or before Oct:, 6-8 . AN7m, The six.y 8:171 • nt iID114.4 Mrs. Leon Jeffrey of the 13abyl(11. Line, fell from a treeon Fut afternoon, Imilf era' ng b is,qtriyi,•44i • the elbow O • lnd fracturin*N4" • ••. Do you own a 9 or are you a Slave to ILL=HEALTH ? A "Parkyte'l Sanitary Chemical Cios..et in your home - • taszaf=a2MmaggsfateMOM*2= ‘s i1.e Itrongest kind of insin•ance against the germs of diseftSe. It is a , • r...yeirtative against t pidem.ies aud contagion i the .Stinin Or, and au an. -oltite necessity the year round. UNDERTAMIG Prompt Service Moderate rharges orr.ortr...-antaxmo , • • 11 • r•iV.IFM1111,1 Zrichr 011.1:a.rio I:1'11.011.es neither Water nor Sewage; can be placed in any part of your home; costs less than a CENT a day, and Lasts a lifetime. Ern-loll:ea by the leading Physicians, and Irealth Officials; Specified by the most prominent Architects; and adopted by whole Municipalities. Over 15,000 hard, been installed in Canadian Homes in less than 0110 '37C41'. Ask your Dealer for Prices The ,,PARKYTE" Sanitary Chemical Clot,et is intuleb! parker..Whyte Limited,. Winnipeg, Man, II Branches: TORONTO, MONTREAL, CALy4AltlY, VA 00 LI VER • I, J-lartlei* Oni4t :Cf( 9 AND IS SOLD 13Y