HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1911-09-22, Page 5FRECR FOOD RIOTS SERIOiS
Dragoons Charged the Mob Armed
With Pitchforks at Charlevilleo
A despatch from Paris says : Tho
war against the high price of food,
which has been languishing for the
last few days, owing either to the
vigorous precautions of the au-
thorities or the palliative measures
of the Mayors in establishing mu-
nnicipal butcher shops and other
food depots, burst forth afresh on
Wednesday. In several districts
there were violent disorders, which
indicated that professional agita-
tors were again at work. At Creil,
thirty-two miles ' north of Paris,
barricades ...were formed with tele-
graph poles. One of exceptional
strength was built around a huge
boiler surmounted by a red flag,
and it required a large force of
troops to' storm it successfully. •In
the engagements large numbers on
both sides were injured. The
streets of Creil aro patrolled by
soldiers. Charleville also was the
scene of serious disturbances on
Wednesday. Crowds of people from
the • country around, armed with
pitchforks, attempted a regular in-
vestment of the. town. A. regiment
of dragoons, hastily summoned,
charged down upon the manifest -
ants, scattering them in all direc-
tions. At L'Orient th.e mobs, not
satisfied with. proclaiming a boycott
against the market, upset the stalls
and threw into the streets the vari-
ous aricles of food exposed for
Central Canada Railway to Build
From Montreal to Ottawa.
A despatch frcm Ottawa says:
According to a director of the Cen=
tral Railway Company of Canada,
the Railway Company, which is
. said to own over a, million acres
of land in the Ottawa Valley, and
contemplates connecting Montreal
and the Georgian Bay by a new
line, work will be started on the
Montreal -Ottawa section of their
road this week, and forty miles of
a" track will have been graded be-
fore the snow falls. The work will
commence at Hawkesbury and will
go in two directions. Track -laying
will not start until Spring, when
the work will be pushed vigorously.
Food Yields Reported -Wheat
Grades high.
A despatch from. Brandon,. Man.,
says : Thrashing is well under way.
Some excellent crop reports are
coming in. Mr. John Clark, one
of the big farmers in the Roseland
district, .finished thrashing on Tues-
day night: From 119 acres in one
'field he has 3,317. bushels of fine
No. 1 Northern,,twenty-eight bush-
els to the acre. The balance of his
crop is quite up to ,this splendid
showing, and Mr. Clark says his
yield is no better than others in
his • locality. Reports from other
districts are also very favorable.
Adelard Duval Sentenced at Mont-
real for Robbery.
'A despatch from Montreal says:
`Adelard Duval was sentenced to
three years in St. Vincent de Paul
Penitentiary on Friday by Magis-
trate Lanctot. The accused had
pleaded guilty to stealing $200
from the Laing Packing & Provis-
ion Company, but the evidence
showed that he had stolen $1,400 in
eighteen months, and after his ar-
rest he returned to the officials of
the company the sum of $1,200, but
refused to make any statement re-
garding the balance. The accused
has been the manager of a store
and by falsifying the books from
day to day he managed to steal.
the money.
Servant's Indiscretion Costs a
Young Doctor His Life.
A despatch from Quebec says:
Dr. Dube, a young physician from
L'Islet County, is dead at the Hotel
Dieu Hospital as a result of having
been blown up in a dynamite ex-
plosion at his home on Tuesday.
There were several 'sticks of dyna-
mite in a barrel at the rear of his
home and a servant girl emptied
some 'hot ashes on them, not know-
ing what they were. Dr. Dube
happened by when the explosion
occurred. He was horribly muti-
British War Mee to Send Thou-
sand Meu'to Jamaica.
A despatch from Kingston, Ja-
maica, says : It is reported here that
the British War Office is arranging
to send very soon 1,000 artillery
and infantry to strengthen the lo-
cal garrison in view of the increas-
ed importance of the station which
will come with the opening of,. the
Panama Canal. It is expected that
the naval yard at Port Royal, which
was burned last spring, will be re-
opened soon.
Ctolypin Was Seriously Wounded, at a
Theatre Performance,
'A despatch from Kiev, Russia,
says ea -Premier Stolypin was at-
tacked and seriously wounded dur-
ing a theatre performance here on
Thursday night. His assailant was
arrested. There was a gala per-
formance at the opera in the pres-
ence of the Emperor of all the Rus-
sians. Two revolver shots in rapid
'succession electrified the audience,
and Premier Stolypin sank to the
floor. Those who were nearby saw
that he was gravely hurt. There
was tremendous excitement in the
theatre, and in the excitement it is
impossible to obtain the least de-
tails at assassination. It is report-
ed that Stolypin's wounds are mor-
tal. The Czar left St. Petersburg
a few days ago, accompanied by
Premier Stolypin, to review the
statue of the Emperor Alexander II.
at Kiev. It was the first public ap-
pearance of the Czar outside of the
capital in some years.
Pupils at Various Centres in. Britain
Adopt Tactics of Their Elders.
A despatch from London says:
Young England appears to be in
ua state •of unrest,- following• the ex-
. ample set in• the .reeent strikes by
• the laboring classes.. There have
been strikes of schoolboys ab Lon-
lon, Liverpool,' Manchester, Hull,
1liefTicid, Grimsby, Llanelly, Brad-
ford, Ashton -Under -Lyne, and
even in Scotlaeal at Leith, The
boys drew tip manifestoes, held de-
mo.nstrations, end engaged in pick-
eting just like their elders. They
object to the use of the cane by
schoolmasters, . and also want. an
extra half -holiday on Wednesday
afternoon. . .At; Islington -the- boys
smashed the school -windows with
stones, and,in Hull there .was pro-
miscuouis stone -throwing with much
damage to windows in the neigh.
borhood. In most places the strikes
collapsed and carvings have been in
E'i'eees of Cattle, Crain, Cheese
and Other Yrodaeo at IIome
And Abroad,
Toronto, Sept. L, -Fleur --Winter wh' at
90 per cent. i,atent4, 53.45 to $3.50, 3 :' t -
real freight, MAID tuba Pours- •F. i, st pa-
tents, $5.30; second patents $4.80, and
strong bakers', ,.$4.60, on track, Toronto.
Manitoba wheat -No. 1 at 51.091-2, and
No. 2 at 81,08, Bay ports, New wheat,
1 1.2c less.
Ontario wheat -No, 2 white, red or
mixed. new, quoted at 86e, outside,
Peas -93 to 95c, outside.
Oats -Old No. 2 at 40 to 41o, and new
at 391.2 to 40e, in car lots, outside.No,
2 Western Canada, 461.2e,".. and No. 3,
46 1-2e, Bay ports.
Barley -No. 2 is probably- worth 75o out-
Corn -No, 2 American yellow, 70 to 70 1-20,
Bay ports,
Rye -car lots outside, 750 west, and at
770 east.
Bucknheat-No. 2 at 64 to 55c, out-
Bran -Manitoba bran, 023.50 to $24, in
bags, Toronto freight. Shorts. $25.
Beans -Small lots of hand-picked, $2.30
per bathes.
Honey -Extracted; in tins, 10 to ile per
ib. Combs, 02 to 02.25.
Baled IIay-No. 1 at $13 to $14, on track,
and No. 2 at $10 to M.
Baled Straw -$6 to $6.50, on track, To-
Potatoes -Car lots. in bags, $1.25 to 1111:
Poultry --Chickens, 15 to Ise per lb.;
fowl, 11. to 12c.; ducks, 14c; turkeys, 15 to
16e. Live poultry about 20 lower than
the above,
Butter -Dairy prints, 21 to 22e; inferior,
16 to 17e. Creamery quoted at 25 to 26c
per lb. for rolls, and 23 to 24c for solids.
Eggs -Strictly new -laid, 23 to 240, and
fresh at 20 to 21c per dozen, in ease iota.
Cheese -Large quoted at 141-4e per lb.,
and twins at 14 1.2c.
Bacon -Long dear, 12e per Ib, in case
lots. Pork, short cut, $23; do., mess. 020
to S21. Hams, medium to light, 17 to.
18e; do., heavy, 15 to 161.2e; rolls, 113.4
to 12c; breakfast bacon, 17 to 18e; backs,
191.2 to 20e. -
Lard --Tierces, 101-2, tubs, 103.40; pails,
Montreal, Sept. 19. -Oats -- Canadian
Western, No. 2, 47c, car Iota, ex -store;
extra No. 1 feed, 461.2c; No. 3 C. W., 46e;
No, 2 local white, 45 1-2e; No. 3 local white,
45e; No. 4 local white, 441-2c. Flour -
Manitoba Spring wheat patents, firsts,
$5.40; seconds, $4.90; Winter wheat pat-
ents, $4.75; strong bakers', $4.70; straight
rollers, $4.25; in bags, $1,85 to $2; roiled
oats, per barrel, $5.25; bag of 90 lbs.
$2.60. Corn -American No. 3 yellowy 72c.
Miilfeed-Bran, Ontario, $23 to $24; Ma-
nitoba, $23; middlings, Ontario. $27 fo
028; shorts, Manitoba, $25 metallic, $26
to $32. Eggs -Selected, 24 to 26e; No, 1
stock, 20 to 23e. Cheese -Westerns, 133.4
to 14 1.4c; easterns, 131-2 to 13 3-4e. But-
ter -Choicest, 26c; seconds, 251.2 to 25 3.4c.
Buffalo --Sept. 19. --Spring wheat -No. 1
Northern, oarloads, store, $1.071.2; Win.
ter quiet. Corn -No. 3 yellow, 71e; No,.4
yellow, 70c; No. 3 corn, 693.4o, all on
track, through billed. Oats -No. 2 white,
48c; No, 3 white, 4714c; No. 4 white, 46 1.40.
Barley -Malting, $1.15 to $1.22, Rye -No.
2, 94e, through billed.
Minneapolis, Sept. 19. -Wheat -Septem-
ber. $1.017.8; December, $1.033.8 to 01.-
03 1-2;
1.-031.2; May, $1.07 3-8; No. 1 hard, $105 5-8;
No. 1 Northern, $1,03 3-8 to $1.04 7-8; No. 2
Northern, $1;00 3-8 to $1.02 7-8; No. 3 wheat,
95 3.8e to $1.00 3.8. Corn -No. 3 yellow,
631.2 to 64o. Oats -No. 3 white, 431.4 to
433.4c, Rye -No. 2, 811-2 to 82e. Bran
$21.50 to $22. Flour -First patents, $4.90
to $5.15; second patents, $4.40 to $4.65;
Rist clears, $3,25 to $3,75; second clears,
$225 to $2.65.
Montreal, Sept. 19. -Choice steers Sold
at 6 3.4c; good at 51.2c, fairly good at 5
to 51.4e, fair at 41.2 to 43.40, and com-
mon at 4 to 4 1-4e per pound, Cows and
'bulls were, 1-4 to 1-2o per pound lower,
the former selling at '31.4 to 6c, and the
latter at 21.2 to 3c per pound. -Lambs
sold at 5 to 51.2e, and sheep at -31-2 to
33.40 per pound. Tho demand for calves
was•' good, at prices ranging from $3 to
$10 each, as to siso and quality. Eogs-
06 to $7.30 per cwt:, as to quality, weigh.
ed off care. •
Toronto, Sept. 19. -Choice offerings were
snapped up early at prices ranging fro
Crackers Blow Open Safe at New
Westminster, B. C,
despatch from New Westmin-
er', B.O., says: Two hundred and
fifteen thousand dollars was stolen
early .on Friday from the branch
of the bank of Montreal in this
city. Five burglars entered the
hank by the front door, broke
through the metal coating of the
vault, blew open the safe by charg-
-es of nitro-glycerine, and got clear
away with their booty without be-
ing seer!, except by a Chinese care-
t ker, They probably escaped
down the Frazer River in a launch,
or else by an automobile toward
Vancouver. Actual figures of the
leiftses were obtained in the after-
noon from Manager G. D. Brawler,
who has been in charge at New
Westminster for twenty years.
There were $338,000 in the bank,
and of this $253,000 was taken. Of
the amount taken $150,000 even
were in five -and ten dollar bills.
These were all new, and the bank
still has the numbers and asserts
that payment on them can be stop-
ped. There was $38,000 in gold,
of which $20,000 was taken, and the
remainder left. An extra large
amount of Money was on hand for
paying off fishermen and hands
from the hop fields.
The first known of the robbery
was when the Chinese caretaker
appeared at the police station at
5,30 o'clock and gave the alarm.
He had managed to work loose from
the bonds with which he had been
tied after the robbers had depart-
ed. Chief of Police Bradshaw hur-
ried to the scene, and all available
officers were pressed into service,
but the only obtainable clue was
that given by the Chinaman. From
the thoroughness of the job and
the tools with which the work was
done the local officers believe the
same gang which has been at work
in Vancouver did the job here.
.$0.to $6.25; medium to choice, firm at 05.-
42, to 05.85; good butcher cows and heavy
bulls, firm, at $4.50 to $5.25; medium and
common, at $3.75 to $4.25; canners at $1.-
1:50 to $2.60. Sheep steady; heavy ewes,
03 tC $3.25; light ewes, $3.50 to $4.25;
Iambs, dull and easier, at 05 to $5.40.
Hogs, steady, at $7.10, f.o.b., and $7.40
to. $7,50, fed and watered.
'Several Have Arrived Safely From
Adespatch from Chungking, says :
---The revolution is fast gaining
ground. It is believed that no food
has entered Chengtu for many days,
where the missionaries are confined,
and probably already the besieged
are 'en short rations. Heavy firing
is 'reported from that quarter
between the loyal garrison and the
releiri among whom there are pro-
bably'*`many soldiers. Among the
missionaries who have arrived here
in Pyr # 4tare the Canadians station-
erifiv, Mr, and Mrs. C..7
P.Je iffe, Mr. and Mrs. W. D.,
uand E. " R. Brecken,
Luchow Ferguson.,s about, 150 miles to the
south-east of Chengtu.
The Situation is Grave., •
A despatch from, Pekin, says :-•
Unpublished edicts order a large
force • of Witchang troops to leave
immediately by the quickest route
for Szechuan and Tuanfang. The
relief force; however, will take four
weeks at least to reach Chengtu,
and the full gravity of the situation
in the capital of Szechuan Province
is now realized,
Took glare. in Presence of Select
Pew at Ottawa.
A despatch from Ottawa, says :-A
novel event .not on the program at
the Ottawa Exhibition took place
there on Thursday, the wedding of
two young people seated on bron-
chos in a Wild West show. In
a glorious flood Of sunshine and in
the presence of a, small company of
friends, Miss Caryl Fenton, daugh-
ter of Mr. and Mrs. D. Fenton,
of Louisville, Ky., was married to
Len Francis Driver, a cowboy,
whose home is in Midland, Taxes.
The ceremony was performed by
Rev. George Edwards of Western
Methodist Church, Ottawb. The
bride was assisted by Miss Beta
Palmer of Henrietta, Taxes, who
was attired in the real costume of
the plains, while the groom was sup-
ported by Mr. ..m. Walter Gibson,
Globe, Arizona. From childhood
bride, and groom have practically
lived in the saddle, hence the desire
for a horseback wedding.
The Inspector -General Will Soon
A despatch from Ottawa says:
It is said to be almost certain that
General Otter, Inspect -or -General
of the Canadian forces, will shortly
retire on full pension, to be suc-
ceeded by General Cotton, com-
mander of the Western Ontario Di-
vision, with headquarters. at To-
ronto. Brigadier -General Lessard
is understood to be slated for Gen-
eral Cotton's post, while to succeed
General Lessard as Adjutant -Gen-
eral, Col. Denison of Toronto and.
Col. Henry Panet are possibilities.
'Many also Injured' in Fifty -mile
Race at Syracuse.
A despatch from Syracuse, N. Y.,
says: Nine persons were killed and
1.4 injured, some of them seriously,
as the result of an accident during
the closing miles of a 50 -mile au-
tomobile race at the State Fair
track on Saturday afternoon, when
a Knox ear, driven by Lee Oldfield.
leaped from the track, crashed
through the fences surrounding it
and plunged into the throngs that
lined the other side of the speed-
way. Six of the nine people were
killed outright and two others were
so badly injured that they died on
the way to the hospital. The -list
of dead may be increased as it `s
believed that several of those who
are numbered among the injured
are so badly hurt that they cannot
James Currie of Toronto fell Fifty
Feet. From Bridge.
A despatch from Sault Ste.
Marie, Ont., says : James Currie,
aged 25, an employee of the Cana-
dian Bridge Company, who hails
from Toronto, was instantly killed
on Friday by falling fifty feet from
the bridge which is in course of
construction over the Montreal
The _Eruption is Proving Disastrous
to Those Living in Neighborhood.
A despatch from Catania, Sicily,
says ; The eruption of Mount Etna
is assuming the proportions of a
real disaster. The lava stream
whose path crosses the railway line
circlingthe volcano and which ex-
tends eight . miles from its source,
is approaching the railway stations
to the north: andespecially threat-
ening' the depots of Moio and Al-
cantra, which were abandoned on
Wednesday. Squads of laborers
were at work taking up the rail -
rood tracks and removing all trans-
portable material to places of saf-
ety with the idea of m'litimizing the
losses. The entire crest of Mount
Etna appears to be in a state of
ebullition. An exact count of the
number of fissures is impossible, be-
cause of the smoke which shrouds
the whole mountain, but there
seemed to be more than seventy
new fissures all belching smoke and
lava. The eruption means great
Suffering for the peasantry. ' The
slopes of Etna, with an area of
more than 900 square miles, sup-
port a population inure dense than
that of any other portion of Sicily
or Italy. There are sixty-five cit-
itiss and villages in the entire area.
T. A: N. 0.' Party of Scientists tic.
turn With fteuorts.
A despatch from Toronto says:
The Teiniskaming & Northern On-
tario Railway Commission's explor-
ation party, headed by Prof. S. 0.
Ellis, has completed its work of
surveying the Ontario shore of
James Bay and the Moose River
estuary. Prof. Ellis has rcttirned
to his home at Ottawa; and" will
shortly forward to Cllairrnan En-
glehart his maps and reports. The
expedition studied the currents,
took soundings, and measured 'the
silt deposits, with a, view to as;
eertaining the real character of
James Bay; and the volume and
effect of the rivers .bowing into it,
so as to discover the possibilities
of a deep-sea harbor for the Prov-
ince. The party examined the
country from Cochrane to James
Bay as they went down the Mata-
gami and Groundhog Rivers to the
Moose River, studying the agri-
cultural possibilities and the iron
depcsits of that region.
Ontario Leads in Production in
Canada With 40 Per Cent.
A despatch from Ottawa says:
The total value of the mineral pro-
duction of Canada during the past
year exceeded $105,000,000, an in-
crease of $13,209,517 over that of
the preceding year, an increase of
14 per cent., according to a pre-
liminary report by the Department
of Mines. There has been an in-
creased production in nearly every
province, the only decline being
shown by New Brunswick. On-
tario leads with 40 per cent. of the
total for Canada. In silver pro-
duction alone there was an increase
of l0 per cent. chiefly credited to
the Cobalt and adjacent districts.
Ontario's silver output amounted
to $15,711,513.
Many People Killed by Spanish '-
Troops on Portuguese Border.
A despatch from Badajos, Spain,
says: Many persons were killed or,
wounded in a battle here between
the troops quartered in this section
and a, mob. A large force of troops
is quartered here on the Porta-
guese border to prevent Royalists
from entering that country. The
mob inade an attack on the troops
and the soldiers fired, heavy fight-
ing following. The outbreak is at-
tributed to the prevailing politi-
cal• unrest in the district.
Reports That Coniiaught's Son Will
Wed Niece of the Czar.
A despatch from London says;
An interesting report current is;
that Prince Arthur of Connaught,
son of the Duke of Connaught, the
newly commissioned Governor-Gen-
eral of Canada, is engaged to marry
Princess Irene, daughter of the
Grand Duchess Xenia-Alexaadroa
vna, who is a sister of Emperor
Nicholas of Russia. It is stated
that the formal announcement of
the betrothal will be made before,
the Connaughts sail for Canada.
Turkish Soldiers Penned in Locked
Cars Without Medical Aid.
A despatch from St. Petersburg
says: A despatch to the Novoe Vre-
mya from Constantinople describ-
ing the horrors of the cholera epi-
demic in Macedonia says that soldi-
ers are crowded in locked cars
when ill and left, without water or
medical aid. On the Mitrovitza
Usknp railroad living and dead,
victims of the cholera, have been
thrown from car windows by their,
Germany's New Dreadnought De-
velops Phenomenal Speed.
A despatch from Hamburg says:
It is claimed that Germany has the
fastest warship in the World. The
new dreadnought cruiser Moltke is
credited with a speed of 29X, knots
on her trials. The Moltke is a ship
of 23,000 tons and 80,000 horse-
Will Have Eight Battleships With-
in Next Seven Years.
A Pekin despatch says: The Min-
istry of Marine has drawn up its
pro,gramnie, which will give China
at the end of toven years a, fleet of
eight battleships, twenty cruisers,
ten smaller vessels, and fifty tor-
ped: boats and destroyers. It also
provides for four naval arsenals.