HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1911-09-22, Page 3•
Vol, XIL1
The Official Organ of
We cordially invite the ladies to our grand. Diplay
A of Fall Millinery• and Novelties. Miss E. Fowler is
again.in. charge and will be pleased. to show you the
latest in New'Fall Hats, Shapes, Trimmings,. etc.
Opening • days
Saturday, Sept. 23rd and flonday
Sept. 25th, and Following Days. ti
New Fall Dress Goods
...We are showing an exceedingly large range of the newest goods
for Fall and. Winter Suity. Our store is noted for its large stock of
all the.- popular lines in seasonable Dress Goods and. we have outdone
all previous efforts thiS season in selecting a larger and better stock Al
than ever. You are cordially invited to look over our goods, whether VI
you buy or not. •
• §
. ,.
Ladies' Coats and Jackets
. • Do. not buy..xour 11011: 111411. Coat before looking over our stock.
We have D.* received it large shipment of the latest styles and cloths
Also Fur Lined arid Imitation Astrachan Coats,. Fur Collar, etc.
0 Wrapperettesi,and Flannelettes
. , .. . •,..
,,• , wo dIro.:to. don spill attention to • om, line of , Wrapperattes Oe•
••••.• . .
'and'IliiinneletteS. PeeIrce quality' goods and emcee lie Rev as any. ' •
UndrWear- ti
We handle the famous Puritan make of Underwear. A complete
line in Men's, Women's and Children's Underwear, all sizes and
Sweater Coats
SVe are making a specialty of Sweater Coats this fall. We are
showing a large range for men, women and. children. Prices 4roin
50 cents uti. If you intend getting one, call early before the best
colors are gone., Also a full line of Toques just in..•
Hose and Gloves
Another line that we make a special feature of. We carry
everything in this line worth buying and we want you to see thein.
Fur Ruffs and fluffs
What about your furs for the colder weather. Our tiew stock is 1)
now in and is complete in every deteil. Be sure you see them.
Gent's Wear
We are outfitters for men.. If you need a New Suit, Overcoat, g
Cap, Gloves, Hocks, Shirts, Ties, Mufflers, etc.. we can .please you, Als
Our price is right, quality considered.
Fur Coats
Headquarters for all kinds of Fur Coats, Fur 'Lined Coate, hill-
Aetrachan Lin 1.11
...loa.04, Coats and Corduroy Coals.
We can give you extre, values in these. No trouble to show goods.
bierasimenemaantaraparatausualak.a...a.saastexa*-namainatasemsaanwereacoro*maXamamememsaaasaret.c.attcalea.k. •
The Stove tuestion
'We aro- rightwhen it comes to tha••qvieetion of buying .a good
Rrnge or Heater. Our leader 18 ithe Peerless Peninsular. Range,
whieh cannot be serpassed in quality. We fully 'guerentee every
stove we sell. •
eci a Furnaces,
Eavetroughing, Etc.
..t.11111. 1721143174tlt.nietattle,.....
Telephone 9 •
11.30MV4 039C.V8r.Zw....w .1En2s8,03 u=44"001.1
z 11..J R
re-sieSC% ae...32Cas 44!
M. P. Lamont spent Tuesday
Goderich,. on business.
Mr. Alex McLeod, of TormatO"
former principal of the mete
school here was in town, this ,A;e10.
ROV. J.' P Hameln
of ja.pa-nfwas the guestof ineeelea
Mr. Philip Hatiola, this week, "••
Lost—In town on Monday es,
ing, a crescent br000li.
please leave at -this office.
Mrs. Ben &emus of the
Con., left for Detroit on Teeedi
to attend the funeral of
Mrs. Joseph Smith of Croevie
Mich:, is visiting with
eughter. Mrs. William O'Brie
and other friends.'
SEPT. 22, 1911.
NO 8
Mrs, W, Bender visited friends
Sarnia, over Stends:7
Apprentice wanted—We want a
art young girl to learn the
Winery trade. J. Preeter.
Cohn L. Gerber returned on
reclay evening last from his
to Lewis County, New York.
and Mrs. Theo McAdams
Harry and. Edith Bassow of
Bronson Line, attended the
don Fair, last week,
r. Louts Jeffrey has resigned as
ssinan of F U. Kalbileiseb.'s flax
11 and John Albrecht has taken
• position.. ,
r. and Mrs. J. D. Merner, Miss
lie Merrier' and 1Y1r. Wes Merrier
•. Elmira, visited here on
ir. and Mrs. Henry Kuhn and
Udreo ami -Mr. and Mrs. J
,,teitzereof Crediton, were visitors
Ile borne of Mr. Preeter, on
iday. •
liss Mosseau of the Satible
seSnerely-., shocked' by a stroke
;Iighttilrig,,- last week. She is
der ineclioal attendance and. is
tialiadit's next Governor-General,
Higheess, the Duke of Con-
iht, has reserved accommodation
Ole Empress of Ireland, sailing on
er 6th. Tis should land him in
"reee, aboet October i5th.
ICtlieren Obereh—The Harvest
i'eeltsgiving; will be celebrated
...'."Shanday the 24th inst. The
ixiService will be conducted
German and the 'evening service
Mr. and Mrs. Snider, Miss Tiiii
Dumart, Miss Letzner and
Ezra Dumart and Oristner, all
Berlin were in town, en ldisnflli,Y-;
Miss Florence Pope of Reuse,
was in town on Friday. She in-
tends leaving for Brandon in a few
Thanksgiving Day will Proci-hl
be set for Monday, Oct. 80th; bee,
no official action will be taken u
til after the election. . • ,
Mr. J. L. Killoran, of. Goderio
addressed a meeting at the ,seParet
school house near Dryeelitie. o
Friday evening in the interests O.
M. Y. McLean. • •
Lost—Oil cloth lap rug, ,'• cilee
four weeks ago, between_ featerii
and. Drysdale. Finder please ,lettee
at this office, or notify 8 BOOM:el
Drysdale. • -' '‘' •-e '
Monday afteinoon, Rev,a
Rauch of Tokio Japatnegieve,in ine
teresting-taii . to the pupils •of 11*
nubile School, on the onstems and
language of the Japanese pe-oeileee,•.
was. .eaneree.'
Saturday evening at the Otmseite
tive meeting. The speakers were'
Messrs. J J. Merner, the candidate,.
Spotton, of Wingham and :'...Brode.
rick of Seaforth. • ;"
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Kallefli'icih
mourn the death of one of .
children, a boy about 9. yecii
age Dip therie was the ea neai', of
death. The bereaved famila,
the sincere sympathy of, cilia in
their loss.
Diarrhoea is always more oi bus
prevalent during Septeinher. Bc
prepared for it. Chamberlain's
Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea;
meclv is prompt and 'I-free:truth • lt
can always be depended upon and
is pleasant to take. For sale by
All Dealers.
Next Sunday, Sept 24th, Child
rens Day and Harvest Home wiJI
be celebrated. in the Evangelical
church. Zurich. Services will be
held, in. the forenoon, afternoon
and evening. A number or speak-
ers will address the meeting in the
afternoon and a splendid programm
will be rendered in the evening. A
cordial welcome to all,
They understand the ntility of a.'
wife in Japan. She sit np all
night during the hot weather rt,n-
ning, the fevered brow ot the licse
band. Is not thia • a ,cnstom WO
might with advantage borrow from
the. East? „ Of course, there are
Western women with views on the
equality of the sexes wile would
condemn these displays of wiftel3
devotion and would refnee to fen ci
hnsband's brow even if it \V -
fevered after a night mit. 't'Ii
not know the true glory- cif wife
A pretty weVicig teo;I: ?Aft
the home of Mr and Mr,.;. john
Geiger of Hey. on Sept lIlti wheu
their eldest daughter, Maes Erma.
was married to Mr. John Giceeho
one of the snrcessful bteiness men
of Znrich. The. ceremony wae ce,e.
ducted by the [Lev, G.F Breeee
pastor of the EvangeliCal
The bride was given away 1,v
tether, Miss Leona Geiger, sister of
tie bride acted as flower girl an.i
ring bearer, Miss Alberni. Geiger
played the wedding march, 'rho
bride VMS becomingly gowned le
cream cashmere triiiiyeed Wi
satin and cream sillteeverlace
groom's gift to the Vriele- we a
heti uti ful grad watch with c .icil
anvil to Miss Alberta the bei,line
st er a beautiful brooch set a.11
brilliants, The trainable and telieY
presents given, to the bride, show
the high esteem itt. which., the
voting couple are heldby iheii
many friends. They will
w Fali $hoos
Tee Ne- Fell Models inMen's and Vtiemen'e Shoes are new ready for
your inspection.
Children's Fine Shoes
We rn. fell line of the 'Weston
Shoes t11.. ;eel- 'lehe hest Children's
Shoe ell The neirket. These Weston
Shoe t throughout and no
other e e. (el ual them for wear.
Men & BoysEveryday Shoes
•We iuv. fiiIEiine of Split Leath-
er Calf. ( ;ride Alia Kip.
Ladle's Shoes
Tere ace the New High. Toeee
Short Vamps iuPatnt Leethers -and.
1 Gun ...‘letals.
1 Gentlemen's Shoes
The new High Toes in Patent Lea -
then Gun Metals and Dongola KiL
These are the leaders.
Boo'-. 10'110.'1'4 and Pelts bought of the best Manufacturers in Canada.
Brind your feet and get them Fitted.
We do Repairing Butter and eggs taken in. exchange
Digestion and Assimilation
It is not the quantity of food
taken Nei the amount digested and
assimihited that gives strength and
vitality to Die system. Chamber-
lain's Stealuell and Liver Tablets
invigorate the stomaoh and liver
and enohle them to perform their
functions naturally. For sale by
All Dealers. •
Mrs. Joseph Eidt, a highly res
peeted lady of Dashwood died on
All are cordially
Acebg in,. Thursday evening at the age . of
1S .nearly
to attend. I nearly 84 Tears. She had been ill
but a short time and her death
aeliglet improvement is noted in. came as a great shock to the coin-
I•dondition of John Johnston Jr., menety. The remains were laid to
the Town -Line near Blake. Mr, rest on Sunday morning, the inter-
•",i;f:titori has been very- poorly for mei:it taking place in the Lutheran A Good Full Stock
letime • and his many friends
cemetery, t eartfelt sympathy s Of Watche8
that he will recover his lost eamessee ti Mr, Eidt and family
I i.
Ilth,. - - . in, 0:mix bet t,:ireinent. - . tAnd Jewellery
Apples Wanted:
At the Hensel], Evaporator after
Sept. 1st., starting off at 50 cents per
cwt. for -fall apples. • Bring in as soma
as possible after above date,
se crw4 latteIR d.tca, ' • The .t lect -lc storm of the,
nomination at eeen. , —
paseed over this section
sa on Thursd.ay, and nracila it ter- year
net wesmanifiSted, The speakers between 12 8.nd 3 o'clock Friday
me damage to
wets the two candidates and morning and did so
Messrs. H Either of Crediton, Mr.. buildings Mr. John Hartman's
house at the 4th was struck, the
Sootten of Wingham and Mr Tilley
of Toronto. chimney demolished and a large
For bowel complaints in olaildren
always give Chamberlain's Cone,
Cholera and -Diarrhoea Remedy
and castor oil, It is certain to
effeot a cure and when reduced
with water and sweetened is pleas
ant to take. No physician can
prescribe a better remedy. For
sale by All Dealers,
bole tern into the roof. The
daniceee eill be about $15.00, At
Mr. ;lbe L. Gerber's, Bronson
Lie, e holt struck his power mill
and t.;re. emee shingles from. the
roof. A boilfter of telephone poles
were elicit-tred on the same line,
while ilorili of 1.0W11 the G. N. W.
telegreeii line had about six poles
smashed, The rein came down in
Mr. Meses Gascho had an ac torreeth fer ebont an hour.
cident.an Suziday, which will lay
him upfora few weeks. He was
driviniVest with a young driver,
and in some Manner lost control of
the spirited horse, and in a jiffy
klestalee ded on the hard road. He
received a, badly sprained ankle
and . some minor bruises, The
horse ran for a rink or so when it
was eaught without doing any
further damage.
On Sunday evening, Rev. 3. 1)
Rauch, Saperintendent of the Leis -
len work of the Evangelical church
in japan, delivered a most instruc-
tive and interesting address in tho
Evangelical church, to a large and
prooiative audience. Miss Ella
Rennie sang a. beautiful solo, which
waS well received. Rev. Mr. Hauch
etrived in Quebec on Sept 8th on
the rmpress of Britain after travel -
hag across the Asian and European
eentinents, via Sibeeia, and Russia,
sp nding a nainber of weeks in
Gle -many, addressing large °enema
vion e daily- in the interests of the
w rk over which he preeidee. He
give addresses at vitrions plac-
e% nntil the General Conference of
tke Evangelical ohureli convenes in
illieveltincl Ohio , whih he will at
Khl as one of the delegates, repre-
enting the Japan conference.
"1 ba i world of confidence in
Chamberline Cough Remedy for
I have used it with perfect success"
*rites Mrs. 111. I, Basford, Pooles.
ville, Md For sale by All Dealers,
SPeeials for Huron County Ex.
hibitors ..Dnated by the Huron
t 'em ty Council .
For De, beet beef animal shown
by an einelei• exhibitor resident
of the 'ntity of Teluron,-prize $15.
For lie ,wnd_ best beef animal
showe he en amateur exhibitor
residue et tit') County of Huron,
ONTe it le 1.1,i ATINCIAL WI.N TER
Fair, • lnelple December 11-15, 1911
4 it.
Try our 75 -cent Alarm Clock. You
take no chances. We absolut-
ely gnarantee them 2 years
The Best Luminous Alarm Cloak
and spaemodie repeater,
and $200, None Better.
Musical Alerms, with autemnittici
fly, Tho best made —$2,5
jewelier, ZURICii
efts and
-' Pnedreds of tons of soft cal,
"11 7) t' ,^110Wing all the newest lines of sVonen's and Men's linnunee
forieing two hugmonntains..4-
Filmes l,e, NN'ti rill weather. A lot of Womens Oor
xtds which NT8 are now
e ••,"
uelongring to - the Pere Marqnette cielline b i 11, great bargain,
uAacy, and. pilea along the
tracks near . the beadh at Port , $1.5o, ar e).?,:uI ..$ 1.75 and $2..00
Stanley, are on fire, and look like
miniature inferno. It is thought
thet the fire wee dna to sparks
from a passing engine, and it will
be -e'1ts before it can be ex-
tleguisbed, The •railway company
has a gang ot men at work shovell
trg, the coel of the admininr-I Piles
mitt haree's way. This work is
rendered extremely difficult. owing
4the greet beet and a number of
cat tagers in the vicinity have
nenVed out, fearing the spread of
b1Woortilagation, and some in feet,
by the heat. At night the Imid
learn froen the hurnieg ea l can
be n for mile0.
For $1.00
the ,S1ee1s• for summer wear. Come `before sizes are all goue.
Try us when you need
A Trunk or a Suit Case
tuti er and E Ta,1:en in Exam*, •
Maw Maaaaanlats......04.10......14.....1021.41.4.thara,.............fteaMireiftr,
The Home. of Good Shoe$