HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1911-09-22, Page 2A1,24'11
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Did you ever buy overalls at
this store? No l To bad you
have been missing the best We
bank on our overalls, so do the
men thRt wear them. We have
taem in all styles, for all classes
of work. Can't tell our Overall
story her2 thr its a long one. We
guarantee every pair of Overalls
we: sell. We carry a full line
of 1:17A L-5)r,its of worfring mera's
Immens,, Hosiery Values
do not lay in a season's supply
now oU will miss a rare chance.
Black cotton, plain full fashioned. all sizes,
per pair 10 colts or 3 pair for 25 cents.
In blue and . white or brown and white,
good work sax, 10 cents per pair or 3 pair for
25 cents,
Smart Waists for Summer ''wear
r';1•77;.'- We earnestly ask your inspection, knowing
full well the affect the right of these handsome
styles will have upon your purse strings, to see
them is to want one or more of them.
Summer Underwear •
Underwear is a subject, that we give
special attention to. That is why you find
every good sort here. We are well preparecl to
meet the spring demand for moderate prices,
good fitting satisfaction Underwear. We have
them all eights, from the finest made down to
the splendid values in medium grades.
Ladies' Neckwear and Belts
We have everything that is New in Ladies
Neckwear and Belts. You will find everything
that is new and different displayed here. All. the
very cleverest idea are new, smart. tasty and up
to date.
igrkist prices paid for all
kinds 0 Farm Produce
Telephone 28
iE 114.,
• , -721:71
_Lai 1 0
r „ro
4vkivlagfrti 4,;(1,f.1
51.A,RKET RhPORT —Thefol-
lowing is. the report of Zurieh
market corrected up tc Thur,day.
Barley . ,, . ,, 60 to 52
Peas. . .• 71,‘
Bran • 20.00
Shorts 22.00 20e
Oats-- 37' 38
Virlieat • 76 76
Five Roses- fiour.,.. . ..... 2,80
' Puri ty . ,2 tst)
ltnyal Liimseltold „ 2-20
k..,ntnee faintly ...„, ..... 2 20
Hay • .. 6 00 7,00
5 5
• Rev, E. Barn is this week attend -
instil° Y. P. A. convention at Port
41..d 'Airs. IV
1anirs. P. W. Clark returned
last week after a couple of week viit
with friends in Coruna.
Mr. IfiriLl11 Shapton, of the 2nd
Dried ligpies
tpt=etti<lestrd ... . . . .... 8.00' 0.00 25 (e°111:tio.,f,,,S,1,1:.:111I.,(41., (..1,1,ials,,,:letr311'IPted. tli('
Batter 10 10 1 A number front hece a-it:nava the
Eggs.... „ ..... . ...... „, 10 101clitirch conceit at Z•ariett on Ilitotiday
Hogs liveweight .... .., 7,15 I owning,
3 NSALL .141A.RICal 0 R -v. Robert I ticks itt tended the an -
Cook's Best Flour. 2.70 aucialtlistriet meeting (t ilie Method-
Oats 130 30 :Viiss Lettie Guenther of Dashwood
bu ist church at C'entralia, 00 Tuesday,
VVheat . ....
Barley 60 70 .271t.:ait tl., pirst week visiting at the
ai, eoigu,s
liveweight . 80 80 -ho'i.tie or ?ii.and ''Irs. Chris Falmer.
7.1..1 ,'"'
.,_•.7.l•frs. Jas. bkinner „and Miss Dora
_ Mill, Of London, who spent the past
FALL PAIR.8-1911. 1..,k with Mr, rand Mrs,' Jo*. Banes
like returned home.
Stratford. Sept 14, 15 •, Nil ,„110 Ohl Boys re -union at Eirkton
fi.liii: lqi.1),3T)eri.,,II. lialber, M. P. 1., Rua mrs.
London (Western Fair) .. Sept1,8: 1
and Mr:4. 'Herb Eilber, attend -
Walker ton .... .... Sept. 13,
LI-7-1s..':(1'tet!rLi.ell . . ' 19(q)Sst'*:1:: 11 i)::' '11'°:): (".!:i1\11:,i(•,:mili;11:YeN•ittli, .wilio int,,,i leen . &Aloud:
Mitchell .
Listowel...... . „ . ....Sept 19, 2,1. . ,,,,,, ', • ,,, , „., ,,
1 I no iminnerv- opetini,-: .? a iaronto
sent.. 20. 21. .'....' . 2.....022.12,N. ant. Ns 1.4 ti gain. .10,1,0
At wood.„. ..., ., .liert 21, 22 1
01 Lie nullmery department in
Seaf or th ' . ... .. , . ,Sseepptt' .:]t.),, 22i i'':„!"1,/\ii,,,r2.,.‘,1(al.a., i
1.11Zhc\i,licilzry., . lto, a very
Lucknow 4 •
Ripley . Sept 27; 281-'•r• ,I. - • .• 11 r -II ' of
4 jav, t ', an ern N1 tif,e, u inaces
Harriston - 67.,e4't 2,8,,,t, 2,,,,,,,'„..,'14, ,itess being closed. A number
Vt'inithatn. .............. ..) ..,, the races at Urich, while
Milverton . .Sep-. ,J a free, .s..,•tte Ieb
' ''' ' '
---1'<-1 Aall .'-unes at
Myth. .
.. - 0410 is bee( -
Teeswater . : ... .... ........ 0411, < ,,,,.l tabye.f.q. has done :
,, to standing crops in Northern
Brussels . •Oot i' xita. and Saskatchewan. There
Dungannon..., ...... , , , . Ocd ' ' '-,fli shallow vessels' kit outside.
Kirkton ..... • - ' •Oet ' i, The damage is undoubted -
Gerrie . . .. Cr<
, $
Sept. '
„anent finer' of the Lig bridge
Huntina- is prohibited an
dogs are to be kept out of Lr
and 23 Oon, 7, Hay.
W. McAlli
;Say-14mi the Exeter side
:been brokaii on the east side
n, foot from the end. The
Its the *full , width -of the
esday evening the 29th of
Viola forty friends tsauthored
't M. Paul ''S'Itenk to
C. Beaver. They
'''4,...pretty toilet set.,
,,,viiinch ...was served:
Sp4rt- in playing-
.. The crowd brOke np at'
134111! hi OW Morning after a
yable evening,I5
igular meeting of the council
On "Ar011fIty afternoon.
id Mrs, P. MeL•,aac, of Dash-
,fe.ph,it ;ant call,q-s in our
nil Mrs. AIL Mellick of Zur-
t Sunday the guests of Mr.
. Dan McIsaae. .
• Brown has boon re -flooring
imam and 'expects this week
:sante new seed machines to his
1y up-to-date plant.
e Harvest Hone Cantata in the
rgellettl church on Sunday last
grand success in every particu-
The church was crowded and
• • children took their parts well,
'We havnot jhe choruses were also well rendered.
sold out •ouritoti Mrs. Robert Stanley of
Implement .f.'igo*ol. visited with Mr. and Mrs.
Holtman over Stuida.V. .130th
• Business Yet
r. iiia Ives. stanit(v were former
We are still t,i,#,.(4(iton.t...4 of Crediton:•' 'is* now over
forging ahead at the .01d .?yeaty „.(i(trs since they moved from
• 044.
It -1\10. Link who has been visiting
The following are some of our lineii aha Mr.3. \Vni. Lewis at Algen-i
we keep in stock 4itin Park for a few weeks, and whol
Plows & Repairs ;iiNo.nttencled. the millinery openings '
'Toronto,.• has returned and will
Percival No, lo -13, Fleury's
1'4...he her former pcsithAt with. Mr. S.
No 21, Coekshutt all kinds, Wilk, •
instill 111 kindit. Land Rollers. haying
irapk,:racnts el Repairs'
It $53, rf,,purtecl that Mr. T1..aana•4
Bindors, Cultivate:1.S Drirttr,ie,(1,.•ry, beet
(best made) Elots Drill:3, Dist; Liar. f':;! ince2 L:tezt,sr.
rows (beet made 4rtll,;',1•:,(1„;,;1 esex by Mr.
Eureka Onion Seed Drills for all tc..31, liatighs,, oLutte.-i.
One-third of your life is spent in bed. •
It should be spent in perfect repose, that sweet restful, healthy,
beneficial sleep, which proves a balmy relaxation from every care.
Do you so spend it? If not, the Ostermoor will surely help yon!
It,s "Built for Sleep” Other mattress 2 piece from $3.0U 1.11? -
A full stock of all kinds of
to choose from at prices- just a little ei eapor than the ordinary run.
Terms Cash or Trade at Cash PriceI'A
o L'art IT —el, 1
.1 r • PHONE 3- . .
. . A.,..0 A ZURICH
VOTERS' Las.r—iini—muNr.•
ity of the Tuwwhip of Hay, Cunt
Huron -• Notice is hereby givon
have transmitted or delivered
persons mentioned in sections
of the Ontario' Voters' Lists Act
copies required by such sections tr,i'
ttanstnitted'br delivered of the list, z.
pursuant to the said Act, of all
appearing by thc last revised Ass .
Roll of the said Municipality at Mee
for members of the Legislative
and at Municipal Elections; and thi
said list we's first posted up in my,
in Zurich on the 3rd day of August
and remains there for inspection. fil'k
are called upon to examine the said
and if any omissions or any other e
are found therein to take inuned
proceedings to have the said err
corrected according to kW. Dated this
3rd day of August 1911.—F. Rose Sr...
Tp. Clerk.
seeds, Eureka Fountain Spray-
ers best in the market, Gar:
den Cultivators, Lon-
don's Hay Tracks,
London's Barn
Buggies, Carriagesl,
.All our own make,
r*P.,47.1COES notasas
Just to hand. Bring in
your orders. Close price
ONIMIC3IriEl==f1M 9
ZiJPtICEi "8
You. people who have not been in t lis store do not know what kind of Et -
stock we really do carry. You would b< surprised if yon only saw a small
amount of it, and still we are adding ti. ily. The next time you are in town
come in and look over our goods, it doeifiit cost you anything, we are here to.
show it and our prices aro lower than ever before.
Ladies' Fall Dress Goods
We have a large stock of Ladies' Dress Goods in all the latest shades.
Anything in the line of Dross Goods .can be Alwyn here. Prices front 25c
to $1.40.
• Never.before did we carry such an immense stock of Tewelling. All
kinds and :all prices. •
• New Stock of Ladies'. Fall Waists at 50c.
Men's Ready-to-wear Clothing
• No matter what yon are in need of, a New Snit, or a fancy pair of
Trousers, a Nob v Shirt, Collar, Tie, Overalls, Hats and Caps, hosiery and
all kinds of Shirts for everyday wear.
Fresh Groceries always kept on hand
Oat Meal 20c a package or 3 for 55c
ProdnA taken in Exchange.
Do you Own a
Th 7,1 i'FAir.axkir
E9 9
or are you a Slave to
A "Parkyte" Sanitary Chemical Closet your home
is the itrong(st kind of insurance against the germs of disease. It
pNventative ng 111114t < pidemies, and contagion; in tha Summer, and an ab-
solute necessity the year round. •, ..
Eei1iiites neither Vater nor Sewage; can be placed in any part Of •
your home; costs lees than a CENT a day, and Laits a lifetime.
Einho-seo lky 1110 leading • Physicians, and stealth Officials; Specified
by the most prominent Architects;, and adopted by whole Municipalities..
Over 1.5;000have been installed in Canadian Homes' in lvss than
one year.
Ask your Dealerfor Prices
As initially treated, a sprained
ankle will disable a man for CO
or four weeks, lint by app' ing
Oh tini,<, bininu,nt fr<.,e.y as
00 1 ILA ti o injury is rec,iivo,i, rnd •
< bs TVITIO' the directions with ei ohl
1 ott e, a ure cab be effected MI'
from. two to four days, For sale I
Prozript Service
IVEoclerate rharges
Zurich, - Ontario
9 he f‘1).‘ IttIATE" i.tt:iltary C1 °mini Olosct ii turideby
Parker-:Whyle Limited, Winnipeg,. Man.
liartielbm Zurich,