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The Herald, 1911-09-22, Page 1
TIE The Official Organ OUR ILT.x PE Wo cordially invite the ladies to our grand Diplay of. Fall Millinery and Novelties:, Miss E. Fowler is again in charge and will be pleased to show you the latest in New Fall Hats, Shapes, Trimmings,. , etc. Opening days Saturday, Sept. 23rd and 1' onday Sept. 25th, and Following Days. New Fall Dress Goods • We'tire showing an exceedingly large range of the newest goods for Fall. and Winter Suity. Our 'store is noted for its large stool, o SI all the• popular lines `in seasonable Dress Goods and we have outdone all precious efl`orts this season in selecting a larger and better stock 1,1 than ever., You are cordially invited to look over our goods, 'Whether you buy or not. Ladies' aches' Coats and . Jackets We have just received a large shipment of the latest styles and cloths , • • Also Pur Lined and Imitation Astrachan Coats, 1'ur Cellar-, etc. '0 Wrapperett wand Flannelettes Do not buy, ;our new Fall Coat before looking over our stock. We desire :to enl'1 special attention to our line of ' rapperrftes mild `Flannelettes. Extra 'quality goody, and 1,1:iet,s us lost• as any. Underwear We handle the famous. Puritan rake of Underwent. A complete line in Men's, 'Women's and Children's Underwear, all sizes and prices. Sweater Coats We me making a specialty of Sweater Coats this fall. \Vo are showing a large range for nien, woolen and children, Prices -from 50 cents up If you intend Bettina one call early before the best a a r colors are gone..., Also a full line of Toques jest in. Hose and Gloves Another line that we make a special. feature of. We carry everything in this line worth buying and we want you to•see theta. Fur Ruffs and fluffs What about your furs for the colder weather. Our new stock is ,iC now in and is complete in every detail. Be sure you see them. Gent's Wear '\Yo are outfitters For men.. If you need a New Snit, Overcoat, Cap, Gloves, Socks, Shirts, Tie, Mufflers, sic.. we can please you. iftl Our price is right, duality considered. Fur Coats Headquarters for alI kinds of 1"nr Coats, Fur .Lined Coats, irri- tation Astrachan Lined ('oats, Leather. Coals ;incl Corduroy Coats. We can give you a tali values -in those. No trouble to show goods. The Slave uestion 'We are i•i lit when it conies to the question of buying a good Rrnge or Heater. Our leader; • is the Peerless Peninsular. Range, which cannot be surpassed in iivality. We fully guarantee every stove we soli. OUt Hecla Furnaces, Eavetroughan Etc. P OWJOE TAKE{ ENHANCE E ret Telephone 9 0 a ZUR l c 11 • FRIDAY MDR LOCAL NEWS;. Mr. P. \.Lamont spent Tuesday Goderich,. on business.. • Mr. Alex MoLeod, of Toroti former principal of the ' pub school here was in town, this wee Rev. J. -P Hauch, a znissic>nev;z of Japanlwas the guest of his untilt Mr. Philip Hauch, this. week, Lost—In town on M onday e Q ing, a crescent brooch, Fin please leave at'this office. Mrs. Ben Stirerus of the 1 i Con., left for Detroit on Tuesdt to attend'the funeral cif grand• son . . Mrs. Joseph Smith of Oros. Mich , is visiting with - ' daughter. Mrs. William O'Brien' and other friends. Mr. and Mrs. Snider, 1Iis', Tiiiil Dumart, Miss Letzner and Me Ezra Dumart and Oristner. sill:. Berlin were in town, on Sunday„ =N Miss Florence Pope of "Henze, was in town on Friday. She in- tends leaving for Brandon in a fete weeks. Thanksgiving Day will .pool>ttbl be set for Monday, Oct. Seth, lee no official action will be taken u', til after the election. Mr. J. L. Killoran, of . Goderio addressed t meeting. at'the scpatraat school house near> Drysclitle. ti Friday evening in' the interests Mr. M. Y. McLean. Lost—Oil cloth lap rug, alt u „ four weeks ago, between Zixrt;lt. and Drysdale.' Finder please It:t ve at this office, or,notify S Hail stili;, Drysdale. Monday afternoon, Rev. lilt Bauch of Tokio Japan, rive an in., terestiug •talk, to the pupils o 1 the public school, on the customs and, language of the Japanese peoplc,„ 11,1}0 -..moa r lel rwas Jartnrnt�c _. Saturday evening at the' etuisi'�'a, t'o and Hay Township SEPT. 22, 19 l D . ,s, W, H. Bender visited friends Sarnia, over Sunday. Apprentice wanted—We want a art young girl to learn the pinery trade. J'. Preeter. r. John L. Gerber returned on rsday evening last from. his to Lewis County, New York. r. and llifrs, Theo McAdams Barry and Edith .13assow of .Bronson Line, attended the (loll Fair, last week. irr,Louis Jeffrey has resigned as man. of F • L. Kalbfleiscb's fax and John Albrecht has tali en position.. • • r, and Mrs. J. D. Merner, Miss lie Merner and Mr. Wes Merner of • Elmira, visited here on nr� ey. r. and Mrs, henry Kuhn and lclt•eti and • Mr. and Mrs. J. "iteer_i�i Drediton• were visitors he home of Mr. Preeter, on ddy. :# iss Moaseau of the Salable line,. s severely shocked k by a stroke lightning, last - week. She is ler medical attendance and is vering. C:itwada's next Governor-General, e.i ,ay al Highness, the Duke of Con - 'has reserved accommodation tx1i3 Empress of Ireland, sailing on drier"Gth. This should land him in wv, about October 15th. toren Church—The Harvest iuiksgiving, will be celebrated Sunday the .24th inst. The ring service will be conduoted ernian and the evening service nglisli. All are cordially in• e' ,'to attend. ilight,improvement is noted in. •condition..of-John Johnston Jr,,, the Town;Line near Blake. Mr. rt&xi5ton has . been very poorly for Sze time and'his many friends Lare•thitt be will recover his lost e•se :crowd ,attendedy tie Y ss ,i ii Live meeting The speakers t�rere1ea ;.,oix,"lhuisday, and much inter- bn non in tion t en, Messrs. J J.1'Vterner, the candidata,',este was manifested, The Speakers Spotton, of Wiugham and :Broils• were the two candidates and rick of Seaforth. Messrs. H. llhIber of Crediton, Mr.. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Ke bii&.t~cah, Spencer of Winghani and Mr. Tilley mourn the death of one of 1 keir o2 Tnronta, children; a boy about 9 •setar:t of For bowel;complat,ints in children. NO Tew Fa111 Shoes '11e,: = ter .114,:11; Models in \'Len's and Women's Shoes are now ready fait your inspection: Children's Fine Shoes ��4ro t t r 1 s full line,of the Weston Shoes ill.,Lr...i. The best Children's Shoe oil 111r• ),i;t.rket. These Weston Shoe tri :rrlid throughout and no other a tr,1, ,-;ter r<rival thein for wear. Men &. Joys' Everyday Shoes We le,,,•,. t, hill line of Split Leath- er Calf. a�rain and Kip. age 1Jiptheri•t was the otter ie`, et it ways gimme Clamber lann. soho, death. The bereaved faulilt ibee Cholera and -Diarrhoea Remedy the sincere sympathy of;, H. in and castor oil. It is certain to their loss, •effect a cure and when reduced . with water and sweetened is pleas Diarrhoea is always more mils lea. ar.t to taker No physician can prevalent during September. 13A. pt•eseribe' a better remedy, For prepared for it. Chamberlain 'ct_ weeny All Dealers, Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea. Re• Mr. Mrises Gltsaho bad an ere medy is prompt and "effectual. It oident on Sunday, which will lay can always be depended upon and hiui isior:a fow weeks. He was is pleasant to take. For sate•"'r3v All Dealers. ca v'ing: Vest with a young driver, and in some manner lost control of Next Sunday, Sept 24th, Child the spirited horse, and in a jiffy rens Day and Harvest Home will Mose I sded on the hard rood. lie be celebrated in the Evangelical received a badly sprained ankle church. Zurich. Services will be and , some minor bruises. The held, in the forenoon, afternoon horse ran for a mile or so when it and evening. A number of speak- ers will address the meeting in the afternoon and a splendid iirograntni will be rendered in the evening. A was caught without doing any further alan; age .. On Sunday evening, Rev. J. P Htta eh, Superintendent of the Luis- For cordial welcome to all. sten work of the Evangelical church by ee They understand the utility of a in :Priem, delivered a most instruc- of thf wife in Japan. She sits trli all tive and interesting address in the For night during the hot weather fen Evangelical church, to a large and show ning the fevered brow of the hue• tip preciative audience. Miss Ella reside band. Ie hot this, n restore we. Rennie sang a beautiful solo, which prize. might with advantage borrow from wrier well received. Rev. Mr. xlatich the East?. Of course, there are i .tirr;}ved in Quebec on Sept 11th on ONT6 Western women with views on the tie li;;nipress of Britain after travel- Fair, equality of the sexes who witted lime across the Asian and European condemn these displays of wifely continents, via. Siberia and Russia, devotion' and wonld refuse to fail a yl' nding a: number of weeks in, husband's brow even if it were `(.1 eenaany, addressing. large conere- fevered after a night ont. They tle., ger time daily in the interests of the not know the truer glory of wife w erk over which he presides. He hood 11 give addresses at various plen- a; a J k until the General Conference of A pttetty weeding ri'seee, tit, ,;co Evaztr>elical chtrli ttrenet in the borne of ere ;Ind. airs. John(3rd ,11,land Ohio : which he will at- ( Iger of tk- on Sept leis, whent,ind'asone cef the delegates, retire.their eldest; daughter, Wss Erma.., La -die's Shoes: There ace the b,evw High Toes, Short Vamps in Patent Leathers ant Gun Metals, Gentlemen's Shoes • The new high Toes in Patent Lea- ther, (hu'z Metals and 'Dougolo Kid. These are the leaders. Boon • I;elaa,r4 and Felts bought of the best Manufacturers' in Canada, Drind your feet and get then Fitted. _ We do Repairing Butter and eggs taken in exchange S,_��,��� Bti E.FAUST , er¢ Digestion and Assimilation It is not the quantity of food taken 'kit the amount digested and assimia,eted that gives strength and vitality to ;hiesystem. Chamber- lain's Ste/tenet and Liver Tablets invigorate the stomach and liver and enable them to perform their functions naturally. For sale by All Dealers. • Mrs. Joseph Eidt, a hihly res petted lady of Dashwood died on Thursday evening at the age , of nearly 64 years. She had been ill but a short time and her death came as a great shock to the com- munity. The remains were laid to rest on Smithey morning, the inter- ment tali i e place in the Lutheran cemetery. t.r eartfelt sympathy is expressed i, rr 51r. Eidt and family zu$1c Apples Wanted` At the Hari. all Evaporator after Sept. 1st., starting off at dO cents per cwt. for fall apples. bring in as soon, as possible after above date. GEO. JOINT HLNS.k.LL. .41 A Good Full Stock Of Watches . . in their irt>rPtt "etj$entr ,:end Jewellery er ile wors$'eleetric storm of the' ,• • .;year passed over'` • this section between 12 and 3 o'clock Friday morning and did some damage to buildings Mr. John Hartman's house at the 14th was struck, the chimney demolished and a large hole tern into the roof, The daniaf•r sunt he about -$15.00. At Mr. '.t r,}l n 1.. Gerber's, Bronson Line, e: halt struck his power mill and t ;re. _ terse shingles from the roof, A unerrer of telephone poles were a tottered on the same line, while mirth ,et -town the G. N. W. telegr 1111 line had about Fix poles smash -ti, The rain cane dn owin torrent:, fie; about an hour. •'I hat _- .t, ev„rld of confidence in Cbamborlein'r Cough Remedy for I have used it with perfect success” *rites Mrs. ;Ai. 1. Basford, Poples- ville, Md For sale by All Dealers. Specials for Huron County Ex. hibitore —Donated by the Huron t'.,ttnty Council, was $tarried tel Mr. John f"`feasi'ho pa;littInl; the Japan conference. beef animal shown ..rnatelo, exhibitor residentr,nnty of Huron ,-prize i r,t• :.,•r�r,n,l 'best beef animal ,+ an amateur exhibitor ht. It sit, ri County cif Duron, rtt,, 1'l,a)1TSNOIALWINTER •;11..11,11. December 11 -lir, 1:x11 Try our i 5•cent Alarm Clock. Yon, take no chances. We absolut- ely guarantee them 2 years The Hest Luminous Alarm Clock and spasmodic repeater, $1.2.6. and $2.00, None Better. Musical Alarms, with auto the fly, The bast made — �• r (l UARANTEED --- W4 HESS jeweller, - ZURICH: and utillens `yty AWA wp one of the snecessftrl lrtt*iness niers �undr�etly of tone of soft e'a1. � •u ter„ .4howing all the newest lines of Women's :inti 1lon's Sumpter of Itrrich. The ccreriiort r was ec'i trittiiiztl; two lingo mnnttnituius, ' Shoes a \. ni•tii weather, A lot of 'V4'omens Oxfords which we are now ducted •by the Rev, G. 1? Brown. ttelonrin;, to .the Pere Marquette scllin a tr ;, ezrceat bargain, pastor of the EvaYigelirtal ehur•(1h. hail way, and piled along the The bride was given away by her ir'ucks near the beach at Port father, Miss Leona {Geiger, sistm el Stenley, are on fire, and look like the bride acted as flower, girl , . loinia.ture infernos, It is thought ring bearer. Miss Alberta Geiger that trio fire was dile' to sparks played the wedding march. '1'la' front a passing engine, and it will bride was becomingly i owneel in bo weeks before it can bo et• cream Niel:Iniere • trimz t;d tt;i11 t3uguished..The railway company satin and cream sillztoverlece Thu. -114s ii, gang of rtten at work shovel], groom's gift • to the 'iridci• was a ing,.th.ecoal of the, adjoining piles beautiful gold w atoh Witlr. 0 1,i o. tint of hat3'mp•'s WtL . This work is rid 10 Miss .Alberta the bar bn'r•" rendered extremely difficult (awing dater a beautiful brooch sect 'With t:o the great Beat and a natmbor of brilliants. The valuable and Many i'li.ti c.:ottagerts in the vicinity have presents given, to the bride, shoe itrovecl slut, fearing the spread of the high esteem in writ b the , tPie eonlla„ ation, and. some in feet. young couple are .held '.liY their; by tiiu heat, At night the lint id Many friends. They will 'e lat.:, in , la.ro fro,in the ,burning coal can Zcrich, 'leo . ecu for nileS. Regular $1.5o, $L75 and $2.00 For $i.00 taa«• eh es for summer wear. Comeboforo sizes are all gone. Try us when you need A -trunk or a Snit Case 1 tat el! and E 'g Ta',: on in Ex(llango, iTZ, = z The Hole, ©f Good Shoes