The Herald, 1911-09-08, Page 6NOTES AND COMMENTS
rt'ir Ray Lankester has been com-
Ialainieg in the British press of the
fact that science has given the geu-
oral publiclittle information on
how to be safe in electrical storms.
The greatest clanger for a human
'being in a thunder storax is to be
the highest rooting object on the
surface. Hence it is dangerous to
be out ou a golf links or hillside of
in ri. small boat on water. The wise
thing is to take shelter in a house,
or, if that is not accessible, in a
carve or under overhanging rock,
or in a hole, or to lie flat.. Many
more persons are struck, accord-
ing to statistics, in the open than
when taking shelter under trees,
and it appears, from statistics,
that more are killed when seeking
safety under oak trees than under
beech trees, but this may be due
to the relative abundance of those
trees or to the nature of the soil
in whi'h they grow.
Avoid a solitary high tree, but
seek protection in a wood or clump
of many small trees. In a. house
avoid, during a storm, placing
yourself between two large and
prominent conductors of ,electri-
city, such as the water pipe or gas
main and the fireplace. If the house
is a detached one or a corner house
in a row and the storm is close, you
may do well to retire into the base-
ment until the storm" is over. On
the whole, the long rows of houses
of fairly equal height in the streets
sf a great town are about as safe
LS any place during an electric
storm. They are so safe that it
Is not worth while to protect them
with lightning conductors. The
Eiffel tower in Paris, being entire-
ly built ofiliroh, , is
a huelightning.
conductor, and has been photo-
graphed in storms with forked
lightning harmlessly playing about
its head.
Spinach Salad.—Take half a. peelt
Y i n r Egli)f fresh spinach, wash it thorough
l.y in several waters, put in i team
er, and steam for fifteen miniitou
turn into a colander and drain
Chop fine, season with salt pepper;
and two tablespoonfuls of meltee
butter. Mix well and press int.
ma11 molds or cups. When cold
place each form on a lettuce lee:
.and put a spoonful of mayonnaise•
dressing on top. Fine.
Sunday Night Salad. -- Calf';
brains, boiled in salt and water.
chilled on ice, cut in small dice..
and served on a bed of lettuce wits,
mayonnaise snake a delicious hos
weather dish for Sunday night.
Tomato Salad. -Cover tomatoe.,
with boiling water ; let .stand 'flea.
minutes, then peel and slice; chill;
arrange on lettuce leaves, sprinkle
with salt and garnish with dress.
Economical Dressing.—One-table-
spoonful of butter, one large table,
spoonful of flour, one-half .teaspoon-
ful of salt, one .teaspoonful ground
mustard, or pinch of cayenne' pep:
per. Beat these ingredients lea
gether, then add enough hot water
to make a thin custard, cooking ma Relief for the Depressed.—Physi-
til smooth in a double boiler, than cel and mental depression usually
cool and place on ice. Two cuts haave their origin in a disordered
fuls of olive oil, yolks .of two egg .tate of the stomach and liver, as
vinegar or lemon juice to taste;
Beat eggs and drop in the oil unta
it begins to thicken, then add oi'
and vinegar alternately, Until ,all
the oil is .used and the mixture is
of the consistency of thick cream
Cures. by Dr, Williams' Pink Pills
Because They Make Pule Blood
Ask any doctor and he will tell
you that eczema is caused by im-
purities in the blood; that nothing
can cure it that does not reach the
blood—that salves and outward ap-
plications are worthless and a
waste of money. The reason why
Dr. Williams' Pink Pills have al-
ways been so successful in curing
this most annoying trouble is be-
cause they act directly on the blood,
reaching the root of the trouble
and driving out all impurities.
They banish eczema, salt rheum,
and unsightly pimples and erup-
tions, relieve the irritation and
itching and give perfect health.
Mrs. A. Puling, of Milestone,
Sask., says : "I was afflicted with
a bluud and skin disease which the
doctor called eczema, but which
did not yield in the 'least to his
treatment. I was covered with
sores and in very bad shape. A
friend advised me to to take Dr.
Williams' Pink Pills and after us-
ing eight or nine boxes I was com-
pletely cured. I can strongly re-
commend the Pills to anyone suf-
fering from that trouble."
A medicine that can make new,
red blood will cure not only skin
troubles, but also anaemia, rheu-
Pnatism, neuralgia, indigestion and
a host of other troubles simply be-
cause these troubles are the result
of bad blood. Dr. Williams' Pink
Pills make new blood and under
their use blood and nerve troubles
disappear. Sold by all medicine
dealers or by mail at 50 cents a
box or six boxes for $2.50 from The
Dr. Williams' Medicine Co.,
Brockville, Ont,
i. to eles rkin g to• lovers of senti
lment to ierira that a warfare has
been begun upon the cricket in Bris-
tol, England, 'which the -cold blood-
ed inhabitants hope will end in ex-
termination. The "little inmate
full of mirth" which all persons of
kindly superstitions, in the name
Milton and Dickens, .have pro-
tected and endured, even when its
persistent cheerfulness banished
Sleep from human eyes, is to be set
upon with poison powder and swat-
ter and driven from' the land., If
"the cricket began it," the Bristol-
jaus mean to end it.
They have no desire, apparently,
to cultivate that-"divinest melons
'choir which the little chirping
beastie aroused in the mind of the
author of "Paradise Lost" ; nor
does it,ayouse in them, as it did in
the mind of Gilbert White, "a train
of summer ideas of everything that
is rural, verdant, and joyous."
Well, it is the time of passing for
old fancies: The pretty myths and
the pleasing fears depart.. We grow
brave as we grow learned, and
dare, no doubt, crush a cricket or
shout an albatross yvithout tear of
the results. No one cares to.,per-
mit the innocent buzz of the happy
house fly ; but, after all, it seems
as if they were almost repulsively
scientific in Bristol. To kill all the
crickets. Really, it seems as if that
were going too far.
"I used to think I could hire all
the brains I wanted for $W5 a
week" said Mr. Pushem. "Well,
couldn't yang" "Yes. But ;t
wasn't long before I had to call in
a $100,000 lawyer to straighten out
thekinks they put into my affairs."
Benedict—"Do you know, old
man, I don't spend so much money
now as I did before I was mar-
Bachelor—"How's that?"
Benedict—"Well, I don't have it
to spend."
If attacked with cholera or sum-
mer complaint of any kind send at
once for a bottle of Dr. J. D. Kel-
logg's Dysentery Cordial and use
it according to, directions. It acts
with wonderful• rapidity in subdu-
ing that dreadful disease that weak-
ens the strongest man and that de-
stroys the young and delicate.
Those who have used this cholera
medicine say it acts promptly, and
never fails to effect a thoroa h Lure.
Willie—"Pa ?"
Willie—`'Teacher says that we're
here to help others."
Pa—"Of course we are."
Willie—"Well, what are the
others here fort"
There are many imitations of
Wilson's Fly Pads. Do not be de-
ceived by unsatisfactory imitations.
Get Wilson's.
And some church members seem
to think it is up to the minister to
make good for the entire congre-
Minard's Liniment Cures Dandruff.
A well-known lawyer met ars old-
time friend named Duller. After
a hearty handclasp, Mr. Fuller re-
marked : - "You are looking - ex-
ceeding well. Aren't you filling out
a little'." ."No, indeed," replied
the other. t' ou probably think
so because I'm looking Fuller in
• the face."
Toothless saws have been in use
Jutting armor plate for a' number
of. years. The theory of the action
is abrasion by local fusion due to
:he very high speed ,of the disk,
,'ausing so many thousand inches of
eirfaceto impinge on the metal un-
der-eut that the material acted upon
is heated at the point of contact to
e temperature approaching if not
equal to the fusing point. It ap-
pears as if a very .small portion of
the metal being •cut immediately in
the neighborhood of the point of
contact is first melted and at once
rubbed off, thus exposing a fresh
surface to the frictional action, and
that this process 'goes on continu-
ously while the disk is working.
The temperature of the disk must
necessarily be much lower than the
work in contact with it owing to its
large surface area, and when it is
considered that all •the frictional
energy of the rotating disk is con-
centrated on an extremely, small
area of, contact in the material sub-
jected to its action the results ob-
tained are not so surprising as ap-
pear at first .eight.—Cassier's Mag-
,fihen these organs are deranged in
t3'Leir ;action the whole system is
•r,;ffeeted. Try Parmelee's Vege-
table Pills. They 'revive the diges-
trive processes, act beneficially on
the nerves and restore the spirits
Then add the ice cold custard ant. as no other `pills will. They are
beat hard; lastly add the beato'' cheap, simple and sure, and the ef-
white of one egg. Put in masa + fe is are lasting.
jar in ice chest and it will lest .
week and is more delicate th
pure mayonnaise.
":I thought your daughters
taking French?" says the f1;'
"We thought they were, to
ewers the father, "but it t•c'
the small quantity they•:;
simply vaccinated them."
When you have a pain
Hamlins Wizard Oil. 1 ctrl
ache, Toothache, Earache, ti
ache, and many other pa,
ments teer•e is nothing liens`'.
"The people I lived
ma'am," said the ne'
very plain." "Wel
new employer,
here V' '''Yez are, ma,'.t,
different way. They we
they way o'• linin'; not
looks, ma'am."
hllnard's Liniment Gyros Burn
Figures do not ire but •
are often misleading.
Unless worms be expel
the system, no child can
thy. Mother Graves' 'W•
terminator is the best med
tint to destroy worms.
"Me good fellow," said ti
lish tourist, "kin you direct
place where one may get
drink l" "Well," replis.
thirsty native, "I kin direct
better to a place where two kill.
a good drink."
Minard's Liniment Relieves Neuralgia.
t.s beeii,e:tble with you is that you
talr,+ee•,ei'4antly forgetting that you
were a boy." It was his wife
said it, and he, of course,
iK right back with the witty re -
yell, you never forget that you
once a girl, although every -
else forgot it years and years
Y w
ted, Weak, Weary, Watery Eyes
granulated Eyelids. Murine Doesn't
rt—Soothes Eye Pain. Druggists
,Murine Eye Remedy, Liquid, 25c,
1.00. Murine Eye Salve in
ubes, 25o, $1.00. Eye Books
,yiee-Free by Mail.
%Remedy Co., Chicago.
> ggs Mrs. Harper is al-
im:plaining of what might
s. Diggs---���'es ; she has wasted
gh time crying over spilt milk
ely a couple of cows.
se Friend of All Sufferers. ---
to "the shadow of a rock in
Lary land" is Dr. Thomas' Be-
lo Oil to all those who suffer
it holds out hope to every -
and realizes it' by stilling suf-
Ig everywhere. It is a. liniment
has the blessings of half a
inept•. It is on sale everywhere
d can be found wherever enquir.
Mother—"Now, Charlie,. ` yea
must be a very good boy.. You:
have a. nice new brother. ArKe-
- you pleased?" Eight -Year f9l+i
Charlie—"Oh, I don't know,It
always the way; just as I'm gestin
"Goodness, John,"said a wc- on In the world competition 'se-
men to her husband, "your suit gins."
looks as if you had been sleeping '
in it." "Well," replied John,
"why not? Isn't that the suit I
wear to church?"
.,IR,. WrNSt,OW's SoOTIIiNC SSRT'r has beer.
used for over SIXTY YEARS by MILLIONS of
'TIr`arrnl' O, with PERFECT SUCCESS. It
is the best remedy for DIARRIMQEA. It is ab-
solutely harmless Ire sure and ask for "Mrs,
Winstow's Soothing Syrup," and lake no other
kiud, 'twenty-tive cents a bottle.
A barefoot boy,
A white birch pole;
A can of worms,
A swimmin' hole.
tt baited hook,
A tug and swish;
A steady haul,
A string of fish.
A white duck suit,
A canvas boat;
A costly rod,
A patent dost,
A gaudy fly,
A cast and swish;
A pretty sight,
But nary fish I
In his own ease every man looks
upon cowardice as discretion..
Soft corns are difficult to eradi
fate, but Holloway's Corn Curo
will draw them out painlessly.
"I want a pair of shoes that will.
be plenty large enough," she •said,
as the clerk looked into her old
one to find the number.
"In that case," he replied, "per-
haps you had heifer step over into
the men's department."
.Customer—''And my watch—when
will it be repaired?"
Country Jeweller—"You might
have it now, sir, except: fur one lit-
tle wheel. I can't seem to find
where the miserable little thing be-
It is a• fact beyond dispute that
one packet of Wilson's Fly Pads
has killed a bushel of house flies.
This is more than could possibly be
..caught on three hundred sheets of
sticky paper. All Druggists, Gro -
'ears and General Stores sell Wil-
son's Fly Pads. Be sure you get the
genuine Wilson's.
With a view to encouraging
thrift, in France, M. Chaumet, un-
der secretary of state to the post
office, has issued a circular to the
directors of departments, tram
which it appears that varions muni-
cipalities intend to put a franc in
the savings banks in the name of
every child as soon as it is born.
By way of assisting the communes
in their laudable efforts to encour-
age the habit of saving among child-
ren the Post Office Savings Bank
will accept the deposits made in
the names of newly -born babies.
There is a stipulation that, the
children cannot withdraw the de-
posits made by the parish until
they have reached their majority,
or get married.
Berber (to bald customer)—"Try
a bottle of this 'preparation, sir.
Splendid stuff for baldness." Cus-
temer-"So it inay be, but I've got
all the baldness I want, thanks."
Minard's Linirflant forty sale everywhere.
relieve and cure indigestion—acidity of the stomach•—biliousness—fiatulenoe
—dyspepsia. They re -enforce the stomach by supplying the active principles
needed for the digestion of all kinds of food„ Try one after eaoh meal.
50c. a box. If your druggist has not stocked them yet, send us .50c.
and we will mail you a box, 33
National Drug and Chemical Company of Canada. Limited. • c • Moatreal.
Little Elmer — Papa, what is
Professor Broadhead—Merely a
scientific method of fooling away
Costiveness and its Cure.—When
theexcretory organs refuse to per-
form their functions properly the
intestines become clogged. This
is known as costiveness and if neg-
lected gives rise to dangerous com-
plications. Parmelee's Vegetable
Pills will effect a speedy euro. At
the first intimation .of this ailment
the sufferer should procure a pac-
ket of the pills and put himself
under a course of treatment. The
good effects of the pills will be al-
most immediately evident.
Mr. Bored—I wish I had your
Miss Bawler (delighted) . — Why
Mr. Bored—Well, then I could
stop it whenever I pleased.
Minard's Liniment Co., Limited.
Dear Sirs,—I had a Bleeding Tumor on
my face for a long time and tried a
number of remedies without any good
results. I was advised to try KINAIRD'S
LINIMENT, and after using several bot-
tles it • made a complete cure, and it
healed all up and disappeared altogether.
Lelleisle Station, Kings Co.. N. B.,' Sept.
17, 1904.
Kate—"Maude is married and she
doesn't know the first thing about
Alice—"Yes, she does; the first
thing is to get a husband to keep
house for."
There are many sticky deviced on
the market that kill some flies, but
housekeepers who have tested them
know that Wilson's I'ly Pads kis,
many times more, and do not dein-
age carpets and furniture like all
sticky iiy catchers.
.PIE. •
Delicious Spice Pie.—The yolks of
three eggs, one and one-half cups
of sugar, one cup of good cream,
two tablespoons of flour, two thirds
of a cup ofbutter, one teaspoon of
spice, cloves,• cinnamon, and nut-
meg. Mix flour and sugar to-
gether, then cream with butter;
add yolks of eggs, beating thor-
horoughly; next add cream and spices.
Use the whites for the frosting on
Cream Pie.—Crust—Two table-
spoons butter, ane and one-half
tablespoons sugar and the yolk of
one egg; eream butter and sugar ;
beat the yolk well and add then
add a small cup of 'lour. This re-
sembles a mass of., crumbs. Press
into a pie tin with the back of a
spoon ; bake until a light brown.
Fill with the following cream.: One
pint of milk in the double boiler;
mix well together three tablespoons
of sugar and three tablespoons of
flour; add to the boiling milk; cook
until thick; then add the yolks of
three eggs; cook for a while, then
take from fire and add one table-
spoon of vanilla. Cover with a
meringue made of the well beaten
whites of four • eggs and a little
sugar; cover the pie with this and
brown nicely in oven. This is a
delicious pie, and easily digested.
When troubled with fall
rashes, eczema, or any skin
disease apply Zam Buk
Surprising how quickly it eases
the ainariirig and stinging/ Also
cures Cuts. burn', Doves and piles.
Zana -auk is madefrotn pure her-
bal oasences. No animal fats—na
mineral poisons. Finest healer
Druggists and Scores Everywhere.
TF you want to sell a farm, consult
TF you want to buy a farm, consult'
11 HAVE some of the best Fruit. Stools.
ii Grain or Dairy Farms in Onttu'io,.
and prices right. _
W. DAWSON, Ninety Colborne
. Street, Toronto.
AGENTS WANTED.—.9. study of other
t . Agency propositions. convinces us
teat none can equal ours. You will al-
4ways regret it if you don't apply for
particulars to Travellers' Dept., 229
Albert tit., Ottawa.
HAY and FARM SCALES. Wilson's
L L Scale Works, 9 Esplanade, Toronto.
or stove mounting trado wanted at.,,
once. Good chance for country boys who
wish to improve their prospects. Write
or callat once, Gurney Foundry Com -
pang, 500 West King Street, Toronto.
-IA every home. Write us for our choice
list of agents supplies. We have the
greatest agency proposition in Canada
to -day. No outlay necessary. Apply B.
C. I. Co., 228 Albert St., Ottawa.
cANCER. TUMORS, LUr4P$. oto, In•
terual and external, cured without
pain by our home treatment, - Write Ids
before too late. Dr. Bollman Medical Co..
Limited, Collingwood, Ont.
ill, Scale Works, 9 Esplanade, Toronto.
us in -regard to any diseaso. Loafest
prices in drugs of all kinds.
rrusses fitted by mail. Send measure.
snout. Glasses fitted by age. Write to -day_
for anything sold in frstclass drag
stores to Dr. Hellman. Collingwood, Ont.
For the very heat, send your work to the
Look for agent in your town, or send direct.
Montreal. Toronto, Ottawa, Quebec.
When buying your Piano.
insist on having ars
TTo 0 EEL°3
Piano Action.
11,12116.4211604.41•11.• •
Mouser -laze .you -been a good
boy at'sehool to -day, Clarence' i.
Son—Yes, mother; I didn't get
caught once.
can use
1 dyed ALL these
✓ C' of Goods
- with the SAME Dye.
' � 1 used
ONE DYE'oaAl L PtlNDSoFso0cs
OLEAN and SIMPLE to Use.
NO chance of using the WRONG Dye tor the Goods
one hes to color. Alt colors from your Druggist or
Ocular, FREE Color Card and STORY noolclet 10,
The Johnson -Richardson Co., Limited, !Montreal,
Canada Business College
In a class by 'itself Among Anaerida'1
Schools of Business Training.
We publish the lists annually.
We pay full fare up to $8:00 and brin2.
long distance students for ball fare,
Geed board and room;83.00' per week.
If you cannot comp to Catham, we can
train you by mail.
Hero aro acme students placed recently,
Nato Wade, Cameron & Heap, Regina.
E. Bark, Nicholson & Bain, Regina.
IL Wood, Trust Co., Cheboygan, Mich.
Eight calls just received for Stenograph»
ors, 'reailhors and Auditore, for openings
worth from 5600 to $1500, will give you
some idea of ilia demands.
SEP713MBER seer.
Cat,ticgtte 33 tells of work at Chathaita.
G§ tateguotells of 1lvork by malt
Wither. Free.)
;., 0f'oLA0t2I P*1 & , B. Coiled,
cliathaftr, CO.,bnt•