HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1911-09-08, Page 1The Official Organ of Zurichand Hay Township FRIDAY MORN.: 14-..:2686E.3!MV.311M' '3:601-9e3atiC2831e3013100atarcaStra0013813k0:3,8, This is our first Summer Clearance Sale. The goods listed wm below must be sold if low prices will do it. The quality can not be surpassed and every item is a bargain, - If you are wise you 51, will not miss this chance. Imiesmenrammonsinsam011erxemaut.**adm.../Kitiora4M,mrna solip..0.11.1.rnirntioniusesteto e ere ..-ratteaereacreera,e-eareke--sieele 6 ,LOC.A.L iEWS 'SEPT. 8, 191 1„ LABOR DAY. The weather was ideal for the reacreeteatravattraeeeria-ataelee-1.4-seesea, llaabor Day celebration here on lelonclay, the Turf Club will We would. like to get a fe a nice surplus s ';:4;741) • correspondent, at Blake, Drys result of the day's spoil. Al- and Hillsgreen. honith thexe were not so many Lost -In town On Monday eve ace horses here as in other years ing, a crescent brooch. Fina he program was very interesting, please leave at this offloe. 1 the free-for-all Miss Alma -Lei gave Roadmaster it run Mr. M. Y. MeLean, the libe r the money, while in the green cia,ndidate, was a visitor in. to on DIOnday. oe Jack Hunter had it all his own Dr. McKinnon was called y. A number of accidents marr- • Orangeville on Friday, to at e proceedings ofthe day. In e fteenoon while Wm. Weitzel the funeral of his uncle. teplien, was driving to the race Messrs Jack Hagan -and Ed , his horse took fright, throw - Koehler spent a few days in • out The driver and running onto, last week, y The horse was badly out Mr. Harry Weber of Be • Twinged in running over the visited his family, over L ;unit, tile at the show grounds becoming entangleclan. a barb ee -ranee which put him, out of races for the day. In the first ,of the green race, Dr. EConses' Mr, and Mrs. J. Preeter etrenbled and fell on the attending the Toronto Unit „ in46 stretch, but luckily neither exhibition, this week, nor driver were any the •oc: the mishap. In the last et the free for -all, while ante Geo Troyer's sulky was re wrecked by coining in con- th. J. Larmour's sullve,The trice was also very interest GrAte, closely contested: i'Lth e races.. Day. Mrs. C. Hartleib and clang Mrs. S. E. araust visited lade ia Toronto, over Labor Day. Mr. and lifts C. Greb' Erevin, 'of Berlin, spent Leber' here. They came up in th 1,2.50 Waists now 2J1 4 Mr. F. Iless Sr„ eatezel, Lotheran Sunday School teon held at Milverton en Mrs. • John Graybeil an LADIES' WHITE WAISTS REGULAR $2.50 for :$2.00 each cc cc Wilbur, of Dashwood, vis 2.25 for 1.75 " the home of Mr. 3. Pree- ti CC CC C.0 tC . 41 1.75 for e.25 " la 2'.00 for 1.50 ".• • cc " tt “ • 1.50 for 1.10 " § • c cc . cc " 1,15 for 90 " cc CC CC .0 CC .1.00 for '75 " 50 g '75 for 50 for 35 " " le § , Bargains in -Gowns Skirts Cor= set Covers;Ijrawfs, 'etc. ,.......' = - § ............_..,............. ...,.......... , . ,,,, , 0 „ , MENS' SUITS FOR bi,.00 We have decided to clear out the balance of our Mens' 2 piece Summer Sutis. Call anywayREGULAR $8.50 and.•8.00 Mens Suits for 6.00 each - we can suit you. .. 10.00 " tt for 7 00 " CC 11.00 ‘C tt for 8.00 " ------------------------------------------------e--------------'-e ra 11. soriE EXTRA SPECIALS Make a note of these. They are well worth remem- bering. Ladies' Hose 3 pair for 25ets 44. t extra2 pr 25cts Ladies' Vests 3 for 25ets ,, " extra 2 for 25ets Mens cotton. Sox 3 nr for 25cts . extra 2 for 25cts . 4( 44 i C Fancy Sox 25e and 50e pair Boys Blouses 50c, Boys Knieker8 50c Fancy Dress Shirts 50c and 75c each Summer -Vests regular 1,25 to 2.00 to clear at 1.00 in Mens' and Boy's Fine Straw- Hats to clear • BIG BARGAIGS COAL .All persons desiring coal. for July L livery kindly leave your` Lorder at once. Quality guarauteed. Terms on Oat are strictly cash. • ---------- i11\7. •e 1" 0 '1e614'6-1 ' el a) • le4.. 60 Lila Perfection Oil Stoves Scythes, Snathes Hay Fork Ropes. Washing. Machines • Floor Varnishes and - Floor Paints,. etc. pjj OE Ak6 tchtbriANGic .. day last week. - Mee and Mrs. E. Zeller anee ing the Labor Day holiday% the latter's parents, Alla L, B. Marshall, at Merlin. Mr. Andrew Mittelholtzl ing fall and winter apple reports quite a crop in, districts. • Mr.. joint lae,11 6, frn.4OU "Kl3eV 1153 Otl)c".; likes Mr, !, and Ars. .le, Exeter, were visite ' of Mr, and Mrs, jthet you:- in Labor Day. o relation - Miss G. liartleitr- You position in the position to th the place of Miss R. had resigned. Two rinks of Hone, were here on Friday, an' tl'e usual performance 'of defeating two local rinks, 1.." Lost -Oil cloth lap rug, four weeks ago, between -A and Drysdale. Finder pletree': at this office, or notify Drysdale. interpol. The football game on Ltale lett between Varna and GOO:4p of; north resulted in a victory fore latter by a score of 3 to O. T. '103143;r1,rueeEitiiiRbaerce 1. 1 1 B Bossenberry 2 2 3 e di Dr. House 3 3 2 Isree-For.Allrle • r, T Murdook • 1 1. 1 r, G Troyer 2 2 . 2 "r's YO'Sr?lesOn '3 3 3 eettersioin, Judges, E of rP.CB . . " •• -All Dealers .the 1 1 , . . leeeer 4 .pare yettr ways:with his family?" A •,BAIZea, the ern • i king. 'friend „1 - • " • nd Jewellery 1. . cote eliat 14 RI NO plompagli0.2M11011111121101.*Kr....matmlowsraimmulimevanwr 6 pair women's Pat Pumps Reg $2,00 for $1.50 5 .. " " 3.00 for .2.25 5 6• I „ " 2.75 for.... 10 " 9 " 5 5 .. " Gun Met Ox Reg 2.50 for . - - . .... .. . _ 2 00 " Dongolo Ox Reg 1.50 for. .. " Pat Ox. Reg 2.25 for . 1 90 "9 strap Kid Reg 2.1e for •. , . - . 1,85 a All these Shoes in Window DISPLAY- -ON- - 131.111111111,0•1=11110.....olecomilmooloasimr, • . We do Repairing M. E. FA Butter and eggs taken in exchange glpIC Exa 04114 STRAYED 11-1101.es anu6d, There strayedunto lot 19 oon. 8., A Hay Township on or about July 1st, w 4 - one yearling steer. Owner may proonre same by proving owner- ship and paying all expenses. James Green, 5-3t Hensall P. O. Digestion and Assimilation It is not the quantity of food taken but the amount digested and assimilated that gives strength and vitality to -the system. Chamber- lain's Stomach and Liver Tablets invigorate the stomach. and liver end enable them. to perform their functions naturally. For sale.by At the Hensall Evaporator after Sept. lit., starting off at 50 cents per cwt. for fall apples. Bring in as soon, as possible after above date. GEO. JOINT HENQALL. •A Good Full Stock, comd01 Watches 2,, '3, -lea" I 'Pow; your husband ever‘ rtindaIe' • Wurm made a satisfactory referee4 ievalent during September. Be kprepared for it Chamberlain's Mr. W. H. Hoffman is attendirig ‹;elic.; Cholera and Diarrhoea Re - the Undertakers' Convention at imeeN„ is prompt and effectual. It Toronto, this week. Questions of can aiways be depended upon and importance are discussed, relating is pleasant to take. For sale bv to the work in general,• Detatex,s. • Miss E. Fowler of Teesvvater, has• again taken ob.arge, of 3. ?meter's, SILVER WEDDING. millinery department, and Miss M. - taking course Collegiate institute. rile; Wurra, of Detroit, is er mother, mrs. IL Wurin, .Mrs. Conrad Schilbo of Con„ attended the Toronto is week. W. IL Bender has purchased lees 4hoe-stand for $525., and fitting it up for a store. 'Lucy Strong of Belle River ted $5 for beating to death a caging to a neighbor, .which •vaded her garden. .-••, .rs. Wm. Bender and Abel be have secured the contract tting the timber on the Doig near Kippen, for Hon. A. London. iarrhoea is always more or lees Short of Glencoe, has charge of •' On , J. Merner's. batci niay evening 2nd lust,. Kr. and Mrs. jiUiani Lamont af Mrs Heyroelt and the Mie' the Uoshen LineaStanley, .celebrat- Rennie returned' on Thursday ed. tho twenty-fifth anniversary of evening last from Grand Bend, tlieir. wedding. About forty in - 'where -they spent several months Vitgli ed este were present and all camping. ., •..• . enjoyed the celebration to the , , • t • After a splendid; The election campaign hasbe 1 fullest extent very qniet in this section of ' Soule., 'wedding dinner all ned in • mat- ' '-'- ! most enjoyable. Mr. Lamont and from town will attend the noteina Mon et Hensall. on • 11104 1,11Ftily and hearty were the t .Mesers, F. ,,w, Hess and Williere eortoettuections received from all 0 lirtea and their families ea 1.11(11; prelent, snins, even going so leak from the pinery and , report ti 1,..,, a' sayii ig• that William looks good 'time. As esnal tbe hir.tget.i 1 '`" youneer now than he did on. his dimpling, "brit I never get angry," 171.-rf- "That's sweet of yetia, " -warmly exclaimed the friend. But what i does the brute say?" "He says," replied the bride, "that there is nothing in atm home like the rumpus his mother used to 1331210." For bowel complaints in children always give Chamberlain's Collo, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy and. castor oil. It is certain to effect a cure and when reduced with water and sweetened is pleas. ant to take. No physician can prescribe a better remedy. For sale by All Dealers, :WORE 8 Or WISDOM The partition between respect and snobbery is very thin Yon can judge an woman's men- tal capacity by her -clothes much better than you can a, man's. Think before you make promises Rucl. thihk before you, break them, • The great things in life is to avoid care by moderating one's desires and ambitions and one's love of worldly things. Friendship is likeewine. It either matures or goes off. Our fault, as a nation, is that we think almost too mneh for our- selves, and perhaps not quite -en- ough for our fellows. •.• -• ....esee-ceefe• • • • •• ". ' -4„ eTee e'' jele., 116 Try our 75 -cent Alarm Clock. Yon take no chances. We absolut- ely guarantee them 2 years Tho Best Luminous Alarm Clook and. spasmodic repeater, $1.25 and $2.00, None Better. Mnsical Alarms, with automatic. fly The best made $2,25, GUARANTEED - F. W. 11 SS jeweller, - ZUMC1. linron, so tar. Qntte a number ieg the social part of the gatherine ThursdayTenet , his estimable 'wife are very popidar fish got away jnst befcre they hed t • d : it landed. weding day. The presents received Wn are showing all the newest lines of Women's and Men's Summer were very fine and they eh ow the During the thunder storm very 'high eeteein in which Mr. end Shoes fos warm weather. A lot of Womex ens tiords v' loll we are nov passed over this seetion last Frei Mm rs. Lamont ere held by their day, lightning struck head ni friends. THN litc.RALD ;joins m ;9elling at a great bargain. !gee r ikyVro. 4 tji We, ribinele attle on the farm of Nelson1 hoping that this nodular couple alasse, Jr. e which were instantly I will live.to • celebrate their golden wedding, 25 yeers hence. ven in the Town 1 • Regular $1.50, $1.75 and For $1.00 The condert gi oo Hull on Monday evening tinder tbel • , BON Just the Shk es for summer wear. Come before sizes aro all gone • Try us when you need 'auspices ot the Evangelical oloirch • choir was well patronized andifineveit-At the Goshen Line evervbody seemed well so ttsfiett Stephen, on Sept. 2o0, to Mr. with the evening's entrtainment, naiM l ae taimue t, acta son The numbers Cons S.% 0 eong , reoitattons, magical rinnibere, with on Spt, 31.d, te Mr. end Mrs. yif Millard Stauffer tho star enttrtain Wut. elohatz.a dangtt ir, • er, and earth number was well ro•-' eaCaa, t 1 f et" \ t I he 14th 0 in, Ilay, ceived. 'Millard Stauffer "made i his return at any feture time will DIED • Irv) tpir Vit V64* 716 JO'? oren) *9 - 4 trp., gooa." a. Zen ich audience A Trunk or a Sut: Case Butter and E::gs. Ta'; en ill Exchange,. Oftsrs6.6.666.6666.6...ormirtmasmetworamenta.r. mean a packed. house, Reeve LE10.1:11,0w17, 7" In ENClet Seinidy, Sept 9 .UL Telephone 9 ZUR merit performed the deities of elnd, Lillie Gertrude Bowe, third mehaaditanitli in a very satisfactory Roeve, aged 17 yeare, 4 months. elerightee of Mr. aria Mrs, II. N. 'The Home of Good C,,hoes • etliSeeliesatif.AeCtitete'VeCe$0-.74 0:2•4eVte, eCal3e.Zee'et=e-eVateMellatel