HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1911-09-01, Page 2'Pki..EORiiES IN OHIL IRLN'S DEATH k;=Kf�>I►n1R,uts likingMadeWithSia:- t ' -Three `arieties. There • is a touch: suggestive of Omar •Ita:yyam ix iretheeideaef three - end -sixty conflicting varieties of wheat, but ba the'quiet heart of ag- riultural 'Essex, .England, , there has been proceeding with silent in- tensity throughout n-tensitythroughout the present sum - reef' a singular combat, says the LOUden Standard, The partes are two rival theories ;.f agricui fere, the �weapan:is wheat, and the fields of battle axe of various points 'on 'the. seven experime•tta1 farms of Messrs. John K. King and Sens,' t he Essee seed •,growers- The 1lleiide- lian Cheery of cress breec.tng has re- cently been making great heed Way among agriculturists as well as stock rearer•s, and'" this sewn, fessrs King have een growing ex- perirnent'ally'two new varieties of wheat produced on the Mendelian system by Professor Bfffin of, Cam- bridge, one of Mendel's foremost disciples in England. But Messrs. King believe themselves in the sys- tem of pedigree election and not in- . tercrossing and side by side with Professor Brine's new varieties is growing a new one of their own, • • produced •,by' selection over anum- ber of years. -Professor Biftires wheats were Red Joss and Burgoy- • nes, and certainly in this particular soil and under the peculiar climatic .conditions of the summer their ap- • pearanee was not a kind to ,.shake Messers King's belief in.the older systems, which was represented by • Snowdrop, a new white -chaffed red wheat with a good close head. The Mendelian varieties are smaller in, the ear, shorter in straw, and grew less closely together, while they are said also not to remain true to type. Messrs. Kings hold it to be a clear triumph for pedigree selection ; but, on the other hand, of several agri- cultural experts with whom one of our representativeihwent over the ground, those adhering to Profes- sor Ttifiin of Cambridge are not'dis- turbcd. In two or three of the var- ious trials the .Mendelian wheats certainly net the worst of it, but the Cambridge men point out that • many factors enter into the consid- eration, that -on another soil and in another kind of weather the re- s may- be altogether different, t ,ke !the rived. wh7eats atta aftee 11 J:'i.t, ye:te, .. larv'ee edrai1i' eveikhed agshieet eaeli rather, Another ex- •.eelleirt aileeeeemenig the • 63 trial growths on the -sante ;ground is a new selection from Squareheads Master which has not yet received a name. Those - of the unsophisticated to whom wheat is wheat merely would 'have been struck by the sight of these sixty-three varieties, growing in strips side by sde, of all colors, .from greenish white to deep old gold .and orange red, square -headed wheat and lone -eared wheat, beard- -ed wheat and plain wheat, wheat from France, Flanders, Egypt, from all over England. The constant ',search for new and better varieties• which glees on throughout the coun- try is slowly making wheat better and better, hut the chief reason for the activity in experimental grow- ing is that all varieties tend to de- generate after a few' years, and need to be regenerated again by special selection. • One attempt which the Mendelians are now peak- ing is • being clestely watched by farmers. English wheat usually fetches R• few shillings less per quarter in Mark lane than wheat from California. and certain kinds from Canada: The reason is that these foreign wheats are "strong- er." that is, rise better in the loaf, than English. wheats. The explana- tion is believed to lie in ethe differ- ence of climate, but the' secret is not pet definitely known, - and the Mendelians are now trying to breed a new English variety, which shall equal Californian wheat in strength. Tartaric. acid •may be used to re- move iron rust fruln fabrics. To freshen a salt fish lay •it 'in water skin side up in an earthen vessel --never in tin. As every mother knows the death rate of little ones in Canada dur- ing the hot summer months far ex- ceeds that of any other season o£ the year. The •reason for this is that the excessive heat brings on those dreaded troubles, cholera in- fantuiu, diarrhoea, dysentery and other 'stomach and bowel com- plaints. These come on so quickly and with such little warning that often baby is beyond help before' the mother realizes he is ill. Dur- ing the hot summer months the mo- ther must be constantly on her guard to see ' that baby's bowels, are working regularly and his lit- tle stomach is kept sweet and pure. Baby's Own Tablets should alwayfs lie kept in the hoilae• as they are the mother's greatest friend. A dose now and then will prevent these troubles, or if they do come on sud- denly they will be quickly banish- ed by the Tablets. The Tablets are sold by medicine' dealers or by mail .at 25 cents a box from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brock ville, Ont. TOO MUCH OF A STRAIN. LINK' WiTH THE PAST Men Tells el His Srotifer Dying Cen- tury.and a Half Before Grandpa—"I am giving you this cent, Willie, because •you have been a good little boy." Willie — "Yes, grandpa; but please don't expect me to sit around like Sunday school all day again at the same price. Minard's Liniment Cures Colds, Eto. GOOD REASON FOR IT. Mrs. Jabbe—"Jones practically lives in his automobile." Mr. Jabbe—"Has to; he sold his home to buy it." The presiding magistrate at a police-' court in Syria was astonished to:hear. a witness, when asked if he had any brothers, reply that he had one, but that he died 148 years ago, Pressed for an explanation, witnesIIs� stated that he was the issue of -1.: second Inaa•riage. His father married,, his first wife in 1769, at the age at nineteen, and the fpllowing year there; was born a son, who died when only, a few months old. The latter's father, married again. in 1820, at the age of seevnty, and witness was born the! year llowing. Beingfoeighty-nine years of age when.. giving .evidence, the interval since'thel death of the first child was thus ex-{ tended to over 140 years. • AN ARCHBISHOP'S RECREATIQi''1^, Riding'was a favorite diversion oil the late Archbisbpp..lVtaclagan, and in addition to this he was a good whip ,1. and frequently drove a pair; , whilee,, another recreation in which he in4 dulged in the winter, when opportunity offered, was curling on the ice. He had also a great love of animals, i It is not generally known that his Grace was an artist, and painted;. cleverly in water -colors. The inhabi» tants of Keswick at one time became quite accustomed to the sight of the archbishop seated sketching on the'. private landing -stage of the beautiful estate of Fawe Park, which borders; the Derwentwater, and was rented. b5{ Dr. Maclagan for his holidays, •and there are several admirable littler It is a fact beyond dispute that one packet' of Wilson's Fly Pads has killed a bushel of house flies. This is more than could possibly, be caught on three hundred sheets of sticky paper. All Druggists, Gro- cers and General Stores sell Wil- son's Fly Pacts. Be sure you get the genuine Wilson's. CONSOLING.. - Struggling -Passenger (on . rail- r ad train)—, -'"This window .stieksisit, ilk•^ t'itni,>' r..'..f r••.t ..,,q.y Gonditetor—' Yes. 'Wood is swollen a little by the rain. • It'll be all right in as few days." works of his in existence. FIVE POINTS .IN BOND W INVESTMENTS ¶ A desirable investment has in it these essentials -- the safety of the principal --the certainty of income -- a fair and affixed rate •of income—probable appre- ciation in value—and saleability. Bonds, carefully select- ed, ensure to the investor all these desirable ele- ments and are invariably secured --- principal and interest—by the total as- sets, ofthe company that issues thein. al Write us to day for our litera- tare on Bond Investments: and a list of those we recommend. YA L. SECURITIES CORPORATION LIMITED SANK OF MONTREAL BUILDING YONGE AND QUEEN STS. TORONTO WORDS OF WISDOM. Enterprise is the life blood of business. Cordial .is prepared from drugs d To be cheerful is nearly to be, known to the profession as thole `well. hl reliable for the cure of chi Dr. J. D. Kellogg's Dysentery • ouag y re 1a A heavy conscience generally era, dysentery, diarrhoea, gripiX e , pains and summerZ;oknplaints. Ott meads an s 1 body.. ,. To els a' child's thinking for it is has been used successfully by xn ' :o deprive of the sacred right of kcal practitioners for a number rf sells for 25 cents. discovery, years with gratifying results. tf. Many people merely exist now ff su ering from any summer cn *l - will cure you. Try..a bottle, -,It A .TONG'UE-TWISTER. "I beg your pardon; I. thought this was M. Dingly." "I • am Dingly." '"'hen I am glad to find that 1 was mistaken in thinking that I• was mistaken." "Hey I" "I say when I thought 1 was mis- taken I was mistaken in thinking I was mistaken, and, being mis- taken in thinking I was mistaken when I wasn't mistaken, I was glad to find I was mistaken when' I thought I was mistaken, because I', wasn't mistaken ; or, rather, I was mistaken when' I thought I was mistaken, and so • I couldn't have been mistaken. Well, at any rate. I am glad. Looks ass if we .were going to have rain, doesn't it?" In the days when executions were still carried out in public, in Eng- land, a servant -girl . npon one oc- casion begged her mistress to allow her a day out,.for.0 purpose which she did not divulge. The lady of the house gave the required per- mission, and the girl accordingly went off for the day, but returned in the evening weeping' copiously "Why, Mary," asked her kindly mistress, greatly perturbed at the poor girl's evident distress, "what on earth is your trouble. Tell me, and perhaps I can help you." "Oh, ma'am," blubbered Mary, "I went to see the man hanged at Salis- bury, b -b -but he's been repriev- ed'." plaint it is just the medicine ti t hopingg to live an ideal future. They aacriftce their bodies, health, and minds to gain gold. Small but P•otent.—Parmelee's X?"egetable Pills are small, but they ate effective in action. Their fine qualities as a corrector of stomach troubles are known to thousands and they are in constant demand everywhere by those who know what a. safe ' and simple remedy they ars. They need no introduc- e Dr. Th s' ; tion to those acquainted with them eleerenVL ,,fir it a'. nest know ,l he est ._ as the b them they are p1°esented pre'piiration n the market for dis- orders of the 'stomach. TRUE DIPLOMACY. Eluployer.—We want a diploma - GOOD REASON WHY. "Why don't you speak for yo self, John?" asked Priscilla. "Because," answered J, Eli, "'•! have not had a chance {to word in" edgewise." Fresh Supelies in Del as, .b ep inti'elti ,...L0.,. supplies: have' been " erdefe ing that wherever it' goes. tide x- cellent Oil impresses its ]rower on the people. No matter in what la- titude it may be found its'; potency, is never impaired. It is ,net tie in most portable shape,•,in liottlee and tic, tactful, smart office boy. can be carried Without ,fc :r,of < breakage. Boy=We11, I used to send sis- fdinard's Liniment Cures .target In Cows. WOMEN D0 :.LTA THE WORIL Papuan Man Does the "Protector" Act While She is Busy. Of the natives in Papua a travel- ler says "When the natives are young they are quick to learn, and can be taught almost any kind of work, and even up to the time of their marriage they are willing to - learn. After marriage their ambi- tion and intellectual development appear to cease, one of the reasons for this seems to be that the wo- man does most of the work, while the man—being the superior animal —can see no necessity for further exertion. He plays the part of her protector to perfection ; while she digs in the garden lie leans against a tree with his spear in his hand n his hand, apparently prepared to keep off intruders, but really be- cause it is easier than doing the digging.' A good way to bleach linen or lace is to put it into bowl or soapy water and set it out in the strong sunlight. If it be exposed to dirt and dust, place n. ;lass over the heel • "Won't you please give me an order ?" pleaded the persistent `traveller. "Certainly]" replied the crusty proprietor. "Get out!" "I punished you merely t', show my love for you" said the father. "T -that's all right," sobbed the little fek,w, "It's a g -good thing I ain't 'b -big enough to return •.^rur • lelove." • 'What was the happiest •no;nent, of your life?" asked the sweet girl. "The. happiest moment of my life,". answered the okl bachelor,, "Aag when the jeweller took hank •an. engagemcnt ring and gave ilio sleeve -links in exchange," For regulating the bowels, invigorating the kidneys a n d stirring up the lazy liver Dr. Morse's Indian Root Pills have proved for over half a century, in every quarter of the world, absolutely safe, And , ]moat .effective.. 35c. a box everywhere.: ,. Mtnard's ter's beau away when she didn't Liniment Cures' Dinh ho 1 want to see him. REST AND HEALTH TO MOTHER AND CHILD. LOGIC. "Earlie, why don't you comb your hair f" "'Cause I ain't got a comb.' "Well, why don't you tell yc?ur mamma to buy one?" "" 'Cause then I'd have to co ub' my hair." It is better to avert a war than to fight and win; better to prevent sickness than to cure it. Keep a bottle of Hamlins Wizard Oil in the house and see how much suffering it saves. Probably most people think yon are as foolish as you think they are. Corns are caused by the pressure of,tight boots, but no one need be troubled with them long when. so. simple a remedy as Holloway's Corn Cure is available. THE OLD STORY. "Had every cent taken last. night. Woke up hearing some one in the room. Reached under the pillow for my revolver, but didn't shoot." "Why didn't you ?" "I'd probably be a widower if I had." "IT'S A WISE SON," ETC. The First Boy (sent to bed to await chastisement for bad behav- ior)—Here's father coming up- stairs. I'm going to pretend I'm asleep. The Second Boy (in case similar to first, but wiser) -I'm not; I'm going to get up and put something en. • ,lIats.WXNStow's SOOTRINO Sratrr has been used forever SISTY YEARS by MIL LIONS of MOTHERS for their CHILDREN WHILE TE1rTHING, with PERFECT SUCCESS. It SOOTHE:, the CHILD, SOFTENS the GUMS, ALLAYS. all PAIN ; CURES WIND COLIC, and is the best remedy for DIARRHCCA. It is ab- solutely harmless, He sure and ask for "Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup." and take no other kind. Twenty-five cents a bottle. Teachers -•"Johnny, can you tell, me anything you have had to . be. thankful' for in the past rear l" Johnny (without hesitation) '"Yessue," Teacher' fohany, what is it 2" Johnny "Why, when you Evoke your arni you couldn't °lick us for two months." St. Isidore, P. Q., Aug. 1s, 1904. Minard's Liniment Co., Limited. Gentlemen. I'" have frequently used 11IINARD'S LINIMENT andalso prescribe it for my patients always with the most gcatitying results, and I consider it the best all-round Liniment extant. • Yours truly, DR. JOS. AUG.. SIROIS. MERELY FURTHER PROOF. "Anyway, he, has honest face. "Honest? You surprise me." "Yes, it's the only honest thing about him. It shows how dishon- est he 'really is." There are many sticky devices on the market that kill some flies; but housekeepers who have tested them know that Wilson's Fly Pads kilt many times more, and do not dam- age carpets and furniture like all sticky fly catchers. GUESSED IT. Wiggings—Do you know that your ehickens come oyer into my yards Jlggills—I supposed they did, for they never come back again. an Medical Man—"„•.,bion I•.as done the meanest thing ever I heard of. He came to my house the Mier night, ate a big dinner, gI t in,li- gestion, and then went to anot'tcr doctor to be cured." Stove ' Polish ensures no hard work and no dirty work. 'No messing or. mixing. A handy paste in a generous can. A few rubs, and you have a splendid finish that lasts and stands the beat. The best preparation for polish- ing stoves, pipes, grates and ironwork. If your dealer does not carry "Black Knight" Stove Polish in stock, send us his name and roc, and we will send a full size tiu by return mail. TAD F. F. Fr DALLY CO., EiM1TEi% 6AZLLTOR. ONT. 33 Maters of the famous "a in 1" Shoe.Poftsh. 'How it must jolt a man when 114 is polite to his wife in public to have her look as if she wasn't used to it! A Stamped Medicine,=Parme- Iee's Vegetable Pills, compounded of entirely .., egetable' substances known to have a ,revivifying and salutary effect upon the digestive organs, have through years of use attained so eminent a position that they rank as a standard medicine. The ailing should remember this. Simple -in their composition, they can be assimilated by the weakest stomach and are certain to have a healthful and agreeable effect on the sluggish digestive organs: Occasionally there is a elan that even his Satanic Majesty wouldn't have, but there is always some wo- man who is willing to take him. 7 ISSUE 35-41 One of the commonest complaints of infants is worms, and the most effective application for them it Mother Graves' Worm Extermina- tor. Anyway the tire of a lazy man isn't easily punctured. FARMS FOR RENT AND SALE. AS* DAWSON, HE KNOWS. I1' 'you want to cell a farm. consult me. IF you want to buy a farm. consult me. 1 HAVE some of the best Fruit, Stock 1 Grain or Dairy Farms in Ontario, and prices right. if W. DA ON,Ninety Colbornt hStreet, Toronto. AGENTS WANTED. CLNVASSFAIS WANTED Weekly Was paid.—Alfred Tyler, Loudon. Ontario. GENTS WANTED EVEitYWRERI9: .t%. high class business with best on people Calvert St Dwyer Co., Limited, i , . AenWpropositions stcosth gcy convinces at twat none can equal ours. You will al ways regrpt it if you don't apply for Particulars to �, Travellers' Dept., X i Albert 'tit.. Ottawa. VERIFYING THE PROVERB. Figg— "As •a talker, Brown's wife is certainly d. wonder." Fogg—"Right you are i Wonders never cease." There are many imitations of Wilson's Fly Pads. Do not be de- eeived by unsatisfactory imitations. Get Wilson's. A parson was applied to for ad- vice by a member of his congrega- tion, who complained of the con- tinual noise made on a trombone by a. next-door neighbor. "Can a man," he asked, "who practices on 'such an instrument from morning to night be a good - Christian?" "Such a man might possibly be a good Christian," the parson re- plied, "but his next-door neigh- bor couldn't." TRY MURINE EYE REMEDY for Red, Weak, Weary, Watery Eyes and Granulated Eyelids. Murine Doesn't Smart—Soothes Eye Pain. Druggists Sell Murine Eye Remedy, Liquid, 25e,. 50c, $1,00. Murine Eye Salve in Aseptic Tubes, 25o, $1.00. Eye Books and Eye Advice Free by Mai. Murine EYE) Remedy Co., Chicago. AGENTS ON SALARY O1 COMMISSIO1 Tli& greatest agents' seller eve; i'roduced• every user of pen and ink buy; it on sight; 200 to 500 per cent profit; eat agent's sales amounted to $620 indays; tiir Mfg. Co. X.,e46r 83La2 nCronse,two oWis. Monroe MISCELLANEOUS, HAY and FARM SCALES. Wilson', Y Scale -Works, 9 Esplanade, Toronto. (GENTS WANTED. .A LINE FOB every home. Write us for our ehoiet list of agents supplies. 'We have 'tin greatest agony proposition in Caned; to -day. No outlay necessary. Apply Ii ` C. I. Co., 22$ Albert St.. Ottawa. THE KIND OF WIFE TO HAVE. A man who had been indulging too heavily was induced to sign the pledge. "You must let me have it," said the wife. "I will keep it for you." So the pledge : was handed over to the wife's custody. The next day the man was drink- ing again as freely as before. "How is this?" asked a friend. "You signed the pledge yesterday;. and now you are drinking' again." "It is all : right," replied . the pledge -signer; in unsteady tones. "I don't ]rave to "keep that pledge. My wife says she will. keep it for me. That's the kind of wife to have, old fellow. Let's have .' a, drink!" AIinard's Liniment Cures Distemper. 1 ANGER, TiUMORS, LUMPS, eto, In lJ teraal and external, cured without, pain by our home treatniont. Write ua before too late. Dr, Bellman Medical Co„.- Limited, o.,:Limited, Collingwood, Ont, Are TON SCALE GUARANTEED. Wilson't 1.) Seale Works, 9 Esplanade, Toronto, `PECIALISTS ADVICE FREE. Consult 0 us in regard to any disease. Lowest prices in drugs •of all kinds. Trusses fitted by mail. Send measure meat. Glasses fitted by age. Write to -day for anything sold • in first-class : drug stores to Dr. Bellman, Coliingwood. Ont.. Your Overcoat - sad faded suds wonid look bates dyed. 1f no agent ry Oust in your' town, writ,. direct to Dfuntreol. Hes 133 BrI'dsah American Dyeing Oro, YOU CAN MAKC FROM $15 TO 530 A DAY handling Ibis preposition. Our ageuls elsewhere are doing it. You can. Au- thentic references required, This is sound and legitimato. Address, P. 0. Box 1145, Vancotrver, R. C. Canada Business College CHATHAM, ONT. In a class by itself Among Anierica`I Schools of Business Training. 414 STUDENTS PLACED IN 1909 385 STUDENTS PLACED IN 1903 475 STUDENTS PLACED i14 1910 We publish the Bata annually: We pay fail fare up to $8.00 and brin, long distance students for half fare. Good board and room, $3,00 per week. If you cannot come to Oliathant, we ear'. train yrou by +nail, Hero are some students placed r?ecentlyt Nate WadeCameron A reap, Zeglua.. Il, Durk Nicholson & Bain, Regina. R. Wood, 'Crust Co„ Cheboygan, Mich, Eight 'Calls +net reoettved or 8tenegraplt ere. Leachers and Auditors. for optlminic North from .41600 - to 81600 will give .5'ol some . idea' 01, the ,;domande. COLLEGE, REOPENS POR 30TH 5.(-EA'1; 4EPTatllBER 01'H. • Catafoi ue Si MIS lit Work' at ChAthatrI.' Cat/Magee Dawe ;!4iIR :csittet, alar tzaali, oA Icaw . !d. MOIL- .o.NIGhNattillhAi i t. 11, aellsge.,