HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1911-09-01, Page 1The Official Orgal Vol. XII. 'FRIDAY M miner oods Sale This is our first Summer Clearance Sale. 'The goods listed y, below must be sold if low prices I will do it. The quality can not Aw be surpassed and every item is a g bargain. If you are wise you will not miss this chance. 2.50 Waists now 2.Q0 LADIES' WHITE WAISTS REGULAR: $22.50 for :8.2.00 each j <r cc , cc cc 4',.25 for 1.73 cc g"• .c cc cc es 2.00 for 1.50 " A cc a cc •e 1.75 for 2.25 " acc co cc 1.50 for 1.10 " :e ec 'CC CC 1,15 for 90 " cc cc cc c. .1.00 for 75 'e acc 'cc< cc ,c 75 for 50 'c et cc< cc 50 for 35 cc .9 Bargains in Gowns, Skirts, Cor- SI set...Covers, Drawers, etc., AWNS' ..SUITS -FOR '"' ,675{ " We have decided to clear out the balance of our Mens' 2 piece Summer Suits. Call anyway we can suit you. REGULAR $8.50 and 8.00 Mans Suits for 6.00 each '( 10.00 " Cf for 7 00 'c ll 00 " for 8.00. cc 0 SOME EXTRA SPECIALS § Make a note of these. • They are well worth•remem- bering. . jx Ladies' Hose 3 pair for 25cts �( 9 & ` " extra 2 pr 25cts Ladies' Vests 3 for 25cts C c c c extra 2 for 25cts 0 Mens cotton Sox 3 pr for 25cts `` " " extra 2 for 25cts Fancy Sox 25c and 500 pair 0 Boys Blouses 50c, Boys Knickers 505 Fancy Dress Shirts 50c and 75c each L Summer Vests regular 1,25 to 2.00 to clear at 1,00 19 1 0 F1 0 BIG BARG-A*GS in Mens' and Boy's Fine Straw Hats to clear GOAL All persons desiring coal for July dc -livery kindly leave your order at once. Quality guaranteed. Terms on coal are strictly cash. Seasollabe Hardware Perfection Oil Stoves Scythes, Snathes Hay Fork Ropes Washing Machines 1 Floor Varnishes and Floor Paints, etc. §'( PRODU GE TAKEN IN EXCHANGE eleplioue::9. , ZUR 1c6. ac.4Ira1[?'�R.l+-ids yl" LOCAL NEW$. Mr. Clunky of Detroit, is vis1tl with Mr. and Mrs. F. Witwar. Miss Lottie Galster retexnclil. Wednesday from a visit to ' Gr Bend. For sale -Young cow with 2 calf at "foot. Daniel Smith,' Joseph. Don't forget the Labor D sports in Zurich, on Monde Come and bring your friends. Miss Nora Siebert of Annarbo Mich., is visiting at the •horny Mr. J. Peeeter, this week. - Fr, Stroeder took a trip this iveg to visit his old home in Tate County. ' Mr. J. J. Merner's cider mull operated every Wednesday uunt further notice. Misses Martha Wentzel and Mira; Hill of Crediton, visited friends town, on Sunday. The Barniuni-Bailey circus vv. w:11 patronized from here, Saturday. Mrs. Louis Prang returned'?' Monday evening, from a ' weel visit with friends in Detroit. k ound-A grey coat sweat Owner call at 3. J. Merner's stori Zurich. Mr, Abner Capling of Welles), m visited • at the hoe of Mr. Preeter, for a few days last, wee • Misses Olive and Helena; Fein ,_ of London, were over • Sunda y visitors atthe home of -Mrs, Jdbn Deichert Sr. Rev. M, Ehnes and family left' on Monday for New York, after a pleasant three weeks' visit ' with.. Mr. and Mrs. A G Ehnes. Mr. Edmund Deichert of A1hxr sE ' -- 6 �'kd333.titi g ; -is• nih` ..' J. 1)eicliert and other relative;, h this week; Mr. and Mrs. Joe Siler of Mt; Carmel, visited with Mr. and Mrs.' 0. Colosky and other friends, on Saturday and Sunday. Miss McOourt, of Clinton hies been engaged to teach at Sep S. No. 1 Stanley. She taught this school before and gave good'satis faction. Mr. John L. Gerber of 'the Bron- son Line, left on Saturday for Waterloo, and will leave there on Tuesday for a two weeks' visit in the state of 1Vew York. his former home. The star of the evening, however' was -undoubtedly Millard Stauffer, and this young artist has evidently a future before him, He appeared as a real interpreter of Harry Lauder, and he certainly, kept the audience in good humor and roars of laughter,-Wiertou Echo. In the Torun Full, on Labor Day. evening. and Hay Township SEPT. 1, 191.1. 14Ziss Whyte left this week, for liicago, to take a course innursing, IA:61W Of the city hospitals. lt'ti J. A. Constantine of the Mol Cps Bank, and Mrs. Constantine ere f, away on a three week holiday: .i ft.'and Mrs. fiansoii of.Detroit,are alig the litters sister, Mrs.• eh an d other relatives. he Ladies Aid of the Evangelical hiirch will hold their monthly meet - g id the church on Tuesday aftee- non, Sept. 5th, at 2.30. Mr. and Mrs. Lang of Missouri are siting in this section. IVIr. Luting is native of Stanley and Mrs. Lang as born near Zurich, being a (laugh.- ' of the late J. Burkholder. This heir first visit in 42 years. • cl have a world of confidence in srnberlain's Cough Remedy for ave used it with perfect sueoess" ites Mrs. M. I. Basford, Pooles• le' Md For sale by All Dealers. he fleet phone on the People's oplrone System, Forest was in - Iliad at Lake Valley Grove, sarquet,; Aug. 16th, 1906, and e„ -first long distance message ($n the Bell Telephone Company :.People's subscribers was to the e 'dltone Aug. 12th 19/1. be Wingham voters' list has printed. The list contains a i of 889 voters, made up,as ee r• lows: Part one. 4871 part two; part three, 153. Last year's eor teined,a.:total of 818 voters. *ores td this ,year's list 388 sees arse. qualified to serve as rs. the regular meeting of the forth council:;.last week,,- the tax e for the current year was fixed 9' mills. To this is to be Teile Collegiate Institute and ria seshool rate. The general e: a; half mill -on the dollar tl`fan !Asti year. he grtitin handled by the Goder rensit Oo, during oL •itx en double that of any $$'trier • h of August since the Com- patiy`commenced business. So far over 1.000,000 bushels of ;rain have been received this month. Diarrhoea, is always more or less prevalent ,during September, "Be prepared for it. Chamberlain 's Celle., Cholera and Diarrhoea IRs mpoy is prompt and effectual. 1t eau ,;1lways be depended upon and is:pieasunt to. take. For sale by Ail, Peelers. Mr uavi3 Dorrace, one of the earrlyeesidents of this district, died at his home in Seaforth on Mon- day night, at the good age of 89 years and 2 months. Mr. Dorrace was a native of Belfast, Ireland, aand;.carne to Canada over sixty Mots ago wire his brothers, Wm. (eekirge, Samuel and James, and gfs'Itler Miss Sarah, all of whom have li eeeoeased him. .i;^lie connection was made last astyelc between the Bell Telephone sykein at Goderich and the mune !Cii9rit telephone system of Colborne towesb.ip, and messages can now be .rxclianged between the two sq: rates at a toll rate of ten cents Su' scribers of the rural telephone oot-:pany with the Goderich cora ne,•tion have the same privileges as Bel subscribers as to connection tic eh Colborne. Lost -Oil cloth lap rug, about font- weeks ago, between Zurich and Drysdale. Finder please leave at this office, or notify le Bedew, Drysdale. MARRIED • .'lire---•-Kofi$,.---In Detroit on Wed- clrsdrty, Ang. 23rd, Miss Clara S. Kohl to !lir. Chas. Wincl both of Detroit. • 4, BOY SCOUTS Zurich Labor Day. The Hensel]. Boy Sconts will camp on the Fair grounds on Monday, cook their dinner on the grounds said go through their cliils. Eveybocly should turn out to see the Boy Scouts. BASEBALL Zurich Won Another Came From Clinton On Friday evening on the local diamond , the Clinton .fFine were sgein defeated by the locals in' a fast. genie, the seem Laing 3-2. 'i'lre visitors were blanked up to the' end of the.8th innings. A, few timely frits in the 9th brought in 2 imns after two men had been re- tired.` The game was hotly con- tested throughout and : was a splEtsdid exhibition of this popular apart The Clinton ,boys are a 'tool natured et-owd and if they do ride, ,:to make anothc r visit to, a Zurich, tl ey , ill recon e e, flea"ty, M. Stauffer of Walkerton fairly eecelied himself, appearing before the audience representing the Irish the Seethe, and the Dutch at ver- ious times. His acting was superb end the audience . was continually convulsed with laughter. Next time Mr. Stauffer appears. in town we can assure him)a • crowded house,-•Cheslee Enterprise, Elm- wood Concert. •In the Town Hall, on Labor Day evening. Sincere and deep regret was felt by the people of Hensall and vicine .tir on• Monday last on learning of the death of Mr. Gilbert Dick, which sad event occurred on the previous evening. Mr. Dick had been ill for over two months, and had been confined to bed most of the time. His ailment, :some affeo- time of the heart, baffled the best medical skill end the mos ont asside- dus care and attenei, and while bis death was a surprise to many it was not so to those more imnied- iatety connected with him, Mr. Dick was 59 years of age. He was the eldest sr n of Mr, Thos, Dick, one of the pioneers of trio township :(t13 7, hut tow of the village, of elgr.nondville. He had resided. in 1eippen for ,•e,veral,vears, and had my removed to I-Iensall last spring ho fly before hie Mines;. ' eloonae. NO 4 FARING SHIF SA 6 pair women's Pat Pumpe Reg $2.00 fora..... ••,.. $1.50 5 .. .a it c. ., 3.00 for 5 e • e e .c • roc 2.75 for,.. 2 "50 10 ". " Gun Met Ox .Reg 2.50 for , ...200 0 9 e of Dongolo Ox Reg1.50 for , 5 "; Pat Ox Reg 2.25 or..• 1 1 20 5 " cc 9' strap Kid Reg 2.15 for,.,,,..,, .1..885 5 All these Shoes in Window DISPLAY._._ -ON- - -FRIDAY' We do Repairing Butter and eggs taken in exchange SAMI E FAUST, ■at ear ZURICH • STRAYED There strayed unto lot 19 eon. 8., Hay Township on or about July let, one yearling steer. Owner may procure same by proving owner- ship and paying all expenses. James, Green, 5-3t Hensel! P. 0. Digestion, and Assimilators It is not the quantity of food taken but the amount digested and assimilated that gives strength tt.nd: vitality to the system. Chamber- lain's Stomach and Liver Tabiete invigorate the stomach and liver and enable them to perform their functions naturally. For sale by All Dealers. For bowel complaints in children always give Chaimber]ain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy 'arid ca or off, , I feeeeo . afa tzt, ,effeete . e4eeen . hen reduced with water andw see" ' c'hu'rl" isrp1•eas 1-., -,: ant to\ take. No physician can prescribe a. better. remedy: For sale by All Dealers, Apples Wanted' At the Hensel' Evaporator after Sept. 1st., starting off, at 50 cents pee cwt. for fall apples. Bring in:: -irks soot as possible after above date. -G O. JOINT - HENSAT,L. A Good Full Stock Of Watches : g' And Jeweller • TAKEN FROM SHEEP'S BACK And the Wool Made into Carpets at the C. N. E. this year. The Process of Manufacture Building at the Canadian National Exhibition promises to be unusual- ly interesting this year, Take for instance, the work of the Toronto Carpet Co. At one end of their ex- hibit will be a pen of sheep and the wool as taken from their barks will pass through every phase of manufacture till it finally appears in the finest carpets made. Other interesting maohiaaery at work will produce silk. cotton, woollens, automobile tires. shoes, surgical glassware, etc. There will be forty different manufactures id operation BORN MOLicAN-In Seaforth, on August 15th, to Mr. and Mrs. Keith MoP. McLean, a daughter. DIED AT1rNs0N,--In Exeter; on Friday, Aug. leth, Mrs. Richard Atkinson, aged 82 years and 10 months. Try our 75 -cent Alarm Clock. You take no chances. We absolut- ely guarantee them 2 years The Best Luminous Alarm Clock; and spasmodic repeater, $1.25 and $2 00, None Better. elusteal Alarms, with autornatio' fly The bast made -- $2,25, - GUARANTEED --- F, W. IIESS Jeweller, - ZURICK dens and Woniens SUMMER SIIOES Wet are showing all the newest linesof Women's and Men's Sunxtt1ee, Shoes fos warm weather, A lot of Womens Oetords avliich we are news selling at a great bargain. Regular $I.50, $1.75 and $2.00 For $i.00 Just the Slices for summer wear. Come before sizes are all gone Try us when you need A Trunk or a Suit Case Butter and Ergs Tal en in EN change, RRITZ, Zuric The Horne of Goo,! Shoes