HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1911-08-25, Page 8ual"etgj STORE „ ALLis Issammd-2rtzinasmumnissua Did . you ever buy overalls at his store? No! To bad you ave been missing the best. We ank on our overalls, so do the 'ien that wear them. We have ens in all styles, for all classes work. Can't tell our Overall ory here for its a long one. We uarantee every pair of Overalls e sell. We carry a full line 1f all sorts of working men's •arnients. Immense Hosiery Values If you do not lay in a season's supply ow you will miss a rare chance. Black cotton, plain full fashioned, all sizes, er pair 10 cents or 3 pair for 25 cents. In blue and white or brown and white, ood work sox, 10 cents per pair or 3 pair for cents. mart Waists for Summer wear We earnestly ask your .inspection, knowing 11 well the affect the right of these handsome yles will have upon your purse strings, to see em is to want one or more of them. Summer Underwear .. JDdex wear - is a subject, that we . give oial attention to. That is why you find ry good sort here: We are well prepared. to et the spring demand for moderate prices. d fitting satisfaction tTnderwear. We have m all weights, from the finest made down to splendid Values in medium grades. Ladies' Neckwear and Belts We have everything that is New in Ladies kwear and Belts.. You will find ,everything is new and different displayed here. All the cleverest idea are new, smart. tasty and up ate. SIO REDUCTION IN L.;dies' \Vaists ghest prises paid for all kinds of Farm Produce !�l GENERAL MERCHANT rkki 9 ,� ;(tario Telephone 28 HEADQUARTER FOR Ce1ebr ted CL1TJiIN � 'I r,� 0010, ;p 'We have made arrangements to offer the following low clubbing rates w:tli THE HRl> At,A Daily Globe $ 4.25 Mail & Empire 4.25 Weekly Globe . 1.60 '' Mail & Empire 1.60 .Berlir'er Journal (German) 2.50 Family Herald &' Star 1.75 Daily Advertiser 2.75 Weekly Advertiser Weekly Sun Farmer's Advocate 1.50 1.75 x.25 comedy and in this respect the show is the laughing snceese of the age. And there are thrills without number fromthe skirt to the finish The perforui"anee of Charles the First, a chimpanzee bioyole rider and roller skater, is a most sensat- ional surprise. The specialties of John Ducander's hell ringing hor- ses, Winston's riding, seals, a brass band of elephants, the Konyot family of German riders, the Fon. elli family of Italian acrobats, the Les Deko family of French equili- brists'and the biegrist-Silhon fami- ly of aerialists are of the first En. ropean rank. Barnum and Bailey curry 1.286 MARKET RhPORT.—The €cl'''' people, 700 horses, 40 elephants 30 lowing is the report of .Zurich camels, 1,000 other wild animals, market corrected up to Thursday,' :dynamo plants, barber shops, tail. Barley,......... s0 to 5 ori establishments, bath parlors, Peas...... 75 laundries, blacksmith shops, har- Bran 2Q�0."' tress shops, carpenter shops, dent - Shorts 22.00 24.0 "fists; doctors, a lawyer and a private Oats ...... .. • ..... 37 ".police force The many tents Wheat cover fourteen acres of ground. Five Roses flour .... 2•. i; ., Purity ... . . . .. . . . Royal Household ......... 2 Choice family 2•e. Hay 6.00 7.q; Dried apples 5 5„ (,lover seed Potatoes Batter Eggs...... ., Hogs liveweight. HENSALL MART—ET Cook's Best Flour.. 8;000.for the laboring class, Not only is "der ; day given to recreation in 16 li't'`rneral, but to many it gives an 7 ;h;;portunity to see their friends And to enjoy themselves generally. 'iasbor Dav evening, offers an op 2 e ortunity not often given A con.- rt under the"rtuspicee, of the vangelical church choir will he iven in the town hall, Zurich, at 'itch Mr. Millard G Stanffer, will leading character Mr er is'.a refined artist, equal if superior to the best humorists the day His selections are !,;cheerful witty and humor ib Admission 25 cents. Reser .d seats 35 cents. Plan of hall at J. ATerner's store. Look for ass: notices, bills and posters. LABOR .6111111. DAY CONCERT Labor ,Day is an important day Oats...... Barley Peas Hogs liveweight. 60 .... 80 'Born SotzwAltTzENTRUBEIt-At son Line, Hay, on the. 20th to Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Schur entruber, twins, (two girls STELOK—At the 14th Con , H. the 21st inst., to Mr.. are. Edward Stelok, e. daughter, DowsoN—At the Babylon Stanley, on the 21st inst.,.' and Mrs. Wm. Dowson,. a Br,AoRwitnt.—At the 8th Cone, on the 22nd inst., to Mrs. Charles Blackwell,a, c1.0. ter. DENoanui—At the 14th con. on the 23rd inst. , , to J :, Mrs. Frank E. Denainrt) daughter. KNIGHT. --In Exeter, ou'' - day, Aug. Nth, 1011 Mrs: '_ *r41 tx.., <i, BLATCHFORT-In 7i'o on - Saturday, Aiig. ' 12111, and Mrs. Lee Blatchford., a NORTHCOTT.—In Exeter, on, nesday, Aug. nth, to Mr. is Chas. Northcott, v son McGR 'GOR. ---In Greerrwa Monday, Ang. 14th, to Mrs. -John 11. McGregor. -a d LOVE.—In Harpley, on Aug. 14th, to Mr. and Mrs. Love, a son. DEARING.—In Dashwood, ph day, Aug. 13th, to Mr.;.aud Fred Dearing, a son. MARRIED NOTICES. VOTE?.S' LIST-191'l—MUNICIPAL of -the Township of Hay, County o- ron—Notice is hereby given that 1 -a transmitted or delivered to the sons mentioned in sections 8 and 9 the Ontario' Voters' Lists Act, the res required by such sections to be so htlsirnitted or delivered of the list made, plant to,the said .Act, of all persons eating by the last revised Assessment i'o>` the said Municipality at Elections ,litpmbers of , in`ctpalthe El Elections- and that slative mthe WI al w rNis,.firgt posted up in my : ofirce r rr 'urot day y:. .ugust 1911, setliero for inspection. Electors ed upon to examine the said list, any omissions or any other' errors found therein to take immediate ei3.d.ings to have the said errors opted according to law. Dated this day of August 1911.—E. Hese Sr„ Clerk. THE TORONTO NEWS FROM THE FIRST HAS ICED IN THE MOVEMENT AGAINST. RATIFICATION OF THE TRADE COMPACT WITH WASHINGTON THE NEWS WILL BE SENT DAILY BY HAIL TO ANY ADDRESS IN CANADA. FOR ONE DOLLAR AND'A.UALF A YEAR 'H V Yh 'iii,. The general public will take notice that Tam doing business in Exeter in the line of purchasing alt kinds of scrap. Highest Market Prices Paid for Scrap Iron, Rags, Rubbers, Copper, Horse Hair, Etc. All purchases to he delivered to• .T. PREETER'S HARDWARE ZURICH', where the cath will be paid or trade given. Orders for collection of scrap may be left at the same store, prompt attention will he given. BaocI{—MEnsnu.—In Hay ,To'.W on Wpclnesrbty, Aug. Zgid, Flossie daughter of Mr. and lir Samuel Alerner to Air. Gee..Broi;s WARD--JENNINGS.—In 1lleGiI1i ray, on Aug. 12th, by -true Rev. G. Newton, Margaret Blanche .:7er nings to 0. 0. Ward, of Lloy dui nister, Sask. GOING TO SEETHE ELEPHANTS This section will be well re- presented in London, Setttrdaq Aug 26, on circus day. indications aro that the town will turn out by the thousands, attracted by the wonderful new circus which the Barnum and Bailey people are putting forth this seoson. Theshow has ttn entire new equipment, costing the management 83.200,000 One third of this was spent on the parade whioh is reported as the most elaborate street spectacle ever devised. It is three miles in length. The great menagerie of this circus is creating nothing short of a sensation in towns it visits, It contains the most remarkablecollection of rare beasts of any zoological display in the world, and many specimens which are not duplicated.in any other zoo., in America or Europe. Tho chic• f attrrotion here is a year olid giraffe, not full :grown, ever seen outside the depths of the African jungle. Matured giraffes are sure( enough but this youngster` is weight worth iis wet 1 ui gold. The performance in the main tent is pfesented by 400 of the world's greatest artists, gathered from no less than thirty-two nat. ions, The aots they are offering are novel and not at all like the ants that have been in Ameriolt in the p. sibFir'iy c'owns furni 1r„ ti ,r' NOTICE TO CREDITORS. In the Estate of Jacob Ort, Late lie. Village of Zurich, in the nty-of Huron, Deceased. tide is hereby given pursuant to . 0, ;1-07. Chap. 129, that all creditors others having claims against the e of the said Jacob Ort, who died on ,put,;the; ninth day of July, A. 1). to send . by post prepaid, or deliver �fred Melick, at Zurich,.X. 0. one of -executara of the .saidt' estate on ore.... --Friday the 5th of September, heir names and addresses, with full renters of their claims, in writing, and ,i,- bird of the securities, if any, . held f,t'tniu duly verified by statutory ttz take notice that after the said date fixecutors will proceed to distribute ?,stets of the said deceased among arties entitled thereto, hav,tng regard 'to the claims of which they shall 'have received notice, and the Miters will nob be liable for the said etc er any part thereof to any person persons of whose claim notice shall not e ;been received by them at the date of ch distribution. .`sated 'at Zurich th's 15th day of ;iigust, A. 1). 1011.. M exier, - Junk Dealer, - Exeter THE OSTERMOOR MATTRESS Al zrrttp M sea Executors. Joiar 034.Tf One•third of your life is spent in bed. It should be spent in perfect repose, that sweet restful, healthy, beneficial sleep, which proves a balmy relaxation trom every care. • Do yon so spend it? If not, the Oatermoor will surely help yon.. It,s "Built for Sleep" Other mattress 2 piece from $3.00 up. A fup stock of all kinds. of ITUR to choose from at prices just a little cheaper than the ordinary run. Terms Cash or Trade at Cash Price NOTICE TO CREDITORS. Zn the Estate of Peter Douglas. rate of the Township of Hay, in fine County of Huron, Deceased. Notice is hereby given pursuant to S. O. 1397. Chap. 129. that all creditors d s others having claims against the tate of Ilio said Peter Douglas, who died br about the twenty fourth day of June, 1). 1911, to send by post' prepaid, or: �fiver to 'thy undersigned,solicitor for urge i)ouglas and George Sparks the qeoutorsof the said estate on or before a turday the 12th of August, 1911, their nines and addresses, with full particulars tP their claims, in writing, and the nature it the securities, if any, held by them lily verified by statutory declaration. And take notice that after the :ad';date the executors will prgce:d to listribute the as.ets of the said de,,o:tsed anong the parties en titled thereto, having regard only to the claims of which (ley t i a -ball hen have rerei� t d notice, and c th• •crirutors will not be liable for Vie :aid 1 idly or any part, thciecf to tiny parson •rlie:sons-of v.hesecl:thn notice sial. not lave been re^oive.l by them at th date of. ur'h: disciil.itr •on, t>.tsed itt t'oderich this 13thday of. Tilly, A. 1). I'll. 1..a: G. CAarimo1r, Godorich: Solicitor £ it th i . rxti tutors HRTLEIB, ZURICH HURON'S LARGEST COMBINATION 'TORE PHONE IMIERGESSESIMMUIVIS 9 in les 4, Just to hand. Bring in your orders. Close price C.K LBFLEdsoR _ .= ZURICH Zurich's Most Up=To=Date store Those who have bought goods at this store have savei money. We still have a great many bargains on hand, so why not come along and save money. 'as well as the rest'? 2o0 discount on all Ladies' Waists Women's Bose, regular price 15e, now 3 pair for 25c ie .. 303,. now... ..,,..200 Ladies' colored. hose I. 25c, now. tx r ...... s .•‘4,200 A11 I.wclies' Vests sold out at a very Looe Price Mon's Shirts, regular. 81..00, for... .490 .. ..- , .t tis 25, for:.... .$1.00. Ment Is and Boys' Straw Hate—These iu'o stre'V hart days ; Stra,w l � t dzt ,hats t� c, e tXc° curt , n p lrular as they -urn a to•y, so wiry not everybody have rne., Never before dtl we sell thrun is cheap, 0.5 we are now. • Ali of esh Gr ways l;eAt?nh'n1. • PProdu e t61t u i l',I1 Y_e Il an e.