HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1911-08-25, Page 4011 T_a .- �C3DCtiDCltot111111D<(t1lRIflOSIIIDQDOINIDaDMIN,1t1DC9itODdv cw !The Molso.ns Bak 2 incorporated 1555 d 4400,000 Capital paid up $4,000,000 ileserye Fun . $ A Total,Assets over 44,000,000 v Head Office — flontreal Q Has 78 Branches in Canada, and Agents and Correspondents in g n all the Principal Cities of the World. A GENERAL BANK1NF BUSINESS TRANSACTED. SAVINGS BANK DEPARTMENT • at all Branches. Interest allowed at highest- current rate Zurich Branch - 3. A. CONSTANTINE, Agent D 43D 410S9D(1D (MD CEMIND COOD®1®aD (1D ) DC{11111DCia LEGA L- CARDS. "d'ROUDPOOT * SAYS & KILLORAN, Barristers, Solicitors, Notaries Public, etc. Goderieh, Canada W. Proudfoot.• H. C. R. 0. Hays. J. L. Killoran. BUSINESS CARPS. B. 8. PHILLIPS, AUCTIONEER, Exeter. Sales conducted in all parts. Satis- faotion guaranteed or no pay. Terms reasonable. Orders left at this office will be promptly attended to. ANDREW F. HESS, FIRE INSURAN- ce agent, representing the London, Economical, Waterloo, Monarch,Stand- ard, Wellington and Guardian. Every- thing in fire insurance. DB. P. A. SELLERY, DENTIST, GRA- duate of the Royal College of Dental Surgeons, Toronto, also honor gradu- ate of Department of Dentistry, To- ronto University. Painless extraction of teeth. Plate work a speciality. At Dominion House, Zurich, every Mon- day. 7-26 11-4 E. ZELLER, CONVEYANCER AND Notary Public. De e d s, Mortgages, Wills and other Legal Documents care ally and promptly prepared. Office— Zeller block, Zurich, Onb. LODGE MEETINGS PU'BLIBRED BY E. ZELLER. 0000000000'vPObs90A®bdAb4bA0b • • 313A DX • Mrs. Tilos. Amy, sr. is at present quiet ill, but we )lope. she will soon be around again. The Misses Nora Brown and Mild- red Eilber spent Saturday at Exeter with Miss Ida Armstrong. 1Ir. and firs. Silas Brokensliire spent Sunday at (hind Bend visiting Mr. and Mrs. R. Canning. Mr. and Mrs, Win. Mawhinney spent S'hnday with the Tatters par- ents, Mr, and Mrs. Thos. Amy, sr. Mr. Chester Mawhinney and Mr. Mex. Ragen visited Mr. Arthur on Sunday last. Miss Icla Arnistreug is spending a few days visiting frielleis aromi3 here. � Court Zurich No. 1240 TL./.0.F• meets every 1st and 3rd Thursday of each month at 8 o'clock p. m. in the A, 0. U. W. Hall. J. J. hIE&SER, 0. R. Aa 0.V . YT. Rickbeil Lodge V No. 3 93, meets he 2nd and 4th Friday of every month, t 8 o'clock, in their Ball, Merrier Block. FRED. Wzrwrx ,M. W Mere we Tire Plain ;A..o®o..®a�A'rAaa.a�aAAao®�r®• •• t EAr • .me.oAAaaoA..A.A4Ao.A♦4.•. Mr. Milton Love, of Hillsgreen, called on friends last weelt. Miss Mattie Hodgins who has been spending a couple of weeks under the parental roof retuned to Detroit the former part of this week. Miss Agnes Turnbull spent .Mon- day and Tuesday with her eoustn4 ,tt. the inose office Mrs. W. Sanderson and daughters Misses Jessie and Margaret visited at Thos. Loves on Sunday. Miss Muriel vallis spent a few days with her friend, Miss E. Schroeder this week. with the finest lot . of goods ever shown ` ill Zurich. Just received a large quantity to please any- body, so drop in and see. if I cant suit yoti. Also carry an immense No. of samples to choose from, All kinds of goods for trousers, dark or light prices low as possible. Lanndt` gin Connection W. H. HOFFMAN ailor - ZURICH Everything in nature indulges amusement. The lightnin g lays, the whistles. the thunder lis, the snow idles, the waves ap, and tho fields smile. Even e buds shoot and it e rivers Inn. CANADIAN PL. Z i I QCs• HOMESEEKERS' EXCURSIONS To Manitoba,Saskatchewan, Alberta Special Trellis Toronto 2.00 p.m. on APRIL 4, 18 MAY 2,18, 30 JUNE 13, 27 iWLY 11, 28 AUG. tl, 22 SEPT. 6, 19 Seceood elan tieken from. Ontario staflem to priadpai Northwest points at LOW ROUND -'TRIP RATES 'Winnipeg and return $33.00; EdbaoAton and return $41.00, rind to othot points in p7oportioa. Tickets good to return within 60 days from going date.. TOURISTSLEEPING CARS h all excursions. Comfottable berths, fully equipped ids bedding, cots lte secured at moderate rates through local Early application must bo made Ott FOR HOMESEEKtRS, PAMPHLET containing rates and full information. ' pltlY to nenreai C.P.R. Agent eatolt. L. Thompson, Dist. Pass, Act., Toronto. Y DIRECT LINE NO CNANeE OF CARS ?.cb..b.AOAAose•••••A.oAa..a • uI 1 1111011111111111111 11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 11111 111 11 ime111111111iluillij 1110011111111411 II ay �hplmll, Igllfil� IhummillillIummillI4 'UI kll = V111 muni • 1 1111111„rrncl Ii Q Igilll�Il�l�llll�l� h��llllll1���IIllll dlilIlgllllll11I1 IIIIII n 11111111111111111111111111111 �u 11111Vi�=: 111111111111IN11111NI11111111G1111111111IVI111111111111111 t WOODS M,,.LINO COMPANY. L -,tin MONTREAL. a Messrs. Ernest Finkbeiner left this r and Mr. Peter McPhee We wish the boys even: far West. The Misses Kato Eachen have !eft .rf! ilTich. Y A very prr,tt e venni uized On WeibiesdayiA home of Mr. OAP,' daughter Clara-wasQ*. to Mr. Geo. rrtitte,i;; Sask. The ceremony by the Rev. E. Buri ton. At three o'cloil. party took their plaee ben; of evergreens, ferns .and hr cri the lawn while Loheui chorus was softly,Ialayttr, Minnie sister of the bride wore a gown of cream t1l l anti a httudsonte silk tuj ll.' orange blossoms and carried bouquet of roses ancl.aneicleti She was attended by hc'sr s. Lydia who wore steel gat carried a large bouquet of pink carnations, Little' youngest sister of the kcal+.:.e flower girl and lsctwki,w'� pale blue silk and canted t a basket of sweet poise. r J. Sweitzer, of Centrale' ,1 groomsman. After tbr' e r:ri very dainty wedding dinner ti ved in the diningroom �,'hiel7 t g °orated with blue ribbons, Patnl r t and flowers, The grooms gilt, e, , bride was a crown of pearls, ' e t`the bridesmaid a crescent pin, thegrilorns man a pearl tie pin, and la the dower girl and pianist it pearl brooelia The s r Mr: and. Mrs. J. T. Morgan, of grain was given. L. H. Dickson aUsborne, spent Sunday in Blyth the made an able chairman. W. H. guests of Mrs. S. Popplestone. Levett, as acting Reeve, welcomed e Mrs. Jefferson, of London,is visit- the guests on behalf of the town, J. ing, friends in town. G. Stanbury on behalf of the Exeter lodge welcomed the Grand Master,and Miss T. White left this week for Mr. F. R. I3lewett of Stratford spoke Toronto to attend the millinery open of the work of the Order and of the lugs. growth and the good that .-was being Mrs. F. J. Wickwire returned home dono by the society. Mr. Popple one Saturday last after a pleasant trip stone in his reply thanked the Exeter to Ohio, Manistee and Grand Rapids, Lodge for the; honor shown him and A' sill, She was accompanied by Mrs. of the galeas use it gas's filial in being rltey of Windsor:present. The music furnished by the Mee Merle Gould left for Toronto Citizens Band of London was greatly on Saturday to attend the millinery appreciated by all. The school openings.grounds-were crowded. 1 .Mrs. Albert Hooper, of Clinton, was xih called, here owing to the death of her 1 t ,d another Mrs. Atkinson. 11 Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Davis have r,. returned from their honeymoon trip. i .Dict it ever occur to you that a man's '" Bev. E. G. Powell of Main Street life is of crosses and temptations Chureh and Rev. Sharp of Cavell He comes into the world without his Presbyterian Church have returned ` consent, hoagie from their vacation and took I And goes out of it against his will. their own work on Sunday last. i That the trip is exceedingly rocky, 1 j lir. and Mrs.. Clifford Spackman 1 j and little daughter are visiting Mr. `and Mrs. Hugh Spackman. Mr. Fred Drew, of Ontario, Cali- If s affectionate he's aloft specimen fornia, visited his uncle Mr. W'reiv. Mr. Drew is an Exeter old edIf Tae's not affectionate he's colclbloocl- . boy and it is eighteen years since he If lie's actively religious he's a hypo- crite,here ivtr. and Mrs. Geo. Stokes and If he doesn't go to church he is a daughter, of Detroit, drove over in h 9000000A00000000000400AAA0 Several from here attended the Re- form Convention held in Hensall on Friday of last week. Reeve Sweitzer, of Shipka, was in the village on business one clay last week. Our bowlers are sending two rinks to Exeter to take part in the tourna- ment on Thursday and Friday of this week. Our flax mills have commenced to thresh the seasons crop of flax. Mr. E. Weltin who has been work- ing for Mr. Alex. Zimmer left last week for the West. We wish Eddie every success. The councillors of Exeter passed through our village on their way home from Parkhill where they were look- ing at a piece of road the Parkhill councillors were building. bel b0000o00AG'00AeeA00A04b40 A 0 e 00000040000000000000000000 Mr. Wm. Sweitzer was in Lucan this week on. business. Miss Martha Bunzgarden, of Lucan, is visiting for a Tew clays with her parents., Messrs, Hannon, Matthew Sweitzer and Reeve Sweitzer attended the Re- form Convention on Friday of last week, when M. Y. McLean was again. chosen as standard bearer for the South riding of Huron. Mr. Keys and sister ,Miss Reada called. on Mr. Tom Keys on Sunday., The Misses Pearl and Ells, Wing and Miss Otto who have been vi.sitipg here for a few days loft this week for Hamburg, The Philosophy of Life And lie's governed by the rule of con- traries. When he is little the big girls kiss him When he is big the little girls kiss him ,trdened sinner. their auto on Tuesday and are visit If he dies young there is a. great fist- ing Mrs. G. Sanders. ure for him, Mr. John Elliott, of the northwest If he's old and broke he's in the way. is visiting his mother who is serious- If he's .in politics it's for graft, ly illIf he's not he's no€goodto the country Drs. Roulston intends leaving on a If he don't give to charity he's stingy, trip across the ocean. He will first If he gives freely it's for show. bride was the recipient of many beau- visit in England, and later will visit If he is poor he's O. bad manager, tiful and useful presents, also 1hand- various points on the continent. If he is rich he's dishonest. some check from her parents. Mr. If be needs credit he can't it, 1VIiss Hattie Hunter . left Tuesday If he has plenty they all want to help and.n elr. Tottenea left in anauto take roux fora two months visit in the II, est. lila. ponied by the atato Toro theFriday of this If he meets with misfortune he needs evening train at Parkhill for '1'0lol�tci, On Thursday and I' y money, . Buffalo and Niagara. The bride's go week the Exeter Lawn BowlingAs- If he barrows money he's improvident, ing away gown - vas of brown silk sociation will hold their first tourna- If he asks ws nios to help mm ohev doses with large hat to match. .They will ment, open to rinks from any club. them, return to Shipka prior to leaving, :for 'Three events will be played in the Cts it from file broker his boss If he Weyburn where'they will make their rink competition, for which valuable g future home. prizes Will be given. In addition the gets sore. ' If you save money ,you're a grouch, A Bowden Trophy, a large.silver cup, If ou-spenil it you're a loafer. presented by S. G. I3awclen, will go If you get it you're a grafter. •..®AAAA..4.4.A.s.♦4o....• to the winners of the first event, to be • I held for one year. The trophy when If you don't get it you're a bttm. A —Ain't it the Truth? o • won'three time by One club becomes ....AA.AA0AA.AA4AA4A.AAoo4,- . the property of that club. Twelve Satin- - greens are being put in firstclass con- dayClss Loran extended left s on in t h clition, and it is expected that a large last et. an extended visit the nttinber of rinks will take part in the northwest. competition. Mrs. Statham and little son Howard ition and band concert are visiting the former's father Capt. The gees 1 J. N. Howard. given: Thursday evening in honor of Mr. S. A. Popinlestano, a former Exe- iVCrs, J. W. Blatchford and allIsi ter boy; who was recently elected to Marion are spending• it few days in the office of Grand Master of the I.O. Lucan. 0. F. of Ontario was indeed a great Gregory i en. of F. of A procession was formed at M1,3..1'. Sask.iy and visiting i t,. ,, procession was ed to the 131uttleforcl, Sa�ik., are at. the tta0 I.O.0.F. hall . 'value of ..fry, 'Tan Gregory. Aiv of W"Gillies where a plendid pro - •1N. EBSTERS NEW 1 NTERNATIONAL DICTIONARY THE IYMERRIAM WEBS TER? Because it isa 1 PW cl s TION, covering every held of the world's thought,. action and Culture. The only nein unabridged dictionary in many years. , Because it deSnes over 400,000 Words; more than ever before appeared between two covers. 2loo ,Pages. 6000 1I- lustrations. Because it is the only dictionary with the new divided page. A "Stroke of Genius." Because it is an encyclopedia in a single volume. Because it is accepted by the Courts, Schools and Press as the one supreme au. thority. Because he who knows Wilts Success. Let us tell you about this new work. WRITE for :madmen of new divided page. G.& C.MERRIAM CO., Pobli,hers,Springield,Mau. iientlonthespaper, recdva%'REB a eat of pocket rasps. Queer Nest of the Tontobane. The oddest of all birds' nests ls the one built by the tontobane, a. South' .African songster. It Is built of cot- ton and always upon the tree produce ing the material. In constructing the domicile the female works inside and .the male, outside, where be builds a sentinel box for his own special use. Be sits fn the box and keeps watch or sings nearly till the time, and whoa danger comes in the form of a hawk or a snake he warily the family, but never enters the main best. Synopsis o Canadian Northwest Land 'Regulations. An, NY person who is the sole head of a family, or any male over 18 years old, may homestead a ouarter-section 01 avail able Dominion land in 1:.lanitol,tt,. Sask- atchewan or Alberta. Tho applicant inusb appear in person at the Dominion Lands Agency or Sub•.Agenoy for the district. Entry by proxy may be made at any agency, on certain conditions, by father, mother, son, daughter, brother oe sister of intending homesteader. Duties.—Six months' residence upon and cultivation of the land in each of three years, A homesteader may live Within nine miles of his homestead on a farm of at least 80 acres solely owned and occupied by hind or by his father, mother, son, daughter, brother or sister. In certain districts a homesteader in.,, good !standing Tray pre-empt a quarter'.see. tion alongside his homestead. Price $8.01} per aere. Duties—Must reside six months in each of six years from date of homestoacll .entry (including the tined required to earn homestead patent) and cultivate fifty items extra. A homesteader who has exhausted his homestead right and cannob• obtain )pre. emptier' may take a purchased homestead in certain districts. Price $3.00 per acre. f)uties—Must reside six months in each of three years, cultivate fifty sores and eroeb a house,3gorth $300.00. -W." W. CORY, Deputy of bhe hiinistict of the interior. N. E.—Unauthorized pttblieation of this advertheenent will not oe para tor,