HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1911-08-25, Page 2!r........_____:_, .....______ , 01111S.B SEDI IU~ PRISONS CR1SLY SPECTRES W'6IEIICR ;IATI T SOME GAOLS. „Awful lues of all Over -Zealous `tinsel in Portland, Eng- land, Prison.. If there' is any building which *tight to be haunted, surely it is a prison. Such a plane fairly reeks with tragedy, and there is not one of aur 'great "gaols which has not its stories of murders and suicides committed within its walls, says Pearson's Weekly. One of the grimiest of prison tragedies occurred a good many years ago at Portland. In those days prisoners were not treated with the care and consideration shown in this twentieth century. One warder there was at that period who had gained an evil no- toriety by his overdone devotion to discipline. His zeal was approv- ed by his superiors, and ane day came the news that he was to be promoted to principal warder. On the night of the, very day when the news came he was on duty when, looking through the peep -hole in- to a cell, he saw the occupant ap- parently hanging to the window bars. Of course, he rushed in The figure was a dummy one, the convict, one who beef previously suffered at the warder's hands, was hiding behind the door armed with a cobbler's knife which he had stolen from a workshop. STEALING ALONG C'ORatih.)OR. Before the warder could draw his truncheon the keen blade was buried in his back,. and when help came they found hem laying on the floor, literally hacked to pieces, while the convict, a gibbering lu- natic, grinned over the body of his victim. A man who recently completed a five years' sentence in Portland says that t.o this day the murdered man may be seen at night., stealing softly along the corridor and van- ishing silently into the cell' where he met his awful end. Last April there was a terrible scare in Maryborough, one of the Irish convict prisons. A Scotsman named Grant had been sentenced to death for the murder of a w+P man in Dublizt, but the Lord Lieut- enant commuted the sentence to penal servitude for life. Grant had only been in Miry - borough a few weeks when, one night, the warders on night duty heard fearful shrieks ,coming from his c.e11. Rushing in to see what had happened, they found the wretched man cowering in a cor- ner, literally bathed in perspira- tion, and in a state of abject ter- ror. He declared that the ghost of the woman whom he had killed had appeared to hila in his cell, moving up and down before his eyes, and he dung to the warders, imploring them not to leave him alone. This was the first of similar at- tacks, and his shrieks, ringing through the bare stone passages, to assist in exterminating tnls soon caused a panic which spread worst enemy of the human rsee. through the whole prison, until Wilson's Fly Pads kill flies in sect) eventually it was found neees'sary to move the wretched man to an- other place. FALL WITH A CRASH. The most extraordinary case of gaol haunting of which any record exists occurred two years ago in North Carolina. The Asheville county gaol authorities were pre- sented with a petition signed by every single convict, 2.15 in all, praying that they might be pro- tected against the evil spirits which haunted the place. , It appeared that a negro Mur- derer had recently been hanged in the gaol. Every night since the execution the trap had, been heard to fall with a loud crash, and af- terwards the murder's ghost, faint- ly luminous, moved through the corridors, peering into the cells and terrifyltig the wretched in - matte almost out of their lives. Warders eonfi,nned these state- menta. tate- ment. The result is that the whole building has .been aband- ot7ed Another ghost Beare was report- ed -at the great Austrian prison of Lernberg. One night shrieks broke out iu a number of different cells siin'.:.ts.neously, and the guard was canto!. in. Every prisoner had the same story to tell. He had awoken in a most terrible fright, but exactly what about lie could necexplain. At first it was thought that it might be nig-htmtare, caused by some- thing wrong with th•e food, but next night the same thing hap- pened: again, only now the panic. extended through a whole blook of 'buildings. A priest was called in and the evil ;spirit was soletnaly exorcised, and gradually the com- tnotion ended. a SEVEN YEARS PAIN FROM ACUTE NpIRM.01A pulled. Through the Use of Dr, Williams' Pink Pills Neuvalgia is not a disease—it is only a symptom. It is the surest sign that your blood is weak, wat- ery and impure, and that your nerves are literally starving. Bad blood is the one cause—good, rich, red blood its only cure. There you have the real reason why Dr. Williams' Pink Pills cure neural- gia. They are the only medicine that contains, in correct propor- tions, the. very elements needed to make new, rich, red blood. This alone reaches the root of the trou- ble, soothes the jangled nerves,. and drives away the nagging, stab- bing . pain, and brace up your health in other ways. Mr. M. Brennan, an ex -sergeant of the 2nd Cheshire Regiment, now a re- sident of Winnipeg, Man., says "While serving with my regiment in India, on a hill station, I con- tracted a severe cold which brought on acute neuralgia, at times lasting for three weeks. I was constantly suffering almost every month in the year for over seven years, the pain being some- times so severe that I wished I was dead. On niy return to England I seemed to get no Better, though I spent large sums of money for me- dical advice and medicine. Then I came to Canada, and about a year ago saw the advertisement of Dr. Williams' Pink. Pills in a Winnipeg paper. Although I had begun to think my complaint was incurable I told my wife that I intended give, ing the Pills a fair trial. I wa suffering from terrible pains when I began taking the Pills, but before the second box was finished the pain began to disappear, and un- der a further use of the Pills it disappeared entirely, and I have not had a twinge of it during the past year. Only those who have been afflicted with the terrible pains of neuralgia can tell what a blessing Dr. Williams' Pink Pills have been to me, and you may be frt7 sure i ishan constantly reoomnienol fr tem to other suffererst' ` These Pills are sold by all medi- cine dealers or by mail at 50 cents a, box or six boxes for $2.50 from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. A 1 Y,I1 (t Q L' C1i11 r Blackmailing is -Profitable in Mod - era English ,Sroeiety. Every few days• the veil Is lifted an a. lurid under side of English life. where refinements of c.ue:lty which the police oannot• remedy are perpetrated. by human , vain- pines. Two elderly blackmailers have just been sentenced to loll;, terms of imprisonment for squeezing large sums of money out ef'.'aloi1el Bain, an ex -M. P., ov r many years, by -the simple Iyer as of. threatening tp expose an earn 'ih- discretion. At last 'the ;pet•ecxt- ed mai turned at bay., 113af1e his wife his confidante, ani;! "celia1' ii1 the police. A Scotland Yard sleuth sats that blackmailing is the best itt unized and most paying line qt r r rinhiaial''. ibusiness in, England. a11th , tgh the police are well aegi sit fed with the harpies who Batten ;Upon the indiscretions of the rieb.r'.nd hong to lay them by the iteelSe.they are powerless to act, becalm 's.i the generality of cases the blp klnailed person prefers batik lei ptcy or death. to publicity. There is one notab blackmailers in Lon owes its,success, to t it has as its chief an Yard man, a salt{ •e,' p of the world, wile keep on the safe ..!elk of the law. He is/1 Comte, and has leen people for -nearly __ Woken of weal are the Comte'•s erahly marei at the best 1 at the great was recently t he is an t tan yacht amany a'n orf which that ilali•d man ow to letter ii the ailing FELT SAFER NOW. F'Why, Tommy,'exclaimed the Sunday school 'i;ea!her,. "don't you .say your prayers every night " be - fare yen go to bed?" "Not any more," replied Town= Imy; "I aster when 1 Wept in a 'folding 'bed, though," Cneumbers and melons are "fox bidden fruit" to many persons so oonstituted that the least indul- gence is followed by attacks of cholera, dysentery, griping, etc. These persons are not aware that; they can indulge to their heart's content if they have on hand,' a, bottle of Dr. J. D. Kellogg's Dy- sentery Cordial, a medicine that will give immediate relief, and is a sure:cure for all summer com- plaints. When you are offered something for nothing you Should accept it— if you can afford to pay double its value Plinard's Liniment Cures Colds, Etc. Lulu was watching her mother working _ among the flowers. '"Mamma, I know .why flowers grew," she said; "they want to get out of the dirt." • Warts on the hands is a disfigure- mentethat troubles many ladies. Holloway's Corn Cure will remove the ble`Inishes without pain. He (soulfully)—"There are a thousand stars to -night looking ins rl- anon you." She—"Is my hat on ±e- i straight i" . There are many imitations of Wilson's Fly Pads, but none cem- paite with the genuine original ar- ticl.e. i. die sure you get Wilson's and avoid dissatisfaction. No. Alonzo, the cigarette habit oesxt't always cause weak minds. 11 a great many cases it merely indicates them. A Mild Pill for Delicate Women. "°he most dedicate woman can un is a course of Parmelee's Vege- Pills withont.fear of unplea- consequences. Their action, wholly effective, is mild and able. 1(o violent pains or ngs fellowtheir' use, as thou - women' ivho have used thein can t-estify. They are, there- fore, strongly recommended to wo- men, who are more prone to dis- orders of the digestive organs than tays i tie e end for cur, •Altlhougl .the Co the King oO Black two othertl , who work•'te e London Deuce, eord .is aim this cane :e tractive: The vi ably titian the CIt A"_r'51 ourrA:C'ION 141.OiY4OPOLY Arabs Controlled the P irst Parcels - Post. The first -'parcels-post difficulty that we regal occurred at the close of the fifteenth. century. Arabs controlled the overland routes l from ladle to the Mediterranean and so monopolized the spice trade, which they worked in partnership with the Venetians. Directly after Vasco da Gama reached India by sea, !however, Portugal sent..thi- ther aafeet of trading ships. 'In spite ,of bitterest opposition on the part of the monopolistic Arabs the ships succeeded in securing car - gees of, spices and other Oriental wares which' they brought to En rope. The result was a panic in Venice, the price of spices there falling fifty per cent. That the Arabs had made thrifty use of their: monopoly is indicated by the fact that, in spite of this fall in prices, the Portuguese are said to have soldtheir spices at a profit of six hundred per cent. Probably the ,Arabs argued, like -- our express companies, that they were really,' benevolent persons and engaged in trade mostly ,for their health. The dearness ,. of transportation at that time was a matter of small importance, for commerce was• chiefly confined to articles of lux- ury. Only barons could buy spices anyway. New-a=days, when trans- portation enters.. 'into the cost of the necessaries .of life, there seems decidedly less excuse for tolerat- ing a monopolistic toll upon it. —s< DIFFERENCE. She—"I suppose your new is a delicate pink?" He—"No, she's a robust yeller 1" The Flies that are now in your kitchen and dining -room were pro- bably feasting on some indescrib- able nastiness less than an hour ago, and as a single fly often car- ries many thousands of disease germs attached to its hairy b.;dy, , it is the duty of every housekeeper baby immense quantities as cannot be approached by any other tly Ic'iler. The social scale is not always life's most reliable weighing ma- ehine M inard's Liniment Cures Diphtheria. THE LIMIT OF CHEEK. er Brown is a brave man, and when, the other night he heard a noise downstairs he promptly arose,' took a poker, and proceeded to in- 1 vestigate the cause. On reaching the hall, the light of the candle he carried revealed a burglar in the act of leaving the house "Hi !" cried - Brown. "Come back :" The burglar turned and gazed in surprise at Brown. "What's the matter?" he in- quired. "Have I forgotten any- thing? Ali! of course. The silver Candle -stick you are carrying. Thank you so much." Then, before the astonished Brown -could realize what had hap- pened, he seized the candle -stick and vanished into the night. HARD rLUCK. If money grew on trees, I'll bet That I'd be one of these Who live. on the• Sahara, where No shade tree ever grows•. r fes : oily t•. tiler ars, get tin for the''' enorbit thee blaekinaile brain i.- The Seotlundt eupplied this have it known f the shortest cut to for the blackmail* form the pollee 1� Inand is made fono the scoundrels. lb'i have done so.' I,; of ten this course; free them from ^per's the blackmailers .fe`.' court even more tims do. h. me her acts of ut his Atli who would 1.e that mind is ,r to in - rat de- nd let t ,they es Oat t ually • n, for polies it tic - r, ic- HE COULDN'T THEN, • "1 would like mightily' to enjoy triches." "Thee why don't you try to mar- ry•'em "An I said, T" want to. enjoy them," TIC ET WA "1 understand t.,,.: penny has ,been o' appendicitis," remittke .enne. "Yes. It's the filet '".ttie any one was known to get ail. hi lig out of him." k "But you see they nad. to give him chloroform to get' that." r I'ixit�lt en,• for Cap A Large Package Of Enjoyntgllt St Toasties Served with cream, milk or fruit—fre3h or cooked. Crisp, golden -brown bits of white corn—delicious and wholesonle— A flavour that ap•p2als to yottter.r, awl old. "The liernoryLingers';': SOIfi» BY GROOMS. flS. Canadian 'Postum, Cereal Company,;. Lhnitol1 Windsor, Ont., .: r•^—.xm ,irc,mrsnnurz—...ria ti• men. A man wastes a lot of time ask- ing questions that he doesn't want answered. REST AND HEALTH TO MOTHER AND CHILD, .41es. WINSLO 'S sonrxti r, Siam bas been used for over SIXTY YEARS by MILLIONS of MOTHE1es for their CIIIr.i3ki r WHILE TEL, THING, wee enaI•'EcT SUCCESS. It Soorsurs the CHILD, SOFTENS the GUMS, ALLAYS all PAIN ; CURES WIND COLIC, and is the best remedy for DTARRIia:A. It is ab- solutely ltartulcss, Be sure and ask for "Mrs. Wiuslow's Soothing Syrup," and take no other kind. Twenty-five cents a bottle. J The Pill That Brings Relief.— When after one has party mea fulness and pains in the stomach. he suffers from dyspepsia, which will persist if it be net dealt with. Parmelee's Vegetable Pills are the very best medicine that can be taken to being relief. These pills li�1VFl srnn f the best 7ruit. St are em specially eopounded tu' °weal (}rain or yanary Paring in Ont with dyspepsia, and their sterling and prices right. qualities in this respect can be vouched for by legions of users.' ken of ,a 1 he is oppressed by feelings of [Jj many -an investor would have avoided poor investments and conse- quent loss -lad he known what constitutes a bond, how safe and profitable a bond investment is, f When you buy a bond you are protected from. loss by a first mortgage on the entire assets of the Corporation' that issues the bond. Both the prin- cipol and interest are protected in the same manner. q We will be pleased to send to your address without any charge whatever our little Booklet on. bonds. Write us to -day. �wa SECURITIES E CORPORA H OT'`.. LIMITED BANK OF MONTREAL BUILDING YONGE AND QUEEN STS. TORONTO HAUNTED HER. - The .Lady—"Get out! You .the Mar. I gave a piece of cakes .only an hour ago." • The Hobo—''No, mum. I that poor feller's ghost!" FARMS FOR RENT AND SALE. 1'4 ASIC DAWSON, HE (KNOWS. IP you want to Bell a farm, co me.— Ili' you want to hay a farm, co mo, A PLAIN INQUIRY. "Warden, what are most of these men doing here'!" "Principally doing time, ma- dam." Free advice is the kind people give away because they have no use for it. MINNiCOCANASHENE. A Bard name to pronounce, called local- ly Minnicog." '.Chis is a picturesque summer resort on one of the largest islands of the Georgian Bay, only 3 1-2 .tours run by the Grand Trunk Railway System from the City of Toronto, Canada, and beautifully situated among the 30.000 islands of that territory. Splendid hotel accommodation, good fishing, fine boating, and no hay fever, hags, trout, pickerel and ,Tike abound. For illustrated de- scriptive matter and all information, write to A. E. DUFF, 'Union Station, Toronto. -, Love at first sight proves that second thoughts are often best,. This is to certify that 1 have used MINAi1D'S Liniment in my family for years, and consider it the best liniment on the market. 1 have found it excellent for horse flesh. (signed) W. S. PINTO. "Woodlands," Middleton, N.S. HARDLY. A man may be in love witch two women at the same time, but not if either of them knows about it. It Makes New Friends Every Day. --Not a day goes by that Dr. Thomas' Ecleetric Oil does not widen the circle of its friends. -Or- ders for it come from the most ttn- likely places in the west and 'far north, for its fame has travelled far. It deserves this attentio:i, for no oil has done so mach for hu- manity. Its moderate cosi makes it easy* to get. TRY MURINE EYE REMEDY for Red, Weak, Weary, Watery Eyes andGranulatedEyelids. Murine Doesn't Smart—Soothes Bye Pain. Druggists Sell Murine Eye. Remedy, Liquid, 25c, 500, $1.00. Murine Eye Salve in Aseptic Tubes, 25c, $1.00. Bye Books and Eye Advice Etta by Mail. Murine Eye Remedy Co,, Chicago. TART STATEMENTS. 'e -Fortune won't smile en you un- less you meet her half way. \hen some people drop a hint, irsounds like an explosion. It ,doesn't•., require an earthquake to shake our faith in some peo- pie. Of all human virtues, the world is apt to regard success as the greatest. The people who pose as martyrs seem to get a lot of satisfaction out of it. There is always a certain amount of coolness between the iceman and hit custotners. Any lawyer will tell you that some people hate to take advice even when they pay for it. It is possible for a woman's head to be turned by flattery, even when she has a stiff neck. Minaret's Liniment Cures oistenptr. �L SL tli . De etAW, 'ToronSON,to. Ninety Colb 51re Minard's Liniment Cures Carget in Cows. AGENTS WANTED. (1A` v ASSI2itS WANTED weekly paid.—Alfred Tyler, Londue. Outarin. tt GENTS IV -ANTED .EVERYWIIE 131 High clans business with best. p Cialvert & Dtvyer Go•.: tli 1, Ter AGENTS: \VANTED:= A study o'. t� Agency prorositionit ennVinU teat none can equal ours.:' You. ,>tt ways regret it if you dod'l apply particulars to Travellers' De -pt., Albert St., Ottawa. i. MISCELLANEOUS.' WHAT HE WANTED. Clerk—"Do you want a narrow ,m au's comb?" Customer (gravely)—"No ; I want a comb for a stout lean with rub- ebr teeth." ATeaalndWPoAs!,i 9 CALEnSa,de, TWoirl ‘,LIAWMILL MACIIINE1tY, Portabl CI. heavy, Lathe Mills, Shingle Engines and Boilers, Mill Supplies. E. Long Manufacturing Co., Ltd., Street, Orillia, Ontario. y ANCSR, TUMORS, LUDLi'S, ete. lJ tenial and external, cured wi pain by our home treatment. Wri Limited, Collingwood Beaman Modica FOR BREAKING OUT. "Why do you have .those glass .cases with the axe, hammer, crow- bar, and •so forth, on these cars?" asked a traveller an a railroad?' "Oh, those are put there in case any one wants a window open," replied the facetious man. WW RITE us to -day forour choice of Agents' bupplies. No 0 necessary. They are money makers. ppty Bxt Ont Co. Ltd., 228 Albert Ott a TON SCALE GUARANTEED. Wil T) Seale Works, 9 Esplanade, Tor �i PECIALISPS ADVICE FREE. Co 1� us iu regard to any disease. L prices in drugs of all 1 trusses fitted by mail Send me meat. Glasses fitted by age. e. Write for anything sold in first-class stores to Dr. Reitman, Coliingwo0d, 1D. "1 I.SSu,iu 11 ► =11 CHENILLE CURTAI .1 all kinds of hones hangings, also LACE CClRTlii1 a DYED APO OLE Yugarsurgazonssz.visno„, v d,„� LIKE NEVI, Write to na about yours, BRITISH AMERICAS DYEDIC CO., BoxlSS, Pio The ctni of a Flame •t Action, Inaiet yanthe ' ° ess''� T O Ft � `l..s E Plano Aoticitt Canada `Business Coll CHATHAM, ONT. In a class by itself Among -'AM Schools of Business .Tralntn, 494 STUDENTS PLACED IN" -'I8 386 STUDENTS PLACED IN 19 475 STUDENTS PLACED IN '19 W'o publish: the Hats annually, We pay full faro fttt to $8.00, 7th long distance students for half ft Good hoard and room, $3,00 per If you cannot come to O athats, t Hero are some students placed re Nato Wade, Cameron & Reap Tei: Blturk` Nicholson & Bain, itegin wood, ''!.'rust' Co., Ohel9oyattn, Eight calls just r000ived for Steal - ers,oaebers and Auditors, for• 0 worth from $000 to 41600,will 'Si+ some -idea of •the domande. COL1.EG5 REOPENS FOR 36TH. Sgl,TEIVIHER 5TH. Catalogue Cha Gata ugue33tells tells' of woorkrks btl • (Either Freo,) D. MCLdtCH Ghat n1 Oat E”