HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1911-08-25, Page 1and, Hay .Township Vol. x11. oreoraci=xecigmtormgaciesco' This Clearance below- cans. will do it.. be surpass bargain. 10 will not m 2i0 0 r first Summer ods listed low prices he quality can' not d evenj items: is a ou arc ' lse you s chancey 0 LADIES' WHITE W21STS RE c bargains set cove,r. KAt 1 0 0 0 0 0 2.001 50 for :$2.00 reach 25 for 1.75 " 00 for 1.50 ac '75 for 2.25 .50 far 1.10 " 75 for 50 " 50 for 35 " w,ns, Skirts, Cor= rawers, seta 4 SUITS • 0 FRIDAY MORNI I LOCAL NEWS. 7 or-irm ^a mtr a :4-p4'fineas . In the Town Hall, on Labor Dav evening. < A carload of .'Starl' Portland cement to hand. J. Preeter. Miss Ada Wurm is back from a' visit with relatives in Michigan. Miss Lottie Galster is visiting,at j„ Grand Bend for a few weeks. r Miss Alice . Johnson is , visiting, friends in .Clinton.. Mrs W. Finkbeiner of Milverton,. is visiting relatives in town. Mrs. D. Studer, cf Thvistoelr is•! visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs.; Henry Koehler. Mr, Robert Williams of.. the; Molsons Bank staff, of Montreal, is. home for his holidays. Miss K. Stoskopf of Mitchell is visiting her brother. Dr: E. W. Stoskopf Come to tae baseball match this (Friday) evening at 5 o'clock arra see the Clinton -Zurich game, Mr, and Mrs. F. W. Hess "/and aft George, left on Wednesda. for e week's camping below Grand Bend, Mrs.. Ed. Challis and childaura<�" Saginaw, is visiting her parent Mr. and Mrs, John Schnell, - Mr. Win, `Kalbil.eisch of CottOall is spending the week with bis ents, Mr. and Mrs. Henry fleisch See and hear Uncles ti Weathersby, To*n Hall Zile Labor Day tonere. Admission* kms::. is cents, Reserved 35, children .15 as ''s- FA vip slt So L 'AUG. 25, 191 L N04 `rthur Well of Detroit, is his parents, Mr. and Mrs. acob.,Kellerman of Dash - the Returning Ofkcerfor uron for the elections to «n Sept. 21st. 'ge Brock and Miss Flossie. lunited in marriage 011 , Aug. 28rd, at the home de"a parents, Mr. and Mrs. J.eizier. vin burerus, son of Mr Daniel Surerus of the Line, was successful in ;the fourth Bla)te Scholar.' the recent University. fah `weido has disposed of the Goshen Line, near r. Oscar Koehler, for he new owner gets pos s)ring • XfttNof young men left on tp lining for the West, 1 Bing -elf Gallman, an, and William ';',also Mrs. Solamom y• ;case of diarrhoea be cured by a single in's Colic, Oho' Remedy. This erior for bowel e •by all dealers. o' is the time:,to aimn'{{berlain's Colo, a hods Remedy. It to be needed be- er i over, This npertor. For sale 15,ii. the Conventicca� on wrecl M. Y. McLean Thoa.naember far tauch a,ii chosen as district, t iberals, in • have bte...a 'cat oiia. SFJ TEAD1: x ar- L -i Wtl p}erze<ti lapanies price Oda1"p.L0 cents sounds and 20 cents 00 pounds. The new o,efft t last week. The o to the rise in 'the price ober option being par- onsible. Hear Millard ' Stauffer in s so new humorous production. dssea ovor got Harry Lauder on the I this studs Town Hall Zurich, Le l :o in your in= concert.'• surrey w%lio atisfacstioa. MEr quite •lik We have decided to clear out the balance, of our liens' 2 piece Summer Suite. Call anyway we can suit you. REGULAR $8 50 and 8.00 Mens Suits for 6.00 each " 10.00 ' 4", for 7 00 " iR 11.00 °C " for 8.00 5 -SOME EXTRA SPECIALS Make a note of these. bering. They are well worth reuiem- Ladies' Hose 3 pair for 25cts f‘ tiextra 2 pr 25cts Ladies' . Vests 3 for 25cts c i c c extra 2 for 25cts Mens cotton Sox 3 pr for 25cts " extra 2 for 25cts Fancy Sox 25c and 500 pair. Boys Blouses 50c, Boys Knickers 50c Fancy Dress Shirts 50c and 75c each t Summer Vests regular 1,20 to 2.00 to clear at 1.00 BTG B ARELUGS Mens' and Boy's Fine Straw Hats to clear COAL All persons desiring coal for July I. livery kindly leave your te order at once. Quality guaranteed. Terms on coal are strictly cash. oopioThoormoormacoom000rto c Seasoilabe ardw re Perfection Oil 'Stoves Scythes, Snathes Hay` Fork '' opes Washing Machines Floor Varnishes and Floor Paints, etc. Ate: : _:........ ..._ . .... ..... _ ..:.... .:...... _.........._' PRODUCE TAKEN IN EXOHAWWE elopl.one 9 € 3:=3 WILMOCTOOVII 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 9 g Z U R his aged nicht er, who •is very lo Misses Mary Thiel, Ethel Weido, and Irene Lip.phardt, attended the fall millinery openings in London They returned home on. Tuesday, evening. A well known Des Moines woman after suffering miserably for two clays from bowel complaint, wile cured by one dose of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera. and Diarrhoea Rena:. edy. For sale by all dealers. .At the Liberal convention for West Huron, M. G. Cameron, Mayor of Goderich, and Thomas McMillan, farmer, of Hullet Town- ship, were proposed as candidates,. Mr. Cameron carried the nomina- tion by a small majority. Mr. Gilbert Dick, the well-known' cattle buyer of Hensall, died an Sunday evening after a few months illness, following a paralytic stroke. He was about 56 yerrs of age and highly respected . The funeral took place on Wednesday afternoon. Outs and bruises may be healed in about one-third the time requir- ed by the usual treatment by apply- ing Chamberlain's Liniment. It is an antiseptic and causes such in juries to heal without maturation. This liniment also relieves soreness of the muscles and rheumatic pains For sale by all dealers. Mr. Millard G. Stauffer, imper• snnating Harry Lauder, delighted the audience in "Mrs, Mick," "Birds of a Feature" "The Husking Bee" and others, and was forced to appear two and three times to each selection. He has a good stage ap pearcinee and a pleasing personality and his renderings, which were ea. tretnely fanny, were altogether re- fined and devoid of anything ob jectionable.-Durham Chronicle. A Clever Student -Mr, Alvin Snrerns, son of Mr. D. Sttrerus of the Bronson Line, gredriates this year from the Seaforth Collegiate I.astitnte with honors worthy of special mention. In the July exami- nations required for honor and scholarshipnnatricelastion, heranks eighth in general proficiency in the province, and. is the winner of the fourth Edward Blake scholarship of a value of .$189. The fact that Sorerus completed 't two years coarse in one pear, also speaks well for his ability and work. The awards of the, .0 rter scholarships for which he nleo competed have net yet been to tete but we are con - talent that when the results are made known his name will again ap;p' ar in the list of toe; prize win- rs no,..Y • ca lith • Via nese Thor Frid `tti d try•"'+ Septa as Fridays' Esticom, Fenn speaker,. 'URON POLITICAL • MEETINGS 't wawa. `"McLean, the Liberal it South Huron, will lieelectors at the follow q, the dates named. Thursday Aug. 31. iy'Sept. 1st, Farquhar. Atli, Crediton, Wed •"t., 6th, Dashwood, ept, 7th,. Grand Bend, 8th. Bayfield, Wednes• tla.:Ileasul], Thursday, Nomination) Drysdale, t. 15th, • - the above meetings will at 8 o'clock. Mr. Mc - .be assisted by other Mr, Merner or his re• presentative isrespectfully request. to attend' ,these meetings. It THE GUST ROD A*'D GUN No baa etter nutnber for a delight• ful month has been issued than Roil itniti Gun in Canada for August pi'iblished by W. ,i Taylor, Lirnit#td'„'Woodstc'ck. In the open- ing story `From the Log of a Nan- ticaI 6 r ttxip" . the holiday spirit prevuii:,and is prevalent through the two, following papers-Lnxur. love Trout Fishing and Up the M,ageneta,wan a River of Darns. In additioei:there is an abundance of other Material, articles and stories dealing With fishing, deer, moose and berm hunting while other pbas• es of outdoor life receive recogni tion an.d treatment in a manner that must, appeal to all sportsmen, This is particularly the ease with the tittle paper on the subject of wounded: game and a pioneer's stori.=tt le. the conclusions of the Comnilysiqu inquires into the fish eries c'f.Alberta and Saskatchewan must inters anglers all over the Dominion, The paper on a New Use for the Red Fox tatty not only create a, now interest in fox hunt sn ; but also lead to An. extension et the fox. farins Which helve proved . nelt :> .success' in Prince .Edwuru fabind! aed in liddleate:a: county, in Ontario; Altogether it is a num tier *Well:, tio sports :n c'aaotxld glias, i. CLE iNli SIlO SALE 6 pair women's Pat Pumps Ree $2.00 for " '> 3.00 for ......2.50 ▪ " ' ` 2.75 for . .. 2.25 10 " ', Gun Met Ox Reg 2.50for ..,.>, .200 " Dongolo Ox Reg 1.50 for.... .........1.25 5 " . ` Pat Ox Reg 2.25 for . , , , , 1.90 5 " " 9 ,strap Kid Reg 2.15 for 1.85 5 "' 5 $1.50 6 ". All these Shoes in Window DISPLAY - -ON- - -FRIDAY' We do Repairing Butter and eggs taken in exchange. SAM. E. FAUST, IR' ug ZURICH MILLA.RD GRANT STAMMER. Humorous,aEntertainer and In personator. who will be in Zurich, Labor Day. Apples Wanted At the Hensel]. Evaporator after! ,Sept. lst., starting off at 50 cents per cwt. for fall apples. Bring in as soon as possible after above date. GEO.JOINT UEN SALL. Oood...Full Stoe Of, watches l And, Jewellery 4 A Clever Entertainer. Mr. Millard Grunt Stauffer, a clever and refined young entertaara er, has been interesting large audi euces at Bond Street Congregation. al Churcb, where he bete been a popular feature at fhe weekly con cert. Mr. Stauffer is from Walker- ton and has a remarkably bright future. -Toro :to News, In the Town hall, Labor Day o vening Seewed to Give Him a New Stomach. "I suffered intensely after eating and no medicine or treatment I fried aeet,ned to do any good" writ.. es H M Ybungpeters, Editor of The Sun, Lake View, Ohio. ' The first few doses of Chamberlain's Stones ach and Liver Tablets gaye me surprising relief and the second bottle seemed to give me a new stomach and pecfe :try good health' For sale by all dealers. Mr, and Mrs. Win. O'l3ricn and fancily left on Wednesday morn- ing to spend a week's camping in the pinery. Try our 75 -cent Alarm Clock. You take no chances. We absolut- ely guarantee them 2 years The Best Luminous Alarm Clock and spasmodic repeater, $1.25 and $2 00, „None Better. Musical Alarms, with automatic fly Tb.e best made - $2,25. -- GUARANTEED -- e s an i Womens SUML4EFt SIIOES. Van are showing all the newest lines of Women's and Men's Summer- Shoes ummerShoes foe warm weather. A lot of Womens Oxtcrds slick we are netts selling. at a great bargain. Regular $1,50, $1.75 and $2.Oo For $i000 Just the Slices for summer wear, Conte before sizesare all gone; Try us when you need A Trunk or a. Suit Case Butter and E,,g Tal;en in Exchange ' TZ, The Home of Good Shoes