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The Herald, 1911-08-18, Page 8
030. he unlit TORIE Did you ever buy overalls at this store? No! To bad you have been missing the best. We bank on our overalls, so do the limen that wear them. We have tam hi all styles, for all classes of work. Can't tell our Overall story here for its a long one. We guar•,ntee every pair of ver=alls we sell. We carry a fall fine of all sorts of working men's garments. Immense Hosiery Values If you do not lay in a season's supply slow yoU Will miss a rare chance. Black cotton, plain full fashioned. all sizes, per pair 10 cents or 3 pair for 25 cents. In blue and white or brown and white, good work sox, 10 cents per pair or 3 -pair for 25 cents. Smart Waists for Summer wear= We earnestly ask your inspection, knowing full well the affect the right of these handsome styles will have upon your purse strings, to, see them is to want one or more of them. Underwear is a`; `subject, rthia wrr give special • attention to. That Is why you find every good sort here. We are well prepared to meet the spring demand for moderate prices, good fitting satisfaction Underwear. We have them all weights, from the finest made down' to the splendid values in medium grades, Lades' Neckwear and Belts We have everything that is New in Ladies Neckwear and. Belts. You will find everything that is new and different displayed here. All the very cleverest idea are ROW, smart. tasty and to date. BIG REDUCTION IN a : s r aists Highest prices paid for all kinds of Farm Produce GENERAL MERCHANT Ontario Telephone 28 HEADQUA ITEP?S FOR Celebrated Broadway CLOTHIN6 j �1e 1 �icVit � s .:'. i. 1 aiv ,s Herald' Mr. Ed Att '' off London. is at home this weeks - Mr, Fred E, Hess:. of London. is visiting his parents, ¥r.•and Mrs. F, loess Sr. Mr. W. Krug of (:hesley, and Miss Della and Mr. Fraser Brown of Crediton; visited at the home of Mr, T Preeter, on Sunday. Mr. Millard • Grant Stauffer of Walkerton showed that he can do a1I he promises to do in the comic line. Fie is one of those comics who care sing and do funny things without being vulgar, His stock of fun seems inexhaustible and of such a ~variety that an audience would never tire except from side ache due to, laughing.—Drayton Advocate, In the Town Hail, on Labor Day evening. FOR SALE 3 set new ;',barrows, 1 new light wagon. 3 new wheel barrows. 1 second herukopen buggy, whifiitrees and.re1r3;Fryoloas, clevises, at reduced peeps, Wha�,rthey last. tJJouis Prang, Zurich. LABOii, w DAY CONCERT Labor Dfcy is an important day for the lalicring. class. Not only is the day -; g; .era to recreation in general, .• t, to many it gi , es en opportuut ', to see tut it friends and to dzil themselves generally. Labor"'s; evening, offers an op - port. :; ,,, •' often given. A con• cert. ' • t e auspices of tho Evans •�;hnrch choir wilt, be given .rve12n hall, Zurichat whit. )^ ;G. Stauffer, will be t' .r,t,{baraoter Mr Stan' Aloe artist, equal 1r not - her .,, izest humorists of "i itis- seleotions are brig b _1111. witty and humor ist}rJ' "gsion 25 cents. Reser. ved? tints. Plan of hall at !, store. Look for 'Mils and posters. Fres iby. h' 11= ?ICES. • .1T -1911 -..MUNICIPAL • of Hay, County o• :s hereby given that I • or delivered to the ••+d in sections S and 9 proters' Lists Act, the .is ;molt sections to be so • °%!:.•red a the list madew. t, of fill' erode alehl,alit, . 1jt•Legislati e• §seri) u'lections and that the costed up in my. office !3rd day of August 1911, f• or inspection. Electors w, •.s to examine the said list, Micas or any other errors ,rein • to take immediate have the said error, ng to law. Dated this gust 1911.--•k. Ness Sr„ TO CREDITORS. to of Jacob Ort. Late e of Zurich, in the ran, Deceased. ile. given pnrsuan 129, that all creditors claims against the "Jacob Orb, who died On h day of July, A. D. THE TORONTO NEWS FROM THE FIRST HAS LED • IN 'THE MOVEMENT AGAINST RATIFICATION OF THE TRADE COMPACT WITH WASHINGTON TUE NEW$ WILL ER SENT DAIL'1 11X ll'%M, TO ANY ADDRESS IN CANADA, . 3 role ONE DQ1bAlk AND A YEAR The general public will take notice that I am Exeter in the line of purchasing all kinds of scrap. Highest., Market Prices Paid for scrap Iron, Rags, Rubbers, Copper, Horse Hair, Etc. All purchases to be delivered to T. PREETER'S HARDWARE, ZURiOlEi, where the cash will be paid or trade given. Orders for collection of scrap may be left at the same store, prompt attention will be given, i on doing • business in ' Wexler, - Junk Dealer - Exeter fs One-third of your life is spent in bed. It should be spent in perfect repose, that sweet restful, healthy, beneficial sleep, which proves a balmy relaxation from every care. Do you so spend it? If not, the Ostermoor will surely help yon! It,s "Built for Sleep" Other „mattress 2 piece from $3.00 up. AfuHstock of all kinds of 0 • post prepaid, or d.11iver rA, at Zurich, P. 0. one of s of the :said estate on Friday She 5bh of September, names and addresses, with full Mi of their claims, in writing, and the teaurities, if any, heist 00‘,. verified by statutory take jnotice that after the said date ii''ci!` xeoutors will proceed ( distribute bei assets" of the said decd%Jed among ede parities entitled thereto, having regard only to, the claims of which they shall thea :have received notice, and the exeoft its will not be liable for the said stat: or' any part thereofto any person ci Or one of }'hose claim notice shall not nave ed, reueived by theta at the date of tzolii tribubion. » %*v, at Zurich this 15th day of aa log t,, A. D, 1511. .Toon Orr trxeeutors. NOTICE TO CREDITORS.. in to Estate of Peter Donglrts, L4te 'if the Township. of $ay, in the County of'Huron,' Deceased, &otim is hereby given pursuant to R. S. 0. 1897. Chap. 129. that all creditors and others having claims against the estate of the said Peter Douglas, who died on or about the twenty fourth day of June, A. D. 1911, to send by post prepaid, or delivei to the undersigned, solicitor for George Douglas and George Sparks the e eeutors of the said estate on or before Saturday the 12th of August, 1911, their nanieff and addresses, with full particulars of their claims, in writing, and the nature of th<e securities, if any, held by them duly verified by statutory declaration. And take notice that after the said date the executore will proceed to distribute the assets of the said, deceased among the Parties entitled •thereto, having regard only to the claims of which they shall then have received notice, and the executors wi11 not be ;liable for the said assets or any part thereof to any person or persons of whose claim notice shall not have been received by thein at the date of shelf distribution. Daped at 0oderieh this I3th day of J`uly(A', D. MII. >•.-- s „'111 a, CAMERON, On ;erieh, Selioito. for the E.,ecutQra to choose from at prices just• a little cheaper than the ordinary run. Terms Cash or, Trade at Cash Price LEI PHONE t 9 ZURICH 'qraflPoN'S LARCEBT COMBIPJATi©i11: 3TORIE est les 4. Just to hand: Bring in your orders. Close price 'f+ , KALRPLEIJSCJIC P�•.r.�.,. 19 _ = = ZURICH Zurich' Most Up= Date t store f Those who have bought goods at this store have saved money. We still have a great many bargains on hand, so why not coxae along and save money as well as the rest 2 20 discount on all Ladies' Waists Women's Hose, regular price 150, now 3 pair for 25o '4 30a now,,,,,, ,.,.,, •20o Ladies' colored .hose " 25o,' now .. , ...20a All Ladies' Vests sold out at a ;very Low Price Mens Shirts, regular price $1.00, for , . , .. , , ; , , , , 690 e, .. �� •. $1.25, for $1,0,0 Men's and Boys' Straw. Hats—These are straw hat days ; Strar hats were never so popular as they are today, fin why not everybG,dy,. have one. Never before did we sell them: as cheap as we are now. All kinds of Fresh.Grooeries always kept on Ilandw Protaken in Exchange. ;. • RUBY de CIASCHO.,.