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The Herald, 1911-08-18, Page 4
IThe ee ons an Ineorporated. 1855 Capital paid up $4,000,000 tel `!`oral Assets over 44,000,000 rlontreal Reserve Pond $4400,000 Head Office * Has 78 Branches in Canada, and Agents and Correspondents in v a all the Principal Cities of the World. A GENERAL BANKINF BUSINESS TRANSACTED. SAVINGS BANK pWeNKDEPARTMENT at all Branches. Interest Zurich Branch - J. A. CONSTANTINE, Age n G1 Det!®dfDi QDf> d{e~DCI %GOODS dDt3�F.1©D®QDMINDG �8 , LEGAL CARDS, eltOUDFOOT RAYS & KILLORAN, Barristers, Solicitors, Notaries Public, etc. Goderich, Canada W. Proudfoot. K. C. R. C. Hays. J. L. Killoran. BUSINESS CARDS. Rj■ S. PHILLIPS, AUCTIONEER, Exeter. Sales eoudueted in all parts. Satis- faction guaranteed or no pay. Terms seasonable. Orders left at this office $Pill be promptly attended to. tlb:w,_1% ANDREW F. HESS, FIRE INSURAN- ce agent, representing the London, Economical, Waterloo, Monarch, Stand- ard, Wellington and Guardian. Every- thing in fire insurance. OR. F. A. SELLERY, DENTIST, GkiA- duate of the Royal College of Dental Burgeons, Toronto, also honor gradu- ate of Department of Dentistry, To- ronto University. Painless extraction of•teeth. Plate work a speeiality. At Dominion House, Zurieh, .every^M.on- day. r -2(i R ENotaryEPublic.0 Deeds Mortgages, Wills and other Legal Documents care ugly and promptly prepared. Office— Zeller block, Zurich, Ont. LODGE MEETINGS NEIPIL PUBLISHED BY E. ZELLER. FRIDAY AUG 18th . 1911. W. C. T. U. THE PRODIGAL GIRL b sorgs us. joy , But what of the Prodigal girl? IT18FOR YOU'. i To those who say that the Canadian (government ' Annuities Scheme is of benefit to those only who can take advantage of it while they are young, it may be pointed out that the benefit is equally as great for old people. The following example will illustrate this. A widow 75 years; of age who had ben spending a portion of her capital ea,oh year (which was deposited inthe elPost l t Office Savings Bank) as the interest, found-toher ho horror that she had but $,•,00 lefe eat. she was without relati' es, suddenly realized, ; ebat her fate would ultimately. lea if life were spared to her for 4a, few years longer. But when the cloud was darkest, the silver 'inipg appeared. A friend told her =t; the Canadian Government Ants, ities Scheme, and her feelings ri t- be imagined when she was . inffrl; died that her $1,500 would ytr> •.•, -her foe the remainder of.laa+r life no matter how long she til,'t give an income of $225 90 a y s�, Full inibrnirstl"lw, eleacerning this great Scheme si r `er,. be had on application to. tk 3' uperintendent of Canadian Goys 't cent Annuities Ottawa. Postag„ � 'e- •btly ti bottle of Chamberlain's Colo, Cholera and Dirrrhoea Remedy. It is.alnios't certain to be needed be- fore the summer is over. This remedy has no superior. For sale by all :dealers. We all have a heart for Prodi- gal boy, Who was caught in sin's mad whirl, And we welcome him back with songs of joy ; But what of the Prodigal girt? For him there's ever an open door, And a father's bor''iteous fare, And, though he is wretched, sick and poor, He is sure of a welcome there. But what of the girl who has gone f{ ‘.10 O 1Ci1 Court Zurich No. 1240 a • meets every 1st and 3rd Thursday of each month at 8 o'clock p. m. in the A. O. U. W. Hall. AIERNER, C. R. a® Riclt. Lodge a 9 No, beil910 meets lie 2nd aand4thh Friday of every month, u 8 o'clock; in their •-II MO.: trkerner Nock, • nxo WPrwrit ;$•, Here we Are Again the • NO CUTTING DOWN Vaudeville at the C. N. E. will be Better than Ever, totl, rw W ON DE's Attractions t3; are. Novel i The Canadittea tion of lA special !tit Processicix: of the Lon the bill, bn astray, petitor in Who has lost in the battle with with its hat sin? t the varied Say—do we forgive in the sp.me • and its tp sweet way, tarnish lb We've always forgiven him? aquatic•ev Does the door stand ajar, as if to eomprisin say, "Come, enter, you need not fear I've been open thus since you went away, Now close to the second year?" Or. with a hand of hellish pride, Do .ee close, and bolt the door, And swear, "while heaven •andmotor bo earth abide. Add t She shall enter here no more?" h h'ts. O Christ, it seems we have never learned, The,'lesson writ in the sand, i n For evstx'tr$t the tyro an9'erued . P Ant istcitted in a Christian laud races, etre the all e Toronto a the crack scull race pion of winner Henley, Dom lin the rllo'agh re hurl Iter baclr, - Then turn around with a smile, And welcome the boy from the sin- tul track, Though his was the life most vile We all have a heart for the Prodi- gal boy, Who was caught in sin's mad whirl, with the finest lot of goods ever shown in Zurich. Just received a large quantity to please any- body, so drop in and see. if I. cant suit you. Also carry an immense No. of samples to choose from, All kinds of goods for trousers, dark or light prices low as possible. Laundry in Connection W:' die HOFi MAN Tailor - ZURICH Everything in nature indnlges in amusement. The lightning plays, the whistles. the thunder rolls, the snow flies, the waves leap, and the fields smile. Even the buds shoot and the rivers run. PAZs1F6i"' HOMESEEKERS' EXCURSIONS TO !labia, Saskatchewan, Reda APRIL 4, ileave:L.1 Trains 2t NAY2, 1$, 30mJUNE 13, 21 JULY 11, 26 AUtl. t, 21 SEPT. 6, 11 Seco d elms tickets from Ontario dations to principal INo'hwed wait. at LOW ROUND-TRIP RATES Winmpes sad return $33:00;. Edment s Sud stars, $41.00. end to other peau m txov?s• T'edaet. ,toad to rose within 60 days Erma etas date. TOURIST SLEEPING CARS ea all escuraooa. Cemfodahie heaths, full! &tamed with bcd&E'me, as lx� at rates through. l Early applic*Hon must be made Asa roe 1/4MasrEitr,ls,' PAMPHLET eonteanss uta sad full lafaanation. Apply to neareatC.P.A.Awed artoR.L.Tholutw a Dirt. Pau. Apt., Tomato 01B.Y DIRECT UNE NO CHANGE OF CARS keeping. A.regular feature that is full of value; is the article on. "Home Decoration." The woman, who desires to uaaie her hom e more attractive with better selection of furnishings, better taste le selection and arrangement, of pictures and 'flowers; will ap. precitite this article each month. The children are' not forgotten and have their rage ; "Around the Heart" is an intimate talk ou all home`'affairs by a very interesting woman ; there are many fine papers• from the Women's Institute pro- ceedings. °, "The Dressing Table" is a page of help icor the care of face and body in wholesome ways. It is not just the vain woman but the sensible woman, who should pre; serve her attractiveness. There is mnoh miscellaneous matter that is interesting. The Journal is so bright and attractive looking with it's color cover, it's many illustrations and it's artistic borders and heading that it is a most cheery visitor. Seemed to Give Him a New Stomach. t suffered intensely after eating and no medicine or treatment I tried. seemed to do any good" writ- es H M. Xonngpeters. Editor of The Sun, Lake View, Ohio. ' The first few doses of Chamberlain's Stom- ach and Liver Tablets gave me surprising relief and the second bottle seemed to give me a new stomach and perfectly good health' For sale by all dealers. While the Coronation Procession, Festival of Empire and the Cold- stream Guards Band loom large among the attractions at the Can- adian National it 'must not be thought that the circus and vaudeville are being overlooked. On the contrary, the list of thrillers, gymnasts, comedians and trained animal performances will be bigger than ever. Four stages and a Roman arena will be kept going all the time. Of course, this looks like a big contract but it must be remembered that the show in front of the big grand stand plays to audiences of from 20,000 to 30,000—the population of a good sized city And that makes all things possible. ,1 BILL E This Year umerous. tonal Exhibi- hristles with The Coronation t. reproduction Cant. features close cow - If Empire ps in all e service y bands to y; music. The are important, ational yacb`„ ;ace between ';rgonauts of 11. crew from nbs, a single 'cutler, chem. - end Scholes, and Sculls at races, and 4 acres of ex. Nay in !notion, 'athletics, the ?irks, and the A well known Des Moines woman after suffering miserably for two days from bowel complaint, was cured by one dose of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea, Rem- edy. ,For sale by all dealers. HEADING FOR RESTING TIME. A glance over the "Table of Contents" of August Canadian Home Journal assures one of many hours of most interesting reading. finder the heading "Fiction" are some excellent short stories. "At the Gate of Silence" is full of the atmosphere of the East with its unfathomable psychological mysteries. "A Visit to the Beaver Dam" not only contains excellent nature sketches but an unusually clever study of human nature. "May Apples" is a bright sketch, and "Charlie Chipmonk's Career" An animal story especially at- tractive to children. "The lseiials" A Honeymoon in Hiding and "The House of Windows" grow more interesting every month. "A Woman Rancher in Alberta" by Gertrude E Seton 'Thompson is the history of one woman's. Success and a sketch of farm life in • the West. "The Slum Disease and it's Cure" is a subject that may not vitally effect any but large city r attractions, residents, but is worth reading as it mush be a study of city lifewhteh. will 'So T .,. l d er on. • ra IieY y e e s rets �v lr i to n :the, visitors ' An b can. as i dose of •(, era and" remedy comp, li 'VIII l os LAsw tax ?a:. "s depart .Usattds }ixii9tiE t .:_:� e u lust Strong frit a summer niitnber. 'there's an excellent H.ssortment of` Summer gowns, house dresses, underwear, ohildren'a clothes. For the housekeeper, there are excellent recipes ; menus for spool els luncheons ; most attractive ly illustrated ; canning, .spicing, Synopsis of Canadian Northwest Land Regulations. of diarrhoea fired by a single PTe's Colic, Chol 'Remedy. This erior for bowel fla by all dealers. �NX person who is the sole head of a family, or any male over 18 years old, may homestead a ouarter-section of avail able Dominion, land in Manitoba, Sask- atchewan or Alberta. The applicant musb appear in person at the Dominion Lands Agency or Sub -Agency for the district. Entry by proxy may be made at any agency, on certain conditions, by father, mother, son, daughter, brother or sister of intending homesteader. Duties.—Six months' rt~ysidence upon and cultivation of the land in each Of three years. A homesteader may live within nine miles of his homestead on a farm of at least 80 acres solely owned and occupied by him or by his father, mother, son, daughter, brother or sister. In certain districts a homesteader in hood standing tray pre-empt a quarter.sec- tion alongside his homestead. Price $3.00 per acre. Duties—Must reside six months in each of six years from date of homestead entry (including the time required to earn homestead patent) and cultivate fifty acres extra. A .homesteader who has exhausted , his tlioaiestead right and cannot obtain a pre - emptied '»iay take a purchased homestead in certain districts. Price $3.00 per acre. Duties—Must reside six months in each of three years, cultivate fifty acres and erect a house worth $300.0W 0. W. CORY, Deputy of the Minister of the Interior. N. B.—Unauthorized publication of this advertisement will not oe mala tor. es Come again, Pie Time, and often. For wholesome, digestible "eats", —give us PIE. At its very best wrapped in a FIVE, ROSES crust. Upsets Pie Prejudice without upsetting the Fitter's Insides—FIVE ROSES flour. Great for Pie Crust — top and' bottom. And Puff • Paste and Difficult Things. Close -grained -- melting — even textured. Flaky, too, and crinkly — crisp yet tender. Put into your bake things the rare nutlike sweetness of Manitoba wheat kernels. Al soppy with the rich red juice of the cherry -or lemon pie—or apple—or healthy' custard -meat, may be, or mince— Put the FIVE ROSES "crust end" about'enn. Sae the butuq wedges fade behind busy milk teeth. At Pie Time— Uae FIVE ROSES. moolommiggi _____ IDs.J 09.0' r / 1100111 I imor pp.- i 7 tollgod hilmommodinmohoommigimoilk 1 i modimomihmollmollo holltiogihmodull ffflewhe4tirle!.. �.4., iiiiiwHiliolowsoutiipilAINT, I. INTL* MONTREAL 40 L11 Ile O. me W0006 MILLING, 1