The Herald, 1911-08-11, Page 6NEWS OF THE DAY IK BRIEF :First Big Section of Toronto's In- take Pipe in Position. Sister of U. S. Chief Justice White Dies at Port Hope. Toronto Man Gets 60 Days for Attempting Suicide. Extensions 'have been made to the original plans for the new Central Y. C. A., Toronto. Herbert M. Taylor. aopar•entIy in good health,• dropped dead at his home, 251 Qlueen:'s avenue, London. During hrly 1249.935 bushels of grain arrived at Kingston and watt tranship- ped to Montreal by river barges. Annexation of North 'Parente -may come up again et the next special meet- ing of the Torouto City Council. John P. Duggan, a familiar. figure at the lirion Station, Toronto, passer. away at his house. 8 Duchess etreet: Rev. T. G. A. Wright, of Sarnia, will auceeed Prof..feakins as a:,istent pro- fessor in Biblical exegesis in . ueon Col- lege. The St. Thomas City Council appoint- ed E. O. Coughiil accountant and assist- , .ant, manager of the city's light, heat and power department. I....A:large flour and grief: mill at Stirl- irig, Out., .was burned. The plant was seweed and had been operated for some •.yeare by John Dawkins. • Thousands of Knights of C'olumbne from all parts of North America have aa•rived in Detroit to attend the national convention of the order, The barns of Frederick Batch, .tear Ridgetewu, fiiled with the e;e•e,son'scr•ops, was completely destroyed by fire. Loss; $4,000, with airmail inert ante. The Chinese famine !n, d relief corn- mittee. have received contributions, and forwarded by cable to C'Tlinta from time to time since Janusey, $52,900. At Esi Oro, Mexico, quiet prevailed in the training; town, where yesterday troops fired irate .• a, mob of striking miners,,, killing• nine unci • wounding t erteetwo persons. 1'he Alberia P'a 11(,; Elevator •'t'oni- eetse ie; ter. b1 itei ann•devat>irr ib Bfrnii e„ Atte.; entniedi:rtely,, 'so este •to .Lase ease' of .a.11 .grains •coining-rnta='13iteok .anis • fall. Charles Goodwin was sent to jail 'at Toronto for 00 days to reflect ulxm his foolishness in trying to commit suicide. aoodtvin told the ntagieetrate that he had - received .had news from bonne. • July building permits,: • at Calgary show an increase of 57.2 per cent. over the building returns of July, 1010. Dur ing the past 'month 214 permits were iseued, representing $817,950. • Ben. Glass., a convict at St. Vincent de Paul Peuitentiary, Montreal, serving a term for highway robbery, was found hanged. He had used a towel for a. rope wherewith to commit suicide. PERILOUS TRIP Boy Passes Through Detroit Tunnel on Roof of Passenger Coach. Windsor, Aug. 7. --Lying face down on topof a passenger coach of the Wolverine Flyer, which passed through the Michigan Central Tunnel, Lawrence Fitzgerald, aged 18, of Syra- cuse, N.Y., was found lees night by Immigration Inspector Maeon when the train emerged from the tunnel here. Fitzgerald said he stole a ride on the train from Chicago to Detroit yes- terday morning, and he wished to get to Buffalo to go to wok. He had no money, and took what he thought wsr.a the best way to get to his, destin- ation, and avoid the immigration in- spector. The concussion" of the air when a train goes throegle the tmete1 is terrific, and the trainmen °Souder how the young man held Iris• position. The boy -was detained. et:the ftliehi- p an Central Station until 'the arrival of Detective Cue idy, of the com- pany, who tank Fitzgerald to the police station this morning. He was sentenced to el <iays in the county jail on, a charge of trespassing ani attempting to enter Canada by stealth. THE !YORE IN PERIL Canadian Warship Settling and May Have to be Beached. Fine Discipline Boys -- Sent Home for Thiee Weeks. of Canadian 1 InternatiOnal i too Lying Competitor Arrangements are being made to hold cuegg-laying contest, commencing Nov. let, 1911,.and continuing for one year. The contest is being £innneed by The North. Ameriean, of Philadelphia. Steps have been taken to enlist the services of some of the best equipped and most capable men in the whole field of poul- try husbandry to serve as en advisory board, and aeting in this capacity, form- ulate t.l* rates and regulations under which .th• competition is tta�, .induct- ed, and heave constant overeTglrt of the details of management. The advleory board consists of nine members, includ- ing men who Have at heart the best in- terests of the fancier.and the utility pountrym'en. As now constituted the membership is as follows: P of. J. 11. Stmebure, Story's Agricul- tural College, StorrsConn. Prof. Thomas E. i teiEiraw. . Interne- tional Correrspondhnee Sah0ol, Setan- ton.Pa. Ar. A. A. elrigliaru, ee e;'`Tomb Dakota School of Agricult'tiie,dliro•oleings, S. D. Dr. Prince T. :Wree41s, managing edi- tor American Potiltry journal, Chicago, 111. • ,Nathan W Seelnrn, editor Amer- ican Poultry Advocate, l yracuie. N. Y. Prof. F. 0. Elford, .\laccionald College; Canada. George A. c:Des-Ms The North Amer- ican, Philadelphia,; I'a, F. V. L. Turner: , • it is hoped that miry Canadian pens will be entered, . ;;..'TIhere are a goodly number of breedeta i0 .Canada, who have hens that l.rlii+iii how to lay that ougb.t to be rel . se:'ya in this: contest. The climate in ; lento li_.ieut is ideal, the thermometer et:tale .ee ser' much. below V0'0, little silo a.:tr'Ir j),-:%ity of sunshine, so that a good. [ "ail,, 'lata, layer should do just as well or beteee,,r the competition anri•ounclings .lira;;h Cr, sex are being .con - greeted for tbre,;.,er 1 tiee and. therefore e are tc be 50 el•foot wells and se'. w th plenty of wall ..be diyided in l.latifr+. 4. S., deepateh: The condi- t•iou cf de cruiser :dobe at, Glarke's J1urlior, Stere see is ancburea, is one of grave peril for the waribip. A slevpas:et from there to-Y';ght say: that in spite of all that her own. pimps can do, and although -the pump- ing nppe.ratns on the w're'cking steamers hi kept going night and day, the water is avowly gaining and the Niobe is seer tiing; by the stern. The North Toronto Council referred back -tee tax rate of twenty mills on ,the duller, street; by the fitianee cona- •iiiittee, to that body with instructions to attempt to lower that rate. The first 150 -foot length of the To- ronto intake pipe was rnsrsessfully low- ered and bolted iu positipn. Divers are now engaged in making the connection with the southern end of the break. P. Burns, of Calgary. owner of the First 'Thought gold mine, bas denied the report that he sold the mine for #$8,000,000 to an 'English seedieatc. Se says no deal for ite purchase is pend- ing. mental chickens, incinding all bantams, are therefore, ineligible. 18 Entries will be reeeived front any point in .the world. 19. The competition will be governed by the advisory board. Oitnadian breeders, wishing further in- forma,tioe or application blanks, please applyto F, C. Elford, Macdonald Col- lege, P. Q. h• MIXED GASB This evening not more than ten feet aft was visibie above the surtece. The miser .is: anchored in seven fethems of -Water, teree-cluriatere of a mile off '4Creat e:ei h r ' pai'sret itr;,C,yx;„tku!,t ,Here' bor. A red.flag bees been set half .wa bet -wean the chip and the seem, marking the most suitable spot to heeds the crniser if et comes to the word.. This world be done in sir faathorns of \N iter, with a smooth, muddy bottom. The weather continues clear and 'fine. One of the holes in the bottom of the Niobe is said to be 25 feet long and ten feet wide. One bemired and ninety bays and recruits were disembark- ed from the cruiser to -day and forward- ed to flalifa x. The reason given by Ad- miral iSA1I eotill for this, is that they were only in the way, and that as no training was going 00 it was better for them be be ashnm, thus leaving the petty officers free for other duty. Additional pumps and divers were despatched for Halifax to -night in the hope of ketefring the; orteeer afloat and of more quiet taw determinzeg the exert ex- tent of the damage sustained. The crew are still ubaarti. <)larke's lie rbor is twenty miles frons the southwest ledges vs hove the Ninbe etruek. Admiral 1<inpdem1l, who commands the Canadian navy, and who arrived front Ottawa last night, was seen this .evening by a Canadian Tress correspond- eht. Ile paid a warm ooniplime'nt to the dieuipline on board the 'none yen she was ashore on the sonthwest Ici.f;ea. Ad- miral Kingsmill based what he said on a letter rebcived to -day from the Niobe. "Tbe discipline on the Ntobe by the boys and young recruits," Adixitret Kingstree: ,observed, "was everything that one could. wise. With the ship in the position slro Vas, a gale of wind . blowing, and dense fog, the Canadian boys behet'edfrilly up to the traditiuns of the i-ritish navy. S'hedisel- pline left nothing to hI deetred. 01 course, the sbl's creep and otficers dis- played fine discii'line, hut, t are speaking now of the ('ennilinu hoye s.n:l rtereita "There was sole the si'giltaat panic on board," lie added. Of the one birudred and tensely bele end re-ereite who Arrived to -night from the Niobe. about one 'bemired and Mid' go to ttie upper 1'r of ineess, some. of them ,,e far ale Port -farther, They will be fueniehed with free transportation, a mon-h and a here prey, and they have three weeks' leave of absence. They .etert tomorrow morning. The Belleville City Council, which had previously granted $35,000 for pureha:se of sites and erection of the new public. echonl building, passed a requisition of the Board of Education for $35,000 ad- ditional, Miss Stieen I'. White, sister of the Hon. E. D. of Washington, D.C., Ciiiet justice of the United States Su- preme Court, passed away at her broth- er's summer home at Port hope, Ont., in the 70th year of her age. United' States Postmaster -General Hitchcock, before the Federal Commie - don, urged that a flat rate of two cents a pound on both newspapers and petiod- hetes should' take the place of the seven rates; now in force on such matters. Strawberries and tomatoes produced on the C. f.'. R. demonstration farm at Strathmore 'are of such abundance and quality that the dining{ ear department is using them on the dining cars be- tween Vancouver and Winnipeg. Dr. 11a+utings. Medical I3es.lta Officer. reports a welcome drop, in Toronto the • three principal contagious diseases` for July from the same month last year. Diphtheria=a figures are 0e, against 93, scarlet fever 09 against 80 end typhoid 25 ageing :08. lire 'succ'ession duties received by the I?`i'ovince of Ontario' for the month 'of Jelly totalled $154.382.40, The .are et item was $118,100.40 front George F. McLean-, tole herr of Kiri infant child, who inherited one-third of the late Sext- ette' Fialford's estate. will be all new. :.y 1loeses 12 xs 12 foe partially open fse • windows.• lJarlr brim to two, allowing, is es peps of five birds each. This will gfv ,14 square feet to a bird. The retiens of be whole grain and dry .ueai •Liberal prizes will ne giver), also cups aitd trophies of y erinne kinds. ROLES AND i;EGUT.i4T10NS. (Philadelphia Next ,i Anieelean Interna- tional leg 3. :size.'. :fi held in the gurated a.n auspices of paper pulibs Oita end alt. Competition }g• •Competitio-n.) tying-eompetitlon ares has been luau 1pdual.ed under the imex:ean, a news- ity. of Philadel- n` ae, the Phila.. Ileteelceeeng SUFFRAGE IN PORTUGAL.. Soltliere with the colons, peepers, we- circles, being a member of the local baee- �• skeet and bsemkrnerts ere barred from the hell and hoekey team. Tbe body air- this competition, am only isneh ebiek- cafe slap heard the orchestra playing."-- t• th u n dear the evreekege and weaved • ens as »redMen uce marketable eg ei a- Louisville CourietsJournal. right or suffrage in Portugalr,var.� hens this mornrntr. , la Cleveland Company Adulteratir g Artificial Gas With Natural, Cleveland, Ohio, Aug. 7. ---.Asa result of a raid made by •city officials last night on the artificial gas plant of the East Ohio Gas Company, Standard Oil subsidiary, which supplies the city with artificial and natural gas, they laid part of their alleged c.vld.ence before County Prosecutor Cline today, with a view to possible grand jury investigation. .:rhe raiders, who were. aided by city police, obtained samples of a proeuet they. delta the company has been. tnicing with to - called artificial game and which they as- sert is"natural gas. Thee sarnples te'ill be analyzed at once. J'he publicepays $0 cents a thousand for artifictrf' gas and 30 cents for natural. cr elm coritlte>;, lorz is to be held on the grounds of the Storm .AgriclIlturat Experiment Sea -Hoes Stprre, Conn, 3. The time of laelrnning of the'com- petitiou shell be November 1, 1911, and extend ever o! rosidod of one year from that date. eifesjj.r':: ,Will he limited to 100 pens: t 4. La ch e4ltt•e ta. coneist or six, pure- bred fen—odds, either lips cr pullets; no males to blis incinded'... Five layers shall constitute'a+. ecorepei,ing pen; the extra female Iseeleg heist irr reserve as a substi- tute in cane ofdeathetm securable mal- ady. 5. All fowls Moe be shipped express prepaid., 6. Fowls -Will be hatitiveci at any time from Octobc'tr" 2'te t et. 25: It is advised that shipment be.tde ail early as pos- sible atter ceet: .ile• in order that fowls may becomereactiVedd. previous to the date of opel+ieg. eh,, • 7. The reeky; ifieaseeved to return fowls if they ad;C domed.. unsuitable for the purpose of,'tlo)npetition, and every spechfieu sent ,X.rau"i t '�1e, full-sized, g heal- thy, vi. orous,• '. Tjef sight, of Bourse, is reserved to ref'•i'iee aey and all entries. 8. An entrance f; is; of $25 is required in each ease, $10•to accompany applica- tion and balance eat later than Oct, 1. in the event of failure of entrants to make second payment, the first pay- ment shall be fortified. 10. No acppeai, from the decision of the committee In any', matter pertaining to the competition Will be entertained. When the : fowls brave been reeeived at the i3torrs A. ttleisslisiiral . ilxpetrintent Station and placed in pans, they will be protected with armed :guards, locks and watch dogs. • Vane of the parties to this competition will in any manner be re-. sponsible for losses, nor will they be re- sponsible for death or destruction of any fowls. PICNICKERS DROW Steamer Sirus Struck a Rock and Sank Near Massone. Seven Lives Lost --Ontario Wem`an One of the Victims. i2,OOOLABORESH At London ` Decks Threaten Strike ' Over Wages Dispute. .May ,Cause, Shortage is Meat Trade -Vessels Held Up. Ogdensburg, N. Y., despatch says: The steamer Sirius, carrying the Methodist Sunday school pioiiie from Massena, was capsized near Brewers' dock, in the Grass River, just below Moments, near here, this afternoon. Seven people are known to have lost their lives. They are: The Misses Parker, of t)gdensburg; :tars. Frith, of \laxv:ille, Ontario; Mies Ifeegoe and Miss noway, of Massene, and two boys named ifackett and. Cline, of Masecea: The boat is eyieg capsiaea in the river. Four bodies have been recovered., The ,eteamer left the dock ,here this morningeece. teeenwaleatee the .Ganallia, aid:, with 75 persons, alt bound for a day''& outing there. Most of these .aboard were residents of Ogdensburg and laminae. The picnic crowd boarded. the Sirius on the return trip about 4 o'clock tide afternoon, and were seated on deck, under the canvas awning when the craah came. At Brewers' Point, about three miles above where the Gress River empties in- to the St. Lawrence, the Sirius put in to take on board a passenger, a little girl, who is new among the missing. 1'he Sirius swung ont from the cloak, struck a rock and listed dangerously. The crowd ran to one side, then to the other, and the boat capsized with her head turned up stream instead of down. The river is only 100 feet wide at this point and only ten feet deep. Mee. (Rev.) Thomas lenglish, wife of a former ?eater of Fort Covington, N. Y., was resuscitated after great diffi- culty; and Mrs. Daniel Morrison, of Mas - sone, had her•batek injured enol her legs are believed to have been tn1galyzed in consequence. The deck was swept bare in a moment and the entire party were struggling for life in the swift wasters. Women who could not swim clutched at camp -stools and other portable articles burledinto the river by the impact, while others, upheld and aided by reale companions, battled their way against the enrrelit to the overturned steamer. Picnickers et the International Park, just opposite the scene of the wreck, nasnned every motor boat and skiff available and aided in the work of rescue, They .picked u11 scores who had clung Io the sides of the furry boat.` Others, benumbed and exba.usted, were swept down stream to death.. So qukikly did the river claim its victims that those who were drowned had :shady met their end when boats from the Interna- tional Paris- reached the scene, hardly five minutes after the crash. Those res- cued were taken . to , the International .'ark, and later proceeded - to this testy. The Sirius• ilea to -night near mid- stream, capsized. The vessel was form- erly a private yacht, and saw service at the Thousand Islands. London, Aug. 7.- 1',he meat trod° of England is seriously threatened by a strike of 12,000 dock laborers at the London docks Mediae, growing out of a dispute over wages. Tbe men claim that their employers promised, an in- creast commencing July 31, but their pay enveloped when received failed to contain• the advance. Separate meet- ings of the strieers and the eu.ployets were held to discuss the situation. At least twenty steamers, including the Ztfitmehaba, whieh has just arrived at Tilbury with a cargo of dreeeed beef from America, the Anglican from: Bos - 'toe, with boxed meats and other freight.. ers, are unable to discharge. Many other vessels, are here, laden with meat from Australia and New tea - land. The meat and other perishable goods are being taken care of in refrigerators aboard the steamers, but if the strike continues there will be shortage in the London provinces. Police reserves w'e sent to the docks, but' their services were not required. The men went quietly from steamer to steamer calling on their fellow -workers to joie the movement, and in every ease were one. cesgfnl. THOUGHT T IIE WAS 1OOL.ING. Sault .Ste Marie, OnL. damned): 1)ea.th by drowning , deleted ' lleter , Steamy of OW city in, less thee rive feet, ref water, despite the feet that he watt asi expert swimmer. 1`:'taeetr went ritvin'ulictg o0 Satlplary. Ithi friends, lrcrt•ing diorite, thought he were fooling, unt:l they phew louder, when they r'etabed to the place, but he had disappeared. fifteen tele utefs etapaed before the bode we.s re. revered. 'Ere wee, well known its athletic Il, Should any surplus over and above the economiestl operation of the com- petition appear, such eurphis will be equally divided between the several owners of pens. 12. All fowls entered must be of .some recognized breed ar variety. Mongrel oe crass -bred fowls , will not be accepted. 13. Any fowl suffering from •tan infecti- ons ar contagious disease of any kind, or which may not meet the requirements as viewed by the committee, rill be re- jected and excluded from this competi- tion. 14. The committee reserves the right to clip or eut the feathers of, one wing or any fowl that may be inclined to fly out of the inelosures, ' 15. The competition to be decided by the total number of eggs laid by each pen. 16. No competitor shall bepermitted to withdraw any of the fowls during the period of competition, unless permieslen Is granted by full vote of the Commit- tee. 17. 0hiekees only will be eligible to CAME BACK, Sloop That Sailed For Coast of Africa Sprung a Leak. New York. Aug. 7.—The three mem crew of the forty foot sloop Thereea. which left ;Providence, R.I., ote Attie 24 for the coast of Africa, has reach- ed New York Liu the steamer Brilctr. from Huelva with a harrowing tale of hardship aboard their vessel which ended with their reseue one eneadeed and twenty miles went od St. Web - eel's. The Theresa was left at the mercy of the waves. Capt. Joaquin Rene, rose Foneecre and Manuel Andreda set sail frorai Providence, they said, nearlyseven weeks ago to engage in fishing off the ,coast of .Africa. Titeee,. 40.5r43.otz , the little vessel, said to be veer forty years. old, encountered a, eouth:west galewilleh started her leaking. From that time on it w.a.s necessary to keep a man at the Puntn continuously. FOREST FIRES. California Fire Fighters Unable to Stay the Billows of Flames. San Bernardino, Calif., Aug. 7—'+ 'r- est rangers and their helpers have givers up the fight against the flames which. have been raging for nearly, a week, and it is believed that the fire will ruts riot until the range is laid bare, tueh a termination would result in the de- struction. of millions of dollars worth of timber. Late yesterday the fire wiped out 0111 ton heights, a summer resort. The oc- cupants of the comp narrowly esooped death in the flames. great brllnws of The fire proved in flames, sweeping over Clifton to .Itous- ton flats, where there are miles of un- protected timber. bikyland, which has been threatened by. blazes in the brush half a doyen theme, was last eight confronted with almost certain destruction, No liver are imperilled as the country has been d esorted. BEAT OF BOILING LAVA. Honolulu, Aug. 7.—The third attempt of the Carnegie foundation sclentists to test the temperature of boiling lava of. the volcano of Kilauea has been sweetie - eel. The first thermometer was eaten up by. chemical action and the; seeolsa• was crushed by floating lava bionics, but yes- terday a pyrometer lowered into the lava registered one thousand and ten de- grees centigrade. ' This is the first record in the world of the heat of boiling lava._ "I'll eget up my wife and tell fuer I'm detained at the office." "Be sure to shut the door of the telephone booth. Laet time 1 salted nay wife up front this Ia NTR AUS 6ROWT11m With Four Suburbs -it Now Ha Well Over Half l4kiliioa. Montreal, Aug. 7.—That the papule - thin of Montreal end suburbs has reach- ed a total of 554,000. is the latest city announcement. The directory show'e an irerease of 81 pages over last yefer and now consists of 1,354 pages, It contains 158,000 names, and these repi`eseut fa population of 55e,0001 for the city and. outskirts, or, dedttctine Westmount 000), Maisonneuve (30,01)0), Outremont (5,000); and Verdun (14,000), a popale. Cott • for the city proper of 493;000. These figures are generally held to be -nrnch too low, us the npinion prreinstite th st Greater Montreal has at least 830,- 000 inhabitants. AVIATOR" DASHED TO DEATH.' London, Aug. 7:--Germa'1'1. Napier, a young English aviatormet death thisevening while flying v ith a pcaseenges~ at Brooklands.' Napier was drivitig tt biplane, and a sudden priest of wind dashed the nr$ebine to the grout-feeldil ing him instaii1tly. his companion Wes