HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1911-08-11, Page 51
,seiesD passenaiseeesese ,X6eYite De1YINDtD411111D4
"Sit up and_
Take Notice
We have on display
lour New Prints, and
Dress Goods. ;Almost g
everything, you could
wish for in. Spring and
Summer war.
Also our New Wall
Papers. of the latest de- tt.
designs at popular prio-
Call and Inspect
Before Purchasing
General 'Merchant, B L A
QkLl4E,....DOD40:1)G*D®aDO,92Dc DCECIAaDA121: t
s e a ZUR I GH e r■
E keep in stock a
full line of fresh
meats, hams, etc. etc
Our cuts are noted.
for :their tenderness
anal -wholesomeness.
Our 'aim is to keep
nothing but the best.
We make our own.
Give us a call.
millions of souls .,which 360,000.
000 are of the Ca;ta.cassion race
00,000,000 are of the Ethiopean
race, 174,000,000 are of the Malay
race. 1,000,000 are of the Indo
American race. There are 3,642
languages spoken and 1000 differ•
ent religions. The yearly mortality
of the globe is reckoned . to be
333,333,333 persons, this is at the
rate of 91,554 per day,1 2730 per
hour, .60 per minute. At every
pulsation of the heart marks the
death of some human creature
The average of huinan life is, 33
years. It is reokoned that one
fourth of the population dies at or
before the age of 7 years, One
half of the globe's population die
at or about 17 yei.rs, Among
10,000 persons, one arrives at the
age of 100 years, one in 500 lives
to be 90 and but one in 100 lives to
be GO.
It is said that married men live
longer than those who are single,
In 1000 persons 65 marry, and more
marriages occur in June. and
Decehnber than in any other
months of the year. One eighth
of the whole population of the
earth is military. Professions ex-
ercise a great influence on longevi-
ty. In 100Q individuals who arrive
at the age of 70, 42 are ministers,
orators or public speakers, 40 are
agriculturists, 33- are manual
laborerr:, 32 are soldiers or military
employees, ,29 are advocates or
employees, 29 are advocates or
engineers, 27 are professors, and
24 are dootors, those we see who
devote their lives, to prolonging
the lives of others die the soonest.
We have on the globe 335,000,000
nominal ehrietians, There are
5,000,000 Israelites. There are
60,000 Asiatic religions. 'There are
200,000 pagans. In the chri tiau
churches there are 170,000,000,
there are 75000,000 Catholics and
75.000,000 who profess the Greek
faith. The latest census has made
some interesting revelations in
reference to the strength of
religious denomations in our
country. According to these ate cent and
reports there are 51,7S7,17 L Nova ` cos iia. New •'Bre n:swick and
members of ohristinn deixoneiti'ins Prince l;,,l' .etrd ishan :'used very
103,303 minister,: and 151,24l small as tee:tints. Gi"t*tib¢? razed 1_ in
church edifices Catholics head `these industries,regnii:•e strength
the list with a membership of
8.277,000 and she has 8,300 priests,
The methodists rank second with
4,980,000 communicants. The
Baptists came n:rt with a member-
ship of 4,292,000, tll:n follows rthe
Presbyterians with 1,229,000. The
Lutherans have 1,860000, Congregaa-
tionalists have 491,000 and the
Episconar.lians with .190.u00.•
.Aa ordinary case itf diarrhoea
can,, as a rule, be cured by a single
dose of Chamberlain's Colic, Ohol
era and Diarrhoea Remedy. This
remedy has no superior for bowel
complaints. For sale by all dealers
By Rev, C. 0. Sink.
SaJ:11J...a. AL{.t to •+4 .46Pao, v',,s'L ra'at',L,- '-
Coldstream. Guards to Cross the
Ocean for the C Ile E. this, Year.
The Coldstream, Guards Band
and its equally " ' aloes leader.
Lieut. D. J. Mal enzie Rogan,
M. V, O., Mus. Doe)ti on. R. A, M.
need eo introducti4 to the Can -
adieu or American; public. They
toured. Canada and the United
States in 1903 and their reputation
still lives. On that occasion they
were secured forts forenoon and
afternoon engagezent at the
Canadian National Exhibition„ and
so great an attraction did they
prove, that .the Management de-
termined To exhaust every pos-
sibility to secure thein for an
engagement for an entire Exhibi-
tion. The time has at last arrived
when this great Musical treat can
be given the patrons of the Great
Futr .
• The Coldstream Guards i are
England's most famous band. They
have just iiuisbed si • season's en-
gagement at the Festival of Empire
London's greatest.' tribute to
Coronation year.,.; .bey are the
musicians of the Reyel Household
and come to the UanadianNational
Exhibition by speeil : ,pertnission of
His Majesty, Iii4e.Gxeorge, and
the Secretary of the;Inper.ia1 War
Lumber used by Ag t6altural Im•
pleznent and 1.7e11S31;t Mann-
faoturers in Q aide 191.0
Statistics of the lumber used
have been received :fres 162 coin-
paeiea, consisting of t ilio Agrionl-
tural Implement and. Mann.
facturers of Canada ii
ces, by the Forestry.
Department of thein
000 feet of lumber wit's
*2.513,265, or an"rg
"32.86 per thousands?
nearly 90 per cent of ,
the Dominion; Quebe
per cent : Manitoba, 4..
ttsoh of the
r, 76,474,-
ased worth
`+fine •cost of
iario need
ac total. for
)uroitased 6
Do you own a
or are yoti a 5 ve
9 9
A. "Par•1kyte" Sanitary Chemical Closet in your home
is the strongest kind of insurance against the germs of disease, It is a
preventative against epidenlies and contagion in the Shinier, and an :ab
solute necessity the year round.
Requires neither Water nor Sewage; can be placed iia any part of
your horne; costs less than . a CENT a day, and Lasts a lifetime,
Endorsed by the leading Physicians, and Health Officials; Specified
by the most prominent Architects; and adopted by whole Manicipalities.
Over 15;000 havo been installed in Canadian Moines •in less than
one year.
There.was a time about six"'
than -sand years ago wben there.
Was but Le solitary family upon.
earth, this family existed in the
eastern portion of Asia and the
family consisted in a father,
mother, end two brothers called
in bible history Adatn, Eve, Cain
and Abel, and we are told that
from this small beginning there
arose all the families of earth
After the deluge Noah bad. three
sons, Shim, Bum and Js.peth, that
these three sons rattled, Shim in
Asia, Ham in Africa Japeth in
Europe and frnan these there arose
all the nations of earth. As for the
Indians we have no reliable know-
ledge of their origin or birth
They were found upon the
American Continent when Colum-
bus landed here and took an
active part in the revolution. The
human race from these sources
have continued to multiply until
today (if st'atiotics are reliable)
not less than 1,288,000,000, one bill.
ion, two hundred and eighty-eight
r— A Mate
The Only New unabridged. die-
tionary in many years.
Contains the pith and essence
of an authoritative library*.
Covers every field. of knowl.
edge. An Encyclopedia in a
single book.
The Only Dictionary 'w-itla the
New Divided Page.
400,000 Words. 2700 Pages.
8000 :illustrations. Cost nearly
half a million dollars.
Let us tell you about this most
remarkable single volume.
iffrite for sample
;a•` .e+i. \`�• ,,,a,iu w,d +:xw4:: pages, full par,
dealers, etc.
Name this
paper and
we will
send free
a set of
G. &C. MerriamCo.
Springfield, Masa.
. i cert,ewwmaaa�...
and durnbtlity whirh It "ebown by
.the large ailment of Maple, Elm.Oak, .Anil, Biroh. and 'Hickory that
were used. Of the native woods,
o}wrry was the indictexpstisive at
$104,00 per thous :nt1 i ''nTseouwood
the cheapest at 815.00 "r at husar;d
Mahogany at $120.00 jFp0.•t. ; aind,'
was the most:. expenstlr well-1port-
ed woods. ' nasi yAhia,4
The species of s,li?�..
technical qualiti
thele 1. cies M.
Ask your Dealer for Prices
The 'GPARE TE" Sanitary Chemical Closet is made by
Parker -Whyte Limited, WI,v,nipea, Man.
Bvei yfihint ^tn tortrif " ndtilg8s'
in . amusement. The lightning
plays, the whistles, the thunder
rolls, the snow flies, the waves
leap, and the fields senile. Even
the buds shoot and this rivers run.
Feature Spectacle of Fireworks
Display at C. N. E,
War Beneath the Waves is the
feature number of Coronation
fireworks bill at the Canadian
National Exhibition this year.
The spectaicle shows a firct.chtes
battleship at one end At the
other, just beneath the waves,
can be seen a•submarine with only
its periscope sheaving above the
The'13readnought is in a panic
and with its great guns is trying
to reach the tiny turret that tells
of the presence of the enemy that
threatens it with destruction.
As the guns crash and booth,
ca1tnly and in comparative safety
beneath the water, the crew of ate
submarine are preparing to launch
a torpedo.
Finally the•, torpedo is ready—it
is seen gliding gracefully through
the water—the ship is struck, and
a tremendous explosion follows.
Then conies the scene of destruc-
tion. The raglteines of the doomed
ship blow up, tearing it to pieces,
and the terror of the seas ainiis
beneath the waves, -while tremend-
ous clouds of sparks and burning
fragments settle down over every-
thing in sight.
' ing the.
only in small quanta ire: dig;
ricultural and farming ilsticiots of
Canada, For this reaspu the sup.
'lily is rapidly beconaing`diixainisbed
so that uxless steps aaeSi taken to
reforest. or conserve t eil ?r"'iduotion
we.mast depend ranee r i14 xuore for
our supply, on ti:e Cathed :States.
The fact that the woods ` nete ssaary
for the proper b•.tilcltng of agerieul•
tural implement.; oatrnot" be sleour-
ed in any quantity in Canada steads
esDC +3`r2 Q13�3llMiel9 CltDGEOID CD'�CDORD CD
The Great Exhibition of 1911
Rin —Th.,.
'Exhibition ot.f Live Stock The lest ever seen in Canada
ra . Many •l:ni•,tte ui.eoial .Attr,t'stu;ns, iucludtrtg
v Fireworks Display
Aerial, Military neel Hydro Electrle Features, Jumping and
Speeding i-:olit tits. 1)ig 1) .g atel'.l Cat Sh tw'?' F'aur
iairlendid 13ands. A Most At tractive . lidway
est ever seen in,London.
Every Zvenin.g
Reducutl. Rates on all Raiiware
4 Prize Lists, Entr': Fomite, and all other intoramtion from s
W. J. REID, President A, M. HUNT, Secretary g"i
to increase the eo t o4` iiiiiilufhhtur- _..
%t.. e s i
inr, in Canada.'
°"We have made urrrausxt; meat t
to offer the followinglow clubbing
rates with Tis 1,t'nath:
Daily Globe r., ° •k, 4.25
„ Mail & E 'spire 4.25
'Weekly Globe 1.60
1)Mail & Emplee' 1.60
Berlir er .journal (Ger2a:`+iii) 2.50
Family Herald. & Star 1,75
Daily Advertiser 2.75
Weekly Advertiser., 1.30
Weekly Sun 1.75
Farmer's Advocate 2.25
VOTii i1S' LIST-1911—•MtJNiCI1JA•1.-
ity of the Township of Hay, County of
Huron—Notice is hereby given that I
have transmitted or delivered to the
persons mentioned in sections 8 and 0
of the Ontario' Voters' Lists Act, the
copies required by such sections to be so
transmitted or delivered of the list made,
pursuant to the said Aot, of all persons
appearing by the last revised Assessment
Roll of the,5aid Municipality. at Elections
for members of the Legislative ' Assembly
mai at 'Municipal Elections; and that the
said list was first posted up in nay' office
in Zurich on the lied day of August 1911,
and remains, there for inspection. Electors
are called upon to examine the said list,
and if any omissions or any other errors
are found therein to take immediate
proceedings to have the said errors
corrected according to is,w. Dated this
.trct day of' August 1911.-17. lies .Sr„
Tp, Clerk.
.. Coitc, CRoeera nate
C. r�11r'�TK,1l<3erlc'3:,nA s %liarrtioea :tetnedy,
Yew:rails. fails. I:Inv it tan:]:. it may save li'I
OVER Oa V, • E'" wv' Aa. :�."sa- `"?nrat
El t CopyruallTS 6:C.
Viawone sending a al:etch and descrintton may
rralalu • ascertain our opinion tree whether_ 0
invention is probably' patentablo co^trmuniea.
tiottsetracti9conildenttel. tiANDOIIQh onl'atouts
sent free. Oldest agency for securing patents.
Patents talion through Munn 6 Co. reeoica
special notice, without charge, bathe
A. handsomely illustrated weekly. Largest cir-
culation of nus scientific journal, Terms for
Canada, SSA' a year, postage prepaid. Solt by
a nowsdealets.
itiN ACO 36 6roadtvay, Kelt Y�� a
sranclt Disco. 05511' St., Wasbn0eton.
4.5),Weitih Ave, WA
oaxmaeagoaczopmeenarsameW n ard�� �
Wonai for Retr . of
#; TriI--110A-
Fojlowind Cori ciit'tons m
.:..wweazIa+aruc.+avano....zuz sW - .,—... axe, ..,52....
AUGUST 3rd—in
ar Toiru`nto to Barra, in ludinand
dSouth el stations ton Grand
Detroit 'nal Brandt I,n ',i 3:.clutilnli (ruclpn sub-divieiou front vueiph
South and Brampton ~oath.
AUGUST 12111—From'.North sxonoawnai't Sarnia,
CPPpaint , Jot. est;,soind Toronto
Toronto 0 Calendar ia_iusire. ..
AUGUST 16th --nu i , rt tions in oat, ri iiand Toronto o and East,
Ontario. and Scotia jet,
A81+r.3i1S'I.' ears—From all Ktations Toronto to North Buy inclusive and \` sst.
AUGUST writer—irromml stations '2orontn and vast in O itario and Quebec, also Bast of
Griiliu, ::..otic Jet. and Naafi flay.
ONE-lVAIY ,ifff,CO:ND•l ]aASSS SnC15ETS VIII a'1, 30L11 TO WINNIPEG 01:1,Y
Representative farmer; appointed by:Manitoba, Saskatchewan and Alberta Govern-
ments'will meet and engage laborers On arrit•.il at Winnipeg.
Free transportation wit be furnished at 'Winnipeg to points on Canadian Cacifie where
laborers are needed, east of ?.loose Jaw and Saskatoon, inciuding branches, and at one cent
a mile each way west there) fin SaskatchcWtt;t and Alberta.
• A certificate is turnisis :1 with each ticket, and this crtrtilicate, when executed by farmer
showing that laborer has wt rke,: thirty days or more, will be honored front that point for a
second class ticket back to , tartitrg points ie Ontario, at 51$.00, prior to Nov. 14th, 1911.
Tickets are good only tn. special Farre Laborers trains,, which will be rum from Toronto
and Ontario points to Wintipeg without change, nuking trip in about 50 hours and will be
issued to women as well a. to then, but will not be issued at half fare to children,
Tor full particulars se„ nearest G.P.R. Agent or write—
, it. L. ilitS5IPSON, fD.l'.A.. (i.l'.t3..TToronntto
�,.,.. ."kit.TlMltt'�h��i�evii•�iPSi'�%r6W��t.�!tu�'`'.,.,�Ni.1h1�S7Ft+-.n
Prompt Service
Moderate C`haraes
Zurich, Ontario
,<r err 5=- av say mom-
`.... d.
'gar me is
That. Want
THE' r.'a,
Call at The 'Massey-.-.,
Harris Shop,.
011r Machines . sea
for thewsel'Ges.
We also llanallo
Olds Gasoline
All .yep c1irin g promptly -
itttel]ded. to,
Jas. Whyte, Ag,a-t