HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1911-08-11, Page 4til?f 'CfiaC aGiD era um errkiwwruxs ylYosagolautsm°'sp r('so fie Incorporated 1555 es `Capita11 paidup $4,000,000 Reserve Fund $4400,000 A to • Total Assets ever . 44,000,000 nk sa Bead Office - - Montreal gas 78 Branohes in all the A GENERAL SAVINGS at all Branches. Zurich Branch the extent of my, guilt. What kil. led nay Ben? Rim 1 aa'fear, replied. the gentleman sadly, A tried to be- friend hitn, Hiltz a was a fine, bright lad, but I lost.jiight of him. i blame myself that u, did 'not fol• low hire up more dd?asely. I was pressed with care, la it that is no excuse. • I learned 'cif his death, es through a friend who visited him in his last hours. And his soul sir? Is with God, was the reverent reply. We will Ieave it there. And Jamie? He was a weakly lad. Yes I know Iittle of hitn;'. From what information I could .gather I infer your wifes mind gave way after Ben died. No wonder, interrupted the listener with a groan. She took to a wandering life, the boy with her, traveling on foot from. place to plane seeking some spot free from strong drink. Again the man groaned. It is a sad story, too sad for repetition. The boy was enticed from her -side by evil then, got mixed no in a robbery case, was imprisoned for murder in the second degree and died within a year of his inctiixcteration, crying for his mother,'I Went to see him; I did what I Could 'for him ; it was but little. `Oh "(deed ' ineaned the stricken man, amnia riot punished, am I not punish 4.•, Poor Ben Blitz. He was intact punished ; He had been spared himself, mire out ously snatched from a, drunkard's grave, Bat oh, he havoc has life had made, I.iow'e^ternal are oonseq uencos. He found. at—hard. to live and endure the f;etnetitbranoe of all his sin had xrought ; its awful out -workings izt the i eaocent lives I am Ben Blitz. You remember , about him Meir alp} ke of him as Ben who worked for your brother saved. Was Ii`,',,,,Is that salvation so long? The Dr extended his i which simply Mai the wreck to hrnd. It seems hard to realize it is really you, he said kindly ; I feared you were dead some time ago And no wonder, sir. I am Borne to see if you can tell me anything about my wife and children? I've been knocking about all these years, more dead than alive, sinning against my soul, my body and my 111aker, Ive been Heals• death many times in drunken quarrels, lifting his hand to the scar; been in the niiues digging gold, on ship, in rison ; too long a storyato repeat f it were Forth telling: 'But while in prison, away from liquor the Lord had mercy upon me. As soon as I was free again ancrt earned a few dollars I started for borne and Bessie. "rod bless you, niy poor fellow" said rhe doctor with emo- tion. "And Beesie? Can you tell me of bar?" inquired the man. Your children are all dead, I think Rieltlieil Lodge Hilt,., angwernd J0'in .evasively, es Canada, and Agents and Correspondents in v Principal Cities of the World. BANKINF BUSINESS TRANSACTED. BANK DEPARTMENT Interest allowed at highest current rte T. A.. CONSTANTINE, Agen t '3eD ®f9 elea 9©DOD CD alas CiDGINNI G LEGAL CARDS. e OUDFOOT RAYS & KILLORAN, Barristers, Solicitors, Notaries Public, etc. Gloderich, Canada W. Proudfoot. IL C. R. 0. Hays. J. L. Killoran, BUSINESS CARDS. E. 8. PHILLIPS; AUCTk0NEER, Exeter.. Sales conducted in all parts. Satis- faction guaranteed or no pay. Terme reasonable. Orders left at thisoffice will be promptly attended to. thea k ANDREW F, HESS, FIPvE INSURAN- ce agent, representing the London, Economical, Waterloo, Monareb, Stand- ard, Wellington and Guardian. , Every- thing in fire insurance. DIi. F. A. SELLHRY, DENTIST, Gr1tA- duate of the Royal College of Dental Surgeons, Toronto, also honor gradu- ate of Department of Dentistry, To- ronto University. Painless extraction el teeth. Plate work a speciality. At Dominion Rouse, Zurich, every Mon- daT. 7-26 E. ZELLER, CONVEYANCER AND Notary Public. De e ds , Mortgages, Wills and other Legal Doeun:enUa caro ully and promptly prepared. Office -- Zeller block, Zurich, Ont. LODGE MEETINGS Cour at !uric . h No I240 Thursday of each month at 8 o'clock p. m. in the A, 0, 11 W. Hall. J. J. Mamma, x, C. R. .4 O. . meets every 1st and 3rd Ai.9- a O v Y., Incl saki s 8 o'clock, in e 1 TEE Pi3BLISIIIED BY E. ZBLLER. E'RIDAY AUG 11th. 1911. W. C. T. U. THE CRY OF THE WPO -THIRDS "I suppose you do not recognize me, Dr 1)routly" said the visitor rising to greet the gentleman's entrauce. "No sir, I do not" was the truthful reply after a keen scrutiny of the features before him our wretchedness complete? Ben Hiltz came back from the plaoe of living death saddened beyond all power of tongue and pen to depict, but with a grit, deterination to use what remnant of life be might have left in the effort to save others from his own terrible fate There were those who suave to comfort and oheer hind. He was grateful for every smallest kind; news, ever gentle and quiet, but bis heart was smitten beyond earthly healing. The one mortal who seem ed gifted above all others rto win him to momentary forgetfulness of sorrow, was'Eleanor Weswiek. Her voice, her touch carried rigid something of soothing to his wounded spirit and when she sag. gested that he beoome one of the mission's regular workers, going forth daily to gather in the young whose feet were already turned the way his own had once gone, ho gladly accepted the suggestion as the call of God. His faithful ser- vices, his warning voice were nev- er missed thereafter until death laid him Iow ; and many who heard the story told out of the agony of a broken heart went away to .pray Two years before he died he had the mournful satisfaction of clos- ing the eyes of the Roinan he had promised to cherish and protect, he was grateful that at last the throb- bing heart was stilled, the haunt- ing cry hushed, the wild eyes seal ed, he held her hand in death but she knew it not, he prayed beside 'her dying couch but she heeded it not; he placed bis ear 'to her stif- fening lips to oa.toh the last whisp- ered. word: It was "Prohibition" The End 1 a ric ylicaera lir �`�IIlll�leslatf> i)14rrhoea Remedji« Never fails, »,y it now, .'it ni w revs life -.. MARKET R13PO1 T• --The fol. owing is the report. of Zurich market corrected up to Thursday, Harley .................50 to 62 75 shore .s'ithe thi'l of.all beside? If only be could-li borne all the result of lire i') is was his con. stent tlough, even now he Icould perish �esh eternally and thus punt "or his loved ones the retur lull life and joy, how gladly, Bein hi& deepest soul, he would."' ieccpf of such a possibility. Al . :yt could not bo He visited the at :irin and saw his wife. He hoptres ; his presentee his vooe might resealexe he$r to alee.son at least in sot ie.rxii asuro. Nttai, nay when he called her by name she stood for a moment regarding him c,;.ith strange* eat; estnees but the next she was crying for Jamie. "1 ane Ben" he sal std SSnely yo r alit'. amid v Was hes voice a Ihada yoilr tocome ie Iwant dazed brand *ea ing about the a<i past it field nose/het of the present ; ooulri no mire • :oke it in than it could forgot they one .terrible woe • that was st `tth'e.t1inet. 7 'wonder, can this be the ceeatte e d'. that punish - r meat wh fh <es�tl'xg wort cells eter- e I nal? 7 hf i ,rise s.Lili y i f forget ting :hit whkh. wade lortr ruin sure No. ; 3 943e meets mot notell? Wet t Btli!? Yes Ben. l rir3:t, z l .'every t3t!Sittl , �?-9:ttir �i ant ie i Nee tittlis'ayes:sate? else Frirv. WITrs r(sods aa.,lki °�i7' ; t . 'nye that she's ear a k tion �.t 1 ° e X he lista, i"I�;'e i•ner -01er Teen, Bessie. er peen?. -'Ben" Bee ray Hen it id " lowering her ' about, "You've ly mine is yet ill -sane Jamie 'en of s7aluie''s 32etai2e -"Melt The. poor revernntt- u1 e'vents of the J mie And Bessie fesxftally, For e w gai with the finest lot of goods ever shown in Zurich. Just received a lame quantity to please any- body, so drop in and see. if I cant suit 3.0U. Also carry an immense No. of samples to choose from, All kinds of goods for trousers, . dark or light prices low as possible. Laundry in Connection dead too, No she still lives, answ- ered. the Dr gently, but. Ben, poor fellow God help you; your wife is in the insane asylum. The num hid. his face in his band and gra an ed. My punishment is greater than I can hear, though not greate than I deserve. he said, Tell m all, Dr Droutiv, all. Let me know W.' Ha HO I M'Ai'! Tailor - ZUi 1Ci� DJ THE RAE -FOR BUSINESS The gentleman ,on •the tortoise represents the man, who .deer; not advertise—the one who tries tb ilo business as it was done in the days of the tallow candletor the oiltlasnp. Are ,you in the glare of the elec. trio light --in the automobilc,.of Modern Methods? Our Want Ads. are high voltage batteries, whether you want light or power --business putaiii i' oi+ competent help . br �.r1ne.Md tem h 9. tt uM„E1 0. The Governor General's Bo,ly Guard will assemble at North Toronto Station at 6.45 p. in. Saturday, to honor the home. owning of Private Clifford.. the Bigley hero, who won the K•u g's prizes Buy it now, Now is the time to buy a bottle of Chamberlain's Colo, Cholera and Dirrrhoea Remedy. It is almost certain to be needed bee fore the summer is over. This remedy has no superior. For sale by all dealers. EXCURSIONS TO i aitaa, Saskatchewan, Alberta Special Tasks leave Toronto 2.00 p.m. on APRIL 4, 18 MAY 2, 1p, 30 JUNE 13, 27 JULY 11, 25t•, AUG. 8, 22 SEPT. 5, 19 Second class tickets from Ontario statipns to principal NoithNirat yotnts at -T IP RATE k retuia 3 ritth nsta t t $41.00. and to other points in ptopattion, tickets {good to atom within 60 days from goia¢ date,, TOURIST SLEEPING CARS etc all eYcurrions. Comfortable berths. fully equipped with bedding, can be'secured at agentmoderate rates through peat Early application must be made Asli FOR HOMEREEKE115'. PAMPHLET, containing rates and full information. Ayply to neaps C.P.R.�rntTotoR.. .Thompson, ONLY DIRECT LIUIE NO CHARGE OF CRS Peas Bran .,,-,. 20.00 Sbor is .... , . .. 22.00 22.00 Ont 87 88 Wheat... , 75 76, Five Roses flour.... ; .... 2,80 80 Purity ' , 2,80 Royal Household., ..... , Choice family 2.80 • Hay.... 6,00 7.00 Dried apples 5 5 Clover seed 8,00 9,00 Potatoes......... ...... 25 25 Butter 16 16 Eggs 16 16 Hogs liveweight 7,15' HENSALL MARKET Cook's Best Flour Wheat Oats. \,Barley Peas Hogs liveweight 2.75 60 30 30 60 70 80 80 7.15 Seemed to Give Him a New Stomach. ".1 suffered intensely after eating and no inedioine or treatment I tried. seemed to do any good" writ- es. H 112 Youngpeters. Editor of The Sun, Lake View, Ohio. ' The first few doses of Cham herlain's Stom- ach and Liver Tablets gave me surprising relief and the second bottle seemed to give me a new stomach and perfectly good health' For sale by all dealers. Synopsis of Canadian Northwest Land Regulations. ANy person who is the sole head of a .�1 family, or any male over 18 years old, may homestead a Quarter -section of avail able Dominion land in Manitoba, Sask- atchewan or Alberta. The applicant inu'r appear in person at the Dominion Lands Agency or Sub -Agency for the district. Entry by proxy may be made at any agency, en certain conditions, by father, mother, son, daughter, brother or sister of intending homesteader. Duties.—Six months' residence upon and cultivation of the land in each of three years. A homesteader may live within nine miles of his homestead on a farm of at least 80 acres solely owned and occupied by him or by his father, mother, son, daughter, brother or sister. In curtain districts a hemesteador in good standing fray pre-empt a quarter -see - tion alongside his homestead. Price 83.00 per acre. Duties—Must reside Six months in each of six years from date of homestead entry (ineluding the Slue required to earn ioui5atead„patentj and cultiyato 5fte.acees exl,rEl.• - A.holraeele der who has exhar sten bis homestead right and cannot obtain a pre - eruption may take a purchased homestead in certain districts. Price $3.00' per acre. Duties—Must reside six months in each of three years, cultivate fifty acres and erect a house worth e300.00. W. W. CORY, Deputy of the Minister of the Interior. N. E.—Unauthorized puleseation of this advertisement will not ce pain tor. it lli 1.11 1111. i1 Why d®n',t some flours behave? Why don't they keep good? Because they contain too much of the branny particles, too much of the inferior portions of the wheat -- may be little Oieces of the oily germ. Which act , on one another—that's why some flours "work", in the sack. FIVE ROSES is the purest extract of Manitoba spriiig wheat berries. Free from branny particles and such like. Twill keep soutui, and sweet longer than necessary. Keep it in a dry place, and when needed you find it . even healthier, sounder, fresher, drier than the day you bought it. My lots of FIVE ROSES. It keeps. 13 III1iI I ►Ilii1IIIII p )I1III1111IL1111uIHiIII1I11111111t1I field ` r J q�p ah nrdll i i:}a 1 d ' n v ,, ,;ztn , ,i r 11111 Ii 1,11 nt ' �h 11t L 1'Ira t5,,'''4"44 4 (:kij rr 'ti , t ,'jry1lIIVIII1IIlIlYllllylll1 i$. , h°�i' J7,• . IMINIMAii mmIIlIIilhM ►IIIIIIIIII IIIIIIIIhl1III 111 111 1111111 IN 11111111111111111111 Ii1110 Ii 11111111i LAO,* OR r:lE 07000e ,. I,C,N0 • OMPA Y.,, L m.vto MONtREAG IIII 1 II 1111 I'll 11 1111111111 111111111111 •