HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1911-08-11, Page 2l�_......� —. SCIENCE NOTES. '4 o6.�6 1 V'i,v ,i3� A :t 9IAw:j.t y 9F } . 6 r ,�L,e,viiY�'IR,'gj c5q 1 � �•t Jt.. ■ } n rJ�, "ryi ®'Wt a i 1� jf5 J A . p� A4F,.`t: h'a+r' , gRdw.e t I. ,1 . '.ir .$ �, p ....4-' -' 31y .'2Sr 0 ;t,. ir. l9.rA.•Qa . f 1tY rYYllwt vC1.Pl ?� il wiI! env. you hours of miners,. i'h ae stee tho hoadPO w• but do rota no harm. g$ ()sets o boxo Stt NA IONAa4 »DRLY0 ec d:1[S!Elt XCA ll. CO. Oat' CANADA, 1..inorrro w.mm •a,a „ccnw�mnt m�..m:wlr»grni,sara'rni In IN � P U .UP P Nt .1 "WAS FADING AWAY' One of. the Hottest Fights 11 General A Yot.ng Funston's Oareer. 'lttailri ---Serie l'e . to be Dy- ing on .rt ter Feet. order that 1. might be nble to exer- t;iae a:oaue aufli;:Itce on the firing line ata a whole, mei not getmixed. up in as doral fight n here 1 could tel only one or two companies, 1 remained: about two hundred yards behind -the line for the thee being. Here I was joined by the well known correspondent, Mx. Jas. Oreelmaan. l bad sent Sergeant-Major Warner and Tratnptor Burshfield away to carry orders, and was glace to have company, The noise was so overwhelm - ing that it was d:iffieult to think, for the whole brigade was fighting as bard as it could and the woods were filled with the rear. G7eelrean and 1 eat on our horses for a while, and then unani- mously dismounted, the idea seeming to strike both us at the same time. Com- panies E and II had struck the worst of it, being opposite the most formid- able trench. and Creol.ian and I were directly behind thein. A natural ten- dency of the Filipino, and for that mat- ter, most people, to .shoot high made otic, position nr..e of the war;nest.plaees IF have ever been in. Ouiy once, and that at C'ascatrra. in far -away Cuba, had 1 seen bullets thicker. The two eontpanies were right on the river bank, and as the stream was not more than forty feet wide, and the Filipino trenches were on the opposite bank, the two firing lime, were not more than fifty feet apart. The river looked deep, but se yet our people had not overcome the enemy's fire sufficiently to allow the matter to he tested. Captain Alda G. Clarke, now a cap- tain in the regular' army, was in com- mand of eompur y 11, and I could see him standing erect in order to better direct the fire of his men, who were lying down. In a short time.I saw frim crumple up and go down with a wound from which I believe he has not fully reeovered to this day. 3iajors Metcalf and, Whiteman were clot;e up to the river bank. their two battalionar beinge most hotly engaged. --From C p Railroad to :alalolos," by Brig. -Gen. Funston. in the xl.ugust Scribner l:fic- tion,nutnber) DR. 1IAfalILTON'S PHIS CURED "1 thi: k it should he the duty of the eche ds to teach children bow to keep well," writes Miss Nannie E. Naylor, a well-known and highly esteem ^d resident of Bristol. "lgnor- • ince o' the laws of health •.said the use of improper remedies destroyed My vlgt::;' and led nee to the verge of invaleliern. 1 was as a girl ruddy and strong. Nothing seined to af- fect me until 1 was :;bout thirty. Then gni began to forme in the stom- ach. 1 suffered with bloating and a general failure in strength set in. If 1 went upstairs fray ',breath hurt. My system was very irregular and until I grew pretty had 1 didn't pay much heed to my c0Udiehnl, Then I got blue, worried all the tine, wakened iu the night and couldn't get to sleep again. None of the medicine 1 took hel',\i me. One day I was reading of a "ery interesting sae like mins cured by Tlr. Hamilton's Fills. I took the same treatment. It was just right --didn't physic me to death, but took bold of the weak, sick itparts of my system and set things right. seems as if Dr. Hamilton's Pills have made -nae young. again and all niy color, spirits, vigor and health 01 former days have returned to stay." Every girl and woman should use Dr. Hamilton's Pills regularly. They help a woman in many ways.. Be- ware of the 'dealer who asks you take an inferior, pill' on whiieh his profit is larger than on Dr. Hamil- ton's. Sold in yellow boxes, 25c per box, all dealers, or The Catarrhozone Co., Kingston, Ont. The Duke. of Saxe ateiningen, at 84, is the oldest sovereign in Europe. Every conceivable substance eaters in- to the •composition of dust. A singls grain of indigo, will color a ton of water. An international manual has been pi'e- pared recently by the Chinese to facili- tate translation. The deepest part of the Atlantic Ocean is between the West Indies and Ber- muda, 4,0(12 fathoms. India also has a new factory law which limits adults' work to 12 hours and, children's to six hours a day. Investigations following the. cham- pagne riots of Prates reveal many gi- gantie frauds in the champagne indus- try. A French savant lies declared that he is satisfied that arms ing, however mod- erate, has a seritaus tifeet an the hear- ing. Switzerland hale °oreign commerce of $5111,000000 iti,. 1 01,consisting of $304,000,000 impo '. e end $212,000,0 ex- ports. The sea cent.IIx iee most salt, genor ally speaking, at ,;ii aA'tts where a strong wind is etaaastantI e '� r wing, such as the trade winds k k For 101011yeer Canada, gave $2,054,200 in 1 ssidtnl; and steaui- ship subvent . ri1• ttintates for 1911 -le total 1 t b-' )- Ire Oregon ra eV'of about 5,500 acres aboa, 24,0(et leerily before 1802 for about $94,0( T'u 1909 it was valued above $1,0004 It hos, been 8d that an average puff of smoke fedi a cigarette contains about four el;"1z rznd minions- of particle about foa4 M tides of deet Engle/nee foreign tagi nearly 1, has 'only The Britis 315, t 0,00 500 ,este. e, Vto 6E -I T NS! TRIE0 IWO DOCTORS WITH NO BENEFIT Then Dr. Williams'- :Pin Pills Wrought .a :Lasting Cure, ���� Winiains' rr,, *• Pills har'e SO i�r 141Aatla it suritx iiaer. a filthier ; . �r ,ra;t#es`tha.t people - rthe tool: their vtgtde `es a nnl fo , blood and nerves in debility and general run-down conditions. .• That such conditions are the cause of much misery and unt eppiness is fully known to those who suffer from, them rand the e peed. 0 f cu rIib them 18 as vital aa -s is relief from diseases with higher sounding names. We conx- rnend the fallowing statement to any oz.e aa.ffering from weak, thin bloods or shattered nerves. Mrs. Mae Ma- eabe, G1eichen, Alta., says: "' few 1 A years ago . became run down, not eer/onaly ill, but just tired and weak all •the, time. I consulted our family doctor, who gave me tonic after tank, with no effect. 1 gradually got weaker and weaker until J. could not do iuy work, 'then 1 went to another dtirec.r, who pronounced iriy ease one of dee-lite, and recommended a warfsa- nde BEST ENGLISH. The first essential toward the occur= ate .use of English is to know t, a real meanings of words, and then to ehuose the right one to express the idea. What- ever hatever is expressed to English-speaking people,.should be in the, nglish tongue, with an foreign phrase's introduced. It is always letter form• to use the tamesmiliar fa- deaas, touse s mfamiliar pleEin lo -Saxon words that belong less to eYterary language than to living speech, and are more' readily understood? tban the longer words of foreign origin. A short word saves time for both writer and reader, Said our. ordinary speech should not be burdenerl< with the high-sounding words eieeessnry, for the tre,'i.tinent of most. suhjeets :ietaist,e from ordinary'ese zi.ta xndj hnple feedings. Let tis;'t#r+''refoa'e;fin the paper, andrlet the'pedant ceruse' it Let us "see -the beauties of the sea, and sky, and slot "discern" or "witness" a sunset. Let us "build" a "house" and make of it a 'home," allowing a crown prince to "erect" a "residence." Let us "oversee" our household, not "Raper - vim)" BO should we drophearty Why4 it. naso a word as kinsman," adopting the vague and misty substitutes of "rela- tion" and "connection," forced upon us by elegant people" Nothing is gained and much is lost, for the latter are both general terms. Men have relations of various kinds, and convention are of still wider distribution, whereas a man's kinsmen are only those of his own blood. —New York Times. i1 and millions of par - 00 ships engaged in :ally lly over 200, Japan lez ,the 'United States s 50 engaged. ensue returns for Ates a population of ;ease of about 20, - ed. with 1901: When take don'' and you Vigra »tinge, e to, are lit Zana-Buk from the, Zteen-ia in wounad fence or feet an chafed pl es an shoul ltd the er climate, with complete 'rest: This 1 could not afford, and 1 began to worry and fret until 1. became a complete nervous wreck. One day, while visiting a neighbor, an old gen- tleman who was taking Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for partial paralysis re- commended them to me. 1 sent out and got three boxes, but. without Much faith Haat they would help mo, 'but before they were gone '1 noticed an improvement, and 1 continued tak- ing the Pills, constantly growing stronger. until 1 had taken seven or eight boxes, when I was completely lured. 1 could do my work as easily as ever 1. had done in any life, and the dnet.nr told me that' he could scarcely beliere the change in inc. as he had not had the least hope that 1 would he strong again. Now 1 always keep the Pills on hand, and if 1. feel fatigued or weary take thein for three or four days, so' es not to get run down" `old by all medicine denlera or by mail at 50 cerate a box or sire boxes for $2.50, from The Tar. Williams Medicine ('o., Brockville, Ont. WINDSOR MARRIAGES. ('laG'iadsoh Record.) • or .:tri z country cot, your box of Zaxn-Buk k Soapti rn, sesatbltes; insect iniiisi diately' attended spoil your pleasure. You 'against trouble. tiseptic; kills all poison th.er, from barbed. wire ^tel sig. ,:5oothea aching „red hands; heals baby's Cools tltasse sunburn patch- tc freckles. No mother ut tit,- . ,Purely herbal in Tam -Auk is superior to eat% •containing aril - Mineral coloring 6,y 9,nd stares, '50e Best. d for gender skin. 25e MY TEACHER. (Composition bye Buffalo "Grammer School `12 -year-old.) My teacher has kind of grayish eyes, Mack hair. She wears her hair with what some people who Dail door -knob with a kind of dip in the middle. She is about the medium sir* She is about the medium of bones. She has kind of a brownish face. Her hands are kind of brownish to. Her nose is kind of dented in on the aide. Her bottom lip is.thieked than the upper lip. Most of the time she has a watch on a chain. She has black eyelashes and black eye- brows. She is thin around the belt. Nearly every day she has a white shirt waist on, with a, high collar on the neck that is like the vadat. ,She has a few little molds on her fact bat you can hardly soe them so that isn't very par- ticular. Nearly every day silo has black shoes with high heals. ffi.n.,.>,.cxrrm'14r'Puart.msttnatLarlrb'.lYc Wash ay r bles Wilt vanish, like mist before sunshine, If you use one of BY'S ASHBOARDS kip E The Boards with the Labor-saving Crimp Strong, Solid, Durable and Well - Finished EDDY'S WASHBOARDS will ease your washday burdens as no others will. AT ALL GOOD QktOCE S The BB. EDDY Company, Hun, Canada a trey . t as .S': Aelll,'eri,.9s::: i' •'ems THE GIRL'S HANDICAP. ISSUE NO. 32, 1911 (Youngstown Telegram.) In her pretty new frock Sister Mabel WOMEN WANTED. OLS felt quite proud as she sat on the f WRITE TO US TO -DAY FOR step and watched some boys playingin choice line of Agents' supplies. No the sidewalk. outlay necessary. They are money -mak - After a time one little boy came up to a rt Apply B. C. C I. o..OnLimited, 228 At - WANTED—Ladles to do plain and light sewing at home. whole or spare time. Good pay: work sent any distance; charges paid; send stamp tor full particulars. National. Manufaetur- tng Co., 11lontreal. AGENTS WANTED. ,y "4 G � ENTS STUDY Off' 'other WASITLD- 1•� othar agency propositions convinces us that none can equal ours. You for al lways regret It if you don't apply particulars to Travellers' Dept., 48 Al- bert- street, Ottawa. Fuse Woman O interested and should know about the wn tderi.ti. MARVEL Whirling Sera" The neer Vagb,, i Systng-. best '—Most convenient, It cieitnmr. Instantly. A,kyont druggist r..,_, . talk to her. and to admire. in slioeros ugd little way, her 'bright, shiny pink sash. See my new square -cut waist," ex- claimed the grate. "and my nice coral beads! Don-. you wish you was a girl?" Na, sire-ee," replied th`1' boy: "I wouldn't want to •be any slit at all, be- cause loolciel. how much more neck you have to wast:." .. Minard's Liniment' Cures Distemper ••• TO MAKE SURE_ That jars Are sealed airtight, wipe • 'dry around the rubber and lid before puhttin ,• them away and stand them upside down on white paper for twenty minutes; if the liquid comes out they are not airtight, so either take putty and seal all around the rubber and the lid or tie three folds of cotton batting over the top of the jar. That the damp in your cellar will not spoil your preserves and canned goods that you have so carefully put up, wrap each jar in coarse brown paper, or put them in a box lined with cotton batting and with a lid. That catsup, chili sauce and other sauces aid.. mince meat will not ferment, stir one teaspoonful of salicylic acid. in them after they are made. That water in wells, cisterns and' springs. will not purify, drop fragments rof 'clean -iron. in :, thein from time to .L o; aaunees of permanganate of po tassa thrown' into et cistern will render •the foulest water' pure and sweet. �, for balay ^i 11 tablet 1' p -RE NTS ACCIDENTS. A d, i,Which •prevents a railway carnage et 't. 'beteg st"acted when a pns- senger *elating' •or dismounting is .# 'b6 line of the Portland nt being:" . '• 4 .i g r�V :'fi railway. 404 and Power Company, Porplullcl, It:.i,glirtacl. It consists of a hing- ed t tep evlildia: ' is depressed about one - hall hal when a weight of from five to t . ,4 pouaula' is Placed upon it. This bre � an e,i ,iatric circuit connected with the ;(Intaoi e4r.: so that the contactor fails to ease The device is arranged, however, 'eV that the motorman is able to ria resa'f 11e' carriage, regardless of the condition:t.+f thh•:step. Only recently a Chicago lawyer, the son at a Canadian Minister, who had been married by a ;lnstiee of the peace in the Windy (:ity. paid ; visit to Wind- sor and had the epntr:aet solemnized by a Idergymern here, after which the bride dliclared that she felt really, .married. It bye also been established in c(luet thee•divcaa•ce applir:ants in Detroit have rinimkd to have been in'laried in Wind- sor when no stela ceremony tnolr. pTae.e herd and probably :these sante aplili- cnut i liner not 01,0.4 touclled nu Canad- ian soil. "Married in. 1Srindiet" eeenlai to bees weight with the Detroit judi- ` cla ry se�'ering in the eiinrri,age' tie, Let, the State of Michigan pees more stringent regulallona iia regard t.o the granting of divorces, and cnnrpt,eietas against marriages performed en this. will disappear. --Contributed. If he cannot supply the MARVEL accept no other. but send stamp tor illustrated beck—sealed. rt glee, OM partic- ulars and directions invaluable to ladles. W1i1DS02 S1Yi'i'LT CO., Windsor. Oat. Cultural Agents (or Cana( Minard's Liniment Co., Limited: Gentlemen,—I have uae`tl MINABD S LINIMENT on my vessel and in my family for years, and for the. every day ills and accidents of life 1 onsider it has no equal. I would not start on a voyage without it, if it cost a dollar a bottle. CAPT. F. R. DES,I'ARDLN, Schr. "Storke," St. Andre, lCamouranka. SORA :00?RN REMOVED re.'oUT PAIN, QUICKLY. No won;ier E'ubnam's Painless Corn I'4xtrat't•0 sell So well. You sea • it is differeiki; ° ,(reiai any other remedy you have ever 'need.' Does not merely relieve the pain, l eniptirarily, but is guaranteed to remove the' meanest, sorest corn or callow( ixo matter how long it luta both- ered. yen. Get a 25e bottle of "Put- nam,t; to -day and prove it. The name n tells the story.' Putaam's Painless Corn and Wart Platesetor, whidlx is sold by druggists,. iKU'S DEPARTURE. The departure of the arch -criminal Elul from Pekin to exile is described ibed as rival- ling in splendor that t of the mtist rlit+ttn guished enjoy to foreign parts. Alli the unoccupied great 0111414 of Pekin saw. Mini off"; he took four nooks and twenty Servants •eith him, and left behind with r,aoh servants' fancily a solatium of Fifty ounces; moreover, tint: servant had to "sign nn" and secure "hail" for good be- haviour. It pays to he .a traitor." -- Front the Wettlnitster C)>tzplta.. Iia spill of_]ttcl 11e11vv converaiatinn, many a man's avorda don't carry much .raveisht. WELSH WOMAN'S RED CLOAK. The red cloak which the Weheh. women wear at the ceremony in Carnarvon is not only ornamental but it Is also "decus et tutamen dal armis," and contributed to the repelling of the last invasion of their island. When a French force of 1,400 men under General Tate landed at Fishguard in 1797, Lord Cawdor hastily gathered together the local militia, while several hundred women had followed their husbands front the bills dressed in the national costume—reel mantles and men's beaver hats. The` French, know- ing that scarlet was tho British uniform, concluded that large reinforcement had reached. 7'ishguard and hastened to make an unconditional s;xrrender. -From the i,ondon Chronicle. Minard's Liniment Cures Colds, Etc. "Never let it be said that.yon: accepted votes that were given for a financial consideration:" "Oh, well," replied the own who isn't sensitive, "I don't think a ece is enouo cons der tion to be worth (mentioning." Minard's Liniment Cures Garget in Washington Star. Cows. l,t 1a'+ TION OF FLOAT COLD fiMAI:CriA1+dA A patent .for a. proeets or amagama.- tioii of float gold has been taken out in France. By a kind of capillarity parti- cles of gold are not wetted in washing, and remain, in spite of their density, on the surface or in a sle nsarit andd they also resist the action of mercury. To prevent this capillarity it is sufficient to add a caustic substance to the water to clean the gold, such as ammonia, lithia, potash, and soda, or salts of these nika- liee. The gold particles, not wetted by pure water are reached by alkaline li- quids and obey the law of gravity. The solution has also a favorable iefhlenne on the bath of mercury, keeping the sur- face clean. PRODUCTION OF MERCURY. The artnaial.productlon of mercury' has risen to :i,525•'tons• The United States produce 1,043, tons; Spatia, with Almada, funnelling 1834 tons; Austria, with Is- tria., 570 One ;Maly, ItOnte.Amlat,a 370 tour; liuseitt Ntiloitoflta, 318 tons; Mex- ico, 100 tons; other countries, including Japan and China. furnish the remain- der, about 200 tons. Minard's Liniment CuDiphtheria. WATER -POWER 1/4 NORWAY. Nature has endowed Norway with im- mense stores of power which, were but little utilized before the advent of hy- dro -electric plants, but which are now making of that country an important centre of various kinds of manufacture. A low estimate of the total available water -power of Norway is from 5,000,000 to 7,000,000 horee-power. The manufac- ture of nitrogen from the air will this year employ from • 170,000 to 180,000 horse -power, and in the course of a few ;imam it is hoped that 300,000 horse• power more wille utilized for this pur• pose. Electric smelting of iron and steel. promises to become an important indus- try in NorWay. The country has the peculiar ndvettafe of. possessing a great number. of lakes lying .an deep valleys, with contracted , entlets winiett render item easily wimp -Hale ince reservoirs. i. THE REWARD OF MERIT. (Philadelphia Record.) 3lebbs-That girl has been remarkably Stir ee.ssl`ul ;Robbs Yes- She usari to work In a nail factory. and now she's a manicure. The flies that are now in your kitchen and dining room were probably feasting on some in- describable nastiness less than an hour ago, and as a single fly of- ten carries many thousands of di- sease •germs attached to its hairy body, it is the duty off every housekeeper to assist in extermin- ating this worst enemy of the hu- man race. Wilson's Fly Pada kill flies' in such ,immense qua,n- titiles as cannot be approached by any other fly killer. I to. In Memory of Woman Astronomer.' A fund of. $20.000 has been estnellehed Is memory of Maria Mitchell, t11pio- neer woman astronomer, who had her first observe.torY on Nantucket Island -- tae income to be used to provide for a yearly fellowship tor. sonde woman as- tronomer. The candidates will be salect- ed by competition. and the winner will be entitled to several years of 'study here and a.ht'oa.d. " As Pkar Perfection as Paissi ic'e " Most People lady Use—And Always Will Use a'9@ es They k ne tcnrobyCeeSLawrence a��aase the they can nador ubtto the absolute purity of the sut}ar. make Its deligh'ttnl'fiavor--its crystal pUritY. and recognized 'economy—make Lawrence Sugar the pritrafavoritefitt every home mgwheie It 18 used. - It contains 0999.100 to 100 per1 • ties whatever, THE ST. 1..AVACENCE SUGAR (R'f$N'ING CO., LIMITED MONTREAL alsolismisimmailamilimasse