HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1911-08-11, Page 1The Official Organ 14 Zurich and Hay Township Vold XII. FRIDAY MORNING, AUG 11, 1 911. This is our first Summer If Clearance Sale® The goods listed below must be sold if low prices I will do it. Ihe quality can not 14 LI be surpassed and every item is a bargain. If you are wise you will of miss=. -this chance. Waisis Rtsl WIIITE WAISTS REGULAR $2,50 for 161:00 each 3,25 for 1.16 ... 2.00 for 1.50 't 1.75 for 9.25 " 1.50 for 1.10 ,c 1,15 for 90 " 1.00 for t5 " 75 for 50 •° 50 for S " Bargains in Gowns, Skirts, Cor=1 l set Covers, Drawers, etc:...: R $4.00 We hrave decided to clear gait the balance of our Mens' h_ piece Summer Suite. Call anyway we ean-suit you. REGULAR, GUL AR, X 5.50 and- $.00 Blens Suits for 0.00 each 10.00 a " for 1 oo " Li " 11.00 ac " for S•30 A SOME EXTRA SPEtiALS Make a note of these. They are well worth remeni- Bering. w Ladies' Dose 3 pair for 25cts 6` extra 2 pr 25cts Ladies' ,,.:crests 3 for 25cts " t c extra 2 for 25cts Mens cotton Sox 3 pr for 25cts cc cc " extra 2 for 25cts Fancy Sox 25c and 50c; pair Boys Blouses 50c, Boys Knickerfl 50c Fancy Dress Shirts 50c and .75c each Summer Vests regular 1,25 to 2.00 to clear at 1.00 BIG- BABG41.IGS in ,Mens' and Boy's Fine Straw Hats to cleat COAL All persons desiring coal for July delivery' kindly leave your order at once. Quality guaranteed. Terms ou coal are strictly cash. Seasoriabe Hardware Perfection Ol l : Stoves Scythes, Snathes 11 Hay Fork Ropes Washing 11achines Floor Varnishes and Floor Paints, etc. § PRODUCE TAKEN IN EXCHANGE . Preet Pelephoue g D 9 ZURICH LOCAti NEWS. Mr Wright 6, l ,ttuwa is spend- ing the triontl i he Home of Mr, :sl:ideisc7. f Toronto is son, Mr. J. A, 1Violsons Brink. n of Dash - horns of 111r, One Clay last has puroh, sed l; from Mr. ;',000 00. The fifty acres. lid daughter o; visiting at ;a Mrs. J. izloffman of iests of Mr. rffma,n, on and Mrs Ren Mr, Consttlxt' the guest - o%'; Oonstantine, Miss Ethel. wood visited and Mrs. (i.• week Mr. P. Lr the Sipple ha Henry Bauer farm contains Mrs, L. Ct Mabel, of Ta,v. the home o reeter. Mr. and Mr Stephen, ;we and Mrs. Sunday. Livete'maln fortune;of be afewdays a sore, :allxoug en, Mrs, .>~. Sni ford, ancl', Ctrs ter of Ex4ter, home of Moi„,:i"s day this We+elai Mr. Hairy:, Haven, Mica°a another and pil+ over taundny,i-- on Tuesday. Mr. Da:nie Line treated; to a. numb° grcwn in hi were an' ea i9g at Mrs. ;hones Whyte, wlio under and the ,coital y a ° d t. went a critical operation at n ospi e , Stat week, is • :lie rais- e' horse. t:r•y, very ere !lrok. `af Thad - d daugh-'- are at the Fritz, one f . New with his rives here for Dome e • Saublti n Fridaypeaches, ,rel.. They viariety'- triek elf orrie'Oftiees•-or 1,1141l. A well':itn a nl f?b"` wet ° fti n" C.linto h t 1 1 after sefferr• ��o S 1 reported to be aloins; ;calle days from _"qtr: twva �. o. __ NO 2 a ptiir wtrn en's Pat Pumps Reg $2.0x) for " " 8.00 for•• .,2.50 IO �� 2.75 for .e..2.,25 rGnn Met Ox Reg 2,50 for ...2. 00 9 " " Do n a � • enolo Ox Reg 1.50 fqr..... ..... .1.25 Pat os. ,Reg 2.25 for �; 5 " " 9 strap Kiri'. Reg 2.15 for ,`,. ..1.90 AH these Shoes In Window r DISPLAY -OST._ FRIDA3 f We do Repairing Batter and eggs -6/ketai1 exchange a FA I +. If you are iii need of a trunk or yyirs. A. Stelciz of London' , is ease. Call on Sam + visiting Mfrs. St eek in tawOwn, at. present. Miss Alveno liossenberry left on Thursday for her :Houle iii Berlin, after visiting relatives .and friends. heret for a few week - Cuts and braises •enay be healed in about one.tliird the tine requir- ed by the usual t.reattnent by a7lrily- ing Chamberlain's Liniment -is an antiseptic and causes such i lin- juries to heal without matu:at This liniment also relieves,soreY ,.ss o -f the aiiuseles and rheumatic p For sale by all dealers, snit MI E. Faust for a bargain, . Mr. Wilber Rummel. of Strat- ford visited friends here,, over Sunday. - Miss Leona. Diestelmeyer of Ber- lin was the guest of her friend bliss Iva Weber, over Sunday. Mise Mildred and Master Royal Brown of Crediton. we the guests of their cousins Muriel and Russel Preeter. Miss Grace Kellerman of Dash- wood, and Miss Oiu Cook of Hen- saIl, were the guests of Miss Dorothy Fritz, last week. i Ai. '�i'VACG17 (d� rr{"%rt wle], on Slip. " f •ase colic, (:holera andt. ° r 3 eni . +,.. Ears_._."._ , church t tissaanary ntoetleesetee 1i: preach For sale ally+ by to u�'•' s* Sant E, Faust has'ajai4- received is extended to all. a shipment of Amex alan,:; Foes for I,tcliuv, in patent of :Cxtnletaal. Mr. Sam 3. Latta, editor of the 'The very latest �1itiJt+, an ago Prairie News of Govan, Sisk., ri.1ladies, direct 1::0., r ' Yorla formerly principal of the public forall in and hoot ine 1a slioe:�. sobool here, has been nominated ,� by the liberals to contest the Next Tuesday event' I' ie Y. P. riding of Last Mountain A service ie,tbe EVa,ntu,: Cal C.1 rch5 at tele %rill be in charge cif tlIV'Iala:sia'inary next Provincial elections. Committee. A31 unusa;tal t tint is Do not buy or order a manure in store for all, its i i r: •;sexed spreader before you have seen the that Rev. Mr. Mines wvi'1 g .ve an 'Nov Idea" the best spreader on addre.se on missions w • rt. Do the market to day, itis made light nut miss this a5sion M w"4 ,. and strong, 'weight cnly 1:100 lbs. Mr. Millard Stouffer ',in his first It is a horse flesh saver indeed, appearance hereprovcdrbim#;cif the 'P Hess Son, Agents. equal of and superior. many of Ir. Aliitaardl Grant Stauffer, a re - the Toronto. ] umorieta;i,, He has u good stage presence, a kele in im- personations of. Harry ) antler, and wes decidedly takin- ea ,.AIrs Mick' and "Birds of a t'c"atli'er " fie was forced to respond with twvn or three encores--Dnrhajn Review,. t,* dray evening. A cordial invitation Last week we "turned down" a good offer of advertis::izrg from a city departmental' store. This was not the first one either that we have thrown into • :the waste basket. Now it takes souse bark: . hone to literally throw away dollars. but there is a 'principle at stake, and we think that once a local paper starts running these city acts it is about time for it. to unit publication.,'1'litit is'' our view, but we may be wrong, Stage driver Lamont... on Setter day, while returning with morning stage, bad an up set while leaving the road to drive onto the tempor ary bridge. Bob and two passeng- ers were considerably shaken up. but no other serioas • 'damage was done, Bob has laud many an ex. citing experience in his 25 years' service as stage driver, and has always coarse out lucky. It would take an eighty -anile an•hour Cy- clone and a bench of g;rirzly bears combined to make an impression on Bob's nerve. - l A GRAND CONCERT The choir of the Evangelical church, Zurich, will give a sacred concert in the town hall, on Labor Day, Sept. 4th, at 8 p, in, The choir will be assisted by . Mr. Mil- lard G. Stauffer of Walkerton Ont, one of the coming artists of the day, a clever and refined entertain. er, with t+ storehouse of irresistible humor 1 also other noted tale t will assist. This 'will be one of the leadinf en'tertainineeta of the seta - son. Admission 25 cents, RE serv- ed seats 85 cents. Plan of hall at .1. J. Merner's store. Look for bil s, Nesters and press fiotioesa fined entertainerwith a storehouse of irresistible humor, delighted a crowded. amlienee at the weekly entertainment in Bond St Congre- gational Church a week ago. Mr. '''ry our 7; rent Alarm floelr. ,Vnn and his work here will be reuiem ely guarantee them 2 years ' Stauffer 001210S from Walkerton M take no chances. " �1'aa aabaoiet tiered for some time to s A Full toci genie., -To- The 13est Luminous Alarm Clock ionto Mabe. and spasmodic repeater; $1,25 HONEY READY. and $2.00, None Better. l'ausioal Alarms, with automatic We have a quantity of choice • fly. The best- made - $2,25; • extracted clover honey ready for GUARANTEED - Bale again at 12} cents per lb. Get your supply or send in your order before 1 sell in wholesale lots, also some comb honey on band. J. tiabeeer, Zurich. and ewe!' a r, COS suMr Wn are showing all the newest 1inesof Women's and Men's Summer Shoes fos warm weather, A. lot of Womens Oxtordswhch we are now selling at a great bargain. Regular $L.5o, $1.75 and $2.00 F'101` $1.00 Just the Shoes for summer wear. C 0020 before sizes are all gone Try us when you need A. Trunk or a Salt case Butter and Eggs Taken in Exchange, RITZ, Zurich The Horne of Good Shoes