HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1911-08-05, Page 7v.t' R 0111tHapt GcoA®G XDaYma >ati1M,0a Q
,fit up ate
2 Take Notice
g � •
eWo have on display
our New Prints, and
Dress Goods. Almost
nt everything yon could
e wish for in Spring anc'l
1 Summer wear.
• Also our New Wall
Parsers, of the 'latest.de-
2 designs at popular price
.0 es.
Call a?ncl Inspect e
2 Before Purchasing
8 Generel elerchant, B L A K E. 8
fiemoganenauep,roetriecocc000rtoa caccoatiasnaitt
■ n e HUN n c e
` E keep. in stock a
• full line of fresh
meats, hams, etc.. etc
OUT cuts are .noted
for their tenderness
and wholesomeness.
Our aim is to keep
nothing but the best.
We make our own
Give us a call.
50,010 Men Wanted for Harvesting
iu Manitoba, Saskatchewan'
and Alberta.
'17iie year's wheat crap, accord•
ing to a-cnnserentive estimate, will
be two hundred million bushels,
and the llianiioba, Saskatchewan
and 41bertaa governments advise
that fifty, thousand.men-•zvill.be,
required. The majority of these
will have to be recruited from.
Ontario, and the Canadian Pacific.
Railway are running ehoursions to
Winnipeg and west at .$10. Free
tickets will be supplied at
Winnipeg to destinations in
Western Canada east of Moose Jaw
Saskatoon -and branches. Special
tbrough trains to Winnipeg will be
run by the 0. P. R. the only
through line, on the following
dates :
Aug. 3, from all points on all
lines in Ontario south of the G T Ft
inain line Toronto to Sarnia. This
includes C. P. R. stations south of
Guelph and Brampton.
Aug. 12, from all points in Ont.
ario north of the G. T. R. main
line Toronto to Sarnia, whioh in-
cludes all branches and the Tor-
onto -Sudbury line.
Aug. 16. from points in Eastern
Aug. 23, from all points West of
Toronto in Ontario.
� > ICTIC `ttA! Y
Because it is a NEW CB 5A-
TIOH, covering every
field of the world's thought, ,
action and culture. The only
new unabridged dictionary in
Because many years. 6
Because it defines over 400,000
Words; more than ever
before appeared between two ,
Covers. 2700 Pages. d000
Because it is the only dictionary
with the new divided
page. A "Stroke of Genius."
3ecause it is an encyclopedia in
-- ... a single volume.
iecause it is accepted by the
Courts, Schools and
Press as the one supremo cu.
b tLet tell
Because he who knows Wins
Success. L 0 us e
about this new work,
'lim E tot specimen or new divided page.
C. & C. MERRIAM CO., Puhiithirs, Springfield, Mass.
lstentiaitthis nova, roecibePas'si a set etpockarmnp,.
Aug. 25 from all. points East of
Toronto in Ontario and Quebec.'
Throua-h trains will be run from
Ontario points on the above dates
to Winnipeg, avoiding. ell - transfer
or customs troubles en route. Ask
any 0, P. R. agent for Oireater
giving rates, conditions, special
train servioe, etc , front .!i.'oronto
and points in Ontario 'or write to
R. L. Thompson, D. P. A,, C. P. R.
To'ron to.
The following are the local high
school Entrance candidates for 1911
have been passed by the examiners
for South Huron, and have 'also
been approved by the Minister of
Education. •
Anna Mc Elliott 507 Wilbur
Erwin 476; Anna L King 492;
Lillian D. King 480.
Ella Baker 413 ; Ariel Beverley
458; Marion B1atohford 410 ;
Maggie Case 478; Ethel Day 448 ;
Gladys Delve 442; Ernest Harvey
427; Sydney Hector'956; Francis
Rill 455; Oliver Hodgert 472;
Carrie May"457 ; Harper Rivers 400 ;
Irno Sweet 505 ; Lola Taylor 452
Bruce Walker 483.
Jennie Bell 488 ; Willie Dougall
000; Marion" Case 585; Ray Divi;
406; Ethel Glen 423 ; Annie
Hoggarth 462; Gordon Johnston
423; Earl Miller 401; Kenneth
McArthur 438; Iza McDonell 480 ;
Wellington MacDonald 383 ; Lydia
Pope 418 ; Janet H. Smith .485 ;
Ross R, Stoneman 430.; Harold
Stoneman 412.
Merle Clark 489; Melvin Brown
4511 Leona Finkbeiner 525 ; Pearl
Fahner. 414; Elsa Kienzle 475
Ottella Motz 450.
Earl .L'Veef 433; • Olive Helt 449;
Pearl Steels 421.
Hay Township
No 1-Maxirnilisn Donnmy 438 ;
Edward'Oorriveaux 000 No 2 -Adis
Case 423 ; Ella Jones 418 ; CV iltreal
Northcot.t 430 ; Edward Welsh 423
No 6 -Lizzie Eisenbach 000. No
10 Ent:. Jackson 416 ; john Laing
394; James Munn 399, No 14. -Emily
Ivision 497.
Stanley Township
No 3 -Margaret Davidson 485
No 4 -Archie Dewar 490. No 5 -
Elgin McKinley 439. No 6 -Eliza-
beth Forrest 466; Clarence Keyes
408; Violet McOlvniout 414 No
9 -Eunoia Biteable]; 436 ; Mary
Meyers .890; Pearl I .IoBride 419.
No l0 -John.. Aikenhead 453; Alex
lista • To,.1 ] yrt=le-Jeune^
ston 404; Ruskin Keys 420 Rena
Stephenson 485. No 14 -Walter
McBeath 407; Melville MoOlymont
463 ; Royal Moolymon t 403; Ida
Ratliwell 452.
Stephen Township
No 1 --Anthony • White 415.
No 2 -Irving Stables 39e. No 3 -
Victor Hogarth 485 ; Reggie Par-
sons 511; Aimer Willis 962. No 4 -
William Sohwarte 457. No 6 -Har-
old Gower 452: No 8 -Samuel
Ourriere 448 ; Gladys Patterson
391. No 14-Merg•uet Hanlon 482;
Estella Neil 469.
Clarence Ho inan 98 ; `'Ferdin-
and Howald 488 ; Clayton xioffman
442; Arnold Leibold 481.
July 31-A.bulletin on the crops
and live stook of Canada is issued
today. The condition of the field
crops of Canada for the month end-
ing Juae 30, as compiled in the
Census and Statistics Office from
the reports of a large star of oor.
respondents, is on the 'v -hole quit(;,e
satisfactory although en .account;
of uneven rainfall it is not uniform
for all the provinces. Even in parts
of the same province, as in Ontario
there is a considerable inequality.
For the most part in that province
excellent reports are made, but
there are districts in which the
grains and hay have been badly
affected for want of rains in May
and June
For the whole of Gana.dt3the con-
dition of winter wheat is only 75.25
per cent as compared with 100 for
a full crop. This is ten per cent las
than last year; two per cent less
than in 1909 and nearly 14 per cent
less than three years ego In Onta-
rio it is only 73 per cent of a fall
crop, as compared with 94 29 last
year. 78,60 in '1909, and b8 in 1908
in Alberta, the only other province
is -which winter wheat is largely
grown, the condition this. year is
8.3.22 per cent, compared with 63,63
in 1910, 65.65 in 1909 and 95 in .1908
Spring wheat in all the provinces
this year is given the high average
condition of 94 78 at the end of
June, which is better than is 1901)
by eight per cent, and better than
in 1908 by nearly. 16 per cent. On.
Mario and British Columbia are tits
only provinces in which the con-
ditions are 'under 90, ani it Saskat.
chewan and Manitoba it is close ti
The average for •ar e
which is six to ten per cent better;
than in the preceding three years
It reaohes close to 95 in the North-
west nroviuoes, Prince Edward Is.
lancjand New Brunswick, and over
90 in Nova, Scotia and Quebec. a
point below 90 in Ontario and only
84 in British Columbia,
Oats shows tan average of 94,45
for all ptbovinoes, whieh is higher
than any year since 1908, tend is 95
or higher in Prince Edward Island
New Brunswick, Quebec and the.
Northwest Provinces.. In Ontario
it is close to 90, and over 90 in
British Columbia,
Rye, plus and mixed grains are
given a condition of about 90 for
the Dominion, and are higher than
in the year beginning with 1908.
Hay and clover and alfalfa are
both below last year's condition,
and pi:stare is a point higher, in
the three Northwest provinces tbe
condition of pasture is over 100.
The feature of lute ces'eais is the
increase of area in flax, which is
nearly 300,000 acres more than hist
year. The largest increase of flax
is in Saskatchewan, where this
Drop in recent years has grown into
great favour.
Tho numbers of live stock do not
show much change from last year,
but their condition at the end of
June is very satisfactory. A11 clue
res are within less than two points
of 100, end an excellent Uniformity
is shown throughout all the pro.
This describes in a few words the
Uitnad tan Government Annuities
Scheme, rl'bat this "stun raeti" i
available to ail reeidents.of Canada
who are over 5 years of age
irrespective of sex, health, age or
worldly position, is '.worthy of
consideration. Parents niay
the purchase of Ann.nitioi foi
children, or children; who
have prospered, may find in this
scheme safe way to 'pl•ovide an
income for fathers and mothers
who have net been do lr.rtnnmto in
life as they. On the. Other Mind
people who have a Iimited income
can inereuee that stirs substantial
ly by the transfer of firer capital
to the Uoverninent for t11e purchase
of an Annuity. ,•
Full par tioutars Ma y. he obtains ci
concerning this .sieetenti, he rade,
dressing tbe Super nred den{ of
Canadian ,Governri' tit J,nntu'ties,
.Otteerit. Pustago ree..
Rev Fathe>r'Mo>~risey
J:� t3« 21:4,41K9..11
fluids in thestomach are not
Father Morriscy's "No.
in concentrated form. 1{ach
will digest IX. pounds of
average meal.
Father or 1scy's
e¢N . 11" Cures
Stomach Troubles.
When your stomach is
working right you never
know it is there. But when
it feels as Heavy as lead.-
When you have Heartburn,
Belching of Wind, Sourness,
a gnawing hunger, with
distress •after eating -when
you feel irritable and.
• depressed - then you may
know that the digestive
sufficient to digest what you eat.
ex" 'Tablets supply these fluids
tablet, dissolved in the stomach,
food, which is more than an
Read what Father Morriscy's treatment did for Mr.
Gosline, of Salmon Lake. Ile writes Nov. eo, .1908 :
"1 was troubled with indigestion, so severe that I rent ly thought
1 had cancer of the stomach, f took much doctors' retuedies, till
I was forced to seek another resource, and this was the Rev. Father
Morrisey. His treatments worked miracles, nntil I have been entirely
cured, so that now T do not look to the quality of the diet but
to the quantity."
doe. at your dealer's. 53
•@rather Morriscy Medicine Co., Ltd., a Chatham, 1gl,la� t
Sold. au d Guaranteed an Zurich by J. J. 1 ^ ERNER.
amusing pantomime net, will be
feature of each afternoon an
evening's performance, as will als
be the Columbian Musical Four
a quartette of artists who play on
seven different instruments; Jack
de Clair, in an acrobatic act ; th
Eili ,an Trio, in a comic aerobati
act. and Alber's Polar Bears, oath
marvelously trained animals.
r Other feu hires will be a musical
ride and tette by picked detach
monis from local military crops ; sa
fireman's exhibition, showing how
a modern fire brigade responds to
an 7tlrarm, and many other::.
Visitors will alto be given an
opportunity of.seeing Lite many
uses to which the hydro -electric
currant may be put; of listening to
Sour of the best bands in the
country; of witnessing spirited
jumping and speeding contests ; of
seeing the best cat and dogs shows
ever held; of "doing" .a most
jktractivs Midway, which will
consist of at levet 25 ;;o•trl, clean
•(•niore,],shows and will ba the best
ever seen at a London Exhibition ;
anof eel
t +;nessinge rand ct el
briri oit'k:� erve ii even ' """".
Of course the reputation of the
Western Fair as the best live stock
and agricultural show in the
country must bo maintained. The
rate at which enteries are coining
in leaves no doubt on that point
Persons desiring .to exhibit in
any of the departments should lose
no time in sending in tiled'
t.ppiications to the Secretary, A.
':i. Hunt, who will give all in
formation required. Reduced rates
on all railways.
At the Western 'Vain, Leaden,
SO to _Milt.
The Western Far,. London, has
long been famous.for special. at.
tractions, and the 'air this year, to.
be held on Sept l l,h to 16th, ;Pro
raises to be no 40option tab the
rule Indeed every effort is' being
put forthby the`Directors t -o make
it better than ever before. This
necessarily means enormous ex-
pense, bet the Directors • are
determined that the Dost shall not
stand in the - way of the Western
Fair of 1911 being superior to the •
best of its predecessors.
One 'of the foremost of this
year's attractions will be the
Aeroplane Ladies. The arlvance of
aerial navigation is one of the
marvels of the twentieth century,
and it is but nataral that the
Directors- should desire to give
patrons of the gren,t Exhibition an
idea of what has been accomplished
in this direction. Hence they have
secured the great attraction, which
demonstrates that not only can
man or woman fly, but go through
gymnastic exercises while flying.
Tbe act -•is both thrilling and
Barnold's Dogs, in in clever and
Clubbing rates
f"We have made arrangements
to offer the following low clubbing
rates with Tial•; Hueneme e ;
Daily Globe $ 4.25
„ Mail & Empire 4.25
Weekly Globe 1,60
Mail b'a Empire
Berli"or journal (Gorman) 2.50
Family Herald & Star 1.75
Daily Advertiser 2.75
Weekly Advertiser 1.50
Weekly Sun 1.75
Farmer's Advocate 2.25
.h', t- r •
ArVic.! 1i8l.,'1+,1 .,. % icR �..
.Additional for Return ion
Follocv1nd Conditions:
AUGUST 3rd -Front all stations on all lines on and Soutar of the Grand Trunk Main
Line, Toronto to Sarnia, including all stations on C.P. It, Toronto to
Detroit and Bratioit Lines including Guelph sub -division from Guelph
South and Brampton South.
l2,th---1~ront alt stations North of Grand Trunk Main Linc, Toronto to' Sarnia,
including C.P.R, pointe. Bolton Jct. and west ; also Grand Trunk points,
Toronto to Calendar inclusive.
AUGUST 161h -From ale stations in Ontario, Toronto and East, Gallia and Scotia Jet,
and East on G.T.R. also Asil.11 and Eastern Ontario.
AUGUST gird Prom all stations Toronto to North Bay inclusive anet West.
AUGUST '25th from all at,uions forerun and East in Ontario and Quebec, also East of
Orillia, Scotia Jet, and North Bay.
kepresentative farmers, appointed by Manitoba, Saskatchewan and Alberta Govern.
meats will meet and engage laborer:; on arrival at Winnipeg:
Preto transportation will be furnished at Winnipeg to points on Canadian Pacific where
laborers are needed, east of Moose Jaw and :Saskatoon, including branches, and at one cent
muffle each way west thereof .in Saskatchewan and Alberta.
.A certificate is furnished with each ticket, and this certificate, when executed by farmer
showing that laborer has worked thirty days or more, will be honored from that point for a
second class ticket back 10 starting points in Ontario, at 513,00, prior to Nov.. 30th, 1011.
Tickets are good only,on special ):'arm Laborers trains, which will be run from Toronto
and Ontario points to Winnipeg without change, making trip, in about E6 hours, and will be
issued to women as well as to men, but will not be issued at half fare to children.
Por full particulars see nearest C.P.T. Agent. or write-
, R. L. TI,MOMP$01V,'I3.if'.A.. C.l'.R., Toronto
Everything in nature indulges
in amusement. The lightning
playee the whistles. the thunder
rune; the snow Hies, the waves
leap, and the fields smile. Even
the buds shoot and the river s run,
Buy it now, Now is the tiruo to
tiny a bottle of Olarnberlain's Uolo,
Cholera and Dlrrrhuaa Remedy. it
is ai:nest certain to es needed be-
fore the st:uituar is over. This
remedy has no superior. For sale
by all dealers.
1:IA1LIra? P...;;;P(MT.-The' fol.
lowing Is the report of Zurich
tnerket corrected up tc Thursdit y,
l3erley .... 50 to 52
Bran 20.75
Shorts „ 92 00 22.00
flea: 37 38
Wheat 75 76
Five ;yeses ltOtl... ... 2.80
Purity... .. 2 80
Royal lI tnseh,iltd 2.83
Choice family 2,8.0
Han'.... ..., .. 6.00 7.00
;.a ...Dried itpplee " r' ,(3i 5
Clover seed 8.00 9.00
Potatoes 25 25
Butter 15 16
Eggs . . . 16 16
Hogs liveweight 7,15
C'ook's Best nom- - 2.75
Wheat ...... fi0
Oats 30 30
Barley 60 7,)
Peas 80 80
Hogs lenweieht.. 7.15
Prompt service
Moderate rharcfes
fM» fYl...Xa.aYa
• >:i HiFFMAN
Zurich. - Ont ar io
s,as^n m T�
• That Want
Call at The Massey-
Harris Shop.
Our Machines spea
for thelselves.
We als) handle
°Ids Gasofine
t1 Il: repairing promptly
attended to,
Jas. 'Whyte,, A