HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1911-08-05, Page 4OMMIN? yQI9t }(11)t C**D 6- GEI QD ere s Ineorporated 1555 to so 4F00000 a Capital paid up $4,000,000 Reserve Fund $ , t te Total Assets over ¢4,000,000 cr Head ®'Mice _ - Montreal Has i8 Branches in Canada, and Agents and Correspondents in ag to all the Principal Cities of th.e World. A GENERAL BANI(INF BUSINESS TRANSACTED. al SAVINGS BANK DEPARTMENT 0 ea to at all Branches. Interest allowed at highest current rate ri Zurich Branch. J. A. CONSTANTINE, Agent ct a 3Q0 2{}�0> 2 1t3 ____:„-- _-_n-9QF9'c a;s QtlC4� Cfkbt4 ;ssr G� _ 1 a la �%b r'� IL.. LEGAL. CARDS. tI J. D. COOKE, BARRISTER AND SO -1 PUBLISIBED BY E. ZELLER. li.eiter,NotaryPublic, :iensali3Outtuio. tat Znrieh (Zeller's office) every Mon -1 day. eROUOF00T BAYS & KILLORAN, Barristers, Solicitors, Notaries Public, etc. Goderieh, Canada W. Proudfoot, K. C. R. 0. Hays. J. L. Killoran. BUSINESS CARDS. FRIDAY AUG 5th, 1911. beside hire as he t'epeeted in a voice whose tbrillin pathos was oontagious some 'tree lee had found his wife composing a'few days ago. What of the battle, i it won? Not yet, What of the sorrow, Is it done? Not yet. Whist of the hearts that throb to brook? What of the feet which downward tate? What of the dreamers? 'Do they wake? Not yet. Over the hill tops hoar With time It comes. We catch the morn's redemption' chime. It comes. The east is fleshing the dawn draws nigh. Daylight kisses the blushing sky, Only a step tend then the victory, It comes. Cour- age 0 heart keep to the right, God reigns, )3eyond the darkness, amid the light, God reigns, His unseen' eye marks every tear. Each cry has entered His listening ear, 13.is step majestic is drawing near, God reigns. Shout, for the battle will be won, Oh yes. Sing, for the sorrow will be done. Oh yes. There's stern, hard work in the fielta to do, Patience sand praying and. weeping too,'But victory cometh, grand and true. Oh yes. It, might have been a year after Justin's bride canzee to his home to make life beautiful to its inmates - certainly her fir'ltborn was 1yinn on her bosom.• when pne day Dr John found a str;;tnger; waiting for hir» in his ofilre. He was a dark, thick set man. wits:. heavy brows black eyes and a seamed face, across one cheek of which straggl- ed an ugly scar.,' (Td be csontinued) Eti' �1 M. Vv imams Pres Supt. Seemed to Give Him a New Ssoii?ach, W. C. �i . U. THE CRY OF THE TWO-THIRDS Yet, 0 yet Justin sighed with his young heart vibrating between joy and grief, many. of these -not all, thank God (the majority pray ed true to their privelege, worthy of the fresh start in life) yet many went forth, as Dr Droutly had forseen they might, to renew the habit from which they had sought , S. PfalLUUPS, AUCTIONEER, Exeter. Sales conducted in all parts. tms Satis- faction guaranteed or no pay. ,.easonable. Orders heft at this office- wili be promptly attended to. L't,.,..;t,, AND1i.EW F. HESS, FIRE INSURANT- ce agent, representing the London, Economical, Watefloo, Monarch, Stand- ard, Wellington and Guardian. Every- thing in fire insurance. DR. F. A. SELLERY, DENTIST, GRA - dilate of the Royal College of Dental Surgeons,. Toronto, also honor gradu- ate of Department of Dentistry, To- ronto University. Painless extraction of teeth. Plate work a speciality. At Dominion House, Zurieh, every';! Mon- day. 6 CER E Notary EPublic. O Deeds , Mortgages, Wills and other Legal)a is Ocare u11y and promptly prepared. ce— Zeller block, Zurich, Ont. LODGE MEETINGS Grosvenor St in 1' anchestee, Mass, as he pleaded, passionatelyover the doom of lost sinners, and escort ed thein to forsake their sins and turn to' Goll 'by repentance this very hotir. How silly it sounds to hear one say that some nen mete - not plead earnestly and intensely but he :cold, calm and reserved. When God sends out men to preach (in my belief)• he ohi•>nres men of good lunge, a full voice, and ooure- gious, and of love to sinners and the salvation of souls. There is in every Christian minister's heart to fund of withusittsit end emotion that should he raised to e. white heat if he has a strong passion fon souls and is "baptized with fire and the Holy, Ghost." without that baptism they are of little worth in. our pulpits, bat are weals as' other men. Every minister As made -so "as a soul 'winner,"'• and should speak and act as though he ex petted conversions, and arrange all his sermons with this in view. Preaching is not an end in' itself, but a means to an end, and unless it produces that end it becomes a failure, a delusion and a snare. Every cdnsideratiort of personal care, and personal gratification must be subordinated to one para - meat duty of pursuading men to submit themselves to Christ. The main thing is to •remember , that the pulpit is the key to the situta- tion, if the preacher succeeds there he is an empty show and will be a dissappointaient John Wesley :Knox; Whitefield, and Luther had "tongues of fire" and the commis- sion that our Saviour gave to his disciples to preach the gospel to every creatui e, . 'upon pursuing their journeys in the discharge of deliverance. Etow could it well be duty were styled 'Sons of Thunder' otherwise? How easy with the old;' "I suffered intensely after eating and the more of such sons our associations, the old. frieudsliips .and no medicine of treatment I churches have the more prosperous under the power of the old tempta- tried seemed to do any good" writ- oar churches will become. God tions, to weld anew the fetters just es g tin g broken from their prisonecl man- hood ; to become, by the old pro- cess of yielding to the pressure ac•i and Liver Tablets : gave inc stritction, and make their serrLons about them, what they yet loathed surprising relief and the second! carry "tongues of fire" to the was it not after all but half a sue- bottle seethed. to give me a new people, the wicked will awake, and cess, as Justin had said to his uncle stouiacli and perfect good health' Dewey's guns' in Manilla Bay in the day he had hinted at such a For sale by ell dealers.. 1858, will set the echoes ringing possibility? "I tell you, Keith," Court Zuricb No. 1240 ;I., �. :;` . eets every,., let rind. 3rd eacl't men.th at'tY"ball cir p. filtihe t. o> r�; 1Ia31:P hi the a. 0. r. hla tz snit 0, T. J- ,PV. A.0.11• Pickheil Lodge • No. 3 93, meets he and and 4th Friday of every month, t 8 o'clock, in their W 1r` Eli M old; RED. FA ttiERS ANTINfi IMPLIer will want copies to send to friends abroad. The sale of this unique ;ewer will be '.very cosy and two of the hustling boys of this town are going to be lrtoky enough to t secure the local agency'. If yon are one of them, write at ohne to. Eshibition Illtastrated, Hat urday Night 13nilding, Toro nto,' for .,full particulars. 'An ordinary case of diarrhoea cart, tts a rule, be cured by a. single dose of'Ohuinberlain's Colic, Chol- era and Diarrhoea Remedy. This remedy. has no superior for'bowel complaints. For sale by all dealers. n Ohio. 1 n v perfectly r and a Jubilee will go forth from TONGUES OF FIRE rivers to the ends of the earth. Thoughts By The Rev. U. tJ. Sink, - - -.)n Preachers and Preaching A Great Chance for Newsboys Free Trip to the Exhibition. What the peoe is want today, is *---' preaching, but preaching that is Two boy's in this town who are preaching: I do not say. that it hustlers have an opportunity to midst be passionate preaching, but take in the great Toronto Exhibi- a cold tongue, a calm tongue or a tion for nothing—besides Darning M ZrR n peeers. Editor of Sun, Lake 'View, Oh "' . The fir few closes af..Chamberlain's Sto e st EXCURSIJ'NS TO Manitoba, Saskatchewan, Alherta Special Trains leave Toronto 2.00 p.m. on APRIL 4, le MAY 2, 16, 30 JUNE 13, 27 JULY 11, 25 AUG. 0, 22 SEPT. 6, 13 Second class ticketsfrom Ontario a t tiotu to principal North at LOW ROUND-TRIP RATES Winnipeg and return $33;00; Edmonton and return $41.00. and other .points Tickets gtreturn days from gig date. TOURIST SLEEPING CARS on all excursions. Comfortable berth., fully equipped with budding. can be�r a at moderate rates through l 'Early application must be made ASK FOR HOMESEEKERS' PAMPHLET containing rates and full inforrnation. Apply to nearest C.P.R. Ascot es to R. L. Thompson, Dirt. Pass. A¢t.. Toronto. ONLY DIRECT LINE NO CHANGE OF CARS 1 Synopsis of Canadian Northwest Land , Itegulations. makes no half hinge, when his ministers are awake to the fact the ANY person who is the sole head of a wicked are on their way to de• - - family, or any male over 18 years old, may homestead a quarter -section of avail able Dominion land in Manitoba, Sask- atchewan or Alberta. The applicant must appear in person at the Dominion Lands Agenc;, or Sub•Agency• for the district. Entry by proxy may be made at any agency, on certain conditions, by father. mother, son, daughter, brother or sister of intending homesteader Duties. --Six months' residence upon and cultivation of the land in each of three, years. A homesteader may live within nine miles of his homestead an a farm of at leash 80 acres solely owned and occupied by hint or by his father, another, son, daughter, brother or sister. In certain districts a homesteader in good standing xray pre-ompt a quarter. sec- tion alongside his hoineStead. Price $3.00• per acre, Duties -\lust reside six months in each of six years from date of brn itou. entry (including the time required to earn homestead patent) suit `,cultivate iifb.,acree extra. A homesteader who has exhausted his homestead right and cannot obtain a pre- emption may take a purchased homestead in certain districts. Price 58.00 per acro. Duties—Must reside six months in each of three years,, cultivate fifty acres and erect a house worth 5300.00: W. CORP, Deputy of the Minister of the Interior. N. B.—iJnautherirecl publication of this advertaemeet will not oe Data tor. Dried the young physician to his friend one day, more and more I see you aro ri;;bt, inen need to be saved from, themselves front the power to wreck both soul and body Eleanor's long ago words come to me sometimes in the night watches at I ponder this problem unable to sleep What use to plead. with a maniac not to take his life, reason with him on the evil of suicide, and yet leave .t -Weapon-lie ' sebkh twig;" his hand? --It *ere aict%i 'bis 'tisane and bre`ti:t e to bide er t't etroy'' the weapon lid -.worth. all airy elaquett- ce. We need to take the knife from these pnor maddened hands. I agree with her, with you. I find myself trying out heart and soul for deliverance, for national legis- lation the removal of .the possibila. ty of self -death from the would-be suioide I dire not who gives it to ns, beginning to walk the floor. And Mr Weswick, his arm flung over his friends shoulder, walked second to none call at t h e Deering Implement Shop OPPOSITE TOWN HALL Where I carry nearly Everything that Farmers need. ...rte ..--..vem....r - . >. S. MELNIK Opposite Town Hail, ZURICH When I'm out call en 0, Fritz for Repairs, to dry tontine is nearly. fireless. What We need thi'{;flay of cilectrictY zi) .:ninth: ''trouble; by -simply_ selling otic. .xl;"t: rs'.r� .ten with, °'Kuri e ;h'n t ateet ee order; for the Special Thee �, ^i .R1 �, Wa;i•'. ►Fxlrttittint! i i'''nset of .,,eabition 'D't'f,.i+�`a. -' Vii l �'• f or essay A iia , tee pulpits. Fecal wide awake preachers, are .:neither school Mestere, lecturers nor ace: clemic proiaer;sti'-'s, et is not what the people' remand. An instructive mini, ter who Cannot. or does not infltiitne or fire,the heart is fireless. All Who are real preachers have, and carry with them into the pul- pit "A tongue of fire". Dr Bunting v:tts,,ilot a rhetorician but was a man who sobbrd•' in the pulpit of sone addional money without Ellusti'ts'fOdr r>'i~' res per copy, Tnis lisautiftel paper is otic• of..the many attractive aud vivid views that can be possibly obtained of all the in- teresting features on the grounds. It will be filled with information of great vti.lne to the visitor which can be gotten in no other form. Every visitor to the Exhibitiot will want a copy, Every one in terested in what is going on in the world will want a .copy. Many am with the fxneac lot of goods ever shown i11 Zurich. hist received a large gtlalltity to please any --1 body, so drop in and see, if x cant suit you. .Also I carry an immense No. of samples to choose from, Alt binds of goods for trousers, dark or light prices low as possible. L u.ncdry slit Coiute,^tio'i 1; W1 1' , IO ds MAN Y ailor - ZURICH 11 V 111 Always the cookbook say "Sift Your Flour." No lumps, you see. .6ferates the flour, making it Iighte:. Put FIVE ROSES in your sifter. Never soft and sticky -- never lumpy, uf musty, woolly. Never coarse„ Milled superfine from Manitoba's grandest wheat. Fine, granular, very dry. Nothing remains in the sifter—FIVE ROSES is free, heavy. And your bread is more porous, more yielding, more appetizing. And more Digestible. Because the - particles are finer, easier to get at by the stomach juices. Use this very fine flour—superfine. FIVE ROSES. 42, ""'"'"""""""1"1111111 wt's ,yr ul9���$.,��.natm` . 3k: s�F���*Y'�i. l"�( �>►y. ��►"►n1�i'',au1a 1v'i1..i111111111111$ +d�9• A�''l„,,hlJ5.• 'l l�-lrr14y11.�� 1i,�!V7S{,1%cf1, 1 , iwII.ti' ..y,i�r, ;..h4 h .! }tl�AFla��I<af"YN�n.—,.ja, ' y°.��1� bi�(,��' l'�,_N•r td�°.tt.'y��l��,�r� �,.,�,*,s��: Y �c�. ,?IIt +..rr_,,srs��,,!r:�lj!>' F... _..1}ri�ati�. ti",• r,�;„,• ,-.S'fi,�slt” i�1,�°1a r VIy IrIf�i011111111111111111111111110 � 11111 Y,•!.i I}i i�:Tr��6.r;��s• ^;"i:t;'. �v ;7 c' I7�/W".(�jI:�/4?�Y.I� `t3''? 1K..;,y'��5'f '_.��•. �A "';, � �I�RirQ}?iix3k�+i*.�b7'�1f,i. • .' 1111111 r '1' i Ihwilla 1110811I�a��mgfiIillullil11011l111101111111mi1111 6 tr INIII111111111111101111111•11111111 II1II1111111 AKed«�coccus MILL1,0 OOMPANVl.„1,tM)NTH1AIis ll,e11 •_. .-... __