HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1911-08-05, Page 2....-- �„...�....,.�. NEWS OF TSL OUR IMPORTS. • 11AY IN BRIFF Trace Returns For the Quarter Ending With June—Custards Rennie. ie. Lite ' Saving to be Taught Free in Montreal Baths, Splendid Masonic Temple to be Built in London. Village Merchant Heavily Fined for Giving Customer Liquor. Elizabeth W'rtithers, a waluau 4 ,peers of age, died at Orillie. from the effects of an overdose of "endemism St. Mary's, Ont.., Council has received plans for the prepo ed sewage dispo- sal system. The body • man who went to Belleville, on an -ex.-torsion from J)eseronto, has been re- covered, George R. 1 bitto3t, tnerc•bant, of Rodney, was fined ei100 for bringing liquor into the village and giving it to a customer. The vote at Braeetwidge, Out., to fix i tx the taxation of the Ang Tanning Co. at $50,000. was in favor t. the company by 9T majority. The 'Venezuelan Cabinet has reeizned. .S. sac* n•i niet-yw', with Gonzales Guinan as Minister for Foreign Affair•r, hits been organized by President Gower., Dr. H. T. Reason, erresiilent of the L,budon Board of Trade has succeeded • -in getting the i,:ferchante' Linc of Steam- mhips to again make Port Stanley a port of pall. The wind storm that panted over Prince Edward Bounty bee done nier.- t3rnable damage to the apple orchards. `•i,'he grown in the orel3arde is fairly ' green with the blown fruit. A telegram to Berlin from C:onststnti- nople says that the eondition of Sultan Mohmed V. ie causing; arsiety to binphysicians. Be is suffering from kidney disease and arteriosclosis. The death of John 'Thompson, one of the best knovrn chefs in Canada., immu- red at his home, 338 Logan avenee. To- ronto. Mr. Logan was a miles*. of Echoes Lancas;ltine, Eng. f `The contract° for the. construction . o the proweed' new bfasonie temple At. endun. Ont.. 'nag awarded 1st SV. t".1. •ividaon ftel $4fi;,tli' late strarctsfre; 9n tel be completed by Oct. 1, 1012. 110V4. T. J. Mitchell, who came to tine: country from Scotland a short time ago, has duce ted the invitation of Pape Avenue Baptist Ccureh, Toronto. Ile will succeed L. S. 3:lavcratock, 134. The Portuguese Assertible ("elided by a vote of eighty-one, to seventy-six to suppress all honors and decorations on the ground that they are not in accord- ance with the principles of the Re- public. John Duokworth, 7 Otter avenue, To- ronto, an elevator operator, sustained a fracture of the right reg and a broken nose though the fall of au elevator in the 'offiee of the Grip Publishing Company. The nurses and rations of the Guelph General Hospital have a new pet, A. the bright little Chinese baby boy, first one to be born in Guelph. lite mother is doing well, while the father is the happiest Chinese in the city. George Whitelaw, of Gaelph, thinks the crop estimate for that district is over.sanguine. After e drive through Guleph Township he considers the best crops no better than the average of last year. On the whole, lie predicts almahalf a crop. At Charlottetown, P. E. T., the jury in the Molyneaux murder case found a verdict of manelaugbter, with a strong recommendation to mercy. This was the third time for The jury to report.. it having disagreed on. two other oc- casions, lettawa, Jul) lie--l'ur tint ppet'tuur- ' ter 'of the e e*Pict :Eget] year ('anucla' total trade was .+;1180,O00.elts, a rt ,mares) of :it;,704,Ti18, as eoutpared withr April, liar :+ud �luue of las real The inerease was entirely in i 0p)rt�r, whitslt totalled $121,3;13,5144, or uearltt twelve utitllona more thou sur the con eels oludime perictct o1 last ,year. l.xporte of domestic products eggre- galeid $e412•t,408 a falling Off of taperer three naillisms. •of whin) two editions was in exports Of forest product rite Made for lune totalled letlit,T103ii, an lucicase of $2,08.415, imports for • the month 1o1:a11Pd '*1:1,030,58:1, an inareetse of a little over. three millions. '„ atom ieeenue for the three lllOTli116 wing$111,926„7,5S, an increase of e2,358,- S47. CHOLERAOLITBREAK sThe estimated.emitLtoof Jaseph leatyca, a voting Cases of the Disease Found is Prus sia and Also in Mexico, est degree, and in the least rondo-, the greatest proportion of ingredients most needed for repair of tissue consumed in work, and at the sante time provide the necessary amount of force, vigor and heat. Oats have been fouled' to be the best food to meet these 'requirements, 11'ils DEN, Tag nod, AND THE CO1\', 1 n 1le corn incomplete cannot 1. Oats the makebillbeing u l.) the honest, ear d-w;o. kcd farther I plc: and at the same time supply vim and 1 would give some ,good advice, vibor some heat and much force, while New York l4opar Now Considered Flee of the Disease. YOU. wawa thee itnow of less@e it, .list 111 need not tell it twice. 01 all the things upon the -farm Tliat pay best, anew, Are things nor often valued ltigh— Tha hen, the hog, the cow. They help to fertilise the tie -kis, And eat the Surplus .groin, Aid nitether they are kept or sold They're always making. gain. The brie and hog givs eggs and meat, 'Phe cow rich nisei and .Teta,, Which by the farmer's"wife is made ;into gulden butter clean. They furnish money, ftarnich food, And pay the ruertgi ge; too, The "mortgage li( erti," they are called, For this is what they de. The farmer with his: bt,gs and hem, , And also with hie go - w, 'Need home on fear. otrle"r)t or want At protltzee pricer ;hats.` Witb eggs for b e3Sefaet pork .at noon, For etomer • mll-'and erea.tti, The fe niers' fare is;equal to An eJ, eureen drenrc No city fare Bean espiel it, Nor give such lleeltb, tt trow. All honor to the farmer's-'friende, The herts the hem lee cow. Dalzig, 1'ruseitt, .1nly 1.- • Two women were removed to a bosp=til last night with symptnuts of cholera. ','here etre three other suspected Cates here. 0110LERA 11 .MEXICO. 1texieo (31y, jnly 31.--.A special dis- peleh,ta> tete .:rler.iean Herald from Mer- rde. lu.aten. Feta lltoler,t has made its appearance there and that two auldiers heave died from the effects of the dis- ease. NONE, IN NEW e'011h. New Yore, juIV :31 (here es appar- ently us; eitoie3 i in New York City proper. The to=t in the moet 'Auspice four. ,'axe. that of Edgar llerrintanu, the Bellevue oobpztal orderly, was found to he e.beolntely negative in a second eaani- inattion made. and although a'third test will he ,,lade to make assurance trebly sure• the hospital authorities seem con- fident they. have no cholera on their hands. :elle ease of the laborer: named Louis, MMel.::'elti'eli WAS reiux{ie<1 l ith stispicion et thtr ieospaial; ten ed erne to 1,M nrkthittg ,•eerier., ee8 •n , u rnr r; ,pot. plaint. , • N $3,500 a surplus is capable of being stored up in the tissues as fat and nitrogenous matter to be drafll. upon her under ex t;i1`,jlt''i= RETUk tdI COW. (Department of Agriculture, Dairy Divi- sioit, Ottawa.) Out of 2,400 corns tested last month in Ontario for mambo's of cow -testing aesoeiations, 895 of them, or over one- third of the total Manlier recorded, gave Fields of over 1,000 pounds of milk and 33 pounds of butter fat. Many cows gove over 40 pounces of fat, in sharp contrast are souse low average yields, from all coria ices uded in three or four assoo:atiotis, of 'less .than 20 pounds of fat. With batter fe;t valued only at 20' emits per petnnd, this means that good vows are earning $3 per month more than poor cow*, If this average is mul- tplied by a milling period of ten months, it followe that there is actually a difference in the ineome from two seal' rows of as tniioh as $30 in the sea- son. . Those astonishing differences, are only broujht, to light. and to, the apprehen- sion of wears when. they begin to re- cord weights of nu -11t: and to take sato, pies for teseneg. If cows are viewed front; a right perspective (a .full season's teen and not a brief, of a •record for a rte •t %ll. iii eteatead.. A BUNCO iICfl Corn, tee stress, Corn, on the other hand, is in the animal economy mainty•for the nianttfncturilfg of heat and the surplus al goes to form 'heat fat. It also- is incomplete as regards min- eral matters needed for bone and sinew making, ingredients, in vcaielr oats is ricer. Yet, If properly fed, corn, is an ea- eellent food. Yet with ,a11 that, for hard-working horses it does not take the place of sound old oats, nor is it per- fectly satisfactory as a food in hot wea titer. Corn is an excellent adjunct to' the horse's feed when hard -worked i1'r cool weather, but not as suitable as oats while oats, corn and bran form a spicae did ration for the horse in winter. The working horse will • require at least one pound of grain:'for each 100 pounds of live weight daily,and may take a. fourth more when the work is sextea. bard. NTS FAILED Halifax Man Lost Over $1,000 by :Con- fidence Game in Hew York, idew Acquaintance Said They Were Na Good and They Were Annexed. Clifford, of Toronto, Was -,.Good For Half et It. tondo), .July :il.•--\\"lien the C:snadian team sails for Canada they will bring much gold Bane va ith theta. The total - win Manta otalwinning, besides. cups and t rophies, amounted t0 over $3,500.• Private W. J. Clifford, of Toronto, the winner of the Ding's Prize and the Prima of Walesa .Prize, easily sat-isfectoi•y,p lgat« i Medical Students Who Passed Ex- aminations Yet Plucked. Medical Council Cannot Understand How That Should be. New 'Rork, July 1.-Jharles. Hoesman, of Halifax, N. S., sold his clothing stere recently and came to New York to open a business here. He stopped at the Grand. lintel, Broadway and Thirty-first street. ilfondtLy night a trial, engaged Mr.u. in conversation. The stranger •sate, Toronto despatch —Spring examin- ation' 1911 results: Tried. Passed, Failed. Primary ... .. 93 57 36 Intermediate ..... 195 86 109 Final .. 148 • 129 21. This a raordinary statement con- tained in a report .submitted to the Ontaxio Medical Council this morn- ing by Dr. Lane. of Mallorytown, made doctors front all rover the pro- vince stare at one. another in blank lie wits from Pittabeetc and waslonely. So they event to a roof garden shot}v. The stranger frons Pittsburg purchased the tiekete and refused to let M.ollman pay for anything. In the eouraae nI the evening Moliman admitted that he, too, had money—more than a tholaw:Led dnl- ler-s. The stranger warned hloliman that the money was not good, as it wed Canadiain currency, and made au engage- stent- to go to sea. 5. friend, who was an authority. Mollman kept the appointment end they went to the Cumberland Hotel, Fifty-fourth street and Brostdway. They were seated in the cafe when a man en- tered who was introduced to Mollman eL,S the "manager." Millman handed over $1,100 in bills to the "manager," who ex- cused hlrnaelf to examine into their gen- triteness. Ile didn't come back. Soon , the Pittebu.rg acquaintance also disap- peared. When the truth •dawned upon Moll - man' he asked the way to the nearest police station and reported he had been bu ncoed. in ,lee heteele `.has t ops itt, xeturn •, a : good probit, • and Stich -common differ ences as acted above will not be possible. in the properly selected dil1ry herd, each con' selected ma the basis ,of her individ- nal dentoiistrat!on of profit made. Ev- ery &airy farmer will find it ardvantage- ousdolt t kee records. Q "' C. F. W. M,. STANDARD FOOD FOR COWS. 11405s0t ' .h.03tas Sha;n +iy thinks certain. fool? 1 may bee looked upon as standard fcr feeding ,lair cows, and that every dairyman cast, low them, wherever Ile may be let atelia" J'hese• include as hough - age plants of tree: clover iaanil3'; as set- ' heads the lift, leas w.nr.!ng•t totalling ;1,-750. Other individual v itnring• ere: Private it Bibby, 1)undes $121;75. Lieut, 1". 11. Morrie, J3on 3uanville, $1.10.21. Corporal G. 'Mortimer. Q• uelrrc•, $105. Lanee'Ootpo;re:l, .) 'Trainor. 'Toronto, $66.50. fiergt.•1nat3•tretor. . S. Bayles, To- ronto, $110. Sergi., A. 15a rtiu;`Calentrr $41.25. Sergi. 11. W. Patter son. Otiewe , $i'20. Sergt. A. R. Oarutieho.el, t`ralgury, .$20. Capt. C. Milne. lranenur. er 1010.25. Lieut. W. 0. Norrie, Winnipeg. $15. Lieut. C 1). Spittal. Ottawa, e5, Color Sergt. C. 11. Tiodgsom Calgary, A. 7. Mantle,, Deputy "etinister of Ag• a *5, t•icultut•e, Saskatchewan, is of the Mull- i Sts ffa:aergt. 'reuses Freeborn, ilnmil• ion that the dreaded black rust is no toll ;$2() yet a feature of .the crop tdtuation. There are indications of it in many sections in the Prnvinee, but a few days of warts weather van avert any damage. On the ground that there bas been absolutely no proof (if cnusptt e oy be- tween the two, ;ledge Basin ecgaitted W. R. Mcrlieth null G. 11. Steamier) at Montreal, on the charge of having eon - spired to obtain $8000 worth of dia- monds from the firm of Mire Bros. Leonard G. 'Sore,), Seerettry of the Royal LifeeSs viug Society 'of °Monte cal, has written to 1.11e Bosun of Control of- fering to have testehers and denionstra- t.ore attend the iniblie bathes and give e•sset,r•+••.:,s in life -swinge ami renscitx- titin of the apparently drowned freeof hl,ITAA'I ItIq TREATIES. 'Is rhhi ;1 ton. July 31.— It is believed herr, teats; both ttte Anglo-feneericnt2 and Pre neoricion•- ge11sra.l aibthein, oir. tr•eet;es min be 1t1'd8 ready for si{,•trntttre by Saterdaycat "cto•u'ry next • Following are the team winning;'•: Major J. 1. ' 1el,aren, .f1amilton, e20. Capt. C. Milne., Vancnn e7 fse5. Lieut. C. 1). 1plttel. Cttn'va 44,0. Lieut. W. O. lsIorrni, Winnipeg, $i ;i 8.25. r.,ein. A. J. Mer'"leiohn. Ottawa. $30. -Chien F. II. :Jos rte, Bow nranri}ir, $18;::5. Staff -Sergi. J11t1ee freeborn. remit - tons 176.25. Statf b;etgt. )d. Tlnit. Ottawa, $10, Se,rgtrlugree,t.nr itaylr's Tarollto *23 Color -Seip, C. M. Ilodgson. Calgary, $25. Senn. G. W. Poiesell, Ottawa, $141.2te Sergt. A. Martin, Calgary. 450, fiergt. 11. i1'. Patterson, Ottawa, $15. Sergi- F. S. Gethalle, 00aere, $10. Corporal G. Mortimer,o t +n 11:8(.2(1. (''orporal 1?., 'B. 11obertss. Toronto, Lance-CoJ porel J. 'rado'n Termite, *Hiles. Private. 1V, J. Clifford, Toronto,. age, corn in o c or the outer of its vari- eties; clue all *•a '11'41,111, a Mixture ofwheat and wee t1C course, in addition to these, mann' other foods) should be grown, but tbese'atre less important than the footles ,Ladles,, Professor Shaw t+ays that whenever the elovcr plaint can be grown it ought to be used with much .freedom: 'The food furuished for cotes represents only one element in its valise. The effect on the soil is always helpful, and in many instances greatly so. nitw t:sr clover eau be best grown 'in mixtures for dairy cons. This meanie that two or three varieties wee be grows), 'st together, 11 would also seem -correct 10 say that quite a sprinkling of timothy nap:oyes a cloves ration for dairy cows. It does en by helping to support the clover while it is ;,rolling, nod by nxaking it easier to cure when the etop 15 cut.., Alfalfa )vitd' answer the 'utile purpose as clover. Where ncitlter may be had it. may be quite possible, to get vetch' or cow -pea hay. 1'rofeesor Shaw :thinks no food eau be gr•owit itt the united States that will provide so large a proportion of nutri. eats as corn. .Bat the nutrients furnish- ed do not tell all the story. In addition to ziutritian, Nelsen cured in the silo, its sttceulene.e is beneficial. It is helpful to the digestion. It also favors milk pro- duetion. 'l'lrese are tvvo advantages it always will have over corn fodder lcd,1' the dry form. Ctlover:attd cern fodder furnish a )od- der ration that cannot easily be minima - ed upon for dairy cons. Two factor's should be taken into amount when dee tr rrriiniug the amount of grain to feed. (see ae the extent to which clover dr: alfalfa is fed, and the second is the pro• duction of the cow. The rale with som • `1't •to feed'•otie'pou.nd of grait7 •tor ever;,; three pounds of Milk procliieed.' "it'ise) elover or alfalfa, forms a large part the ration it would see inr.easonabel t suppose ,batt a less ugettity of gram 'Leonid suffice then the ;mounts named. arne.zement.. The College of Phy- sicians and Surgeons now want to Jones. 2nd class—Misses Shaw, Tay- lnaw the reason for this paradox— tor, Allely, Farncomb, Final, Corri- tiy}ty a man should know so much gam Dougall, Dobson, Craig, and at the same time know so little. Senior formal class (two-year ..Dr-- .Ea •Ryan; of In-ingston expreae- ,,teniae) -1e1 `class= topes iilacAda.ms. eel' the opinion that it was a con- 2nd ctasa— Misses Sutherland, Stae- MACDONALD HALL Results of the Examinationo field Last June. Guelph, • July 31.—The following are the resting of the Macdonald Hall examinations, held at the end of June: Junior Normal Class— 1st class — Misses Job, Davis, Coggs, McKim, Cliticin of affairs wha.ch called for mediate. 'action 40 4 suggested that eenre 'tif the- et bgeets ; in. theeneedical eurriculifin. were rot: properly taught In the tttiivereity or that aome of the examiners were not doing their duty. Students who are able • to pies their final examinations were plucked in the intermediate and the percentage of failures in. the intermediate ,this_ "year was so large—over eixty per cent. —that an niveatigation should be made. Sir James Grant, of Ottawa, con- curred in this view and intimated that the intermediate examination night be eliminated altogether. Dr. A. E. Accol. of Belleville, thought there was too much theory and too little of the practical about the examiY,11tion, and while the Medi- cal Council was well able to look after its end of the examination he suggested that more practical work might be done. Dr. Ryan, Kingston, thought the time had' come when the student who had successfully pa.ased. hits examine ations should not be harraeeed and inconvenienced, and his money taken from him staph beoauee one or two examiners held eel ,ain Dr. Jarvis, of London, said that one student who had been plucked in London. came to him with a real grievance. He had failed in his ex- amination but the examiners had written "very good on hie paper. On the motion of Dr. Edward E. Xing, the following committee was ap- pointed to deal with 'the re -organiza- tion of the council: :or. ltyan, Queen's University, Kingston; Dr. J. Maceallunl, Toronto t niversity, Toronto; Dr. Mae - Coll of Belleville; Dr. E. E. King, To-. ionto; Dr. T. We -Warden; • Galt; Dr. jamas MacArthur, London, as territor- ial representative; and Dr. E. A. P. ;lardy, Totonto, homeopathic represen- t alive, few iaitrn+s•r3r atjtt6t.nrreatt4 retnttiu4 'Private E, :Bibby, Demists.. $11011.25. tial he mass in ,.lit twit, ot the }Mental trca.ty,call thee 1110 eow lir rL;.N weeng t snit at the State llepett'i:nrt.111, `whleh is itr eonstent rabic cere eieeie:.tion with l3ti: t'iti•� _ _ We are ee er 1i) n a 31g*: S ti,l our pas p tqc, dies 1,a;4 i;ee. t� MRS. M sALA P fl OP' > RIVAL,. (C't line acwhat (hr's e picture "Yon' cion s 7ofro f. on eels. l.as.ytn>t. Iu yr tone only, concentrates r. AleXander eats the 'Dogmat`ism is pup• pylent thea Was oro - of. i+c' "'non otter' tet read vrttar an- thaw, is hot, 11 Y' high- t rated its grovrth-•-Lhieaxgc Wows. bier, Ross, L. Cooke, Carpenter,. Hales. lets oTavish;; Burke, Seaborn, Irantpkin, M. Coke, Powell, Bickford Senior Normal Oleos (Girlie -year eOU•se� tack, elms - Misses Pstrlerns, Wright, Burris a 2nd glass — i"1f'a"yses Boggs, Walsh. ' Junior Housekeeper Clasp—lst class —Miss, Pringle: 2nd class---Mieses Fear - man, Hardy, Wright, Bougltner, Doer - ring; Hamilton, Black, Cole. Condition- ed—Miss Gibson. Senior Housekeeper Classe—lst class —Miss Elliot. 2nd ease—Misses Prank, Gardiner. McGie, Carrick, McLellan, Dunlop. Howell. Comfort. Homemaker Class —1st class—Mieeess Douglas, Partner, Diekie,H. Smith. 2nd class—Miss A. Greig, Mallory, Herring- ton. N. Carrick. Beard. Martin, Praetor, Whittaker, McKay, McGiffin, Scott, Cober, Young, Rutherford ,Ware, Craw- ford, Gregory, J. Greig, Baines, Snelling, Greenfield, Lightbourne, Buchan, 1")• Walker. Dutton. Bell, Brower, Condition- ed—Missee Rieba.rdson, Jackson. Ja • TICE WO113Z 11.1)RS t. The Work horse needs foot! that is not KING IS WELL. interview With French Aviator --Had Alfonso and Manuel at Dinner. DROWNED AT SOO Met With Accident in a Launch in the River—Leaves a Family, Sault Ste. Marie despatch— Lorne Lambert, aged 26, of Queen and Pine streets, was drowned in the river this afternoon. Lambert, who leaves a wife and two children, had passed through .the looks in a launeb, owned t by the Model Dairy, which he operated,' and was alone. When the launoh reaelied 250 feet below the ship canal, he was amen in the water and sank before as- sistance could reach hien. The body was not recovered. The launch etrand'ed just west of the new Ontario dock af- ter running on a rock near the shore. Many launches a•nd rowboats. have been , endeavoring to locate the body, but thence • far bare been unsuccessful. • 'Loudon, July 1r --There Is no four dation for the •reports circulated that„ Xing George is ill.. Unlese) the political. situation is more serious he will' . at- Saturday. tend tb.e Cowes regatta on Saturday. This morning he received Andre Beau- mont, the French aviator, and for ;twenty* ntnutes,' diraussul.With •tbe air' man the latter's flight around Great Britain. King To -day the King and Queen had g Alfonso and Queen 't,°ictorie of Spain and former E.itig. Manuel of Portend with biro. at luncheon. lie is' continually receivipt officials who have business s enneei•nrtlg the pol)tieal angle, and th Moroccan situation. or reproof. o, !a, . , v. meet 11tst otv triol F 'pr,o,C irs ti's TetnPle enneentxate lesioned amply. to the - a' Cf 3.1110,11 n~ Ifem Ness s.°' • NORTH ESTCROPS Wheat. Rapidly Ripening --A Thousand Harvesters Arrive, 'Wi3lntp81, July 81.—The warin, da o weathee streyatnietJirout il,gutr. the ,}>ralrra Provinbes, ,altd ` wheat • is rap:dlyt ripen- ing. oat cuhting ie general throughout Manitoba, and the yield is unususally heavy. The condition of wheat could not be better. The firstexcureton, bringing" harvest Mandel, Arrived front °merle to -dee with 1,061) men aboard. They were distributed chiefly In Mani- toba te-iep. Another excursion will ar,,r}rre tw••rs1e;bt and be sent thi•oush to Seutte►e."s Manitoba, where harveet will be e„ fttst. The farrners are en tlouely woman** this 'effert o fa; ten dollar rase outdo from they hope 'for a large number fron7 thttk et. Paul to the Prhairie Y'rov inces, Itis rectloit. 4