HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1911-08-05, Page 1The Official Organ o.` `urich and Flay Township Vol f X 1 `'.. Y F R WAY MO VING, AUG 5, 1911, wear Ylarepi,L.�' ea -a+:'•! tA7c:`Ceez To e'wrwuo•Y'r•,roeim Nmecr eo This is our first Summer Clearance Sale. The goods listed below must be sold if low, prices will do it. 1 he quality can not be surpassed and every item is a bargain. If you are wise you Vi will not miss this chance, p �Iliaists no- 2.0 LADIES' WHITE WAISTS REGULAR w$2.50 for p2.00 each cc cc 2.25 for 1.15 " .a " << z< 2.00 for 1.50 CC .c 1.75 for 2.2 :) ac 2.00 cc . f 1.1.0 :, `' c ac Li cc 11,1550 fator 90 , • �a aC cc cc i.00 for r5 ` C cc , .c 15. for 50 " cc ;; 50 for 35 " Bargains in UoNwns, Skirts, Cor= 1 set Coves i Drawers, etc. 1 $8.50 NEENS' SUITS FOR. $0.eo ill '1'e 1 eve tliieticel to + leaf out the belanee otro ix Xens' a ietc. itt3imatt ati t REG UL_it e,50 and $.00 Mens Suite for 0.00 each 10,00 { • ar for 7'o0 11.11.0oe a re for S.00 `a ' cc m..o OfiE EXTRA SPECIALS Make a note of these. 'They are well worth retuem- bering. ' ' Ladies' Hose 3 pair for �?Sets b` ca extra 2 pr 5cts Ladies' Vests 3 for 2.5cts - _ a. " extrafor 2 ets Mens cotton Sox 3 lir for 25Cts LL " extra 2 for 25cts Fancy Sox 25c and 50g 'pair Boys Blouses 50c, Boys Knickers 50c Fancy Dress Shirts 50c and 75o each Summer Vests regular 1,25 to. 2.00 to clear at 1.00 BIG BA.1,c3- AIGGS in Mens' and Boy's Pine Straw Hats to • clear COAL NO LOCAL` NEWS. 7 Read Sam E. ;1'aust's add. .Miss Nettie Vell of Detroit is visiting her per€cuts, Mr. and Mrs. H. Mr, Jacob Ha%ev'er had hie wind• mill blown down;by the ,storm of Monday of last lrgeek, Mr. and Mrs, ; t Detroit are vis,.;?: friends in town, - Miss Rebecca). Hamburg, vist friends here las' A cream veil Saturday of )a� please leave' a,t Steinbach of g relatives and hal week. nelarigg of New relatives and t• iu Znrioh, on week. Finder 13rii..Ln office, Miss L. Colvin At Brnssels, was a visitor tatthe hone?, of Yer, and Mrs J. Preeter, for x few days this Week. Messrs P. La.>Qnt, Dr. Camp- bell, A. F. HeeseeteofDr.- McKinnon attended the b»' Ung tournament rat Goderieh, on" t� sdap. Mr. Ab Sheteler of California visited friends, ii this section, last week. He will also visi t Buffalo before hip"return. Miss. Freda He., has passed in the course of Elone'ntary Agrioal- ture and Horticul,tere, which the education department regulations require frons Neertal trained teachers. ,. • Mr. J. F liict tie), ,caretaker of the bowling greezi :oomplains that some boys taesspe»:nai the lawn, and desires a wilirning issued tt them to keep off ttirf,green, or there will be trouble,, Mr. and Mrs. Wil tar Whyte of Hamlets 2.l xnitotan° visited atr Mr. Jas Whyte , xi few ova, thief week. Mr. Whyte le:ts'noc` keen here for 3? years and thirtiliek avprything is loosing fine. Mrs Krueger of Detroit, daugh- ter -of Mrs oipoei thistolvn, 0 Pair �im�ai�tix�n's I'titP® tm � Reg $a.00 for...,., $1:50 2.50 5 11 I t4. " 2.75 for .. .2.25 30 `° " Gun•Met Ox flog 2.50 for ,. .2 00 o ilnngolo Ox• Reg 1.50 for ......-........3-25 5 " ;` Pat Ox Reg 2.25•for •. 1.90 5 " " 9 strap Kicl Nee 2.15 for ....,e . .1.85 5 .4 „ 1. It: •, ,...8.00 for 9 ,. Ail these Shoes in in.dow D $PLAY••• - -ON- - -FRIDAY .1.11311.14 We do Repairing E Batter and eggs taken ].n. exchange can in Mr Ern' uel Holtzman 'of Galt visited hi 'parents here last week. Mx. and Mrs. Burgess and family of Toronto, lire visiting at the ,Dominion House. Berkshire sow strayed frnrn my premises, Lot 21 Con 13 H. on Thursday last ; expect to have lilter of young. Owner please notity E. Klapp, by phone or to Zurich P. O. Mrs, F. Witwer accompanied. by her daughter Mrs. D. Roahler, left nn Monday for Windsor, having been summoned, owing to the ill• nese of her daughter Mrs. idled qn `li1e 1a, Sit^. -$.1' g • 'this spring and seethe '144 usual health Services' it , the ,Evangelical ohnrch next Sunday at",:the usual time. 1'3, Feheolitt 5.30;' .tn lrreach- ing sorviae Genian ?it 10.45 a m. Preaching ::orvice;,l!'n fish at 7. SO p in. A cordial wolccatiie is extend- ed to all, hi All persons desiring coal for J my e a'livers 'kindly leave your order at once. Quality guaranteed. Terms on coal are strictly cash. avaaniA laamismaulcmaloal w Seasollabe Hardware Perfection p 1 • Stoves Scythes, Spathes ' Hay . Fork Ropes Washing Machines Floor Varnishes and • Floor Paints, etc. Ll PRODIJD E TAKEN ill EXCHANGE ., '4. 1 Preetekr, T leph'oiie 9) - A Z U1 C H. 444.1 13: { tieSn. in her Owing ' to the ileadlocie -on recip orit1 in the- House of Commone; parliament has been dissolved: Tho election for the now Rouge will be lied en Sept, 21st, :rad the new laarlintnent will meet about the middle of October. Ltztberet °burgh --Tho evening service in St. I'w+'er's Lutheran church will be enudacted in Eng- lish. n -lith. The sub:jert c'.f meditation will be "The word ,tenet quickens to comfort and even hits to quick- ens." A hearty invi•a.tion is ex• tend to all. Cuts and bruises in ay be healed in about one•third tee time requir•. ed by the usual tie:tl,ient by apply- ing Chamberlain's SA :intent. It is an antiseptic and ea Ises such in. juries to heal w ithot t maturation This liniment also re neves soreness of the malseles andrlaiumatic linins Fot sale by all dealer's. Northwood. Mrs. S. Ronnie sent n, • young chicken to our office with four well-devoped legs, As the two- legged variety are too hard on our garden truck, we have decided not to raise the youngster. It, is unite a curiosity. Mr. Wiliiane Peri tiny of the. Centziteroi,l hotel :Ror rll, leer mirele='aeeie eh a,E{o ;or, a,1,TIO'I sr;;.;4 trip to Hamilton and sinter. then nothing has been beard from him. His relatives at Hensall.'fear that something serious has happened and are making a thorongh search for him. Sam E. Faust has $pair' of mens tan oxford shoes. Regular price $4.00, clearing out for :3.40 cash. Mr. and Mrs. George Appel of Mitenell vire in town this week, renewing acquaintances, Mr. Wendel Smith delivered the first new wheat at the mill of the red variety. testing 51 lions and thrashing 23 bushels to the acre. A well known Des Moines woman after suffering miserably• for two days from bowel complaint, was oared by one dose of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Rem- edy. For sale by all dealers. A Good Full Stock Of Watches And Jewellery 14th Oon•---Ther, Evan gelient church on the 14th (,ion , celebrat- ed their annual children's Day Last Sunday. The day was fine and attracted a large crowd to the churoh, which was flied to its ut- most both afternoo a and evening. A fine larogratnrn cake, rendered by the, children and'dialer speakers, assisted by the choir, who made themselves a reputation for their beautiful selootions. Rev J. H. (3rensenbach pastor of the Evange- Beal church at Dashwood, and G. Oestreicher Sup. of the S. School of the same place gave inspiring and instructive addresses in the afternoon. and Alf Melick, Sup. of the Zurich. S. School and Roy Geig- er, Pres., of the Y. P. A• delivered masterly addresses in the evening. A goodly number from both Zurich and Dashwood attended the cele- bration The tide of, enthusiasm ran high all day but reached its climax in the evening, when it was announced that the offerings for the missionary cause, amount to $32.00. This is the largest :amount ever raised on Children's Day at. the 14th Con. '1 be large audience theta arose and sang : Praise God froth whom all Blessings flow. The pastor Rev. G. F. Brown, acted tat ebair.nan during the day:, SOUTH HURON LIBERAL CONVENTION A convention of the 'Liberals of South Huron, for the purpose of selecting a candidate to conte -t the riding in the Liberal interests at the coming Dominion election, will be held in Hensail, on Friday, Aug. 18th, at eleven o'clock a. tai. It is particularly requested that every division in the riding be fully re presented. 401111. S ARNI A,DETROIT EXOURSION Annual I O. O. F • excursion to Sarnia and •Detroit will bo ren on Saturday, August 5th. Train leaves Kippen at •,$3.23 a. in. Re- turn fare to Sarni a, is $1,55. Fare from Sarnia to Detroit per ma.gni• fluent steamer Tashrnoo" at low return fare of 75 cents. This will afford an excellent outing and an opportunity for excursionists to spend Sunday in Detroit. Try our 75 -cent Alarm C1oek, You take no chance.. Nee sod. lee- ely €u'arant- a the n 2 ;rears The Best Luminous Albini Clock . and si asmodio repeater, -$1,:35 and $3.00, None Better. 2usieaal Al:arras, with auiometic fly The best made - $2,25. -- t� IT Ali. A ti TE ii ---- Wp liES jeweller, - ZURICH ens and VVomens SUMMER S Wn are showing all the newest )inesof Women's and Men's Summer Shoes fos warm weather. A lot of Womens Oxtords whiohewe are now ceiling at a great bargain. Regular $1.5o, 5 1.75 and $ 2.00 For fl5i.00 Just the Shr es for summer wear. Come bef=ore sizes are all gone Try us when you: need. A Trunk or a Suit Case Butter and Eggs Taken in Exchange, • Co FRITZ, Zurich The Horne of Good Shoes