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The Herald, 1911-07-21, Page 5
>t ane 41.1rIerli 1 e r; .10IfD61.1111MI®gP4i1pCDWeg4mMQ,Dq�1i ggil®MgOC1/OPasLqYqqll/qPMq/110,i7i1/gDlntl7q►AP1/q►q/RM6D410IbgY►,q►gYM9POY!fieDDlQs,gi . pateN — According to Goiernrnent Estimates is es ve aisesovosom 1,9491110 MOINIID .DOYC was made in Western Town Prof erty during the year 1909 Did you participate in these huge profits or did you "pigeon -hole the propositions submitted to you by your western friends for- future consideration ? In short, are you the man who made a profit or the unfortunate one who had the chance but did not possess sufficient judgment'to recognize the opportunity or sufficient courage to close a deal ? The man or woman entitled to sympathy • is the one who says "Five or ten years ago I had the chance to buy this or that property at $100 or.$500, and -now it is worth $10,000." The average person sneers at the person who •makes such a statement and says: "I would have bought and made that money." Are,you going to say five years from now that you hada chance to buy a lot. -at Poe, Alta., at from $50 to $100 each, or are you going to be the man who will have from $1,000 to $10,000 in cash as a result of having bought property in this town in this year of grace. 1911 ? POE' A COMING COMMERCIAL CENTRE Poe is located on the main line of the Grand Trunk -Pacific Railway between Ed- monton.and Saskatoon. It is located in one of the finest farming districts .inWesterneanada. The surrounding country is settled by a progressive type of farmers and consequently will become the market centre for Northern Alberta. Poe district possessesrich coal mines, is close to rivers and lakes and large forests, are easily accessible from this point. These natural resources insure for the residents of the town, first, low cost of living, and second, great commercial activity, two essentials in the upbuilding of a large town, thus creating valuable real estate. POE AS A MANUFACTURING CENTRE This townsite and contiguous territory has the requirements outlined by large manufacturing concerns for the location of large factories or large enterprises of any kind employing large numbers of people. The rivers and lakes furnish water, the coal fields, and forests furnish fuel and cheap building material, the fine farming'lands furnish farm products, enabling the residents to live at a low cost. The town is located on the main line of a transcontinental railway, assuring the necessary transportation facilities. These combined conditions will furnish cheap labor, one of the most important features of a manufacturing centre. VQ /hM Yecto ' P 'mf ih/o �,O`tia,,• °h*'^e� . •Union s� Nps ' •ph/e T, a DairMCDCw.:31CDaVXMCDCJbIDgDCC.4101/60Ma6DWOOCDNSlbaltattli UNC'D7CD"WdJC*CaMOtDNN:9aq►.1010,0.281100/423WiDl lel.OPMb6?ClAtOOD CINIZ766DQln4)CD.7W+D PSR Y townsite was recently placed on the market and already over 200 lots have been sold, ana many of these lots have already changed hands at a substantial increase in price. Most of these lots were purchased by representative business men throughout Canada, who are now profiting by their foresight. The townsite is high and dry and very suitable for building purposes: OPPORTUNITY is useless unless you possess the courage to act. You might possess great wisdom, you might read a good deal or travel much. and thus see all kinds of opportunities to make money, but unless you have the courage to act on your judgment and wisdom all of these desirable. qualities are entirely useless. :jots in Poe are a good investment at present prices. The town is bound to grow rapidly , Owing to the easy terms of payment you have the ability to buy, and if you do not buykho'W it is because you are lacking in courage, and the chances are you will never be like the man you now admire most, rich, courageous and wise. TORRRNS TITLE Poe townsite is held by us under the Torrens system of title. Under this system the title is guaranteed by the Government, therefore absolutely safe. PRICES AND TERMS Prices of Jots range from $50 to $100 each, and they can be purchased on terms of one-tenth cash, balance in eighteen equal monthly payments; or quarter cash, balance in six, twelve and eighteen months. INFORMATION We have issued an attractive circular giving full information pertaining to the town and its prospects, together with map showing lots for sale. If you wish to receive this attractive circular, cutout and fill in the attached coupon and mail it to us to -day. LANDS, TOWNSITES ANI, INVESTMENTS a A JL k ildhig Winnipeg, Ganda SIC mtbauclugaCGTY paloCD ==4D<Swaemmwatc 1CDmmmento RD4mIACDCSDCC6iC®iL>CL',eDgDgflD4DaDQII7SN/DC:ie8CDmm i DGEMECOOM=4D6£A'9CE)=0,3 rtaCCZS9CDtMSDEID C Sit up. and 6.1 Take Notice We have on display g our New Prints, and BB Dress Goods. Almost g everything you could wish for in Spring and Summer wc, :,r. Also our New 1, all 2 Papers, o` the latest de- designs at popular pric- es. 1 Call and Inspect Before Purchasing 5 cnV,a 52 R. N. DOUGLAS, General Merchant, B .L A Ii -E. 0y ikD®CDamazeDasmoaij' DQ=2. D01=4 DCI ODCa'p.WC : Y o u t Dill a7 u e MEAT MARKET WE keep in stock a full line of fresh meats, hams, etc. etc Our cuts are noted for their tenderness and ,rholesomenesS. Our aim is to keep nothing but the best. We make our own sausages. Give us a call. 1.N.r' f !i t E 'i, Never leave home on a journey without a bottle of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarehoea Rem- edy.. It is almost certain to be needed and cannot ibe obtained -when On board the cats or s team - ships.' For sale by all dealers. A FOREST FIRE WIPES OSfODA, AND AUSABI,E OFF THE MAP' ' By The Rev. C. C. Sink Port Huron dues herself proud honors in oaring for the homeless The people and the commissioners do all they con for the refugees who were saved by a boat, the boat eon twining from two to three hundred helpless fathers, mothers and child ren, and the nnthorities were noti fled and work wns immediately started for their relief. They were all taken to the eleeonie temple end the clieb house, where committees of amen and women were formed to administer to their wants. The mayor and committees aro working hard and doing all they can. It is one of the most pathetic sconces we ever saw, the terrific roar and blaze of the fire drove theta to take refuge on the steamer Niko; which 187 at the dook, It was a long night's ride and the sufferers had to ride with nothing but a hard a.. �.....�. ,.��__.„�....-...- .-�,.-...,,..«,.��.... ..... ... ..rte up the pop:alation, many have desk for their heti, Some were sob- bing and weeping over the 'loss of. their fathers, wives, mothers and children. The fire started directly west of the twin cities and a' high wind arose and drove the inhabi- tants in every direction. After the explosion of a gasoline tank •the firo jumped the AnSable river: and ' as if by me ie the fire started up in a hundred places in both towns, the cattle driven froth their pastu- res clown the streets. There: was , lint little time for any efforts -to be'• made to save the psople from their homes. ;women were seen carrying ' their babies. and others were seen with the seek on their backs. The fire came in two lines headed east and those in the center were driven to the steamer Niko. The dock was'. also ablaze and the Niko took fire, ' but the captain did not crit loose until the fire forced him to do so. There were from three to four f hundred then, women and children on the dock screaming and wring- ing their hands. After the boat was It In brad The Pahl Co lues ©ui Pains and aches will conte to every household, and the prudent another keeps a bottle of Father Morriscy's Liniment on hand to meet them. Whether it's cuts or bruises, burns or frost -bites, chapped, hands or chilblains, sprains or sore muscles, back ache, tooth- ache, •ear ache, rheumatism, sore throat or pain in the chest, Father Morrisers� gives prompt relief. It "rubs in” quickly and thoroughly, going right to the seat of the pain. Scarcely a trace of it stays on the skin. That is one reason why it is' so effective. With a bottle of Father Morriscy's Liniment iii the house you can save yourself and your family hours and hours of needless pain. "'There's ease in every drop.," 25c 'a bottle at your Dealer's, 30 Father Morriscy Medicine Co. Ltd. . Chatham, N.B. ovld and G vara ,i wed in Zurich by J. J. l ER S Ek 1 11 11 1, 111 east off, n man eame rnshin; to walked to neur'.ay towns, others ward the dock carrying his et+ fled into the country and every' year old father in law on his back, train has taken out the people and s> the effort to save them was useless and he was forced to plunge back into the blaze, just as the boat was pulling away from the docile which was packed with frantic people One young man came running toward. the river with his old father on his bank and his family stringing along behind him, when he saw the boat was too far out, he was seen to Bing his father into the water, cry- ing fru all he was worth. A young boy stood against one of the trees n front of the club bonse here, and stated to the crowd, saying, "I am an orphan now. I have no father and mother, I did my best to s:.ve the/n.1 do not know what 1 will do," but why should I undertake to relate such scenes, for there are a full hundred could be told, cots are being placed on the floor and every effort is being made, to care for the helpless. The Masonic tab- les were arranged and here they will be fed. A greet many are eagerly inquiring for jobs, not only by men, but by the girls and wo- men. Subscription papers are beim; circulated and hundreds of drillers are already raised for relief. Some have been sent to the homes others are being looked after and our city is full of enthusiasm, Work' will be given to many of the men niad every effort is being made to make the refugees cu)mforteble. If any of our readers should feel like assist- ing in this calamity • they oar not devote their gifts to a more worthy crib%e 11@) know of, wind the Times Herald a paper printed in I"part Xluron is the proper place to send. a donation. .Since writing the above, Ienrner`i frons reports that while the vitta,¢;a� i1f O. coda was still eonrning a great many people er'ossc d the river to AuSable for protection. but the shifeinMr hinds moved the fire to Auteeble and the only a,-etino of esoan e was. lecke Huron eee hutndro'is of inen 1� 11'•. omen and ehi- ren went and the sinftering of the men; woolen and children in the waters for. three aand four hours is beyond description. Tho heat from t the burning lumber and do:ks way •itnmenss, while the chill of th water, while the people submerged themselves was tortnr', the pike; under the lumber etoek were thrown into the water and 'ember fell with ti crash. Many whe were hi the Water were drownei. ,A patrol is on the beach t ,day • sear,.bing forIJ)C21?s, 14 Is i npusslb s to L..:ee41 there is no complete list of those o who left on boat,. The cash fund in Port Huron torments to about ;3,500, and the suffering crowd has been comfortably sanpulied with food, and raiment. end. the work of relief goes bravely forward. SCHOOL, RE PORT. The foliewine 14 rl teat;'.ilt nl the Promotion ex anus a.ti<i.aa held in S. S. No 11, Hay. The names are given in order et inurit. From Jr III to ter II1 AliveMasse, Louisa Jeffry, Anna Contin, .oeeiih Maetet, \i'i11iana Plant+:, t. Joseph 'ontin, Frederick Papineera. From II el to dr III Antoinette Contin, Albino Valli-noun. Frone Pt 11 to II Madelitae u ,Contin, ui atil in Pttpin a Nem Coa vey, Teacher. Clubbing r a .es tarWc have made arrangements to offer the following low clubbing rates with Prrn Hett.at.iy : Daily Globe . e 4.25 Mail & Empire= i 25, Weekly- Globe . . 1.60 „ Mail "l E pire . 1.60 JournalBerlircJournal ( e: erten') h Family Herald' &- See,: 1.75 Daily Adverti,er - 2.75 'Weekly Advertiser 1.50 Weekly Sun 1.75 Partner's Advocate 2.25 Fa rneI have, That Want. .. .qQ 5T. Gall at The Massey ... Harris Shop, Our \i.rimhillc,:s pea for tliolii els if e als 7? 1' l i e Olds Gasollrie Engh et All 'repairing itr::,mail attelided- ti. Jane Whyte, : ' . MAASSEY.[ APiais co ,