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The Herald, 1911-07-21, Page 4
— QL1C�Q�a The M 'fW' is ns Ba ee Ca' elIles 78 Branches in Canada, and Agents and Correspondents ea all the Principal Cities of the World, ndents i)a. ve A GENERAL B'ANKIAIF BUSINESS TRANSACTED, SAVINGS BANK DEPARTMENT �' � Inoorpori.ted. 1855 .e2 paid up $4,000,000 Reserve Fund 54400,000 uy Total Assets over 44,000,000 Head Office ootz'e l at all Branches, Interest allowed at highest current rate Zurich Branch — J. A. E`'(?NSTANTI E, Agent QE3t+ �fI) =w LEGAL CARDS. el, J. D. C00KE, BARRISTER AND SO., Iieitt r,NotaryPublic, lensalt,Outatic PUBLISHED BY E, ZELLER. At Zurich (Zeller's (Mee) every :ton.; day. ---- .� FRIDAY JUf, 21st, 1311, teROUDFOOT HAYS & KILLORAN, Barristers, Solicitors: Notaries Public etc. Goderich, Canada W Preudfo t, VV. C. T. U. 17 ,gl,an. BUSINESS CARDS. D GEM tlezOD i3:lY�b to ..�_ .._-. Gl'lrERA 1 . C. R. C;. Bays. J. L. l" 1' . THE CRY OF TEE TWO-TAU:WS 8. S. PHILLIPS, w our' himself g r the smell villa and alae and gald•royal, loyal, holy, with a Crown just beyond. ae turned from • the enclosure to meet Ja.key, face ,to feee. The young man had erne forth to seek his benefactor, ,has true heart mis- giving hie that the muster might be grieving out there in the gloater ing. Ha did net disturb him, he was too respee failfor that, he only drew nigh to atoll with and com- fort lima by his presence. The little act was trot uziappreeiatect, "God blest you, rakey" said. the Dr "God hies: you, this is more than I eoarld expect" pointing to the Carefully ept plot, An did ye thigh I could neglict yer graves, Dr dear an you' so good to me an' mine? It's a happy home ye have given me au' the girri cured entire. ly.Then tiihrb'y is as young an' frisky* as a co t, . an' tuesilf wid a feline house for the Tittle wife an' babby, an' ownin' to y^ersllf nixt to the bussed Lord Jesus, who is the bottom or it all. One, at three years passed, and .Tutin's discovery, no longer a doubtful ex- periment but an accepted fact, Wa.S held in repnte and honor all over the land. 'Flitl first Roane for th r- Cure a� znelixztatea.under thise 1 °f thousands of visitors. regimen brat by nc means the newast ing four splendid day and evenon- s had been a'esl,tbli.Slaed on the old #aurnds, so that hands will d e Feldspar esttitr; the grounds, so an abnndtLnce wh1eli seemed at of excellent music is assured..} ash ength to have found its proper use t o a fete clays after his nephew's Phere Tial ` allaeon exercised }z• evening, in addition toother epurtura Dr ' se walking out o' , plays of the products of the f and orchard; in fact. their is n point of attraction when Western Fair is on. The own fair will be no exception to rule, unless it be that the rlisp in all departments will. be gre and better then ever before But the Western Peir does end here• There are tiie pe; eattractiOns, which this year afford sux•prise and delight to visitors, the Director§ haw spared neither time nor expens make these features in keep with twentieth century ideas. Of•course there will be ,jurnpi and speeding events, in which mettle of the best horses in t country will be tested. • There w be military features ; deizaonst tion of the alacrity of a city department; the aeroplene will in operation in London. for the fi titre; a "turn" will be given by group of Polar bears ; and the will also be an. amusing act trained dogs ; acrobatic acts clev and amusing; cat• and dog sho and many ocher special attractio that are certain to•delight the to arm of a the lug the lays Etter not Mal will . all ing e to ing ng the be 111 ra- {Ire be rst'. re by or W13 ns us AIJi;'I"a011'EER, Exeter. )o th t I b.f conducted in all harts, Satis- talents ens J•tanite)r and exercised of all attractions, there will be 'a mark work ; end Moine, for i�oient display of bei �a years now a zirewarks. Sales feeder guaranteed or no pay. Terms seasonable. Orders left at this office I approached.. Was this the old house>�ee zn�* Fir feel that he and she x p r� rt;:d • wouzunl k' ilimr •read• He sou d happy and reg Nothing is being left lindane t • his awn vision as (Manifested lltsi- den us eftir woman good Pair over the faun hardly belief o he a ro• g d n will be promptly attended to, i Lt , onse he ad .known? It was Geta 1 cess, while eLlrey and his wife kept ANDREW F. HESS, FIRE 1N'SURAN. se agent, representing the London, Econornietil, Waterloo, Monarch, Stand- ard, Wellington and Guardian. Every. thing in fire insurance. 01 . F. A. SELLERY, DENTIST, TI.S'.T, 01A- duate of the Royal College of Dental Surgeons, Toronto, ;also honor gradu- ate of Department of Dentistry, To- ronto University. Painless extraetiot of teeth. Dominion Hoate use,vork a Zurich, eevery Mom tiay. B. ZELLER, CONVEYANCERt AND Notary ' Public. .Deeds , ;\larva es, Wills and other Legal Ilocuments care oily and promptly prepared, Ofiace— Zeller block, Zurich, Qnt. LOGE MEETINGS Court Zurich No. 1240 meets every lst and 3rd Thursday of each month at 8 o'clock p cels recognizable. r` the table s The buildings; upplied• with the freshest !had received a recent coat of paint, of fruits and re;etabies and the eat to fent e sweetest of orenen and butter. On 'yard was c rail ly swept, a brilliant ! the very epee,where foimerl ;)etch of fl t Y had once to the ;secretary, 0 i ani was missing, tli flowers brinhtenerl the stood the ord• ,oazth barn where Y a plot by the front door. Jially this discoverer's tattier, weary of ?Aiwa i. Runt.Reduced rates on all stood in t every' visitor to the Wester east ten ' times their money's worth. being Space in the various buildings is desirousofseourzn up, and too'sd appl t g places should stood he porch, her eyes shin- is roser the taken means to end with pleasure, and Simeon sat sa• tl walls f i 1 railways. n spotless Innen, with clean Sha 'roomy house tietlic L'ed rt the the Sprains from behind his chair �wa alternately file stranger coming up ; c t d.« : sin strioksn, soreness the v.aIk and her belly frolicking' `dishonorer} eel. sick o ` quickly restore tIi and near ) k Iif face, while a trim young woman anent policy bas msde the ftpplica• tion of this amount on tL $500 An. ntlity Oontraot, t4 most disposition of ft provident,abis ;none portion of Iain, If he tiles before he .is iso, the total amount which he pays.up to the time of his death with 3% compound interest, will be returned to his legal representatives. A satiety of interesting literature concerning the Annuities Scheme may be heel ort , application to the SupQtantendent of Government Annuities, Ottawa, to whom let- ters go free of postage, EXCURSIONS To Manitoba, Saskatchewan, Alberta SpeFial Trains leave Toronto 2.00 p.m. on APRIL 4, 18 MAY 2, 16, 30 JUNE 13, 27 JULY 11, 26 AUG. 8, 22 SEPT. 6, 10 Second class Octets from Ontario Mations to principal Northwest pointe at LOW ROUND. -TRIP RATES Winnipeg an.1 return $33.00; Edmonton and return $41.00. and to other points in proportion: Tickets good to return with;,, 60 days from going date. TOURIST SLEEPING CARS on ail excursions. Comfortable berths, fully equipper with bedding. Call be secured at moderate rates through local agent. Early application must be made ASK FOR H0l8 SEEKERS• PAMPHLET containing rates andlull information. Apply to nearest C.P.R. Agent or to R. L. Thompson, Di t. Pass. Agt., Toronto. ONLY DIRECT LINE NO CHANGE •0F•B111S Synopsis of Canadian Northwest Land Regulations. en o ie sena. i require careful treat. i* - e : Thi; etion of snc+x as Ire lead been +meat. Keep quiet Land 1 n� watched! brought caret h l zs rr, manta by , nzanth,- the • a h amberlain's Liniment freelapp y ry, person who as the sole head of a 1 will remove the S • It m: K ramify, or any male over iS soars old by trztz -f o ie k It thence issued e • l e parts to facet glance, that this investle t I to go back and take noble i'upright e Partin The d t r felt sure efr'o a thEau of strong epi Yh t fi t ermi peilean:a,ll;y hundreds eal;tlly condition. For sale by all men en i of his was to dQtLiars. the world's btittlee, 41`.1' Lt QUA.1, CHANCE n excellent one 7 he sun was setting zn the 'ye,tern sky ere John nianat;ed to , (`� l' continued) 1 front the welcome he received,wto visit his graves. The thick. well cilr)ped sod Frt3 l an.ms rilIi One of the features et the Cana. Free Supt, duan Government Annuities sys- tem -, green teen which h€ ;hly corn mends "•self villi I)lesteemin • to care bestowed n thetele, 1 lie 1 remises L ) n to rest. t fret; think. rases and get -minimize bespoke the Tlle+ Iyfif every person is that a man who s• t,► r noon , • • :ancon � is tat a :younger gas,, for he irzay abed to the hP�a gPot. Tau- Sent. t?tIz #t� 1',tal. lzomises to by the payraient of ;t lump suo rf, B,s tears fell z ! ; as he the fast! the Bi.etest Y ecenzva.lent t iii the A. O. U. NV. Heli. . rix t J. J. Met:emit, C. It. s0 7 t,w t u here they lay, side by sire. his i The fin vt t3 Dorotl>;ea.s and those other two { other lie strangely divide iee life sleeping :, been ', ogetller ileth Up simplest on " « Open e at zsr' upon then i tin lie till Sep • et' which lie would have paid had he S. seal and fe:Cen his present age.. at the wane 'tizxadta VI/ 11e r ' a 6th aV' tl ze total tLnrounts tntsred at the earlier age go on e tLn r7tl' 1t2 had. )ttt l 111 i'z Y a * % Rickheii Lodge Macs "with t<attzer" 1 t a u cozy * No. 3 93, meets .aI I r fronts, endinto t & e.' he 2nd and 4th Pridltyof every month, tenderly John stooped over one of j even tlinsell teletcal in live stook, t 8 o'clock, in their Rall, Werner Block• these and whir erect p , `.Helenzvzn,„ in' the zieUnite plant, li'z•rweR ,e1, w boy is safe. I will bring ' Your; ingirepublic and.: the rned that res when I hire with; I ingdrnii, h aye United, past hie tiaau c orae" Back to the;nowhereislerhhte 'wandered in this brought togethr than is always to erred place. Set they* were not,1)e sen siIERS ANTJN _ ! P L Ei ; � i„Si i second to none call at t h e Deering Ixnplenze.1t Shop OPPOS/TE TOWN HALL `where I carry nearly Everything t h a t Fanners need: J S. DILIGJK Opposite Towit Hall, ZURICH When I'in out call on C. Fritz for Repairs, 111 with the xn1b% lot of goods��ever shownx in Zurich, - + <Tust received a large quantity to please any- ' body, so drop in and tee 'if 1 cant suit you. Also 1 carry an immense No, f): samples to choose from All kinds of goods f )1'. trousers, dark or light, l rices low as pOSSf rle. Laundry iii Cortnectiou •lor ZU iC 8 wholly sad 'I'Iie suns t �1 l at this great © ing the ska glory ting.x ;airier : l y:Yonder but nairror•ed 1 to hence achsyt that thy find their way of X600 to begin "" Annuity the sunset of his arduous life perp- • l bio e 60. 1 1 .scarcely less !anions are the dis. cashed in A. o a t tweet who Inas just y year endow. t, homestead a quarter -section of avail able Dominion land in Manitoba, Sask- atchewan or Alberta. The applicant must appear in person at the Dominion Lands Agency or Sub -Agency for the district. Entry by proxy may be made at any agency, on certain conditions, by father, mother, son, daughter, brother or sister of intending homesteader. cultivation tof the months' landrintieach ocm f three years. A homesteader may live within nine exiles of his homestead on a farm of at least 80 acres solely owned and occupied by hint or by his father, mother, son, daughter, brother or sister. In certain districts a homesteader in good ci 3i,. rr anrlic /ray pre-empt a quurter•see* tion aionaside .his 'min e Gte arl I- • lja, Mice e, r • ie° tion.. ..tat aukper acre. Duties -Must reside six months, lvar 4eks,A nz)lc' •L man f nil taeieos'Jiff years from (late f homestead lists decaded.tp o entry o ten x. •who ' ` 3 (including the time required to warn Annuity of • o, I) y- esu Kase 9 n homestead patent) and cultivate fifty acres "Gt1 a a: in 1 503.25, extra. which is the equivalent of what he A homesteader who has exhausted his would have paid during the years homestead right and cannot obtain a pre. from 20 to 40. He will now continue einption may 'take a purchased homestead tot � t �; ply 450, 0u each year until he is in certain districts. Price 83.00 r acre. e0, instead of $I ti'1.10, Which is the Duties—Bust reside six monsineeach of MO which a I.tiELM enterizi at 40 three years, cultivate fifty acres and erect would have t n ,, ..___ a house worth $300.00, Deputy of the a1 Hist r of they f Interior. N. 13.—Unanthorazed publication of this advertisement will not oe Tana zur. ;1;1111 ,l j 1�llr !t1i1li, �i�lII �i ��f�����1�.��•�I /11�II111111 �'i{t (�r �[ �i.�t t y �itr+ !j• !t! �1 Y ��li}�l f. 1 1 �z Nflr�t�1Ul,� Ii/ll'//iIfthii111��Ig;1111"1"'P 11111111111111111111111111. + •~'� .. , 1"1 FF n 1i i If id ytk "Listen, Rose." i I &lid' reads : (I "'Dliadam,your own white hands are the ' [first to touch FIVE ROSES. "For nearly one mile it travels through 1 r "hygienic automatic processes—more ,"and more spotless. '" it in a clear creamy stream it flows into "clean net tOaclsages, filled fulL9weig(jt by "infallille machinery --sewed automatically." "Goodness!" said round -eyed Rose. Bud reads eagerly ; "Hand -proof, germ proof. Every littlest bit of machinery is. bright —polished like "those piano keys of yours. FIVE ROSES is "healthy -flour, w'holesonae, none like it. "Unbleached, .too." " I,lobrsdy touches my flour—but nnla" gain Rose. !Imagine such purity—get FIVE ROSES. 11,11!"ilii il r^tf����� ���s,r1j';,�� w�;,,x�..,:-.�i .c�.YYv`�.1.tam„ 9"�1� � t`•,•�+K..jtp—_' .'..��. . �_' f:fi.� ��e� .-. �;�._'I ..tt.��..�_r-ms�,'te_�, ��9.s!=_r ,',_�.Y..6.s.T�.. _..= .Pr.ph�b ���}';•�yA.��F,•�DH„y.�..�T,,:Ms,:-rw,a._-„:wYh.;.,D�;:�...:a.�q.._.. .."._�"1 ,�,_��”, r",+'-rY,'.••s-'}.tl-- H�x.,�•%., r•e.En,fi_'Is,`�oI°,"":�fti�i IY��i":+I±.aI`,..k3 Yrt 9111111111 V� y' ' E!y..;a't51jr �:0%r' "a,e`w"*�e-m!-9-?•.-�a�.vy��$a;,Yuq,r,- ,,. iwtli . k> aai,�t./t_�L+<�r ��..' Yr' b.,O..�,'.�GQ*ty�,,ti YA�An.{«. 1TPp2`-°i!N;.''r•wF!.��•...yY�. i�',�Y.� ,.w.w-Iti.•,. 1117Millri11111111111111111111q ,iMI 11 t19 �4 i!ii/1 S ff!rt„.„ fill ill 1111111141i o►m���$„l� I��1lIn!llI boo gill t �.µ:•, : �7,r, . t • s�1 1.. llll�