HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1911-07-21, Page 2`Lost 16 : s. in Wept'
Was Kept Down by Bilious Indiges-
tion, and. When in Despair
Drt Hamilton's Pills 'cured
in Which Many Necessary
Can Be Done,
To brake an excellent poultry powder
tai.lcd two and a half pundprslagged
lune. five pounds aios}ey
ke -quarter of a pound of cayenne pep -
p'1 one-quarter or a pound of asafoe-
tida, one puuuu `of 'Venetian. red and a
quarter of a pound of red pepper.
Tee striped hug that is a menaea to
bytsl iftliiig ca
tirc•oalhduetover the pltans mae i
if lept'itilree or rely freeur front ttlees 1eai1UOYts�
will bebe
As a remedy for Ihiccougits, a glass
col,! water, or au ice cream. may prove
effectual: Only don't !et
1ttttb cies hL1di"y
know this, or the p
get chronic) attacks of this convulsive
motion of the diaphragm.
The simplest way to cool a 'room is one
adopted by many Eastern nations, which
consists insuss Bending aP art anti e, room
larger' the bet, in
yoe wish cooled. Keep the room well
A slice of commool onion
n the ed, ohhthe
ting of a wasp, or
sting of a wasp, or if in the mouth
throat chewed slowly and !f the piece
swallowed, ve cold result in
broken win-
dowe dip a small brush in a nitro-murtat-
{ ie acid or caustic soda (concentrated lye)
and with int or patnt over the dry
broken glass
and frame of the window. A 01 against its, power is a hero. --Froin The
hour's time the putty will be salt and
lit the following interesting lent r Mrs,
li, .lt. l'itl:lliett, Wttll (own itt nal home
town of li.el.tenviitu, tells 11)W she can
tittered bilious itldigestien: "l' thiole It
was tt:'iete!ll't,'' ice water on a very' net
July duty two years ago that caused an
intlanieci condition in my stomach,. n hich
gave sue- such repeated and weakening
attaek.s•of biliousness and stomach trou-
ble. So severely did 1 suffer, that my
impaired, and l Lost six
strength. rill vita 1111 ,
teen pounds in weight. My whole body
wilts weakened, both kidneys and bowels
failing to keep theesystem in natural
condition, Food fermented, skin was dry
and yellow. I had flushes of heat,
and prickling sensations in various parte
Of the body. In the winte,• I had cold
feet and clammy hands, anist not until I
commenced. to take Dr. iIal illton's fills
did I. obtain relief. In a sl(ort time Dr.
'Hamilton's Pills cured the bilious dys-
pepsia, and in a month I gained almost
four pounds. The pain over the liver
disappeared, the, bowels acted regularly,
and 1 kept on improving so rapidly that
M three months I was vigorous ane► well.
I recommend Dr. Hamilton's Pills to
every one in poor health."
To receive the sante benefit as Mrs.
Plunkett. eornmcnee Dr. Hamilton's Pills
to -day. 25c per box. All dealers, or Thy
t"atarrhozone Co., Kingston, Out.
l4•r..'s,.n4 til. M,,i;;...t+.+bs. .+.r.4w •er...F•tVnlahw •'••h,t 1t'.4. .axrkli,`+'n.:w`
Headaches nausea -'-- indigestion—muddy complexion -^pimples••-,-
bad breath - -these are some of the effects of con-
stipation, The mild, sensible,
reliable remedy Is
They contain the latest
discovered and best evacuant known, which
emkties the bowels without the slightest discomfort and without dis-
turbing he rest of the systema Constantly Increased doses are not necessary.
25e. a i+a+a,: 'r roil druggist has not yet stocked them, send 25c. and we will mail them. 25
National nra and Chemical Company of Canada Limited
I ) ,u (•4 9t! ! ,:a sir
Still, the creed is a good olie to teach•
It can key be taught too often: Bet-
ter than a awe against rite and crime
r. self-
aud folly is list impulse toward
refeeem And perhaps such an impulse
was never more needed than now, for
never was the voice of the crowd more
clamorous nor- the influenee of the
crowd more potent. Re that can make
is.oa'n thought. amid =Ss noises
h it Ono sure of u
putty that adheres to the i ft an phi}osopher, He that can stand
easily removable. New York World.
Minard's Lirtirnent Cures Garget in
(Sueeese Magazine)
An Indiana aseasor had trouble getting
people to list dogs for taxes.
"Cot a dawg?" he waked.
"No." was the reply.
"Well, Ill 'sees yon one anyway not
my fault if you ain't got any—plenty of
The uees of -the areoplane are becom-
ing more numerous every day; but novel
indeed is the use to which his Bleriot
monoplane was put by M. Remie Simon
at Houston, Texas, on the 2,7th ultimo,
the opening day of the engagement
there of the international aviators. M.
Simon flew out, over the plains, and
rounded up a large number of steees
by circling about them and swooping
'down upon them. When he had got the
herd together, he succeeded in driving
thein right up to the fence of the avia-
tion field by employing similar tactics.
The cowboys looked on in amazement
and upon his alighting they thanked Si-
mon for having so cleverly and expedi-
ously herded the cattle. The following
cday, at the Houston !meet, M. Rolan
1Garros ascended to a height of 7,000
`feet and was lost in the clouds for fif-
teen minutes. M. Simon flew over the
'spectators in the grand stand only five
or six feet above them—so close indeed,
that the hats of many were blown off.
Baby's Own Tablets should be itept
in every home where there are babies
or young children. At no time of the year
is baby in such danger as in summer.
At the first sign of illness the Tablets
should be given to the little one, tor
summer complaints come on so quickly
that unless prompt aid is at hand baby
may be beyond help in a leer hours. The
Tablets never fail to relieve the sick
child, and if occasionally given to the
well child will keep him well. Mrs.
Desire Martin, St. Denis, Que., writes:
"•I have a babjr three months old who
suffered from Colic and Constipation.
Castor oil was of no help at all, but
Baby's Own Tablets speedily cured bun,
and now 1 always keep them in the
house." The Tablets are sold by medi-
cine dealers or by mall at; 25 cents a
box from The Dr. Williams' Medicine
Co., Brockville, ,Ont.
A Case Which Proves lllow Dead.
s ly a Disease is Catarrh.
After reading this experience it .will
llt� easy to see why every • person with
the catarrhal taint eleould use Aletarrh-
J. H. Wood, Point Beek, Oneida Co.,
N.Y., says: "I had a very bad attack
of eatarhlt that settled in my forehead.
and the pain over my eyes eves often
so intense 1 thought my head would
.burst. Suddenly the catarrh got worse
and my voice grew hoarse. I coughed
almost every night and through the win-
ter i simply couldn't speak. My voice
was gone. I tried it couple of doctors,
but they didn't help me et all, I gave
them up and the next doctor ordered
'Oetarrhozone.' It cured me and now
many others are using it here, too. My
doctor says he doesn't know anything
so good for catarrh and throat troubles
as Catarrllozone." The complete outfit
gives treatment for two months and
is guaranteed to eure. Price, $1; sample
eie, Me At druggists everywhere.
Drive your horses slowly. Cut down
the size of the loads. Beep a hat con-
taining a wet `sponge on the horse's
head. 'Mye lilt the shade as much as
possible Seo • that the harness is pro-
perly put one 'LTA pads where the har-
ness xattfy chafe the hide. Have the sta-
ble web airf tI and your 'animals will
bedded. Water more srequently. Give
bran • ti at least twioe a week. Cut
down =late; allowance of oats by a
quat. If ,your horse drops pour cold
water slowly.. on top of the !read, but
rep iieout of the ears. Carry a bucket
he your wagoti and get water from near-
est paint.
(M. A. P.)
Spain contains 11,597,048 acres of
unproductive land. •
A semi-automatic telephone "system
is 'being tried (Mt in Ameerdam.
The Irk •is believed, "lie
Jett of trees, some hexing' . ettazzted
the lige Of 700 "years.
ISSUE NO., 29, 1911
choice line of Agents' supplies. No
outlay. necessary, Tbey areniLimited, e Al.,..
ere: Apply B. 0, 1, Co„
here street, Ottawa Ont.
other agency propositions convinces
us that none can equours. t airouu will
always regret it if you -g Al-
particulars to Travellers' Dept..
Bert street, Ottawa..
An Irish physioiau, while enjoying
a Holiday in this country, says The
Belfast Times, took the opportunity
along with a friend to go fishing,
During operations the physician's
Sinker came ,off and was lost. Here
was a• dilemma—no sinker, no more
fishing that day. ' Happy thought;
he had a bottle in his pocket, The'
bottle was ' filled with water, care-
fully, corked and sent dotvn on its
iniesion.. •
After a few nlillutee' interval the
doctor had a bite and pulled on his
line at racing speed, finding a fine
pair of fish, one on each Hook. Hit,
doctor, twins this tune," exclaimed
his companion; *
"Yes," quoth the physician, "and
brought up on the 'bottle, too."
The city of Paris owns a machine
which can grind out nearly a quar-
ter of a million wooden paving blocks
a day.
Trimmings from new flax and hemp
are the stock from which is made the
finest grades of "rioe" cigarette
The asphalt deposits of Cuba, when
developed, are expected to prove su-
perior to all others throughout the
Although the eggs of different
species of birds vary in shape, the
yolks always are spherical.
Recent experiments in Germany
indicate that drainlie waters do not
take any more Plantefood away from
fertilized soils than from unfertilized.
Recent census figures gave Ireland
a population of 4,381,951, a decrease
of 76,854 in ten years.
Lord Rosebery is noted for his tact and
for hie ability ;to say the right thing at
erenalriaanlr ne twhen
s1vigdiieto someoss
vents;• an .+lId Man who sat next to him and stores, 50c box. Use also /.
was avid altly much fmpressehe li a the I Soap• Best for Baby's bath and for ten -
Every Woman
is interested and elrould know
about the lvondett'ul
MARVEL Whirling Spray
The new Vaginal iyriage, Hasp
—Hoyt convacleanses
tly. it cls
instantly. Ask -seta
druggist forte is,,,,.y,„,
Ube cannot supply the
MARVEL accept no other.
but send stamp for Illustrated
book—sealed. 1t glvos full panic.
,days and directions invaluable to ladies.
Windsor. Ont. Gestural Agents ter Cana a.
When packing for the country cottage
don't forget your box of Zane -link and
your Zam-Bok Soap.
Blisters, sunburn, swatches, insect
-stings, ete., if not immediately attended
to, are likely to spoil your pleasure.
Zana-Buk ensures you against trouble
from these.
Zam-Buk is antiseptic; kills all poi-
son in wounds, whether from barbed
wire fence, or insect sting. Soothes
aching feet and blistered hands; heals
baby's chafed places; cools those sun-
burn patches,and prevents freckles.
No mother should be without it. Pure-
ly herbal in its composition, Zam-Buk
is superior to the ordinary ointments,
containing animal oils abbd fats, and
mineral coloring matter. All druggists
magnificence of the meal,
which he ad never seen l.efore. When
the itip. mit-lovely riotiely ane on d then P to such la
hurtitilx he
uge pt oi th theuth cold. "Why," he
cried s•i,
aloud w
exclaimed in slii'prise when at last he
froze'," breath, his ipudding's
ze'"With the tmostgravityLord
Rosebery :sated a little from his own
plate, paid• then, with a face . as stern
as a:gttdge's, he'said; "Great. Scott, so it
Is:" •
der skin, 25c tablet.
(Duluth Herald)
We have advocated' home owning for
people on salaries and wages because it
is only going into debt for something
ofr of
m this sopa that tele verahol egtoo etemoderate pay ' p 8
thing ahead.
The 'trouble with a salary, in about
99 cases out of 100, is that it is merely
-a living: The man on $12 a week lives on
and. he lives •on his talars when it ie
. , o uadru led. 'Rarely
dottb'led; trriblecl, r q p
floes he save, became hie demands ex-
pand at least as rapidly as his pay.
But if he gets enough ahead to make
a start 'toward building and take the
bull by the hares by investing what he
has and becoming responsible for the
balance, he will meet his obligation some
hsow, and mevhehen
something. on If hekeeis psraid e
nnting all
he lies after a terns of years is a bundle
of rent receipts that he °ntl't mei, In far
as much as a cup of coffee and a dough,
(From Success Magazine.)
A grocery salesman entering a store
forstd the
boy. Upon being ekd who
was, the boy replied;
I am the whole cheese here. The
traveling man departeid, leaving a note
for the proprietor, which the boy prompt-
ly npened.
"Permit me to suggest," it read, "that
yo vale nearly outofcheese."
The genuine Wilson's Fly Pads
are by. far the best fly killers
made. Every housekeger should.
use them. All druggists, grocers
and, general stores sell them.
Small Boy if you please; sir, may
.we have an extra. half -holiday this
Snail Boy - Well---air—we--•thought
you might feel like it, sir --as you were
aiintirin„ in your bath this morning!
Mi w t Co., Limited,
a'Yalinitat nth "g
a •tr'lth M1.\YARD'S I� -
after acveral veterittaries had
ea him without doing him any per-
etii $pod., Yours, etc..
. t'1n. of . ' Central Hotel, Drum-
oncl ailie„ August 3rd, 1904.
Minard's Liniment Cures Colds, Etc.
"The harem skirt, or jupe-culotte,
won't go into tats country. The argu-
ments against it are insuperable."
The speaker was Miss Elsie cle
Wolfe. the best dressed woman in
New York. The some was a tea at
the Colony Club. Miss De Wolfe re-
"Yes, the arguments against the
jape -culotte are as all -embracing as
those agaias,t the poor roan's credit.
"A poor man, you know, once ask-
ed. a banker for credit. The bank-
er answered:
rr 'There are two rensone, my friend,
why poor men can't get credit. The
first is becausetheyare not known.
The second is because they are.' "
An mince of intuition may be better
than o-1, hound of tuition.—Dallas News.
Gibson County, with ita anti -rat day,
which it is trying sto extend to all the
state, is fully abreast of the times, as
is shown by despatches from Europe.
In Scotland proiesslonal rateatchers
are being employed anti maintained in
office mayorstaedstone as councllme councilmen. Iiiueatorse
a di ne
the official rat catcher arid this family
have killed 60,000 rate in one year,, and
on one occasion killed one a t:t:nnfe for
a considerable time. Still 1<ineardine
"clid not know it had rats." It is claim
ed by competent authority that in 19111
rats cost great Britain $15,000,•100. Be-
sides the economic lose, it is said rats
carry contagion to an alarming extent.
and that plague might be prevalent
among the vermin for a long time be-
fore it became epidemic among human
beings. The Gibson. County rat au-
thorities estimate the daily cost of a
rat at two cents fuss.—lncliihnapolic
• i.rTO HELEN.
Helen, thy imautY is to me
Like those Nice= barks of yore,
That gently, aware oto wands sea,
eltise oWn native shore.
On desperate seas long wont to roam,
Thy hyacinth hair, thy classic face,
Tity Naiad airs have brought me home
To the glory that was Greece,
And the grandeur that was Rome,
Lot in yon brilliant window -niche
How statue -like t see thee stand,
The agafe lamp within thy hand!
Ah. psyche, -from the regions which
Are Fluty i+ttnd! —Edgar Allen Poe.
Reduced a Bard Swelling.
Air. Gus 151, Geroux, writing from
Pembroke, tells ltoww hewas iuredina
hunber• camp.. heavy Y logrolled
against my "leg azul I was Ieid up with
stiffness and a hard swelling. When I
applied Noy/line.I got relief. A few
rubbings Wijoh this good liniment cured
me." Iii the} bush, ierviline is indispen-
sable; It ettffee neuralgia, colds, rheuma-
tism and infernal disorders too. No per -
sou .can Offa}xd to be without iy'erviline.
Useful for .ail internal and external pain.
Large bottles 25e at all dealers.
When you want clear your
Clouse of flies, see that you get
Wilson's Fly Pads. imitations
are always =satisfactory.
The fact that ice is plentiful and
cheap makes living in Persia more plea-
sant than it would otherwise be, and
the fact that it can be obtained at all
The finest lump sugar ever pro-
These sparkling Tablets of the
purest Sugar, are dainty and
tempting in appearance and are
sold in attractive cartons and by
the pound.
Spanking does not cure children of
bed-wetting. There is a constitutional
cause for this trouble. Mrs. M. Sum-
mers, Box W., 8, Windsor, Ont., will
send free to any mother her successful
home treatment, with full instructions.
Send no money, but write her to -day if
your children trouble you in this way.
Don't blame the child; the chances are
it can't help it. This treatment also
cures adults and aged people troubled
with urine difficulties by day or night
(New 'York Press)
A man can be much prouder of his
good reputation than pleased with what
he gets out of it.
Once in a while a nest succeeds in
keeping a good resolution for a while by
(Chicago Record -Herald.)
"What arta you laughing at, Mabel?"
"I have Jost. got a letter from Douala
"t never suspected that your Cousin
Fannie was much of a hmuorist. Where
is she?' "Theassured me there were no mos-
" -it Holland. She says she intends to y.
scald me picture postcards from Ratter-quitoes here," he cried. New York Sun.
WA and Amsterdash.
forgetting he made it.
A poor excuse to a wife improves im-
flowers andefive pounds of candy. box of
If a man has prickly heat he's afraid
demthe entia . lel sl'sure but -
only is digestion:
A girl can get two miles away from home
and then
wht go backoto run
could n seed it any-
Is 99 99-100 to 100 per cent. pure.
Champ Clark, Speaker of the House
of Representatives, says, according
to the Pittsburg Chronicle -Telegraph,
that his party didn't wish to take any
risks in the last election.
"Apparently, continued the Demo -
emetic leader, "they wanted things
the doneup
men who were to roughly as be haid nged
for horse stealing.
"The place selected was the middle
of a trestle bridge spanning a river.
The rape was not rwcurely tied on
the first victim to be dropped and
the knot slipped; the man fell into
the river and immediately st011.m for
the shore. As they were adjusting
the rope for the second he remarked:
" `Say, will ye be sure and tie that
good and tight, 'cause I can't swim."
• • --
Minard's Liniment Cures Distemper,
(Baltimore American)
The man in the Iron Mask explained.
is indicative of the ingenuity of the
people of the country. The ground is so.
porous that water pereolates through
quickly. `Thera are therefore few rivers
or lakes from which ice Can be obtain-
ed, and it is seldom so cold in any part
of Persia that lee of a thickness stat -
able for plinking would form under the
direct rays of the sun, The Persian ob-
tains his ice by making a shallow poet
and building a high wall which will
protect it from the sans A thin layer
of ice will form; this be floods at night
with water ,and so he goes on . adding
inch to inch until he . out cut block of
considerable thickness.--froin the Los
Angeles Times.
Washday Troubles
Will vanish, like mist before sunshine,
if you use onto' of
The Boards with the Labor-saving Crimp
Strang Solid, Durable and Well -
will ease your washday burdens as
no others will.
hn, Fla 13EDDY Company/ Bull, Canada
Five corns on five toes for five years.
Was he lame? You bet. That man was
chump --sure he was. One quarter
spent on Putnam's Corot Extractor is
sure relief to any old kind of a corn.
Putnam's eases 'em iu good style• -lifts
them out quick—without pain, and nev-
er fails. ,This is why Putnam's is super-
ior to the cheap imitations that, afford -
the dealer more profit. Use only "eut-
(Windsor Record.)
Hull is the most wicked city in Can-
ada,. in proportion to population. '
It is situated on the Quebec side of
the Ottawa river, being directly opposite
the city of Ottawa, ,the . capital of
Last winter, according to no less an
authority, than Rev, Fr. (.Bertin, the
parish priest, there existed iu this city
of 17,000 population no fewer. thin 3.3
resorts of ill fame and ten gambling .
Picture theatres were permitted to
flourish each Sunday in open violation
of the Lord's Day Act, and the most 'ob-
scene views were displayed in slot ma-
chines at penny arcades on the main
streets, that were patronized. by scarce
of young boys.
Mary, said
Minard's Liniment Cures Diphtheria.
(Boston Transcript.)
" " • - the sick man to his wife,
after the doctor had pronounced it a,
case of smallpox, "if any of my cedi-
tors call, tell them that I am at het
in, a condition to give thou sonlet:tlnli:'