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The Herald, 1911-07-21, Page 1
The Official Organ of Zurich:, and Hay Tow Vol. X I . FRIDAY MORNING,, ship JULY 21, 1911. 0 3 e3 8.* 3: F3 3 3t3 k3 3t 3 f This is our first Summer Clearance Sale Theoods listed below must be sold if low priced will do it. 1 he quality can not be surpassed and every item is a bargain. if you are wise you p�( will not miss this chance. 1150 Wists now 2Jt0rl LADIES' WHITE WAISTS REGULAR $2.50 for 132.00 each cc 4c cc cc 2.25 for 1.75 7770.0.0. 2.00 for 1.50 i. 75 for 2.25 " 1.50 for 1.10 " 1,15 for 00 1.00 for 75 .c 75 for, 50 ' c 50 for 35 " 0 0 0 .c c: fC 4C .c c: cc Bargains in Gowns, Skirts, Cori-- set or,set Covers, Dra wers9 etc. 8.0 >" o MENS! S i. OP 0. q 0 We have decided to clear out.t e balance al our Mens' 2- piece Summer ;Mute. Call anyway we cap suit;you. REGULAR '438.50 and 8.00 Mens Suits for 6.00 eauh. 10.00 oc " for 7 00 " << 1.1.00 << for 8-00 " cc NO 51 LOCAL NEWS. 7 Mr. Harold Appe'[, t f'`:ieaforth, is home for his holidays. Mrs. Mo(orxnick is having a nice plate glass front r pet, into her restaurant. Mins Ida Well of Toroto is visit- ing her parents, Mr tint Mrs. 13. WeT Mr, J. J. Merner It �+ Tuesday with another ear of frses, for the West. Miss Hazel Dig* + '. Er:eter, visited at the home -Of 6 s_' and Mrs, 0, Either, over Suni, is Miss Selma Wes 1s Ipant ' the fore part of the w`J1 i . London with her sister Miss liclli- We sell Smith's tl , berries, please leave your i' w;k' , at Mrs. M000rmiok. Miss Nora Schnell"' a naw.' is visiting her parentei . eee airs. .3. Schnell in town,faiw a fx , weeks. Gilt edge Binder R' file, pure manila 650 it to lb 44,:k. ;per 100.1b cash. Only' 20 buil f ``'ft,. at Ilartleib's. Mrs. David Gottsd Axe, Mich , acoonipa son, is visiting her and Mrs. A. . Lehm friends. Mr. William 13eu ieai inti been buying and selling gpitt`x Tiumber of driving horsesate!, nxs ` ss:eek purchased a nice yo1 �xiiva i from Sir. R. Mol inlet':' Dir. and Mrs. ..'osepli" tri n er, of Grand Bend were in to b# r' Mon- day and left on Twee, Jr l:or au extended visit with troitriildren SOrIE EXTRA 5 'EC1ALS iIake a note of these. They are well Worth reniem- fi 0 0 0 0 0 bering. Ladies' Hose 3 pair for 25cts G; " extra pr GScts Ladies' Vests 3 for 25cts 6 L " extra 2 for 25cts Mens cotton Sox 3 pr for 25cts " extra, 2 for 25cts Fancy Sox 25'e and 50c pair Boys Blouses 50c, Boys Knickerf 50c Fancy Dress Shirts 50c and 75e each Summer Vests regular 1,25 to 2.00 to clear at 1.00 BBIfrya- B ARGAIGS 0 1 in Mens' alld Boy's Fine Straw Hats to clear 41 enoluousumacagn.caranagamennacmsenymo4.........aermw,tnosa.munceentarannoor....manwormaanser• 'XI 0 COAL All persons desiring coal for July at-liverykindly leave your order at once. Quality guaranteed. T.ernis oii coal are strictly cash. „powis orwalvermeanniasuomusfankuarommEms4 Seasonabe ardware Perfection Oil Stoves 0 Scythes, S athes 1 Hay Fork Ropes 0 Washing Machines t door Varnishes and § Floor Paints, etc. PRODUCE TAKEN IN EXCHANGE Preeten, Telephone 9 Z URIC 1 W30003C7i3CY8C708CXEMXIC:031:38CPaCK NO* 211:0A1:3.1 o.' Bad l :by her Ftrit;3, Mr. end ocher in Alberta, '1 Messrs J. A. Wxl1I .111, GQ of the 'Zurich grist mill l;liyc installed ;x Leonard automatic > ia,a; The r,ld one had been it tin for Miss 1.' Teres green, has passed tli 11 xi i5rpiano forte examination of the Toronto Conservatory of xnua"c with honors Miss Hagan is a pupil. of „lues. N. MoHardy Smith, Cli>litoxi. For summer diarr.heieu n child• ren always ,give (ilia berrairi's Colic, Cholera and.; piairhdiea Wed Repairing 0 0 2 Here we are with lien's Steel Shoes The Shoe that Never Needs Repair We have a fine up-to-date range of Mens Tan Shoes and Tan. Ox- fi rds. These shoes are among the Ieading shoes in Tans. If you have not purchased why not follow the crowd to this shoe store. Woman's Shoes of all description sold here at reasonable prices. This is the spot so buy a Trunk or Suit Case. Call and see me when in town. No trouble to show goods. Butter and eggs taken in exchange; 021 Mr. John Hey Jr., of the Goshen Line South, has 14 young -pigs for sale. Trice HERALD will not be publish. ed next week Our next issue will be Volume XII, No 1. On the 3l st of July, the Ladies' Aid of the Evangelical church.. will serve ice cream and . cake in the Town Hall. Remember only 5 cents a dish. All are heartily invited Nice showers of rain the fore part of this week have unproved the growing aro pn wonderfully. find such a good medicine." For This is an agreeal" change from sale by all dealers. the hot spell the be ginning of this month. Lutheran Church -The evening service in St. Peter's Lutheran church, will be conducted in Eng- lish. A11 are cordially invited to attend. Happiest Girl in Lincoln. A Lincoln, Neb.. girl writes, "1 bad been ailing for some time with chronic constipation and stomach trouble I began taking Chamber- lains Stomach and Liver Tablets and in three days 1 was able to be up and got better right along. I nm the proudest girl in Lincoln to 0 0 0 $500,00 SPECIALS. Prizes of $500.00 each for the best animals in the Holstein and A Good Full Stock Of Watches Shorthorn classes at" the Canadian And Jewellery National Exhibition this year should give an added interest to the Cattle Show, .After an absence of ever thirte ya ti s and after hating been mourut ed torr rt 'eei3 fffox":ser tali S'Qax i 'patty 4,011 �A'#�.�."c"1� • t�ry''of �... Axnos Carter of lnnerkip, returned to his home a few days ago. He came in unexpectedly, and was not recognized by his father for some 1 time, When Mr Carter finally be- came convinced that the stranger was his long lost son he broke down and nearly collapsed. 1 aetnedy* an4l uastoi" ori, and. a speedy cure is oertain. ,Sold by all dealers. ' Mr. Alfred Moritz of Guelph was operated on. •for appendicitis,' at the Guelph Hospital,, ori Sunday. The case was serious, but his many friends here will' be pleased to know that he is doing well, klev. Chris. Eicher of India had a crowded house herd on Monday evening. • His lecture ,and views on India were highly appreciated. The proceeds, it voluntary contribu- tion, amounted to about $15.00: The death occurred a few days ago of Robert Spooner, eighth con- cession of Mersea Township, at the remarkable age of 112 years, Mr Spooner seas born it. England in 1768, and came to Oarlada when about 10 years of age; thus having lived over a century lin this pro vinoe. On the 8th of TeIyr. the Jnnior Y, P. A. had thei, election of officers. The ioltoivf ig officers are elected for the coming terra. President Muriel Erecter, "Vee Pros.. Olive O'Brien, Cor. Sec Lloyd O'Brien, lima Seo Erna Fritz, Treasurer Veda Fritz, Organist Minnie Mercier, Assistant Organist Elva Heyrook. Librarians Mildred Hoffman and Ruth Hart - loth. Page boys Leeroy O'Brien and Teddy Merner, Superintendent MissLydia Faust, Assistant Supt Pearl Wurtz and Gertie Hartleib Mr, Archibald Blue, the chief census of Moor. has done well to is. .sue a notice asking that persons who believe or suspect that they have net been enumerated by the census officers communicate with him. This can be done by sending an unstamped letter to Dir, Archi- bald Blue, Census Bureau, Ottawa. The letters should give the names, number of persons, street and street number, if the persons who believe they have been omitted live in cities or towns, anu the oonoes• sion and number of the lot if in the eountry. Mr. Blue states that if it is found, that such persons have not been enumerated moans will at once• be taken to remedy the defects through the local census officers, who are responsible if any inistalt es have been made, Next week THE 'HERALD will ta'kP i its annual week off and no pap( r will be publilhed. With the first issue in Ai gest we begin otic twelfth year of publication, and we wish to thank our friends for the l loyal manner in which they ba,ve iy;.4 stood by us in the past. and our future efforts will bo such as to Try our 75 -cent Alarm Clock. You merit your continued good. well : take no chances. We absolnt- and respect. Ti;- bile we feel that! ely guarantee them 2 years our field is small we believe that, The -:est Luminous Alarm Clock ME HERALD has bece, a source of i and spasmodic repeater, ;1.25 profit to the town gltierally and to and $2.00, None Better. the business men in particular. It,'llti iriii Alarm;, with automaticis surprising how much more faith 1' ilTheI'T eLt best made,�3,`?5. fully and carefully the local paper v N1'EEO- - is studied and read than the larger weeklies and dailies which are corning to most of the residences in , H • S a j town and country, We again thank Wirc S `~` J ' you for our continued support s' t 1 i 0 y The Editor. jeweller, - ZU IC YI1I' Zgib and encouragement ens and Woniens Sr OES Wni are showing all the newest lines of Women's and Men's Summer Shoes fos waren weather. A lot of Womens Oxtords which we are now' selling at a great bargain. Regular $L5©, $L75 and $2.00 For $1.00 Just the Shoes for summer wear. Conte before sizes are all gone Try us when you' need A Trunk or a Suit .Case Butter and Eggs Taken in Exchange, e. FRITZ, = Zurich The Home of Good Sho s