HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1911-07-14, Page 8Did you ever bey overalls at this store? No! To bad you have e been missing the best. We bank on our overalls, so do the me that wear them. We have taem in all styles, for all classes of work. Can't tell our Overall story here for its a long one. We guarantee every pair of Overalls we self, We carry a fell line of all sorts of working men's garments. Row Immense Hosiery Values If yon do not lay 'in a season's supply you will swiss a rare chance. Black cotton, plain full fashioned. all sizes, per pair 10 cents or 3 pair for 25 cents. In blue and. white or brown and white, good work sox, 10 cents per pair or 3 pair for 25 cents. Smart Waists for Summer wear We earnestly ask your inspection, knowing full well the rffeet the right of these handsome styles will have 'upon your purse strins:s, to see them is to want one or 1nor e of there.. Summer Underwear Underwear is a subject, that we give special E ttention to. That is why you find every good sort here. We are well prepared to meet the spring demand for moderate prices. rood titting satlsfaetion Underwear. We have them all weights, from the finest made. down to the splendid values in medium grades. uy;0r.„- `' .. Ladies' Neckwear and Belts We have everything that is New in Ladies Neckwear and Belts. You will find everything that is new and different displayed here. All the very cleverest idea are new, smart, tasty and up to date. (Millinery Reduction We have decided to clear out our Millinery stock early this season, therefore we have placed hurry -up prices on all shapes, And. Trimmed Rats. Come early and secure first choice. g yet prices paid tbr all kings of Farm Produce tom— y..... ,..14.4144,..,.4•444,..r.,........4J.....,.....1. ql)4 F*s .;l. $ a Acf GENE _'` AL MERCHANT uric h, Telephone 28 ta HEADQUARTERS FOR Celebrated td roadway CLtTJIINti 4611.41112104161.41111111411111041110 We have not sold out our implement Business yet We are still forging ahead at the Old Place. Thefollowing are some of our lines we keep in stock Plows & Repairs Percival No. 10-13, Fleury's No. 21, Cookshutt all kinds, Wilk- inson all kinds, Land Rollers. Implements & Repairs Binders, Mowers, Cultivators (best made) :Floe Drills, Disc Har- rows (best made) Eureka Onion Seecl Drills for all seeds, Eureka Fountain Spray- ers best in the market, Gar - don Cultivators, Lon- don's Hay Tracks, London's Barn Fixtures Buggies, Carriages, Wagons All our own make. 11ESS N ZURICH 1"r The general public will take notice thtat 1 am doing Exeter in the line of purohsasing all kinds of scrap, Messrs. William and Jacob Smith of Detroit arrived here in their automobiles, this week. Miss Alvena Bossenberry of Ber- lin, is visiting relatives ann friends here, for a few weeks. Mr. F. L. Wiilgoose of London was in town on Saturday examin- ing piano pupils of Miss Elizabeth Rennie, Owing to the absence of electric light the service in the Evangeli- cal church on Sunday evening will begin at 7 o'clock- instead of 7 30. ILLt7STRATED LECTURE. air business in Hi hest Market Prices Paid for Scrap Iron, Rags, Rubbers, Copper Horse Hair, Etc. All purchases to be delkkered to J. PREETEa'S HARDWARE, ZURICH, where the cash will be paid or trade given. Orders for collection 'of scrap may be left at the same store, prompt attention - will be given. Id Wexler, - J' Dealer, Exeter One third of your life i:: silent in bed. it. should be spent in perfect repose, that sweet restful, healthy, beneficial sleep, which proves a balmy relaxation from every Dare. Do you so epeod it? If not, the t):+termnor will surely help yon! It,s "Built for Sleep” Other mattress 2 piece from $3,00 up. Un Saturday and Monday even- ings, in the Town .Hall Zurich. Rev. C. Eicher. who spent over seven years in India, will deliver lectures on Indian home life,' customs and mission . work in general. The lectures will be illustrated by magic lantern. Mr Eicher brought all his stereoptican slides from India. Meetings open at 8 p, Admission free, but a anlleo U Will be received before the close of the meeting. Proceeds to go iowieiltl mission work in India, after `!xi small aa.tnntint has been rpprorimed toward the expenses of the exhibition. All are cordially invited. Mr. Eicher will remain in Zurich over Sunday attending church services in town Report of Separate S. No. 1. Hay. Promotion of pupils based on their work during the pact term and the examination test. Nacres are given in order of merit. Pt i to Pt II Adeline Denommie, Beatrice Bedard, Stella Denommie, Lottie Laporte. Pt II to Jr 11 Albina Bedard, Napoleon Denommie, Theodore l.,al;orte, Loring Denommie, Wilfred Corriveau, Nettie Deno. mtnie, Denommie, Leopold Denommie, Clothilde Laporte, Lucy Denommie, Denis Denommie, Delia Deaotntnie. Sr II to Jr ITI Lawrence Deno ramie, Leo Denommie, Adolph Sa uve Sr III to Jr IV Fabian Corriveau, Paul Bedard. Jr IV to Sr IV Richard Lap• o. te* Armand Denonlniis* * means Conditional Promotion. Josie Kennedy, reacher. JACK LONDON'S VIEW OF A SOLDIEiR A full stock of all kinds of to choose from -at prices just a little cheaper than the ordinary run. Terms Cash or Trade at Cash Price TLEI HONE t3 9 4U RlCH HURON'S LARGEST G►36f1BiPAAT9ON:23'Y'ORE Si i cr 1 es Just to hand. Bring in your orders. dose price viTS P /9 I i ZURICH a .o.t Date Store As we purchased the Stock froth D. S. Faust we cordially invite yon to cine and look over our ,tock. in taking stock we • found some Odds and Ends which we mist dear out at a .very low price. Here are a iew of our bargains. Ladies Waists.—Reg price 75o, `;1,00, $1.25, for .... I5c Ladies .park colored silk waists Reg price <,;1 00, ;;1,25, for ....Vie 12 doz Pr Hose,—Reg price 15c, for (per'pr) leo 330 yds ribbon to clear at a yard. 3c About 20 yds gingham for aprons —Reg price 18c, for a yard oizn Men : The lowest aim in your life is to be a soldier The good soldier never tries to distin- guish right from wrong. .He never thinks ; never reasons ; he on'y obeys. If he is ordered to fire - n his fellow;citizens, on his friend , on his neighbors, on his relativtee he obeys without hesitation, If he is ordered to fire down a crowded street where the poor ere clamoring for breed, he obeys, and sees the gray hairs of age stained with red and the lite tide gushing from the breaaste of women, feeling neither remorse nor sympethv If ho is or- dered off as one of a firing squad to execute a hero or benefactor. be fires without hesitation, though he knows the bullet will pierce the noblest heart that ever boat in Mellen breast. A good soldier is a blind, heart- less, soulless, murderous machine. €Io is not a man. He is not even a brute, for brutes only Lill in self- defense, All that is human in him, all that is diving in him, all that oonstittzles the mite, has been sworn away when he took the en.. listment roll. His mind, his con- science e,3re, his very soul, are in the keeping of his officer, 2 doz Door Mats.—Reg price 25 for 20e 1 dos Men's Shirts —Reg price $1.00, for ........ ...35e 3 Rein Coats.—Reg price $7,00 for $3,500 1 only Rain Coat.—Reg iirice $0.00, for $7.00 About 3 dos Straw Hats to sell, at .100 About 6 dos Caps to sell, at ....100 A Big Reduction on the Ladies' Triramed Hats. All kinds of Fresh Groceries always kept on hand. ?rode ,c taken in Exchange. S Faust's Old Stand. NOTICE Y hereby 'rive notice that niy wife, Elizabeth Bauer, having 'without cause left my bed and board, I will not be responsible for any contracts entered into or debts incurred by her in my name or pledging my credit. Daated'at Zurich this 26th day of June 1011. henry Bauer, Sr. , conc, Cholera ae. �,li l! periatn S Diarrhoea i1emedy. Nevar fails. rim it 11t+W. It may save life. HENSALL MAR KE i' Gook's Best Flour....., . 2.75 \'Wheat. 4.4 4 , 80 Orats .. 30 80 Barley . 60 70 Peas .,.,.4 11141444 80 80 Hogs iivoweight.. 4,.4., 6,15. 1 _ Ostermoor .: .............,„,.. One third of your life i:: silent in bed. it. should be spent in perfect repose, that sweet restful, healthy, beneficial sleep, which proves a balmy relaxation from every Dare. Do you so epeod it? If not, the t):+termnor will surely help yon! It,s "Built for Sleep” Other mattress 2 piece from $3,00 up. Un Saturday and Monday even- ings, in the Town .Hall Zurich. Rev. C. Eicher. who spent over seven years in India, will deliver lectures on Indian home life,' customs and mission . work in general. The lectures will be illustrated by magic lantern. Mr Eicher brought all his stereoptican slides from India. Meetings open at 8 p, Admission free, but a anlleo U Will be received before the close of the meeting. Proceeds to go iowieiltl mission work in India, after `!xi small aa.tnntint has been rpprorimed toward the expenses of the exhibition. All are cordially invited. Mr. Eicher will remain in Zurich over Sunday attending church services in town Report of Separate S. No. 1. Hay. Promotion of pupils based on their work during the pact term and the examination test. Nacres are given in order of merit. Pt i to Pt II Adeline Denommie, Beatrice Bedard, Stella Denommie, Lottie Laporte. Pt II to Jr 11 Albina Bedard, Napoleon Denommie, Theodore l.,al;orte, Loring Denommie, Wilfred Corriveau, Nettie Deno. mtnie, Denommie, Leopold Denommie, Clothilde Laporte, Lucy Denommie, Denis Denommie, Delia Deaotntnie. Sr II to Jr ITI Lawrence Deno ramie, Leo Denommie, Adolph Sa uve Sr III to Jr IV Fabian Corriveau, Paul Bedard. Jr IV to Sr IV Richard Lap• o. te* Armand Denonlniis* * means Conditional Promotion. Josie Kennedy, reacher. JACK LONDON'S VIEW OF A SOLDIEiR A full stock of all kinds of to choose from -at prices just a little cheaper than the ordinary run. Terms Cash or Trade at Cash Price TLEI HONE t3 9 4U RlCH HURON'S LARGEST G►36f1BiPAAT9ON:23'Y'ORE Si i cr 1 es Just to hand. Bring in your orders. dose price viTS P /9 I i ZURICH a .o.t Date Store As we purchased the Stock froth D. S. Faust we cordially invite yon to cine and look over our ,tock. in taking stock we • found some Odds and Ends which we mist dear out at a .very low price. Here are a iew of our bargains. Ladies Waists.—Reg price 75o, `;1,00, $1.25, for .... I5c Ladies .park colored silk waists Reg price <,;1 00, ;;1,25, for ....Vie 12 doz Pr Hose,—Reg price 15c, for (per'pr) leo 330 yds ribbon to clear at a yard. 3c About 20 yds gingham for aprons —Reg price 18c, for a yard oizn Men : The lowest aim in your life is to be a soldier The good soldier never tries to distin- guish right from wrong. .He never thinks ; never reasons ; he on'y obeys. If he is ordered to fire - n his fellow;citizens, on his friend , on his neighbors, on his relativtee he obeys without hesitation, If he is ordered to fire down a crowded street where the poor ere clamoring for breed, he obeys, and sees the gray hairs of age stained with red and the lite tide gushing from the breaaste of women, feeling neither remorse nor sympethv If ho is or- dered off as one of a firing squad to execute a hero or benefactor. be fires without hesitation, though he knows the bullet will pierce the noblest heart that ever boat in Mellen breast. A good soldier is a blind, heart- less, soulless, murderous machine. €Io is not a man. He is not even a brute, for brutes only Lill in self- defense, All that is human in him, all that is diving in him, all that oonstittzles the mite, has been sworn away when he took the en.. listment roll. His mind, his con- science e,3re, his very soul, are in the keeping of his officer, 2 doz Door Mats.—Reg price 25 for 20e 1 dos Men's Shirts —Reg price $1.00, for ........ ...35e 3 Rein Coats.—Reg price $7,00 for $3,500 1 only Rain Coat.—Reg iirice $0.00, for $7.00 About 3 dos Straw Hats to sell, at .100 About 6 dos Caps to sell, at ....100 A Big Reduction on the Ladies' Triramed Hats. All kinds of Fresh Groceries always kept on hand. ?rode ,c taken in Exchange. S Faust's Old Stand. NOTICE Y hereby 'rive notice that niy wife, Elizabeth Bauer, having 'without cause left my bed and board, I will not be responsible for any contracts entered into or debts incurred by her in my name or pledging my credit. Daated'at Zurich this 26th day of June 1011. henry Bauer, Sr. , conc, Cholera ae. �,li l! periatn S Diarrhoea i1emedy. Nevar fails. rim it 11t+W. It may save life. HENSALL MAR KE i' Gook's Best Flour....., . 2.75 \'Wheat. 4.4 4 , 80 Orats .. 30 80 Barley . 60 70 Peas .,.,.4 11141444 80 80 Hogs iivoweight.. 4,.4., 6,15.