HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1911-07-14, Page 59CbfMr®Ob ar.D,n
g14441DOP4teP9tiCID' OPEN+VUGIYYNYirIWY0(.1a2PUP'X'.'�eDtlO'Jfi:OPR7P.C•. •�
.aA.. According to Government Estimates
was made in Western Top)
Did you participate in these huge profits or did you "pigeon -hole" the propositions
submitted to you by your western friends for future consideration ? In short, are you
the man who made a profit or the unfortunate one who bad the chance but did not possess
sufficient judgment to recognize the opportunity or sufficient courage to close a deal?
The man or woman entitled to sympathy is the one who says: "Five or ten years ago 1
had the chance to buy this or that property at $100 or $500, and now it is worth $10,000."
The average person sneers at the person who makes such a statement and says: "I would
have bought and made that money." Are you going to say five years from now that
you had a chance to buy a lot at Poe, Alta., at from $50 to $100 each, or are you going to
be the man who will have from $1,000 to $10,000 in cash as a result of having bought
property in this town in this year of grace, 1911 ?
Poe is located on the main line of the Grand Trunk Pacific Railway between Ed-
monton and Saskatoon. It located in one of the finest farming in WesternCanada.
The surrounding country is settled by a progressive type of farmers and consequently
- will become the market centre for Northern Alberta. Poe district possesses rich coal
8 mines, is close to rivers and lakes and large forests, are easily accessible from this point.
These natural resources insure for the residents of the town, first, low cost of living,
and second, great commercial activity, two essentials in the upbuilding of a large town,
thus creating valuable real estate.
This townsite and contiguous territory has the requirements outlined by large
manufacturing concerns for the location of large factories or large enterprises of any kind
employing large numbers of people. The rivers and lakes furnish water, the coal fields
and forests furnish fuel and cheap building material, the fine farming lands furnish farm
products, enabling the residents to live at a low cost.
The town is located on the main line of a transcontinental railway, assuring the
necessary transportation facilities. These combined conditions will furnish cheap labor,
one of the most important features of a manrefacturing centre.
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during the year. 1909
Poe townsite was recently placed on the market and already over 200 lots have been
sold, and many of these lots have already changed hands at a substantial increase in price.
Most of these lots were purchased by representative business men throughout Canada,
who are now profiting' by their foresight.
The townsite is high and dry and very suitable for building purposes.
is useless unless you possess the courage to act. You might possess great wisdom, you
might read a good deal or travel much and thus see all kinds of opportunities to make
money, but unless you have the courage to act on your judgment and wisdom all of these
desirable qualities are entirely useless.
Lots in Poe are a good investment at present prices. The town is bound to grow
rapidly. Owing to the easy terms of payment you have the ability to buy, and if you do
not buy now it is because you are lacking in courage, and the chances are you will never
be like the man you now admire most, rich, courageous and wise.
to I
Poe townsite is held by us under the Terrens system of title. Under this system
the title is guaranteed by the Government, therefore absolutely safe.
'Prices of lots range from $50 to $100 each, and they can be purchased on terms of
one-tenth cash, balance in eighteen equal monthly payments ; or quarter cash, balance in
six, twelve and eighteen months.
7e have issued an attractive circular giving full information pertaining to the town
end its prospects, together with map showing Lots for sale. If you wish to receive thin
attractive circular, cut out and fill in the attached coupo , and mail it to us to -day.
Union Ban bo-; , uddin
Sit up and
Take Notice
We have on display
our New Prints, and
Dress Goods. Almost
everything you could
wish for in Spring and a
Summer wcnr.
Also our New Wall ¢
Papers, he latest de- ,1i
designs u opt]lar pric-
0 Cali a.ud Inspect t
5 Before Purchasiiig 0
8 General Merchant, B L A K.E. __
fr, 0 (r]Zr'J O D .LCD C D =DC y.i'
N a �O • o
li n`E. Ii lip p
etW:.ariss ePtrancSC7MCVira DODnoa,.7CD2nnteto OMOCSCAMS ti w.Au:.':^�"'CCI'*`1••ePv^..le.GGTaitOr T.s eilreeser-'>c9dr-OD4SYJcramoi:tt!cac6C1?A•
4.4 :vitas'.,...«:,
L. 7. R, A. Regatta a.t C. N. E a
Wonderful Si rht. Prof. W. H. Day has recently
been making some calculations oa
Between three and four bemired the financial side of drainage, A
yachts on Lake Ontario in front of farmer has 50 acres thea is- rather
the Canadian National Exhibition wet but although not drained it
Grounds will make one of the gives say $15 par acre. Tie value
prettiest sights ever afforded theof the crop for five rsaars in slat
patrons of the Fair. All the finest cession, together with compound
yachts from the lake ports on both interest, would be $41.44 at the en 3
sides of the line will be gathered of fire years If however ho .were to
there to take part in the regatta of drain 10 acres of the land ea tm.
the Lake Yaoht Racing Association year, and if the drains e inereased
August 2elth to Dept 5th. Inter- the veins of the crop by .S10 per
national races for the historic acro (which ie relow e:stim'ate) then
George and Fisher Cups will be . the value of the crop for five years,
sailed during the Regatta, with interest. world be$5; =S. After
—•.`o—.--_.-__-"- paying for the drainage. with in.
TAX REFORM IN SASKATOHE• `tereat, he would have left $1124,
WAN I the smile within 30 a, if he hyad i to the ground. 'Cla:.rvdap nv nln *
Cities!and Towns clay Now Untax not drained the 'whole 50 acres at It i:: believed the fire started in Hifi
Improvements t once then the five (trope ��oald be kite. be of the cifnin room,
worth ;690b. This after pitying for leprae; T vaa Brown and Pearl ilr-
Everrb'�civ knows that the Pro the drainage woalct leave) him a Cormick rased their .Tunit1 piano
nressive \Vast is years ahead of balance of $, ... , heel is sexaminations with honors aria bliss
more than if he hard net drained. bottle Ga,ister the primary with
The new road to the lake, at -t • Right in your faneesei eeaelon
Joseph is being {;ravelled and will when yes have tl'rr l,'ttet time to
soon be in first class Sharpe. spare yen tire meet likele to take
Mr. J. J. Merrier has pneohasee. diarrhoea :oil lase seet,rit1 eetys'
Mr. Wes t"10t1elligl's driving outfit. mitre s Z +.,e :lt).Ccc' t.:il:a..!1 ,111 iir,'s
which he brought with Line frien 7Ctilirt7, .1 11,etrn)i ail;'. ;'n Iarh(1oi5(c<:,•
Detroit, R(IL ra1t " at t
On the r• wee.. i the
Auction Sale of household of c.,et9 I cliccaig ire' t... §.; .i ' ::.
cow, 2 pigs and other urti'=lt'.s aZarieh on Saturday, .Ttily tend a ------- ` --
2 o'clock, Execntors of Javel: Or
estate. E Bossonberry, neactic cur
There wore 20ti de ithe fr'u 1 sun.
stroke in New Yoe. last week end
th.i total deaths for the week. nu°)]
bored 1.751, ileain:t 1,172 for tl:f+
semi) week last Sear.
The gran l .t.and at the l,:shi:.hien
Groundsi, Wttinine'r, with t:11 the
adjoining buildln. e were blirnrd
Eastern -Canada in its tax laws rind s that the r Daring the next five yeart3 period
it appears est ]s deter- bg first class honors, at the examine
mine( ucon , t0 1e.. ., drainage by the installment plant
At the session of the Sraskatohe- would net him $x60.1 more than boils held hereon S'tarda .
wan Legislature which has just net t) drain fit all, and the come Terrible bush fires- are ra ins in
. Northern at present. The
Eby $2764 more than no drainage. town of. Cochrane with n retrain•
.�u ��Ms'"""""`"',`"°-y " `"`"
closed a decided. move towards al Pletti drainage wo.tld enrich bin] itit.�.�laein Ontarior
n to n Ji�+aLL ,7 01 v o n
,ATE keep in stock a
411 full line of fresh
meats, halts, etc. etc
Our cuts are noted
for their tenderness
and 7rholesomeness.
Our aina is to keep
nothing but the best.
We make our own
Give us a call.
lowing Cities and towns to adopt
the Single '.Tax System gradually ! The pried allowed foe driunago.in t tion of 2500 was almost deateneed
but within four velars, was made, it -'le calculation watt $2e per acre, I and. other Il]ining towns and villeg-
In cities and towns the Asseaement , es were wiped ont. There i' eon-
, is now 100 per cent of file value of
the land end 60 per cent on build-
ings ttn(1improvements. The latter
may now bo decreased et such a
rate that in four years there will
I be no -assessment on buildings arid
1 improvements. The City Act bus
If recently been amended to allow
I bona fide tenants to vote at muni-
• cipal elections, lender reasonable
This An.)endreent- to the City .Act
of Saskatchewan is very similar to
the -proposal sq vigorously urged
by the Press of Ontario duriiag the
p'ist year that Municipalities be
allowed to tris improvements at a
lower rate then land values.
Thromeliout the rteral areas of
v lcatohewan the arse -sin lit is a
flat rete per acre regardless of
Tante and there are no taxes levied
on the farmer's personal property.
buildings or improvements. At
the recent session of the Legisiae
tare provision was made whereby
rural organizations night assess at
Never leave home on a journey a certain rate per acre 011 a valua-
tion basis, but this will not likely
be adopted'to tiny great extent un-
til the year 1012.
The Single Tax. System is used
by about. 20 villaoe'i out of 1,85
organized in Baskatchew;n, '
witthout a bottle of Chamberlain's
Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Rein.
edy. It is almost certain to be
needed and cannot ' be obtained
when on board the cars or s team -
Por sale by all dealers.
ncl the increase in the crop was
tplacetl et $10 per acre. AS a matter
of fact the inoreaso is usually
worth .much more than this, so
that the computation is somewhat- Born
P • ---On Thursday July 6th, Take
;ant to Mr. and a: rs• 1
Jne•eph Ran, a son. Her vert
sicl;reble loss of 1 fc among mineral
and prospectors.
unfair to uiut,un.gv, ji.,.rr•o.. •.D "' ..1L , 1
bettor to err on the safe side • Road
E i is
But the increase in crop is not
the only -return frown drainage. The
value of she land is -largely inereas
ed. This is illustrated in the ease
of a certain farm in Lincoln
Comity. It was bought for :6000
about two years ago. Last year
2000 was spent in draining it, and
it has since been sold for.$12000
'Ile Departments of Physics,
O..4. 0., over which Professor Day
has charge, has a, largo •staff en,
gaged in making drainage survalye
for fe.raners wishing to dray.
in bat , � ° g i - .�, "x" iM�,e+ p:
they are Rept very busy..: Those ''' .1 +..-1.,. a t, �.»
who wish HITTCe)Vt, rude this Rall m tiV.C1 l:ta1, 0 Made arrarig.;.eeee '' i
should apply at once, as there are to oifoti the following low clubbing
nearly as many applioatifns in as.: rates With Tree Iie.1tAr.n :
can be attended to this season..Daily Globe$� �?�
rho terms on which surveys are „ - Mail & Empire 25
reticle ere explained it • Belk:tins Weekly Globe . . 1.60
174 and 175, which may be hull , Mail & Empire 1.00
free froth the Department of Berliner journal (German) 2.50
Aggri:mitt:re, Toronto. Family .Herald to Star 1.75
Daily Advertiser 2.75
Weekly Advortieer 1.110
agent also?czar sr» Weekly. Sun 1.75
d;�33i31l D ft' Oi$$ tiosvhoets Remedy\; , s .)
t 'ar fails. ratty It ttowv. `!t .hex cave life
Farmer's Advocate •d.•ufi
The whiny,* and. children of the
lata) lir ,retch Ort hereby (la" fro to
convey their heartfelt gr.ttitude to
the friends and n'e i ;h burs for the
1 :iciness and assOitanco rendered
cinting the illness and (leaf`le of
husband and father.
iiti4"•u� ��t�,�� hr, r•�.7 i
Manitoba, aSaskatc hewail,li=j'wrta
Special Trains leave Toronto 2.00 p.m. on
APRIL 4, 10 IIAY 2, 16, 3a JUNE 13, 27
JULY 11, 26 fails. 8, 22 SIFT. 6, 19
Second class tickets from Ontario dations to principal
Northwest points at
Winripeg and return $33.00; Edmonton and return t'
#lgood and to other points in proportion. Tickets
to return within 60 dayii front aoinE date.
on all excursions. Comfortable berths, fully cquipped
with bedding. can be secured at moderate rates through
local agent.
Early application must be made
containing rates and full information.
Apply to nearest C.P.R. Agent or to R. L. Thompwe,
Diit. Pars. Agt.. Toronto.
at `
411. iii• '. t' )! oy -
}Llt•.ri i S!l.;i
Om! \� f;t (11..t•[';.,t.ab
far t
NVe, Oso
All l'rr?, 1 it r 1)roo711 :1
attended to,
wail Whyte, Ag't
a! S'.`" V, t 1 .l l iii. i t CO