HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1911-07-14, Page 4s Ineorpor atecd 1855 a Capital paid up $4,000,000 Total Assets over Dead. Office Reserve Rand $14400,000 44,000,000 e; - 11011t real C,r 78 Branohes in Canada, and. d Agents and Correspondents in a all the Principal Cities of the World, A GENERAL 134N5f[MF BUSINESS 'd'ItAN.oiA;C•'l'Cl). ez5 SAVINGS BANK DEPARTMENT. at all Branches, Interest allowed at highest current rate g el. CONSTANTINE, /agentZurich Branch - • J. DG I CID '.-t,DGDGMCRIII>W"0rk3 3**DQ CMHOCf6 t31: f{ a LEGAL- CARDS. R. J. 1). COOKE, BARR1STEI AND SO - Reiter, Notary Public, Hens:Ili, Ontaxia. At Zurich (Zeller's oinee) every Mon- day. FOUl)FOOT HAYS & KILLORAN, Barristers, Solicitors, Notaries Public, etc. Godcrich, Canada W. Prouifoot. K. C. R. O. Hays. J. L. Kil:oraan. PEBLIS:IED ET E. ZELLEit. FRIDAY JULY 14th, 191.1. W.C.'f'.U. THE CRY OF THE TWO-THIRDS BUSINESS CARDS. The Dr strode past the parlor and tiE34, S. PHILLIPS, AUCTIONEER, Exeter. Sales conducted in all parts. Satis- faction guaranteed or no pay. Terms -easonable. Orders left at this office will be promptly attended to. lir,•, . ;,, ANDREW F. HESS, FIRE INSURAN- ce went, representing the London, Economical, Waterloo, Monarch, Stand- ard, \\-ellington and Uuardian. Every- thing in sire insurance. up over the stairs to the study',, crying as he opened the door, "ray boy, itis success? God has won- derfully crowned yonr labors Old Jonas Carl is saved, a new roan physically, he detests the staff. the smell of it nauseates hire. Unless he of his own free will, builds the appetite anew, be is forever deliv Bred. Tears fell fast over two manly faces. "Uncle, you say it" my find lacks, it lacks, if he does not build up the appetite anew, surely where there is such a pos- •::ibility there is no perfect cure" Then hey went over the stein to- gether, As they entered the room, Eleonor, catching the first glimpse of their faces, dropped to the organ stool and. began playing the dozolo• gy, .Gad without comment the whole company sang it through. I E. ZELLER, CONVEYANCER SNI) am 'vouch+gin€! what my place is in 1' departure, said Rob Jose l• OR. F. A. SI�.LLERY, 1).ENT1l.T, (il,'A- duate of the Loyal Colie;ze of Dental • Surgeons, Toronto, also honor gradu- ate of Department of Dentistry, To- ronto University. Painlees extraction' of teeth. Plate work a speciality. t.t Dominion House, Zurieb, every Mon- davi ";' Notary Public. • Deeds, \lortga es, this ne\v c c;)tt' ,se \G'ills anti other Lega1 Doeun, nt • caro yti tltatnight before they separated ully and protnptly prepared. Office— Keith has his platform, Eleanor Zeller block, Zurich, Ont. her pen, Dick his pulpit and these dootere their medicine cases but where do I come in? „You" cried L®DGG MEETINGS. Eva in an aggrieved tone. "You" why sir, have you not your pencils f t - ® v Court Zurich No. 1210andcrayons, with v inch to ilius- • CI- . H� • meets every lit and :3rd trate Aunt Eleanor's books and t ,-. - •c each in nt r at o la a d.t o tt P T t. . f � v 14 n ,t.., 1 r �? -I hb Y .i • 5 .Tectures, e ct� u .e I{e th t nc in ¢lres'A: O. xJ:' ys7. Jlalt � w �- 3 o3 e -who should lament.' •Whrr t oat • J. J. +Iinx`xYe, �= , I I do? "Set other people in their proper places" laughed Rob, as you do me to night ; for which I owe you a thousand thanks. Speak tender words of sympathy and counsel and cheer, as yon have so often already; keep the Hearth waren and the atmosphere helpful for the tired workers, whispered her lover. -"1"0 every man his work, quoted Dick. Nobody need be left out however small his talent Is there any such thing as a small talent or HA insigniiloant life? ask- ed Eleanor. How dare we say so when the meanest of mortals has yet power to move or mold his fel lows somewhatandznust whether he wills it or not, help shape others for eternity. I've thought a good deal e;bont the boy with his' five little loaves and two tiny fish. standing before that hungry horde, and wonder what any one should mourn small abilities. Ought we not rather tremble before' the pas- sibilitres wrapped up in the weak- est life if but that life is given into the Hand that can multiply its possessions. I've noticed that it takes very little talent on any man's part to damn another, said Keith. Much less than most of us would think worthy of considera tion. The greed at gold in one person will easily ruin a thousand souls beside his own. If such mean abilities .accomplish so much when delivered over to evil, what might not the same .abilities aocom^lish for good. if consecrated to right eonslseas? "'True" assented Dr John. It is a trriiiendoas rer'i'pon. sibility to live'; to be a human be- ing with power to look upon and touch others as Mortal and immor- tal as ourselves, We need. to be surd we teach them with a hand that has touched God's and stili holds the subtle genius of snob contact. There is a little more to add, reader, • Scarcely a month later .Justin and his bride smarted on their wedding tour. d wish you would ohanaeyour mind, uncle and go with us, said Dr Droutly's nephew just before the bridal breakfast. But the gentleman shook his hemi most positively. 1 will he here to welcome you on your return, he replied. And that will he very soon. But what will yon do without me even for so •short a time? Egotist, I may im- prove your absence by a run up to see Jakey and my Feldspar estate, answered the gentleman laughing. ly, Do; that's a good uncle, and go often to see Keith. It was not as difficult to reach es it used to be, this old fashioned farm of our doe ter's. for the iron horse had pene trated almost to it's doors. As/ lie. (. RScI39edge O. IT. W Y ;ti o. 3 93, xneets he •lnd and 4th Friday of every month, t 8 o'clock, in their Hall, Merner Block, Fnen. Wi'rwrn ,ll. Z\' FA F4Cf.)' drr* V WANIfl 1:;,)7 lz * r r 71 ' H: l V k 1 6� second to nolle call at t h e Deering Implement Shop OPPOSITE TOWN HALL where I carry nearly Everything that Farmers need. tl�r 1i�rr 10ELICK Opposite Town Hall, ZURICH When I'm nut call on C. Fritz for Repairs. 1eth,will surpass in every respect all others of the past there is every reason to believe, For the directors have been at Work harder than ever before, and are spending 'more money than in' any previous year to make the Fair of 1911 the best yet, The Western Fair is noted as the live stook exhibition par excellence of Canada; indeed it is safe to say that no other Fair o;reels it in this respect, As an exhibition of agricultural, hert.icnit'ural and dairy prodncts, the Western Fair has no superior, and the promise of abundant crops of ell kinds en oourages the beliefthatthe display in all these depe,rtinents will be numerous and varied. While the features above referr- ed to are the mainstay of such an exhibition, the object of the pro rooters being to encourage the live stock and agricultural industries, the Directors recognize that in this "twentieth century people look for more They Iook horee•jumping contests, the speeding of Canadian bred horses; for special attractions wonderful, thrilling, interesting and instructive; for lets of outdoor music t for an attractive but clean Midnzay, in fact, for both variety and quality. All those are provided this year by the Directors of the Western Fair, and the public have learned that for them . to make a promise is for it to be made good. The Western Fair is essentially the people's fair ; it was orginated and has been conducted through a long series of years for their edification and entertainment, and that they appreciate the efforts that have been in their beb.alf is shown by the vast throngs that each year pass through the turn- stiles at Queen's Park, London. .,tending Exhibitors cannot get in their applications for space in the various buildings too soon. Reduced rates on railways. For summer diarrhoea in child- ren always give Chamberlain's "olio, Cholera and Diarrhoea At,smedy and castor oil, and a '•reedy cure Is -certain. Sold by al] dealers. (To be continued) AN EXCELLENT INVESTMENT. Eti" 1 It 'Williams Pres Supt. Among the many good provis- ions of the Canadian Government Annuities Act is that under which WEST -12,11N FAIR.. an t a h Reputation of the Great Exhibitionhusbandhusbandd wife, two sisters, or in fact, any two parsons may will be "eiore Than Maintained Join in the purchase of what is This Year. lectown us a Last Survivor An• r i tnt\ity, that la an Annuity which 14oE F o wil}.be paid to both as long as both has 'traria lire, and to -the survivor so long as All:' ("ana. Fi rrvi nee of puree in its bear, .. for -the •Western he or she lives. For a raunple, a Fair, partlybecause it is the man who is now .71. recently pur• pioneer big annual Exhibition of chased a Last Survivor Annuity the Dominion and has set a pa0e for himself and sister, two years older, at a cost of 4,6te. This for other shows. of a similar character, but inttinly for the reason that it is always a good Fair, that it lives up to its adver- tising, and can •be rolled on, no matter what others are found Wan tiietr. That t'ii, year's Western Fair, to be hold in London, Sept. Sth to or yielding an income of only, 8280,. so that the increased inoorne will. make a vast difference in the comfort aad happiness of the An- nuitants, while at the same time it will relieve them of all anxiety es to the state, ot the money market and the safety of the investment Any information desired on the subject of Annuities may be obtained by applying to your•Posttr. waster, or addressing the Sup- erintendent of .,Government An- nuities, Ottawa, to whom letters go free of postage. Spraine require careful treat- ment. Keep quiet and apply Chamberlain's Liniment freely. It will remove the soreness and quickly restore the parts to a healthy condition, For sale by all dealers. secures them an income of 000 a year, the first quarterly payment failing due three months frons the dote on which the purchase money was paid. Prior to the investment in a Government Annuity the nioney had been drawing ti interest IT'S CORONATION YEAR: Fireworks at the 0. N. E. will be in Keeping. It is going to be Coronation Year at the Canadian National Exhibi- tion,'Toronto, in more than name. In addition to the Festival of Cmpire, whish will picture the glories, of the Coronation cere- monies, the fireworks will be along patriotic and Coronation lines. A gigantic set piece, showing the crown encircled with In aplo leaves, will be conspicuous, while Prince of Wales Feathers, Columns of Empire. and the crown jewels, are also worthy of notice among the half -hundred numbers which go to make up the program of fireworks. Synopsis of Canadian Northwest Land Regulations. E, NY person who is the r ^' rile head of ramify, or a.n)- natio over IS years old, may tt,anestc.ttt a nu n tea sectron ot avail able Dominion land in Manitoba, Sask- atchewan ut' Albt:rta. The applicant must appear in person at the Dominion Lands Agency or Sub. Agency for the district. Entry by pe i nuty ba m tdct at any agency, .m c:,. f..it:t condition, by father, mother, son, tl•ta,;hter•, brother or sister of intending .ton sieatler. Duties. --Sl. months' residence upon and cultivation of the land in . each of three years. A homesteader may live within nino miles of his homestead on a farm of at leash SO acres solely owned and occupied by hire or by his father, mother, sen, dauglraer, brother or sister. In certain districts a -homesteader in etiod standing oral: pre-empta qurtrter-sec- 3 tion alonide his homestead. Price.$a.Ot} per acre I)uti-•-1'Zustresidesix months itt each of sixYears from date of homestead •entry (including the time required to earn homestead patent) and cultivate fifty acres extra. A homesteader who has exhausted his homestead right and cannot obtain a pre- emption may take a purchased homestead in certain districts. Price $3.00 per acre. 1)utics—\Inst reside six months in each of three years, cultivate fifty acres and erect a house worth W30o.otl. w. W. CORY, Deputy of the Minister of the Interior. N. B.—Unauthorized publication of this advertisement will not oe vata tor. with the iint:b& lot of goo(ls ever shown ill Zurich. Just received a large quantity, to please any- body, So drop ill lU!(1 see! if T cant snit you. Also carry an immense No, or, samples to choose from All kinds of goofs fm: trousers, dark or light, 1 prices low as possible. 'aundr r in Connection ,s i •C�. (,%I' •• ZURICH ., _-. it_ —__ _ 1 . II: , I. III' I Ili1 , I 1 (. (, .,'i' •• 1 1 ! i •i! 1 It. ! I i 4 ! I { I' , t l 1 ,• tt� I tl� ! ,i ! 1 :cit t I# t• !.. la t .l it t ii,l 1 l,� 11 jI,,ll•tl#I rill- ( i 'il it1 I 'I I. '1, ill hltlli i a� : chi ( 1 1111 4, 1', le „i. i,: I,t, tl I t �. II{ 't �riit ,., l } I i. I Ili1! I I +i' �Iu,11,1 {It,iil(� !i l ' 'I �, I!a l !1, l 'Wee,: t 1 I 1 1 1 i I It' l �.� � I l;l I' •.,3 ' 1 I • it � -!! � ! ! I' II, ,'! , , , a l; . 1 !� I .i I 1 1 ii ! I 1 1 I•,•I :i 1 C '. .: I !� .,�I. 1 ' ll . ! i I LCL, ilii�:'t , ,�, .! l� . I� I -1 1 ii 11 ,il : ,, • I. , t . I;,. Ili !i,.l, �, i I i ! t L. I 11 ;hl , i 'i l i. t �'! I ! i� , f lit 11 ,1, ! ; L— .j! ill I' ,•t ,.I.,: I , (�r i , , , .41 (t{ i',. �, �t!. I 11 t .! l l t II ! 1 p i r ! �, , , ,I;I!, I � I►I ,r •� , ,I ,,, ,t ll,lt t !i I 1, t I , t I I 1 ,Li tl tl ..l 111!;tlllll!i 11 ,it ; lif�llil'llli lill';i!iI.t1I11J11 ! , ! t ,a I xt l Iii :'( I I. I • r 1 ! t-' '! f:, ,.: I i t il l ,� 1 I 1I 1q1 II�.1„t!I, I 1 I � y • II� 1 1 II ,.�i 1 I.�. ii•:', � ! l :I 1 I,' .I , ! I I., !III , +. t , '.�; I�,1 :11 1 (' I , , ! .i , . i . �i a I i. JI I' .,I! !, I` ; !:il!i,1" I i I ,,,., ! �i 'i 1 I. 1 . '. i ! it ll ti+lt1,111,1l,1111� ,In!at., ,illi 1 ,1.11I ,I ., :,h jlt;`t t: I'illt ��I. 11}} 1 !11 11 {I }Il 1. I I iii 'l I I ! il'� t ',lilac iI iii I I � ! 1�`- - -`�- LGA i. I II1 i i'l lig'; ' `l Ilii.Il' it 1 !, a lIIIIII 1 �i lilt l 110i"1, I ' 66 �,1, i Unif or ity is a aRg 3��G� iIC�S �€`'tCillaO }�C9 ose. 'Steady—Regularc—Dep word, k ridable ;I:u°A$s� 99 • Bud. Quality, , I II I !! l , , I'1I 1 aI � ,, I 4' ' ! 114 Ii t ,1 I li ! ! L •-ro " r'.: Ii� l I'• p` ^ -71 , i 1 / . ' 1 .� ,t I I there's the FIVE ROSES No bad drearns bakedayr morning batch "flat" instead idea. eves of •— the "up. I ' I II H` 11 i L 4`� \` �.� -, i,rl ��1°tiI t,J, '`; i - v / I So very exasperating, loaves this week than �a5� cuanti%ees, FIVE ROSES is the sure from flour ,g - the S�e2G reliable, ! 1 l i 1i i 1 $� I 1 r' J I /j you see. No wrinkling worries over bread, or cakes, or pies, or i id — LJl 16 jf) (\jl .....:,.2)ji1 : • l . -e ., �.) 1 t� `lO if anything. Bake things aI•cvags up to the expectations. Disappointment—never. Four times Uniform—Strength, field, FIVE ROSES—£rouble=proof Use FIVE ROSES alavays. mark Color, flour. of Flaror, your happy too, and 10 . • I1 , �' ttIIII,. I 1 ' !i Ii (I I.., romilt ., v,,,.,,, .,„, '-; I 1111 11111 II1111i111IIIIii1iIIII1i1 14, F it I:.��; II, +6 ra , +� r ,; ' f{!'I' 1'.tl Y' 11 i'- >a / I c., •'+ i. t:V. ��e`t;... yd, ',r, tQ.,q r •Tf9.• r �i r '� t,y ' �7.,: WJi+ ��_ ': ,�4 , 11 l ' + '1 1. {i','ill. '�j�,¢' nR .; Ui. ., 7: 9�; �. . � ,Y ! i 1 I = Itt y� h + c�l!1 f ,. � I �l ,:F i ,il ' lli ' (y�.J' ! .w•.. iiII . 't , YI , hi1' tee, w+ (III '~y ., t9 1 (.,4r k �,� +h .�',,r' ° ..f' i . ,.. jj ♦ ^A � a , .r;\; 1........, �,/ t 11 ,11ill ij''I� ! !iii .illi lhi ICI I!l 1 I !Wild 11 I � �h I'j I l }i } ' I a t`, I , I 51. JI i1' f Ij1 li r.0, i 1l � ������� Elia �b11l1Iil1i l� I IIIi l Ido 11IIII�1Il ' 1 �1 i ii i F: niBW,p 11 1 1111 il I J�t a"' M .k jy K, _. ,' 4 k;r .,„. " ' ',�,'yw x all It A �a'� ..) Ice 1�A,11;t 11 iI lljl r + �q� yt ►�Iiill11111Ilil�I. II {• ! III', tt �� r ! 1 i ( LL I :. I._1j!11zlLililliiillC __�L. rig LAI(s' Of roe. ,V0006 ONltttNO ROOMIPANY t, Mir O MONtREAt 410 11 --rte._...: �. :s,�::. .e ..�w..a�weoe.a>o-r,. .: �.... e� „+. www..w .,�,,.,...,.-..,.,..' «-•�.�.