HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1911-07-14, Page 1The Official Organ of Zurich and Hay Township Vol, XL FRIDAY MORNING, JULY 14, 1911. NO 50 f'. E3 Ea 31:34M34 at MOCK Mara0 11 1 P, I i This is our first Summer° P, Clearance Sale. The goods listed below must be sold if low ,prices iwill do it. 1 he quality can not y be surpassed and every item is a bargain. If you are wise you F will not miss this chance. iil . ....._______ ists =�o17 LOO to LADIES' WHITE WAISTS REGULAR $2.50 for :$2.00 each iti DC7 cc cc cc ca 2.25 for 1.75 `c Cc g 2.50 .0 CC,C CC w ac CC CC CC cC cc Bargains in Gowns, Skirts, Cot= § set Covers, Drawers, etc. GC CC .0 CC 'CC cc cc Cc Cu CC .0 CC cC CC 3.00 for 1.50 " 1.75 for 2.25 `c 1.50 for 1.10 " 3,15 for 00 cc 1.00 for 75 75 for 50 •c 50 for 35 " We have deoided to clear out the balance of our Mens' 2- t piece Summer Suits. anyway anyway we can suit you. REGULAR $5.50 and 5.00 Mens Suits for 6.00 each 10.00 " for 7 00 cc 11.00 ° " for 8.00 " mamoonantralrrtoreeore SOME A SPECIALS Make a note of these. They are well worth remem- bering. Ladies' Hose 3 pair for 25cts " extra 2 pr 25cts Ladies' Vests 3 for 25cts " extra 2 for 25cts Mens cotton Sox 3 pr for 25cts °" extra 2 for 25cts Fancy Sox 25c and 50c pair Boys Blouses 50c, Boys IKnickevl 50c Fancy Dress Shirts 50e and 75c each Sumner Vests regular 1,25 to 2.00 to clear at 1.00 Bib BARG .A.1.GS in Mens' and Boy's Fine Straw Hats to clear Da COAL All persons desiring coal for July delivery kindly leave your XI order at once. Quality guaranteed. Terms ou coat are tistrictly cash. serrsommessrmamasmormeica...moonarnacarnammemn.tdelost z,eas naberaniwa l LOCAL. NEWS, Mr•. O tb Moser of Berlin, visited friends here, ,last week. Mrs. Cbarles wirth of Blyth, is visiting Mrs. (Dr ) lrCttnipbell, this week. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Merner and daughter, of Bcif field visited relatives and frim+., on Sunday.. Miss Edith Gasch4 of the Bron- son Line, is visitin�k; relatives and friends in Baden, for ati few weeks. Mrs. Taylor and ' wo daughters of Sarnia, are visittg at the home of Mr. and Mrs . C Fritz. aa Exeter and Daa?woocl juniors played a game of baseball at the latter place on Tuisr1av evening, Score 13-11 in favoisaof Exeter. The local bowling green is again in good shape and the members are putting in their spaxe hours at this popular amusement. Don't forget the lectures on India in the Town .Hall on Satur day evening and Monday evening. Everybody invited. Mr. Marshall Zeer left on Fri- day for Merlin to end the sum- mer vacation, w h his grand- parents, Mr. anffrj Mrs, L. B. Marshall. 4 Lutheran Church–Rey. C. O. J. Maass has to offigiite at Listowel, on Sunday, there will be no service in St. Peter's Lutheran church. Sunday School'' will commence at 10 a• rn. Perfection Oil. Stoves Scythes, Snathes I Hay Fork Ropes Washing Machines § Floor Varnishes and Floor Paints, etc. PRODUCE TAKEN N EXO A CE J • Telephone 9 r, .w ▪ w ZURICH BASE;3ALL A very interestint. and exciting game of ballwas played here on Thnrsday evening between the Juniors of Exeter and the local /Talar,-rs.: At the - d of the Oth inniii, a,'tbe gd;.y_w�a a tie 6,-6, and toffee "t J ' 1t a,\gel iii side scored. Itt )th with Ediga hoffer on 3rd Hoffman made a (lean drive into left Meld, which to everybody except the umpire look. ed a good ten feet inside the foul line, and Edighofer's soore on the hit should leave decided the game in Zurich's favor. Our boys how. ever bowed. to the decision of the urtVir4 and the play was oontinrel until darkness. The line-up and runs Zurich Edigboffer 0 Brant 2 Hoffman 0 Alfred 1 Eilber 1 Ladeceur 0 Weber 1 Cressweller 0 Koehler 1 e >d o Repairing la F Here we are with Men's Steel Shoes The Shoe that Never Needs Repair We have a fine up-to-date range of !Hens Tan Shoes and Tan Ox - f• rds. These shoes are anion; the leading shoes in Tans: If you have not .purchased why not follow the crowd to this shoe store. Woman's Shoes of all description sold Dere at reasonable prices. This is the spot so buy a Trunk or Suit Case. Cali and see me when in town. No trouble to show goods. Butter and eggs taken in exchange 9 URC ' Windmill and derrick for sale. Can be seen at show ground. Apply to John Pfaff or C. Eilber. The Evangelical Sunday School held their annual picnic at Grand Fiend, on Thursday. Mrs. Charles Stickles of Detroit. accompanied by her two sons, is visiting with her mother, Mrs. Henry Grob. Rev. A. D. Gischler of Milverton was in town this week attending the funeral of the' late Mr. Jacob Ort. Mr. Hubert Klopp wheeled from Strattord on Wednesday and will remain 'with his brothers during his holidays. Flax pulling has commenced The crop is fair and would have been extra good had it not been for the extreme heat of the past month Mr. George V oilandl of .Detroit Exeter Pethick 2 Heywood 1 Fisher 3 Bawden 1 Hoskins 1 Scotty 0 Mallett 0 Bissett 0 Campbell 0 Score by Innings Exeter 0 0 0 3 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 0—(i Znrich 010221000000-6 Two base hits, Edighoffer 1; left OD bases, Exeter 6, -Zurich 5; i st on errors, Exeter 1, Zurich 4 ; Struck out by Bissett 7 ; by Hoffman, 10 ; doable plays. Exeter 1; hit by nit. cher—Bissett 1; Roffman 1 ; Um- pires, Geo Palmer,:T Wurin. Miss Gertrude Magel of Detroit, is. visiting relatives asd friends here, at present. Mr. Sherriff of the Molsons bank staff, left this weak for his holi days. Owing to a change of engines to be made at the grist mill, there will be no electric light for a week. Christian Eicher of India., will give illustrated lectures on India, in the Town Hall Zurich on Satnr day evening and Monday evening. Everybody is oordially invited to attend. Happiest Carlin Lincoln. A Lincoln. Neb.. girl -writes, "1 had been ailing for some time with chronic constipation and stomach trouble. I began taking Chamber- lains Stomach. and Liver Tablets and in three days I was able to be up and got better right along. I visited his rnotlier, Mrs. John Vol, ani they prondest girl in Lincoln to land. the past. two ' weeks. He was 1 find such a gond medicine." For accompanied by his nephew, Mr. I sale lay all dealers, Alfred. A m i arced O'.Brieufa '( itra ,.'*hale dilaviYtit, - railway crossing at Hensall on Wednesday morning, was struck by a train. The horse was badly injured and the driver hurt but not severely. Willie Marshall, three year old 1 son of G. T. R. section•nian Mr. Frank Marshall had one leg eat off ` and the other injured by a train' near Hensall, on Monday evening. The boy was taken to Clinton i hospital on the same train and his l chances for recovery are very ' slight. STRAYED Strayed away from my premises, Goshen Line South, on Saturday night last. a red cow, white star. and dark head, hole punched through left ear. Finder please notify this office, or Jacob Meyer Sr., Zurich P. 0. DEATH OF,JACOB ORT On Sunday morning;;after sever• al months' iilneP,aa our esteemed townsman Mr Jaiiob Ort breathed his last. He had reaohed the age of 68 years and 27 days, and less than a year ago lie was' considered one of the strong ust of• :nen, w tb an extremely rugged constitution Some months ago he began to show signs of failin health' and he gradually grew \ eaker, his illness being caused by t. growth forming in the kidneyst He leaves to mourn his loss.' a widow and a grown up family of sons and daughter's, who have the sincerest sympathy of all ,in their bererve- ment The deceased came to' this section about ten 'years ago from Blenheim township. Oxford County and purchased the Charles Wilson farm on the Bronson Line, and after a number of years of success ful farming he carne to town to retire mai enjoy a well earned rest. The funeral took place on Wed- nesday afternoof,and was largely attended, the interment taking place in the Bronson line cemetery. The children of 'the deceased are Mrs. Solomon Eidt of Elkton Mich. Mr, John Ort, of Druabo, Ont., Mrs.:lacob Smith of Detroit, Mrs, Alfred Meliok Of this township, Mr. Jacob Ort of Nelson, l3 C., and Mr a Daniel et aac of Credi- tene MUST BE A MILLION The attendance at the Canadian National Exhibition is jumping tit the rate of 100,000 a year. In 1009 it was 750,000: in 1910 despite the nnfavorable weather it was 837,000. This year only continued wet weather can keep it from reaching the million mark. T UCKY, is the man wlio owns a Waltham—but only, the man who has car- zied a Waltham Watch for thirty or forty years knows what a fine investment a good Waltham is. "les Time You Owned a Waltham." Gose in and talk watch with us. We are headquarters for Waltham Watches and carry a compL to assortment of all grades. F. JIESS jeweller, ZU :^ ICH ens and ens :ER R SUM OES Wn are showing all the newest lines of iti aineu's and Men's Summer Shoes los warm weather. .A lot of Womens Oxfords which We are now selling at a great bargain. Regular $1.5o, $L75 and 2.00 For $1.00 Just the Shoes for slimmer wear. Come before sizes are all gone Try us when you need A Trunk or a Suit Case Butter and Eggs Taken in Exchange, FT JTZ, Zurkh e Home of Good Shoes