HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1911-07-07, Page 6.44,44444,4401. NE S�FTHE DAY IN BRIEF Prices of Drinks at Ottawa to be Increased. • Twenty -Four Thousand Britishers Came to Canada in May. e Montrealer Heavily Fined for Selling Cocaine. Delta Anglicans celebrated the hun- dredth anniversary of the church build- ing. • Thieves got away with $1,900 worth of • goods from a Iienora men's furnishing store. A family at St. Thomas has had small- pox for a month and the disease has only now been discovered. Two petitions are to be sent to the Minister of Justice asking for the release of George M. Atlas. Twenty-four thousand Britishers carne Canadawards last month, au increase of 6,000 on the previous day. The British steamer 1)uart, from Chat- ham, N. R. June 12. went ashore in East Ilam Channel, but was floated la- ter. • The machine shops of Small & Fisher, Woodstock. N. B., were destroyed by fire. The loss is heavy, with very little insurance. James Noran, who entered and robbed half a dozen Toronto houses in a few nays. was sent to Kingston Penitentiary for three years. While driving to Rutherford to delirer a carload of steers Malcolm Mcl)tarmid, and aged and well-known Dawn farmer, was badly injured. J. W. '_McLaren, for 23 years a drug- gist in Chatham. (int•., has retired from 3xueiness. Mr. Melearen is the major of the 24th Regiment. ,Ilse Quebec Central Railway has pees - ed under the control of the Cemadian Pa- cific Railway. and the New York, New Iiaiven & Hartford Railways. The two large barns, with contents, of David Barannion, farmer.:rialabi Town- ship, were comp:etety rlestrayed by firer, The crigin of the fire is unknown. Loss ay;7,000. Robert Tape. merchant. has been ap- • pointedr.postmeeter at Ridgelown. Ont., in place J. Sumner I?'aneoeksateld'.h este been aoting gime the death of his father, L..8. Hancock. The ratepayers of Blyth, lino., voted to buy- the electric light plant and ex- tend the fire protection system at a eost of.$o5.000. The by-lasw was carr}ed by a vote of 129 to 18. Among the graduatee of tbe North Wheeling Hospital, Virginia. were two Toronto naris, Miss i:lith Tierney and Mies a(argaret Hannon, both members of St. Paul's, parish. Chief Grasett and Park Cenuelesiorer Wilson have been inetrueted lay the Ter - onto Board of Control to see that the ball players in Dovercourt Park stop es- ing bad language in the park. At a meeting of the Chathem Presby. tery the call of -Re . Mr. Dixon, of Ouart. to the Bethel English and Guilds Cir- cuit Court was sustained, The new rnini!- ter will be inducted on July 15th. A heavy sentence was parsed int Mont- real on Joseph Htxdoa by Reeorder Weir. He was sentenced to pay a fine of $120 or six months ort two charger of having and sel}iug cocaine without a license. ?ai'ayor Beatty, Aldermen trooper and 'Sanderson and City Engineer 'Wright, of London, Ont., were in•Torontr, inspecting that city's asphalt plant. with a view 1:o eetablishing an asphalt plant in London. Crossing St. .Lawrence street, Mont. real. to bay something to eat for his din- ner, T+rancois Xavier Menard, a cabanas for ever thirty years; was crushed to death under a street tar at Milton st','e.er. crossing. The Toronto Custom Cutters' Assostia- tion has bowed to the will of the inter- national l;:xecutive, involving the exp1I Sion of a member and the members hope that the controversy with the interna- tional is ended. The Ottawa, Ont., hotel proprietors have about decided on July l as the date for increasing tire. price of drinks et their bars as a result of the Government levying five per cent. on all daily receipts at bars over 840. A young Engliehma.n named Bartholo- mew, not long ont from the old Country, was charged •in Stratford Police Court with the theft of four bicycles and bur- glary and theft in another charge. Tic +pleaded guilty to one charge and was re- manded. Acting Mayor rS.penee announced to the Toronto Board of Control that he had discovered that the elty bed not the deed of the water lots along the from of taatibition Park, and a part of the sea wall was built on lots to which the city had not a.titIe. • •_,s STEAMERS COLLIDE. Qitehec elespattell: The steamer Gem eral Wolfe and the steamer Aran - mote, both veseele belonging to Rollie day Brothers, came into collision early yesterde,v off Murray Bay With the result that ,former ,link into beatify feet of Vtrater. No lives Sero DIVED FROM CAR. Miraculous Escape of Shackled Luna- tic Near Coteau. Montreal, July 3. With legs shask- lcd to his sides, Georges Realm a lunette, took a headlong dive through the win- dow of a Grand Trunk train near Uoteau to -night. Although the train was traveling at 25 miles an hour, the roan was Kicked up coneeioua, suffering only from a deep scalp wound. :K.epla was one of five undesirables be- ing taken from the asylum at Seattle, Wash., for deportation to Germany from Montreal. Nearing. Coteau he became restive and the shackles were put on, but despite this he evaded the United States immigration officials in cheap of the un- desirables and dived headlong through the window. DIED IV HOTEL Mystryi©us Death of Mrs. Wright, of Warren, at Ottawa. Authorities Looking for T. Mai vel, Who Left Her There. Otawa despatch: Coroner Dr. haptic and the pollee would like to know the whereabouts of Thomas Marvel, who was the last person seen in company, so far as is known, with the woman who died suddenly under very peculiar eireumetanees at the .&Imoute House on Tuesday afternoon it is believed that Marvel could 1su•ow considerable light on the cirenmst.ancee surrounding the death of the woxnae. and that he• would prone a most important witness et the resumption of the inquest in- to the caw,e of her death on. duly 4th next. Leading up to the death of Mrs. Wright is a story of domestic trou- ble, and apparent r<t'onciliation. Ernest Wright, the husband of the dead woman.- was n prosperous met-- ehant, residing at Warren. Ontario. He was in the tailoring bnsineee, but in addition he acted es bush ranker for the Ontario Government. The two gave hire a generous income. Tat -et April Mr. end Mrs. Wright lutd a quarrel, her hnsbaiid giving her a bed beating.- Mrs, Wright had hint arrested. Inst when the. case came tip itt ,the erart et \T'er- rrn -nbe •withdrew the charge end the pair apparently amicably settled their dispute. • A few weeks age Wright decided to sell out at \\ itrrete anti finding rt pur- cltaiscr completed the deal. lie then told hie wife he iutenried taping a trip abroad. Site accompauiecl him as far as aiontreal. saw him aboard ship, and parted with ban on tee beet ref 1ernts. 'rhir; has wren rammer ley letters ieinee re- ceived from the hammed by reletivee in Ottawa. Ile nlen left her it rnii ideruble mon of money. She Cance to Ottawa af- terwardt:. and for a few hone; taw her brother here. ]after that her movements are a mystery. Thcmaa Marvel,who spent the week with Mrs. Wright. late an employee of her looltend rat. Warren. -fie Iii vont- pi etelr lit tyeenrea. POLIOMYELITIS. Dominion Conservation Commission's Inquiry into it and Other faders. Ottawa, Jelly 3. --An iur•es,.igation into the prevalence of infantile para.- lye,ia ie t.,e::tg conducted by tie Do- minion Conservation Com.miseioc, aa - .cording to the second annual report Reseed to -day C' :•cisle:e are being forwarded to ever' Medicate practi- tioner in Canaria arcing for partie- ware ed the s.a;,e; with wit cit they have haat to tied. .Invostigatione acre also being conducted into the hoes. ung eorcdiiione in Canadian centres of population caul the existence o alum districts in the tamper cities. Municipal building ay -Taws and building rr'gnlatioirf are beim ex- amined and a atotnrrntiientt made with those in laic itt other regulated C:itio;; of foreign cotintriet. Inveatikittiorie have oleo been con- ducted into the agricultural, timber, mineral, water power, Bah, game and fair in<luetr,ee in Canada. and the re- sults will r•.}tortly • be issuttd • in the form of reports. GOING TO LONDON. Winnipeg, Man., Trey 3. ---'fire per- eistent rumor that Sir William White vice-president of the C. P. R. is to &emceed Lord Stratheona as Canadian Cornrnissioner, was given the status of probability to -day when the ,state- meant wee made that Sir •William leaves, for London for act. indefinite Merited. — SRiJTS nu OUT. Pekin, July 3.—Japan and ILuss;a have protested to tate four powers against article i0 of the currency re - for mond Manchurian development loan. Japan and Russia eotit.encl that this op - pieties to "shut the door of ecguel'oppor- i tirnity" against their nation in Mau. nc et. eletrita. Xa:rii TO DRAIN OR NOT. TO ,DRAIN. Prof. W. fL Day has recently •been. making some calculationson the finan- cial side of drainage. A farmer has .fifty acres that is rather Wet, ° tut although not drained it gives, say, $15 per acre. The value of the'.erop for five years' in succession, together with compound in- terest, would be $4,144. at the . end of the fire years. 3.f, however, be were to drain ten acres of the ,land wall year, and if the drainage meetaaed the value of the erop by $10 per, Are (which is a low estimate), then t e value of the crop for five years, lee entcrest, would be $5,748. Aftei payi rX for the drain- age, with interest, he Would, have left $4.124, the same witein20 as if be had not drained, but if he rained the whole 50 acres at once then the five crops, with interest, would be worelt $6,905. :]'his, after paying for the drainage would leave him a balaeces of $5,121, which is $977 more than if he bad not drained. During the next five-year period drain- age by the xnstafimeee plan would net him 81,604 nxore thh'n` not to drain at all; and the eounpiete dialeage would en- rich stint by $2,704 more than uo drab -l- ege. The price allowed for drainage in the calculation was $28 per iacre, and the in- crease in the crop was placed at $10 per acre. As a matter of fact the increase is usually worth xnuen -Tore than this, so that the eomputation:ie somewhat un- fair to drainage, however it is better to err on the safe side. But the increase Memoir is not the only return from drainage. The value of the land is largely incerased. This is illus- trated in the case of a certain farm in Lincoln County. le was bought for 80,- 000 6;000 about two years ago. Last year $'2,- 000 was spent in draining it, and it has since been sold for $12,1100. The Department of Physics, U. A. C., over which Professor 1)ay has charge, has a. large staff engaged in making. drainage very busy. Thine who 'wish •sur- veys made this fall.ebould apply at once, as there are nearly: as many applies-. tions iu as eau be attended to this sea- son. The terms on whieh surveys are made are explained in Bulletins )74 and 175, which may be had free Irons the Depart- ment of ,Agrieultu e, Toronto. DAIRY RECORD CENTRES. The new extension wvork or the Dairy Division, Ottawa, xit x'alisirg nanny en- quiries to be made Por the benefit of our readers it shay be e•xulum.ed teat of - halals are nawr Io to in Teterboro', Lanark and Oxford eountacs, Ontario'; St. Hyacinthe :and Srome, Quebec; and ab Kensington, P. E. 1. tenth a view of gathering specif•,c letarmation as to the exact standing of trite dairying industry in the district. heel such district is teruterl a dairy x e const raiitre. h aetx fernier within a eeritrie terra will be call- ed on, and ilei weal he obtained from him a a, iteineiti, rs To '1i, . number of rove, the type cif rare, the weight of milk sent to the factory. the :milk used at }lone, the enet of feed, mmnd no on. \When. these statements are compiled there will be definite and aaici:Lle information for the enu urns stent of other dairymen. It is intended to follow np this work close- ly for some yeare, beth in tbese and in other sections. The reccrders are paying spec ai atten- tion to the encouregemeet of cow testing in these districts; they ars already col- lecting weights ane tests of about four thoueand cows, so that itis evident that i tremendous imparts .is lacing given to cow teetin„ by title new forward MM. reent. It epeciai bulletin nn eats testing is available to all lime:ant.s. Forme for recording weiphte of milk are supplied free by the Dairy Commissioner, Otta- wa. When applying;. spate the number of cows, and wheelie)• forme are -wanted for weighing daily, or on only three days each -month. C -Ir. W. MD TO THOROUGHBRED STALLIONS Daring recent years many appease have been made to the Honorable Seed.- ney* Fisher, Minister of A.grietdtu're, by horsemen anxious to bring about an improvement in the quality of our light horse stock and who are of the opinion that for this'purpoee an infu- sion of thoroughbred blood is essential. Recognizing the fore° of these appeals as well as the importance of the sub- ject, Mr, Fisher bag decided to grant assistance under certain ep'ecified con- ditions to persons maintaining thor- oughbred stallions for service in ilio Various provinees. The conditions under which assiet- ante will be given are as follows: (1) All horses on teet:ount of which aid is given by the Department must be registered in the Thoroughbred Stud Book of the Canadian National Live Stock Records. (2 Horses shall be of good size, quaI- ity and conformation and shall be free from all hereditary mieoundness; these conditions to be ensured by Aubmiesieme annually to a thorough, cat eful', eicamin=. `ation either at the 'hands Of the° Veter- inary director-general: or much other members of the veterinary staff of the department, or other personas as the Minister may front time to tinge ap- point for this .purpeee. (8) horses so approved shall be drily and properly advertised to stand for serv%ee of mares, tender the ordinary and general eonditiana usual in the die- triete in which they ere to be kept, eat an annual melee fee (baeept in the Bare of thoroughbred snares) of not more than $10 to insure, such service fee to become due and payable when mares prove to be in foal. Any person, firm or corporation, own- ing or controlling any thoroughbred stallion in regard to which all of the conditions above set forth shall have been duly and properly fulfilled, shall, on production of satisfactory evidence, thereof, and of the feet that a reason- able number of mares, other dish thor- ougbtbred mares, have been served dur- ing the season, be entitled to receive at the close of each sttelt season the suon of $250 from •Cbe funds of the Live Stock Branca. If, in the event of a horse dying or becoming incapacitated for service during the season, an ap- proved substitute is immediately placed in the same district, the Minister may, after due consideration of the circum- stances, authorize the payment of the subsidy above mentioned.. The necessary forms will be furnished on application to the Veterinary Direc- tor -General and Live Stock Commission eh, Department of Agriculture, Ottawa. DELIVERS PARCEL Goods Sent by English Aviator in Aeroplane to Olympic Passenger. Sopwith Hovers Over Mammoth Liner and Drops Parcel on Deck. New York, -July 3. --The first piece of merchandise ever delivered at sea by aeroplane fell on the upper deck of the giant White Star liner Clyne. pie to -day as she steamed through the Narrows, outward bound on her maiden eastward passage. W. Atlee' teepee. of Pltiladelphie, had contracted for delivery before sail- ing, With a New York anti Philadelphia department store, which in turn en- gaged the services of Thomas Sopwith, the English aviator. With Ricbard R. Sinclair, Secretary of the Aero Club, holding the package. Sopwith rase from the aviation grounds at Garden City, spied out the Olympic ,as she bore down the Tiudsou. timed his flight to meet her in the Narrows and set bis course over land and seta. Even from the pier end, passengers on the Olyfpie are no More than ani- mated dots of white dna black to those on shore. Presently there, was to be seen among those dote a scurrying to and fro, as of bits of paper }down by the wind. Sopwith had been sighted bear- ing down an them from aloft. Working nearer and nearer. be circled the ship, as low as be dared. hovered overhead for an instant, and then made back for shore, landing safely on the grounds of the Crescent Athletic Club at Bey Ridge. While Sopwith controlled the aern- plane. Sinclair dropped the paekege at the given signal. No word came front on 'board of whether it had land- er or not, but to those in nearby craft and to the aviators it 'teemed certain that it Ilad fader. true. "We doseeinled to a height of shout 25 feet T should Chiral( above the Olym- pic," sold Sopwith after landing, etre T stn positive the package reached its owner. We felt no distnrbence worth epeekin;; of front the ship's bot breath pouring from her great rut-amiss—only a clirht rarificatiop of the sir. wltal: eve cell a willie waw or packet, that caus- ed UR to dip perbaps twenty feet" R. • ENTRANCE 0 Fifty -One Candidates Passed [loyal Military Collage Exwrninations. Will be Admitted, According to Stand- ing, Up to Vacancies Available. Kingston deepetclh: Fifty-one candi- dates were suceetastul at the recent com- petitive examination for adtidastont as cadets to tbe Royal Military Ooii :gc, who will be admitted to the College in the order itt which they passed up to Vie number for whic'i vacancies are available. The sueeei,eftnl can.dialatcs were an lol- tama: 1.1. S. Iiattbewa. Teterboro; B. 0. Rog- ers, BBrooke--illc; C. V. 1�'essendext` l.'ett - born; J. S. 13. llexpbersotx, Otttc vas TL Melee, Toronto; C. A. Snowdon, Ot- tawa; F. 2d Gibson, Toronto; I. 13. R. stacnaughtoil, Montr'nit G. S. Foy, \\Testmocrnt; IL S. Parker, Ottawa; l:. K. Greene, Montreal; C. B. R. h;.acUon- aid, Edmonton; W. G. Kerr, Ohathant; 5T. A. Ross, )alagrath ; J. K. Crottyn, To- ronto; F. Fyshe, Montreal; J. F. Pres- ' ton, Orangeville: E. A. Whitehead, Mont- real; L. Drummond. Toronto; fl A. i' it- termaster, Chicago, 111.; N. A. Sparks, Ottawa; A. IT. A. Murphy, Broca -dile; W. H, V. V. Smissen, Toronto; D. E. A. Rispin, Chatham; H. S. Mammal Ot- ta.wa; J. O. J•. B. St. Laurent, Ottawa; W. H. Shoenberger, Toronto; C W. A. Ba.rwis, Vn.neottver; H. 0. 1). Wi1:<irc, Norwood; J. A. Dennista'.m 'Winnipeg; R. G. Crawford, Tilbury; 13. IT. T. Mae, )fenzie, . Moncton, N. B.; C. V. ,,:ltrdng, Haliftix, N. S.; D. C. Grecy, Toronto; R. t\ N. Reid, estmea.ttt, Ont.:.1. O. Leach. Toronto; A. D. Welker, Hamilton; 1". S. Rankin, Woodstock, N. B.: II. F. Beth. tine, Toronto: h;. R. W. Tfehden, Mora' real; H. E. M. inee, Toronto; rt', t). Me- Hnrtry. Montreal; W. A. 13isbop, Owen Sound; iw. t Miteaula;, Guelph; I4. 0. 0 Victoria; N. C. Nelles, '3t, .lean, P Q.: W. B. Smith, jun., Gwen Bound, d', N. Niehotsom.Vaitemver; F. V. Wroo . man, ,Wiroilpeeta R,• 1. Spencer, Various ver; ID, A. 1'. ITale, Sherbrooke, P. Q. TREATY TO END PELAGIC SEALING Concessions and Money Granted to Canada and Japan. Will Make Sealskin Coats Scarce and. Dear f©r a Time. But Will Save Seals From Extinction• -To Stop Poaching. New York, July 3.—A 'Washington. despatch says: The International fur seal conference has reached art agree - went which will effectively put an and to pelagic sealing. Only the drafting of the formal...treaty remains to be ne- eomplished, and, with an agreement on the points at issue, it is not expeetett that this will require xnue'h time. Rus- sia and the United States, who havo the only important seal rookeries, have been remartcably generous in their treatment of Canada and Japau, end 1.rn Canada, through the British sbasiea- dor, has made certain concessions front the advantage the Dominion obtained £n the earlier negotiations which were ne- cessary to the successful outcome , of the conference. The conference will end with all the parties thereto well hitt, iified with the results, and the enor- iltotts good which will result fromthe abolition of peingie sealing, whieb makes possible the practical coeserva- tion of the far seals. Under the terms of the agreeme'tt, winch is to last for fifteen years, tae (T. S.. Rnesia and Japan, will each coo tribute in skins 30 per cent, of their catch to a general fund. although the .Tapan herd isso email as to nict_ke the contribution of teat country a negligible quantity. This general fund will then he equally divided between Canada and .1apan to indemtiifr them for the lose entailed by their abrstention from me- anie sealing. Furthermore, the United States agrees to sdvence to Canada :t cult bonus of $200.000 to to used for the reitnhnrsement of the owners of the vessels engaged in pelagic sealing, but the equivalent in skins of the sunt std advt./iced will be deducted from the percentage of eateb what U. S. is to turn over to Canada in annual install- ments until the entire :]mount shall have beeu repaid to the United States. To guard agithuet poaching and il- lic£t pelagie sealing the parties to the agreement pledge themselves to Admit to tbeir entxntries no sealskins which de not bear some mark which shall identify them es hewing been taken un- der the governmental supervision of one or other of the contra.etintr pourers and to treat as contraliaed such unis1 u- tified skins as they may find within their borders. It ie further timed that steps shall be taken immediately to prevail on other mom -tries, like China, atexieo, Chili, and Norwp,y. to institute and en- force such regulations as will stake it impossible for pelade sealing to be con- ducted under their flags or the pro- ducts ibereof marketed in their ter- ritories. IN WHIRLPOOL. Bobby Leach Essayed Feat of Going Through Maelstrom in Barrel. Niagara Falls despatelt saes; The carnivel day crowd was entertained this morning by Bobby Leach, who voyaged through the Whirlpool Rapide in a bar- rel. Leach's strange cratt was towed out end set adrift on tate lower river, a short distance above the rapids. 111. the trip through the wild waves Loao:b got Lies usual tossittg ;and reached the Whirl- pool eafelye here his barrel drifted close into the Canadian shore, Leach floating in the barrel for over two hours. Thousands of eyes watched it as it was carried -around the pool, but it was not until early afternoon that it rescuing party succeeded in securing tite barrel end pulling it ashore to release lamb. Ise had not particularly suffered becatisr, of his captivity in the Whiripool, but at one time it was feared he would not get air enough to keep him alive. Leach was helped to the top of the cliff and hack to his home in Niagara, ]?'pHs, Oet:ario, the barrel being sent down the river to Queenston, where it was taketu from the water. Leach declares be will never make an. other attempt. MONTREAL BLAZE. ilontreal despatch: iVhat looked for a time as if it ;was going to be a stub- born blaze broke out at 1,40 o'clock this morning in the establishment of the Do- minion Cloak Manufacturing Company, 24.0 Lemoines et., in the very heart of tits wholesale business section of the city. The building is a four storey structure, opposite St. Helen St. The alarm being turned in from the wholeenle district brought out the full fighting streingble the Central divielon of the 'brigade. Af- ter a couple of hours hard work the fire was gotten under control. Lose pial). ebdly in the neighborboo(i of $12,000. •