HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1911-07-07, Page 51 Kt (Pr, ®''•., h en �✓' o,,� o`F /4hoA�ebe / QA D ®4 /4/0".•.. Mo ,,•a• ���,@,,, /.t- '4hQ.A GMT P nounMCD®osacomurasnassauwos aD69Goses. ffi D6ID4ia0DL1&'tODOPa 1/CPtlIM1)04110BUPONIKM1DCS'J89CPdINICCI URIA)Jby rg0.10017i1y06P'3190ID0P05971igiSa UKZOPis KTA4i,CUZADO IID,0411l)QD YLVDCDCWZDU.ONDCD GaM.tA4CMA484,00 0a67-aDagg","20",CfAfnlgO•.Li" 4P44:9PCDTN0"110WPBD"MD41 According to geo ohhj8� o yah' oVerument Esti .� s r r t de in Wester ' res Town Property during the year 1909 —__—._----! Did you participate in these huge profits or dill you "pigeon -hole" the propositions submitted to you by your western friends for future consideration ? In short, are you the man who made a profit or the unfortunate one who had the chance but did not possess sufficient judgment to recognize• the opportunity or sufficient courage to close a deal ? The man or woman entitled to sympathy' is •,the one v*ho says: "Five er ten years ago 1 had the chance to buy this or that property at $WO or $500, and now it is worth $10,000:" The average person sneers at the person who makes such a statement and says: "1 would have bought and made that money." Are you going to say five years from now that you had a chance to buy a lot at Poe, Alta., at•from $50 to $10.6 -each, or are you going to be the man who will have from $1,000 to $10,000 in cash as a result of having bought property in this town in this year of grace, 1911 ? POE A COMING COMMERCIAL CENTRE Poe is located on the main line of the Grand Trunk Pacific Railway between Ed- monton and Saskatoon. It is located in one of the finest farming districts in Western Canada. The surrounding country is settled by a progressive type of farmers and consequently will become the market centre for Northern Alberta.. Poe district possesses rich coal mines, is close to rivers and lakes and large forests, are eaaily accessible from this point. These natural resources insure for the residents of the town, first, low cost- of living, and second, great commercial activity, two essentials in the upbuilding of a large town, thus creating valuable real estate. POE ;AAS A MANUFACTURING CENTRE This townsite and contiguous territory has the requirements outlined by large manufacturing concerns for the location of large factories or large enterprises of any kind employing large numbers of people. The rivers and lakes furnish water, the coal fields and forests furnish fuel and cheap building material, the fine farming lands furnish farm products, enabling the residents to live at a low cost. The town is located on the main line of a transcontinental railway, assuring the necessary transportation facilities. These combined conditions will furnish cheap labor,•.. one of the most important features of a manufacturing centre. 5 T U O Poe townsite was recently placed on the market and already over 200 lots have been sold, and many of these lots have already changed hands at a substantial increase in price. Most of these lots were purchased by representative business men throughout Canada, who are.now profiting by their foresight. The townsite is high and dry and very suitable for building purposes. OPPORTUNITY deg is useless unless you possess the courage to act. You might possess great wisdom, you might read a good deal or travel much and thus see all kinds of opportunities to make money, but unless you have the courage to dot on your judgment and wisdom all of these a' desirable qualities are entirely useless. Lots in Poe are a good investment at present prices. The town is bound to grow rapidly. Owing to the easy terms of payment you have the ability to buy, and if you do not buy now it is because you are lacking in courage, and the chances are you will never be like the man you now admire msst, rich, courageous and wise. TORRENS TITLE Poe townsite is held by us under the Torrens system of title. Under this system the title is guaranteed by the Government, therefore absolutely safe. PRICES AND TERMS Prices of lots range from $50 to $100 each, and they can be purchased on terms of one-tenth cash, balance in,eighteen equal monthly payments; or quarter cash, balance in six, twelve and eighteen months. INFORMAT/ON We have issued an attractive circular giving full information pertaining to the town and its prospects, together with map showing lots for sale. If you wish to receive this attractive circular, cut out and fill in the attached coupon and mall it to us to -day. ‘rp,,,, ,.1t LANDS, TOWNSITES AND INVESTMENTS Uni na 4, ink ui1dir g, r unaneoWesoo scam aDmaraca =De ser-a.sa=ss Gomezes orsooserscosserassamoiessua esi,nceammg,,asseweIDais9baDQS,aII®(Ime QDaCPlacoos`A<'+DtSJtO6Ser5)GDtDritrse4' aD4TsnareucWWaD a m SCaDLl7%•?sae s=or osQ enrc=cDCl,L•^ ceeltMca camas= mcucue :twee .Dt .�.'V {DCale =w-DcosnaDemsnatmonocatsmoo rgpGOOD aI aDGE V Sit up and Take Notice Wo have on displ!a7- our New Prints, and Dress floods, Almost everything rou coul(1 wish for in Spring and. Smomor tt r. Also our ltrr•t: �t ;111 1 t' Palier:t, of t1tt+ Iat{1't designs at pcmulrtr ]aria - 0 e8. Cali andInspect Before Purchasing .l. Fi General Merchant, 13 a. A. I. E. au EDWIDGDMOVDGll9aW,2IMIDOM 9a DICMCPCIMMDa • Ti>e following is tho report of Mir. G. BlILokbell spent the 1.st of assistance vs -1i1. be ;, vet the as Right in S'(.nr bt= ., '.t :season S S No 8 Hay. for the month of July 'with friends in the vicinity. i follows; c•• the least time to . WI cult bit Tune. It is based an ilio cica;a k1r. Norman >a•aTMce 11113 returned ; (1) All horse On nee,t1 : t e'' snare sou tire ne,,t, ].l;rtiv to take m o a i� f;� !r r, Fl,% a9 ® G MEAT A ET E keep in stock a r full line of fresh. meats, ll.alns, etc. etc Our cuts "are noted for their tenderness and -YY holesomeness. Our aim is to keep nothing but the best. We make our own sausages. Give us a call. YELIESAU, 4 - ' � K IIC ER�ti, Never leave home on a journey 'without a bottle of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Rem- edy, It is almost certain to be needed •.and cannot be obtained when on board the oars or 5 team - ships. For :rale by all dealers, work and order during th3 m inth. V cl O. Truemner. Sr IV T. Kuntz, T. Miller. .lr IV Ottis Truomner, Ide Messner. Sr III L. ahnt eollor. t; Kuntz, El. Slnlroitch er, E Messner, C. W ieg*rind. L Broderick Jr III E. 1.11enr'')1dt, N 1. icer, 0. £ilii{er, t) L.tta.tinan. l3. Wiegand, N. l'lenfelttt Sr 11. it. }lt ner, d'i, Iv 1e?r 13r P r 1E A I t ''•fl -3 i1, `i' 1' i•i �('1', r i•ti I . VY. fJ:�t�)•• r -i. L. .a��t1r F!:. .Tr I't. Tr E. i+i,,r.. )7 r aSN %e Stier . Elmore lzlltnfe11•, r.. ; artniitn. Jr Pt i W. Rrr7senshire, I. Meeker, E. rire def'icir V tirub{t hve1, Teacher. SL. Mr;. 1± v^ta•;•:wail>r and stun, who have here att:^tnciing this funeral of Mr Pei: ug -las return:i•d to their home in Duluth, this week. Mr. (.i Howard and family spent the holiday in (40nerich, the guest of li1i; brother. 1\1[8101 rii)7ld,3 O Lipka:; aril Lillian StrvonS at•a h r,11 from 5 sad )rtll 0 1logi L; e Insti ate Cobwebs •n the Morning. from Guelph for the holidays, disc) ' which aid is given try toe 1;,1lDarC ' (di:1'rlluetL unit l,'ii) +t'vertil days" + , r, s-, nk.lnt inust be registered ill tl1C:l tints''. :'1,71 1:t) t, t'11tFnll)r.'rittif•'si Misses Ethel Ca.pling and - welds i rd.h4ron�r)1br. ncl stud Book of. the I s Slovens are 'home from their �'<.(ltic, C•11t11t.1", and Thar respective schools spending the 't.)1n`ddi:tn National Live. '.) �. Ut:t; l 1i iraedv tit iii =1:11 t.af,.i a elt1,ai holidays with $ll 11` parents. ; I t (oras on the first 1-ii..eil of the i (?) Horses shall be of g iod size. In spite of the intense heat nn ; quality and C )lnfc'rtnnt,r)n ntd :;:hill t (dist'ar e. a`t.f . a.i l: i y,! t.:°r:tCrd, July 1st, many 'from this vicinity i be free from all hereditary unsound' -jr•lnrne;-et1 to B arlield., some to tee j ness ; .these t'on!'itions to :lei (Instr. i B.pn 1, tr1111e otilinrs spe-i i the day . ed. by sul)Lnis i1)n anno.41 11 to a cm the Ln.ke snore at Dnvsclul': : thorough, careful t• ,11 tt;'til '.sn•t of the fii 13 ,- aln " -ye7. ! c' l e•r at the iarris of il.0 Vt-Ii:rin . linvi•lrr bntth,a.oep,... 'ate ,,,, Al ; •i,1 , tt F 1 )1rt (tr . ?ein.-rttl . l t.4: i! 11 1,. T i Cobwebs -in the head on rising in the morning is the result or a Lazy Liver, one or two mornings in succession and sick headache follows. Father Morriscy's,Liver Pills will clear the Brain. These Pills are a purely vegetable com- pound prepared with great care, and are withont doubt the very best pills for gen- eral use, 'on the market, The greatest care has been given to selecting the gredients, and being entirely vegetable, they act upon the liver and bowels in such a manner as not to disturb the other func- tions of the body as many `pills do. As a Liver Invigorator, Blood Purifier and General System Renovator, they are unequalled. Sick headache is invariably brought on by a sluggish liver, constipa- tion or irregular bowels ; these pills are a cure for sick headache in any form. Pimples, eruptions and yellow skin are often caused by a lazy liver; one pill three times aweek, will soon clear the complex- ion. --Price sec. par box, o=fd and g'uarnw+ ' ' '''ritich. B,; ', d AMENDS :,� w5717.rrr1 1L' (ti)t4 Sit) r(' 1 r in it' t113 1.1`,11 ('f 1 th" Irvint j!...a. („) ilor. r . s 1•],]1n';tt tt *1:ni1 writing. t'Tt r ir` t1t) f, b;1 it tr t 7 ' p7!r �_. ..__ �,..,�.•..��_..... l•(` drily and ],rs,l.r•1'i'r (Id ver I i-rx n' AID TO TI3OpO'J('''Bt3It D stsmil for service of hares, under� 5l ALLIONS the ordinary and general conditions f na+iul in the districts in which they ExcURSi oNt�.'i Td C aaatoia, Sa atc`liav n, Herta. ] +(j Special Trains leave Teron.o:.:. p.m. on )mils have been . . -'e t0 the boll. tee t'. (eScent in t;: t' Cti:•t' t7t ..11 (.tI.'11 k• •r� 4, 11 Pik: 2, 1?, au SEPT. U E 13, 2? 1 c • + than *1rl � ..11,.Y 11, <n t:,10, 3, `� �:., 3. 5, Sia 1-1. r in(a recent years Whine np- 411'e to he) kept. 171 an nrl_nrt ,lits( ;,.,., ' onrable ..;ytibiny Fisher. 'Minister of bred Males) o. not !loll L tl f' Agricul titre, by bOrfiemr»i anrimlq to insure, such aerylc0 few' to he. 1 % Seeoad class title, From Oau io nation to principal Normwest poInt1 at to bring, ahcmt an improveinntin come due and payablk.+ );1IV Wr:'W11 t:€ Lt OLINwest e' iP RATES the (]nality' of our light horse svock tr'ib'es ;trove to ire i.•l f,l;ll. t`s>i; i (iar, gcndreturn$3..G0: id .::ronnnd retun± r m -anal sIin tiro of opinion that for i person, firm er corporation owning E+ ,pi;,tkJy and to urs rainh,in r'oa21, Ticl:els this purpngr�-an irftieion of Thur -i or controlling any Th or milt Iiiir(•ri r it"•%utoreturn wihiaC da=rk: aoingdate. -! stallion in reg)tr:i to which, all sit I TO�1R1ST SLEEK il'dQ 1 CARS eoguilra!1 b.00ri is. -[wase Its ia.l. e t ,. i oa ail fSCtlrrlans. Comfortable berth,. fully cauip•.ed' cOrrnizin!; tho for Ce Of theseapneals : the conditions above ove ' t forth :Bill wit1, bL+lding,caolx ecuredzlmaucrytsr tcDtbroug6 As well as tlita 'importance of the t have been c'nly and. properly f'aifll• 1aaa1 agent. :ub,ject, Mr.Fisher hes de•.ided t'5 lea, sh1Llt l prokinctl”-n 1,i` itis. Early application must be made r*rn.nt ,n4siptance under certain !factory e 'once thereof and of the. 1 AAs eon �+p esmEt'Erts.r,PA �SPHLe3" specified COndittOf5 to persons' fact t ttltlt tL reasonable number of -1 Apply toeaa) l roaeaaRantorlaR.L.TF±Gsaptoa. I t t inin'; Thoroughbred stal !mares.' other than Thoroughbred ! Da. Pass. AO., 7.`aranta. liortti For service in the various l mares, have been served during the j ONLY DIRECT LIIIE NO ORANGE OF OARS provinces. In deciding' -upon this! r:,'ri on, be entitled to receive at the I �.�^"..`--, to the. A'tinioter Iles been 1t�rgelp 1 e to r-1 of each such season trio stem influenced by'. the feat that while of `r;'2t.1() 00 from the funds of the stallions of other recognizes breeds Live Stack Branca. If, -in the event; when incapable hands•,` areas • a rule fairly profitable, this is seldom the case with regard to the Thorough- bred, the advantages of breeding to horses of this elass being unfort- n>:i'ttely not fully realized by the present generati9n• of Canadian farmers, The 11tek. in . eitr light horses of the quality -derivable only from the infusion of Thoroughbred blood is the subject 4f adverse ours ment by all Itllropean horsemen Stock Commissioner, .Department t^ilii visit the Dominion with r of Agricuitnre, Otta't�L. View to investigating. its poasibilit•• i 1 ld for the ror.baso of C1'1 0 :2 i poses or for ordinary sa (ld 1F or raw �� ll ]lave made arrwige"1e:lty to offer the following low clubb..lg of a horse dying or becoming in-.; capacitated for service during the l season, an approved 'iubstitnle is immediately placed in the .a rue ! district, the Minister may. niter due consideration of the c/ire.itn- stttnces, authcr1•.. the ]?-;yrment, of the subsidy above mentioned. The necessary forms Willie fur- nis1iedon application to °i.a Veter- inary Director General s.^�^.;: Live lee as; tL ea h,) w. t `. s horses whether for military pclr ,-.� Harness use. In that connectiob it rates with 'I` se kiLlzALv Daily Globe $ 4•'J}• Mail & Empires _ 4.;;: I 'onkiy Globe . . 1•.00 itXti:il R Empire 1.00 Berliner ;Tournal (German) `2.50 Family Herald. 85 Star . 1.75 Daily' Advertisor 2.75 Weekly Adverb; Or Weekly Sun l .75 1? armf. z'8 Advocate 21255 should be remeinberedl. that while horses for the last named, or in fact, for any of these 1)urposes, may well be bred from tiirps otbe^ than Thoroughbred, it is of import - snots that on the side of -the date there shnnld, in order to pr duce the hest results, be in such cases, a strong adiniuture of Thoroughbred blood. The conditions tinier Which. TL1111�av u� � v Cr'I t �. B i 01111 at `file 3,tiissey- ]//'. Il.l1i;+t O tli' r, A.. t'il t ties i`,•Alf?ii f()i iicillSCl\ to. Vo 111:30 l'..1111110 e -,r n � i 4"n e Engine. All repairing l91'o11111i.l 'Mended- ended to, S. Whyte, ;( ' &1.2.SSE"i' Lth R1i1� i . t U