HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1911-07-07, Page 1Vol„ XL 4 The Official Organ of Zaricb. and Hay Township ' FRIDAY MO 11N G LY 7 , " eineereeree.ertreesstl,4-04-vAnssenteemene 7..re.IM:e.S=se•=le-neireS,=a-ra.Y.4e.11=.4.SL!'...10'.e.70eset-MeZne'e-stelr.S.1=i0 stones 4 • , • tele Zin re1 This k our first Summer Clearance Sale. The goods listed v below must be sold it /Low prices N fdwill do it. Ihe quaUty can not • be surpassed and every item is a • bargain. If -kio-1 are wise you ,,, V t.; 51, will not miss th9s chance. t, ?, 4 (4-,- en V i',14VT ii LADIES' WIIITE WAISTS Rif.GULAR. $2.50 for *.00 2.25 2.25 for J.75 i.00 for 1.50 1,75 for 2.25 1.50 for • Lit) 1,13 for 00 t.00 for 75 75 for 50 50 for 05 cc • C LC ct &C C cc C 4 4 C A.A 4 L c • C • & C • • *L,4 each g C • • C 17N ee Bargains Gowns, .Skirts, (wor= set Covers, Drawers, etc. LOCA. • tre-erseereaesze , ienerzie-e.enetens eels 4‘\4 Miss lasexie 74'6-24 Visitecl friends in Loedon, over'f.r4aclay, The rieW cemenee °Walks will all be completed, tte.', week. Do not het he,13cat up your cattle, spray thc with MOMS fly chaser, for salsetti. Mr. Frank' t:4e-sisenb Fry of Berlin is in to -sit -4441:k; week. . • Bliss Mollie 17,1rUtiietif Chicago, is visiting her mOthetie'Mrs. Henry Wurm, and otheilii•Uiet'lle tora few wektelaesi; aro othO'Ice' siing binder twine, brit if yeti 1alit tine best at lowest prices, eV ;1;',11.1";•;,, Mr. Ales:eon see family, or T.o'o I'1,tis part of the oonn .111,e,1 They were in to Miss Myrta wood was the4ee Muriel Pieetern'V: 'Set thi.- week. e: and Mrs: -e visited the lei:, and Mr. J. F. holidays. Mr. Alfreti.P. beautiftel. sol church see.rice Alfred has. .' tend 1112 FAnr.41,11,.„ atCa. JEQK.. - . NN'e have decided to eivier out the balance- of: our 'Moos' .2 piece Summer Slide. Cali -anywny we cail suit you. 6 :REGULAR $8.50 and 8.00 Yens Snits for 0.00 each 4 . 1 0. 004 • 4 I for 7 00 " for 8.00 " tt 11.00 L & 44,44.4r44.44444•44A ..vart.....-14441.4.14:041444Ara44444=4........,,.......a....sataitamorilv•=04.4:1got.3444.141:14.1.4.,—,Atssaa •rairm••• .4 ' .• ,A) SalE, EXTRA bering. :Make a Doteor theee. c fo r...., „.., v; A 1 cs' 4...) li inkee 1 .1-1S--4 e...5 • CF They are well worth remon- , Ladies' Hose 3 pair for 25cts extra 2 pr 25ets Ladies' Vests 3 for 23cts extra 2 for 2,5cts 7sIens cotton Sox 3 pr for 25ets extra 2 for 25cts Fancy Sox 25c and. 50c pair Boys Blouses 50e, Boys Knickers 50c Fancy Dress Shirts 50e and 73e. each Summer Vests regular 1,25 to 2.00 to clear at 1.00 RIG 13 KRGAIG S in Mens' and Boy's Fine Straw Hats to clear 4344444.m4ras.•44Autowerwor.r.A.4.444,4r:4444..4,44.,44.143.1444444.144•44044•444•44..........4444.44 COAL All persons desiring coal for July dt livery kindly leave your II order at oece. Quality guaranteed. . Terms on coal are stiictly cash. tatuotanuaseaximaitemosamenec&4444.44 e4442444.4.4maerneream4444444,,464424.4444.444.4 S ,. il 9 easotka, e Hardware Perfection Oil . Stoves Scythes, Snathes 0 lay Fork Ropes 0 • Washing 1114chines 0 Floor Varnishes and Floor Paints, - etc. 0 tecowtaMismeeacf•rana,rnS,1011Ona*a&C*01nam.raa....n. ; :Manson end .• • eeptouring this their auto. Tueeday. nate, of Dash +rAt ' of ittliss, a few slays, :row of Becten, ,,:parette, Mr. 0 -ell, over the "- • of Ler don nang • t; the Lutheran -tinday evening. bass voice; kaneit itepre.ci- ' N049 hasthbeethneTio.eof1,,:t:;;;i'lli,'"'::;.4.4:1.f.st, tif)v,ese,en- tlatinvcsi scplroetrYtio'eds'c''uT)elt '41'4:1?;0''1'ftrs'inin''' reeci7).%1 of the sun. 1i0. : leidly needed. to cool the atm.ote4le'teee. Serains reeetairiis careful treat • nee lit . „Keep, ., ..ct pie t and. apply ' Chanaberle in 'S. Liedleent freely. It will remrive '.elle - s revises, and quickly reete ee .,1:•SeS ,parrts to 11 1 healthy condi. eill,;7:.: for sale by all dealers. '; • 't:::.- . On Friclay.'"atet,,Heision a fre start ..,_,::.-,,, 7•48z:o..,,,ME .4.•,5' ..-S, ITS (L1 Ilere'we' are with rien's - Steel Shoes 'The Shoe that Never Needs Repair - We have a fine u1-to-dato range Of Nees Tin Shoes and :Tan OX - f• rds. These shoes are among the leading shoes in Tans. If You have .eot peechased why not follow the crowd to this shoe store. 'Woman's Shoe§ of all description sold bore at reasonalile prices. This is the spot • se hey a Trunk er Suit Case. Call and st•e me 'Adieu in town. No trouble to show goods. Repairinp' Butter and egg's talier e::eliang9 !FA rir4 ?IA ths , N 444*44-*44.44,4 4444,4444. 44,444.44m4.,~..4 -404. 44.44 • Miss Fanny Preeter visited I :teeputrr„ eeeeees- I F rlin, friend in Beeter. last weed:. ',spent the holietne with hie family • Dir. and Mrs, Wes Sehellig of in tewe, Detroit are <netting ie thie eection. yes eeeeb letnitb of Detroit Tr Bertiberdt, and 11ic4A SC4111.1tZ VISitiCIF2: her pare:lee, .1.n. atel ot Preeton. ere yieleing tit the Jb ort Lutheran Po rsennees DE.:.tittee.ai 1 N ' 1? 1itu N;i::11:44.1111t, .110troit el -r t; -;tit .0;1;1.41,1)1;1 ff-,f2 Berlin, Vapor renne mudit f"110e eared on relatives anti friencle 13.o11 c°°l'ing• fr'ral C.Itareil)' 1 in t„een, over the a,.)1i.41 Mr. Menno Lleyer of Baden vieit- • ed his parents, Mr. end Mrs. Jacole A young mon soiling from AIeyer Sr., ever tinntley. n neigh borin e county wae lap before Magist re to slnith here, on Wed - Miss Eleenor Hartleib. of ter- 314zsda7 ow tolttrite beirrr, ming in. Calttl,th'.-7i.Siti7 her pa 7.Fcrents, :z",'Ir:. 1-0,,ct,nt., ,n An u C.Tta go and causing a, and–Airs. C. Ellctii4it'' l'cir " fel distnrbenee 417; the village .of 'Blake weeks. on the 21th. of ;lune The defend. The price Ind,' by IVe• E. Anne tett pleaded not ;guilty, although for 11,11-r• Jae(i) Ort.$ 11'oror1Y, \\44' klaillititfro; lin was drunk. There '2.000.00, not Winne:et a reporied Nye,: sminciene evidenve bronght last week. not to Convict him and he wan lined Mrs. J. Ti. Wing ifr Berlin, •f 0. . ;1'10 0) :ane 0.4st,c, Conetable White- vompanied I y Her denghter, is i fide ef Lenstill'had charge of the visiting with her 'mother .V.rs. I ease. Philie Bine eh eke t,tha rear/ • ;On Deeher'iiwethng on s ait fairei,74ota• but for the ttreely ed called from ttrii7t1 by teleplione,the • house and contents world have- been bnrned up As it enee, tieetedamega to ' the wood 11,edsled is Considerable and is covered'hy ineirtrande. , The life is snepesed to have been caused by a spark from the ehininey lodging into some dye •wo A., 14I1. Decher wishes to thank those who render- ed snoh timely Ilene in putting out til) fire. %sou hrene tiny furnIteire that let • -Zsniet slitsdnert.e.leitsts gi o e.tennte .'coat of La.ceeneret,-. which will Malta: s•• jeet like new. 1octets worth. will'. • Miss Pani of Pigeon, Mich., 1 visiting Mrs, Warm and other relatives in this section. She is a grand daughter of John Foster, untie time resident of. town. • TRIP TO TIM WEST -Tilly 4th, 1011 .44.4444.4410.0 do SIX chairs, at flarCeile's, Mrs. Geo ;Eckel and son Walter and Mrs. Aaron Stenaler end de -twitter Ruby, of Platteville; and Mrs. \\ T. Siebert of Dashwood, spent Monday at the home of J. Preeter. To readers of Trne FitRALD The :Metal held on Monday even. On nay trip to the West I had ing on the Pareenege grounds rms occasion to meet a number of peep- well attended. The receipts were le, who care well known here elvent $1.15.00. Tony Vita's Among them were Mr, August orchestra of London. furniehed Wagner, Mr. and Mrs. Moses Berth. splendid rltS:0. The name quilt I tel of Winnipeg, Mr, nSinintri was stele, by unction for 825 -re. Mr. Finkbeiner, of iilverton, and 2dr. J. 3. Monier being the purchaser. Fred Kibler, Of Listowel, both the latter being on atrin to see the NOTICE country. At Regina1 saw Mr. and Mrs. B.Paulin, Mr. A. G. Bleir formerly barrister a.teederich. Mr. 1 hereby give :soave that nay Sem Swavze and Rev, Bror i At wife, Blizzebeth Batter, having ee • this city 1 aleo met Mr. Angels, Moritz, formerly of town, but now one of the state.legialators of North Dakota, Mr. Morite resides at DI -es den N. 1/, and' was at Aberdeen Sask,, on business, where he elm Mr. David Schnell, and who he re- ports at4. being Well pleased with his location. David is in the livery hastiness at Aberdeen. At Swift Current I met - 1.41r Alonzo Fee, formerly of this township, and Air. Andrew, at one time a driver of the Exeter egg wanton but now in business in the above town. Com mg to Calgrry, the first I looked up was Mr, Charles Boesenberry and family. Charlie is working at th tinsmith trade: in summer and is holding down a homestead and pre eMption. 10 winter. which when he gets his deed ought to be worth at least $8000.00. I also met Battier Weil, sCrt of Mr. and Mrs. nes he is doing well. 1.19.r, T. B Regular $1.5o, Si.75 and $2.00 1.-Iernian Well, and from •appearan Kelly of Barisal' is also at Calgary at present. Mr. Charles Dick, brother of We. R. N. Douglas of Blake is in this hustling city and is reeking good in the real estete business. Crops in all three West- ern provineee promise well, al though in some parts the rains Move been excessive, though this condition is .Inore desirable than • e •lv dry conditions. Columns o uld bi written of this great Western 0°1101.7,w:A the only wee, to get an, idea f its greatness and weal tie 40d prisperity iq ty8 per. Sonal The Editor PRODUCE TAKEN U EXCHANGE iyoarnemmtlfmirettiMievr,ilarnli....rnpraorler&M•a•ns&rallinalmnyrnas+MEIvi..11.4t•Delurem&nn N 4S) V r.Mkr r,9 Telephord 9 ZURICH1 34:34,070 31:51(41066430M147:32a3+rate$301:309300=181:1* without- cause lett my bed end board, 1 will not be responsible for any coutracte entered into or debts inourrediby her in my name or pledging eny credit. Detect at Zurich this 2ilth day of June 1011. FIanry Bauer, Sr. :UCKY is die inan wEo 4 owns a Waltharae—but only the man who has car- ried a Waltham Watch for thirty or forty years knows what a fine investment a good Naltheen is. "It's Tillie You 'Owned a Waltham!! Corse in and talk watch with us. ^We are headquarters for Waltham 'Watches and carry a complete assortment of all grades. lk* tt I Lei '4) jeyircliic 13, 2.;;URFiCEL ro,q rb Rfct,t R-1 'ilte 1.1 wrionkrall•mstarin,1115,1•0./.......nr••••41..Weanig‘grAgnenesiiii.....rnew e -411w ser It • 1i▪ 4 1J Wn are showing all th.e nen-est lines of Women's and Men's Simmer Shoes fos warm weather. A lot of Womens Olttords wliioh 'We are now selling at a great bargain. For $1.00 Just the Slices for summer wear. Come before SL7C15 are an gone Try us when you need A Trunk or a Suit Case Butter and Eggs Taken in Exchange, • 9 e cf Good Shoes