HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1911-06-30, Page 84
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The Zurich Herald.
this store? No! To bad you
Did you ever buy overalls at
have been missing the best. We
bank en our overalls, so do the
mei that wear them. We have
taern h al; styles, for all classes
of work. Can't tell our Overall
Etory here for its a long one. We
guarantee every pair of Overalls
sel]. `Are.' carry a full he
of all 3orts of working men's
,BIIS2O-a.133MSUC4S41.M.YAMYL, 0..GPOSSO4a.AlAg nag.,
11 OW
immense liGgiery Values
If you do noi lay In a season's supply
y,11 S 111 1111SS it rare clnInce.
Bla,7k eotton, plain full fashioned. all sizes,
per pair 10 cents or 3 pair for .25 cents.,
In blue and -white or brown and white,
good work sox, 10 cents per pair or 3 pair for
25. cent..,
Smart Waists for Su- miner wear
earn.c2tly ask your inspection, knowing
Pah Wkeil 11'10(11,t 'Cue right of these handsome
upt'di your 7-,T1ree stri1;:,1, to see
them Is to vant olft- 3.-nul..e
t.'3urnmer thd2.erwear
Underwear is a suLject, that we give
special attention to. That is why you find
every good sort here. We 11.1',3 well prepared to
meet the ,spring demand for moderate prices,
good fitting, satisfavtion Underwear. We have
them all weights, from the finest made down to
the splendid values in medimn grades.
NTs eckwear and Belts
We have everythiug. that is New in Ladies
Neckwear and _Belts. You 1,N find everything
that is new and dii‘ferent dplayed here. All the
very cleverest idea are new, smart. tasty and up
Y. to date.
Millinery ReductioD
We have decided to clear out our Millinery
stock early this season, theiefore we have placed
hurry -up prices on all shapes, And Trimmed
Hats. Come early and seure first choice.
1 oetvader.a.....extostatatrravanrummamarrcortnamisa.arrantranunernmotoommessams.sulerzo—
gllest prices paid for all
kinds anima Produce
We have not
sold out our
Business yet
We are still
forging ahead at the Old
The following are some of our lines
we keep in stook
Plows & Repairs
Percival No, 10-13, Fleury's
No. 21e0ockshutt all kinds, Wilk-
inson all kinds, Land Rollers.
Implements & Repairs
Binders, Blowere, Cultivators
(best, Tirade) Hoe Drills, Disc Har-
roWs (best made)
Enreka, Onion Seed Drills for all
seeds, Eureka Fountain Spray-
ers best in the inarket, Gar-
den Cultivators, Lon-
don's Hay Tracks,
London's Barn
Buggies, Carriages,
All our own make.
51r. Wes Merner. cit Elmira is
renewing old frienclehips
Mr. Bender and son Waiter.
are Visiting relatives in Michigan.
• Get a pair of boys canvas shoes,
aleo boys and youths lacrosse
shops at 50 cents a pair. C. Fritz.
Satteday, Dominion Day will be
a public holiday. All places of
business will be closed.
Rev': G. Brown attende:1 the
cemp-rneetiegs held at Normandy
over Monday.
Come and see owe bergairis tef
summer shoos et lees then
price. Seine in the North window
az $1. C Fritz,
The.cenens enumeratnre fr,- pr,11
No 3 and 4, Znrieli, were in 17.ixeee
laet Friday making their reperts.
Tbe•poptilation of Zurlon at p' --'i
ent is 5^,716 '0,N:en:ling to the. return:4
Two rinks of local bewlers
journeyed to Hensall, (in Tneeeley
en; en2iceee and -were given e, f ri n dine
gay. -The result was 20 up fcr
N LeeFloffmils mot with an
ienfetnnate aeditlent,. on Tries:day
He wa,3 e.ssitting in blasting seine
blocks with powder when a pharae
Ne,exit off pre in a tn r e ly with 010
reeult. brat his bands and face were
terribly barn.
While those attending the
er:Li of the lute Peter Douglas were
on their tray to the Bayffeld
cemetery on Mondiry, an auto-
meltile was 711't on the rrmtl anti zt
n 'amber of smash rips tw ul
The driver of the auto did not seem
to know enough to sten until the
processton had passed. The number
of the 'machine was taken and
legal ercceeding, may result.
Editor Hera]d—I the undersigned
wish to thank the people ef the
Township of Hay, and of the vil-
lage of Zurich., from :be bottom of
heart, for the sympathy and for
the liberal and substantial help
givenme as assistance in helping
me to rebuild my new barn whioh
bad been destroyed by a storm a
few days after it had been finished.
Hay ,June 27th, 1911.
Joe 1-3adoter.
We have ju;t received a ship
merit of steel Snoes, come nrd ee
them '0. Fritz.
Zuric9 n
Telephone 28
Celebrated Broad ay
CLOD -114i
X1CKY, is the man who
31-4 owns a Waltham—but
only the man who has car-
Waltham Watch
"lor thirty or forty years knows
what a fine investment a good
;Waltham is.
"14 Time You 'Owned a Waltliam."
Come In and talk watch with us.
lire arc headquarters for Waltham
',Watches and, carry a complete
assortment of all grades.
jeweller, ZURICH
The general public will take notice that 1 arndoing business in •
Exeter iu the line of purchasing all kinds of scrap.
Highest Market Prices Paid for •
Scrap Iron, Rags, Rubbers, Copper,
- • Horse Hair, Etc.
All purchases to be delivered to J. PREETER'S HARDWARE,
ztraiou, where the cash will be paid or trade given. Orders for
collection of scrap may be left at the same store, prompt attention
will be given.
N Wexler, - Junk Dealer, Exeter
e, fli'47,1 rt:412 :55.
k44pri'l ' il.X.
1,, I
(The third of veer life is enent in bed
1r. should bo spent, in perieet 'repose, the t reqtful, lwalthy,
benencqui whieb Drov,ts lutinty r -en every earo,
Do v'n so sr,e-nil It? ost.Hq•innor U ure17 help Yon!
It,s nBnilt for Sleep" Other mattress 2 piece front $3.60 up.
A full r-:4-ock of all kinds of
to choose from at prices just a little cbesper than the ordinary run.
Terms Cash or Trade at Cash Price
;111 Lis," Teere... ei'l7tle
peioeitr. 3
ZURiCt`'..tizrof 0 Al La. Len, ce
Just to hand. Bring in
your orders. Close pilce
urichs Most
Date Store
As we purchased the Ltock from D. S. Faust we cordially invite
yon to come and look gver our etock. In taking stook we found some
Odds and Ends which we mast clear out at a very low price. Here are
a few of our bargains.
Ladies Waists.—Reg price 75c,
1.00, $1.25, for . 4'Se
Ladies Dark colored silk wale ts
Reg price $1 00, $1.25, for 25e
12 dos Pr Hose,—Reg price
150, for (per pin lin
350 yds ribbon to clear at a
yard 3c
About 30 yds gingham for
aprons.—Reg price 1Sc, for a
yard 10e
2 dez Door Mats.—Reg price 25
1(1O7 Men'e Shirts —Reg prion
$1.00, for .... . . 85o
3 Rain Coats.—Reg price $7,00
1 only Rain Coat.—Reg price
$9.00, for $7. CO
About 3 dos Straw Fiats to sell.
at 10c
About 6 dos Caps to sell, at
A ig Reduction on all the Ladies'
Trimmed Hats.
All kind of Freeh Groceries always kept on hand.
Produce taken in Exc,hange.
Faust's Old Stand,
For Sale at once -200 ace, Stanley
3rd Con 3 miles hoax Clinton, School
40 rod. In good state of cultivation, 100
acres in grain, 10 acres Alfalfa, 22 acres
in bush. Pont,, hay and pasture, large
stone house two storey, slate r of, cement
floor furintee, wood shed cistern,
telephone. One barn 05X55 wind !nil],
pumper, waterworks, stabling for 40 head
cattle and homed. Sacolie bare 56x40
Hay, barn 5045. .Apply to Malcolm
MeEwen, box 515, Clinton'.
Cook's Best Flour. . 2.75
Wheat •Y•V•• "S."
Oftte , . • .. 30 30
Barley ...,.. 60 70
Peas., ....
'Hogs liveweight........ 6,1:5
80 80