HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1911-06-30, Page 1to io thy, eon l r tin SO' ;5 re I1� The .Oficial organ` of Zurich, and Hay Township Vol. XI. FRIDAY MMMORNItNG.:"JUNE 30, i'91NO 48 1,, This is our first simmer Clearance Sale. The goods listed ul (below must be bold if low prices 'g will do it. 1 he quality can not w be surpassed and every -item is a bargain. If you are wise you w will not miss this chance. • 25O Waisis i V 2.0 LADIES' wiirrE WAISTS REGULAR $2.50 for :$2.t 0 •C iL of ii cc Cls•CC CC CC CC GC CC CC CC ii iC CC .i CC fi C• ii ..?5for 1.73 1,60 2.25 1.10 it0 75 ;la 2.00 for 7.75 for 7.50 for 1,15 for 1,00 for .75 for GO, for each .i rgah is in Gowns, Skirts, Cor= set Covers, Drawers,' etc. o 'MENS' `" UITSR $6.00 e have decided to clvtrr out the balance of our Mens' 2 1,% piece Stammer Sluts. Call anyway we can Suit you. REGULAR $8,50 and 8.00 Mens Suits for.6.00 each 10.00 ii it for i 00 is cc 11.00 i " for S'0' ' Ci SO1'E EXTRA SPECIALS bering. Ladies' Hose 3 pail for 25cts 6 ` " extra 2 pr 25ets Ladies' Vests 3 for 25cts era c " extra 2 for 25cts Mens cotton Sox 3 pr for 25cts " extra 2 for 2cts Fancy Sox 25c and 500 pair Boys Blouses 50e, Boys Knicker8 50e Fancy Dress Shirts 50c and 75c each Summer Vests regular -1,25 to 2.00 to clear at 1.00 Make a note of these. They are well worth retnena.- BIG B AF GA1GS ill Mens' and Boy's Fine Straw Hats to deaf COAL l0 All persons desiring coal for July delivery kindly Ieave your 3•t order at once. Quality guaranteed. Terms on coal are strictly cash. 1. 30 60 80 Sri VP n ug Seasiabe Bar are 1 0 0 Perfection OilStoves Scythes, Spathes lay Fork Ropes . Washing :" achines Floor Varnishes and Floor" • Paints, etc. PRODUCE TAKEN Hi EXCHANGE J.Preeter, Telephone f► loot* otsOzot 3t# 300 30k3Qif if £i F 36 3 r I a` ZURICH! r3iRadTaQ"?rd^. LOCAL' NEWS. Another oar sdtd , 'of -'.Star" brand cement to keeecl.' ,J. Preeter. Potatoes wanted at otee. J. J. Merger. F e'r silverware : try ,tis, Prices right. F. W: Hesse Auotidii Sale of ; ref ehoid forme tura, etc.,. in Zurich ' on Saturday, luly 8th, the property. Of Elizabeth Hess. Mr. and Mrs • Ja eb eed.#b Ir. and Mrs Stoskopf of Jiro ell, visited at the home of Mr 13, over Sunday. .:4' ' Mr. E Axt returnee from. Lon. don last week, whee he was assisting his son -in lzt` v in the butcher business. , Mr. E.. Shore,.principai of the Dashwood School, was examiner at the entrance extimrttkktions here this week. Mr. W. (3 Beaton was the presiding a asrlier at the Crediton school. A large number of this village attended the funel" of John Voelker, on Siinduy 4ternoon. Mr. Voelker had many eon friends in this section Who regret bis demise. Mr. E. Appel bee, nerclrased the property of Mr. Jacob Ort of this village, the purchaSo';: Price being :x,1500.00. Mr, and Mrs.; Ort intend to move to the "Bronson Line. where they will live :.with their son in.lrtw,, Mr. A. Melia'. Another ;rant of $250.00 has been grade by 'the., Dominion government trwarde the work of grading the hill totbe'lteke at Let. .Tosepli. With the aid cif this money the forerri:tii John LST)brte, expects to left the hill ip such shape that anyy load pain be hatzloCe up it. On Friday June 23rd, tie death took place at his '1 r yin Dash. rf 6c) yearn, 7 si.xi ..i and 3'days. i The deceased was out iiend around the day before his deati:r, but he had been troubled with his heart for some time and this ultimately caused his death. . Mr. Voelker was widely known and respected in Dashwood and in Tay Township and the attendance at .his funeral was large. eTe was for some years a councillor for this township and no took a deep interest in public affairs. He leaves to mourn his loss two sisters, Mrs. Ball and Mrs. ti Hess. and one brother William, of Michigan. The :'uneral• took place on Sunday •afternoon to the Evangelical cemetery, Rev. Mr. Burns, of Crediton, officiating. Conrad F. Wagner, a former resident of Zurich, who has made his hoose in Grafton, N, .D.. for the last number of years,' died at the Drayton hospital, on Friday June 16th,.frbm intertrtil injuries. He was assisting with the erection of some new .buildings, -when in some way a plank struck him in the abdomen He continued about the work but later in the evening complained 'of pains, which grad really grew•worse causing his death. He was born in Germane in 1836, coming to Canada when nineteen years old. He settled in Waterloo i ouaty and later moved to Enron county where he was married fifty years ago to Elizabeth. Schnell. Eight children were born to , this union. The wife of his youth died many years ago He had singe been married to Mrs. 13api:el, also of this seotion, who with his children survive him. Another of the pioneers of Huron county departed this lite last Sat, urday morning, in the person of Peter Douglas of Blake, at the age of i7 years. He was taken sick on Wednesday of last week and the cause of ‘his death was a stroke Of apoplexy, Mr. Douglas was widely known having served as di -motor on the board of the Hay Mutual (fire Insurance (Jonipany for many years and he also was a member of the license commissioners for South, Huron for a number of years. Some years ago- he retired from the active work of fanning to live in Blake, where he took life in a more leisurely manner. Iris uprightness and honesty had gain- ed for himself a host of warm friends, who all regret his death. Be was a faithful Presbyterian in religion and a staunohj Liberal in politics. He leaves to mourn his loss his widow and ten ohi!drrn, who now live in various parts of Canada. The funeral was held on Monday, interment taking place ir" the Byfield cemetery, 'We do Here we are with e' en's Steel Shoes The Shoe that Never Needs Repair .We have a fine u1; -to -elate ranee of Mens Tan Shoes and Tan Ox - f rils. These shoes are among the leading shoos in Tans. If you have not purchased why not follow the. crowd to this shoe store. Woman's Shoes of all description sold here at reasonable prices. This is the spot so buy a Trunk fir Suit Case. Call and see me when in town. No trouble to show goods. Repairing Butter and eggs taken in exbhange ll� ISSI eep 1R1 ti LUOh TJE- HERAK On Sunday the 2nd of July St. Petr is Lutheran church, will celebrate its 60th anniversary. The rnarn'i.rr service will be cond'iotett in german. - The Revs F. Veit from Tavist,"cls, end E. 3Veudnerfft:r of klenstadt, being the officiating, ministers. The English evening sermon will be preached by Rev. A. Gillntann of Listowel. The offering at both serriees, will he for the benefit of the Lutheran congregatioa. All are cordially invited to attend. In connection with the jubilee service, a lawn social will be held under the auspices of the Ladies' Aid. in connection with St. Peter's Lutheran church, on Monday the 3rd of July, commencing at 8 p, sharp. Refreshments will be served by the ladies and inneic will be furnished by the Tony Vita Orchestra, of London. A beantiful quilt made by the Ladies' Aid, will also be for :elle on • that occasion. Ad- mission will be 15 cents for adults and LO cents for children. A hearty invitation is extended to all. s and W me s SUMME Wn are showing all the newest lines of Women's and Men's Summer Shoes fos warm weather, A lot of Womens O.iort's wLi3l1rte are now selling at a great bargain. Regular 1.5o, $1.75 and $2.00 For $1.00 .lust the Slices for summer wear. Come before sirs are all gone Try us when you need A Trunk or a Suit Case Butter and Eggs Taken in Exchange, RS/ The I-lome of Good Shoes ich Parties having potatoes, bring them in at 'once, J. Preeter. Mrs. (Dr.) (3. Buchanan of Toronto, visited relatives here over Sunday. NOTICE, 1 hereby give notice that my wife, Elizabeth Bauer, having without cause left my bed and board, r will not be gess) ansitle for any oontraots entered inti or debts inonrred by her in my naane or pledging my credit. Dated at Zurich this 26th day of June 1911. Henry Bauer, br Mrs. Alfred Faust of ., Lewiston, Idaho, is visiting relatives here at present. For Sale -12 acres of gra=s to out for hay and 4 acres oats. Apply- Henry pplyHenry Bauer, sir. Found—A sum of money in Zurich. Owner oan have same by calling on A, Mittelholtz, •+plr.p—.. NOTICE, Any person or persons trespass- ing or picking berries ~ on my premises will be•preiseoated for the nil extent! of the lfW. Joe Iran:.