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HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1911-06-16, Page 8T
Did you ever buy overalls at
this store? No! To bad you
have been missing the best. We
bank on our overalls, so do the
men that wear them. We have
taem in all styles, for all classes
of work. Can't tell our Overall
story here for its a long one. We
guarantee every pair ©f Overalls
we ,sell. We carry a full line
of all sorts of working men's
Immense Hosiery Values
If you do not lay in a season's supply
now you will miss a rare chance.
Black cotton, plain full fashioned, all sizes,
per pair 10 cents or 3 pair for 25 cents.
In blue and white or brown and white,
good work sox, 10 cents per pair or 3 pair for
25 cents.
Smart Waists for Summer wear
We earnestly ask your inspection, knowing
full well the affect the right of these handsome
styles will have upon your purse strings, to see
them is to want one or more of them.
Summer Underwear
Underwear is a subject, that we give
special attention to. That is why you find
ev€iy good sort here. We are well prepared to
meet the spring demand for Moderate prices,
good fitting satisfaction Underwear. We have
them all weights, from the finest made down to
the splendid values in medium grades.
Ladles' Neckwear and Belts
1 ,a ,' We have everything that is New in Ladies
Neckwear and Belts. You will find everything
that is new and different displayed here. All the
very cleverest idea are new, smart, tasty and up
to date.
Millinery R,Elluctiol
We have decided to clear out our Millinery
stock early this season, therefore we have placed
hu.r1'y-up prices on all shapes, .And Trimmed
Hats. Come early and secure first choice.
ighcst prices paid for all
kinds of Franrodiwe
uric 9 rio
Telephone 28
Celebrated Broadway
01We"to ream tu' cilantro. z,.nvl.,ron
We have not
soldout our
Business yet
We are still
forging ad at the Old.
The following .are some of our lines
we keep in .stock
Plows a Repairs
Percival No. 10.18, Fleury's
No. 21, Cockshutt all kinds, Wilk-
inson all kinds, Sand Rollers.
Irnplea'rerits Repairs
• Mowers, Cultivators
(best ruade) H.oe Drills, Disc Her.
rows (best matte)
Eureka Onion Seed Drills for all
seeds, Eureka Fountain Spray-
ers best in the market, Gar-
den Cultivators, Lon-
don's Hay Tracks,
London's Barn
Buggies, Carriages,
Wagons •
All; our ;own make.
One-third of your life is spent in bed.
1t should be spent in perfect repose, that sweet restful, healthy.,
beneficial sleep, which proves a balmy relaxation trout every care.
Do you so spend it? If not, the Oateroaoor .will surely help yon 1'.
It,s ''Built for Sloop" Other mattress 2 piece from $3:00 up.
,21:04o 't forget the "Lacqueret'
emonstratioii at C. Eartleib's
Zurich, on Wednesday, June 21s
It is reported that the 1t,dt'iber
shop of A. Hdighoffer wrbroken
into some time clikis,vg Tuesday
night and a. sum 4.frthoney stolen
No trace of the guilty person has
been found.
For once -900 acres. Stanley
u"rd Con 5 miles fiotat Clinton, School
40 rod. In good sate of cultivation, 100
acres in grain, 10 acres Alfalfa, 22 acres
in bush. Rent; . htay and pasture, large
stone house two storey, slate roof, cement
floor in cellar, furnace, wood shed. cistern,
telephone. One *earn 85x50 wind mill,
pumper, .waterworiss, stabling for 40 head
cattle and fl ";horses., Second barn Ctx40
Hay, barn L t x3ti. Apply to Malcolm
McEwen, box 58, Clinton.
Mr. M. Y. McLean, P.i. P„ South
Huron, will. hold ineetings for the
discussion of the proposed Reeipro.
oily Agr�e rit' between Canada
and the T i dt; Cates, at the fol-
lowing saga fi� he dates named:
Crediton, all on Monday
evening,; 'Jun a19t't. Dashwood,
TuesdYy:June "20th. Exeter, Friday
June 23rd
Each Of the above meetings will
commence at t o'clock.
All are cc rditilly invited.• Front
seats reserved for ladies.
Mr, MCLean`will b6 assisted at
the Crediton meting. by Mr, M. ti. Ory
Schell, M P , f'Iouth Oxford At
the Dashwood t i etinnn, by ?air. T
McMillan ex-itee,ve of i.3ullet. At la
the Exeter meeting, by ti tu. V . L. E u�
Mckenzie King, Minister of 1.'.b r
in theDominion Cabinet-. and by
Ir. A. W. Srzt th, 111. P., �: crtlz 1
A full stock of all kids of
to. choose from at prices just a little cheaper than the ,ordinary
Ter'ins Cash or Trade at Cash Price
Filuaor'V's LARC ES f' Cejt'I/E T- AT501443TORE
Iv.. i-. `;.ase . 1a.,.7
Just to hard. Bring it
your orders. Close price
Council met Itw Court of Revising
on June 7th, three -appeals against
the asses: +r•c ratyCexe entered and u �u
number a frop",ications for charg
ing asset A lt.'its. The asses::.., a.t
of Rev, x1.. Str eder was recuct.0
$100, the assessment of
Jarrott's assetrsi lent reduced $ ; r to 1
Louis Roedsr,;;lid not appear
appeal was nfd sustained. 'Wm.;
O'Brien was assessed on Ept lot
8 Con 2, ins ego Hy O'Brien de.
ceased EC. Badour's appeal re slog z'
was dismissed, ,t; .. Burmeister was
assessed on W pt lot 3, 4T S Dash
wood instead Win Zitnmerman, U.
F. Hey one dog struck off. • Hy
Volland Jr to be assessed on i,'t 1ti a
Con 9 instead Wm Truernne , 0
Koehler to be assessed lot .,
18 Con 8 instead Hy '• Vblland Jr.
Philip assessed one dpg. Rev. C4 F.
Braun assessed instead A. Gisobler
Wm Battler to be assessed for lot
14 cors 8 100 acres. Z Disjardine one
dog struck off,, The . Court of
Revision was closed after' the
assessment roll of 191s had been
adopted as revised. After the Conrt
of Revision council resumed. Wn,
Consit, was appointed. to take the
chair since the Reeve was absent
owing to the meeting of the County
council. A letter from Gladnoan and
Stanbory in regard of a pnblic
nuisance in St, Joseph was laid
before council the matter was re-
ferred to the local Board of Health.
The following accounts were paid.
Municipal World blanks $3.40
John Geiger team. for grader. 19.25 ;
C Silber grading 13issonette Ave,
X7,00; G i3ratly- partpayment onAssessment, +"25.00 r l:iy Rupp team
for grades, $19,25. .
Council will meet againrat the
call of the Reeve, • ',/.f'. Fess Sr ,
' Clerk.
r e
.L A cQuipr
''S ..
The 20th Century Preparation for
Refinishing Old Furniture, Linoleunls,
Oil Cloth, New and OldFloors.
REMEMBER --Varnish Stains are in
Past History.
9`Beautiful 'Free Souvenirs to each Lady.?
Doll House or Drawing -Book for Each Child.
Visit the rig, Free Demonstration
WDGMEXIf'. 'C•'`�7'0tv."S•8 'w=.0'.YuiE ,m -e *.00.7''ri'?C usa Walla
Dart ere ae; seta, astaaranart 0r tine mars '"f8tr4t1'the medical'
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