HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1911-06-16, Page 5rhe Zurich
UQ1tiB9.1.l9YBDi(r4/Df1210.YD61S&fiDpIIDODCIRICYDOIM.0061CWODO&11.11M D 11M.M 0Dein...19/11M¢BOY31.3vA..6Y6....3BtTSDY4YiaDCDp
41,4411. 1>CEVI6YDCZED0) YfiWYDa6WYD1>am96OM1Y.044D Yff.3YDOBY:+o14,tnih90@On.1EXWY AVD004094C1M9Y643113 QDe IW1794WWi
According to GoVernrnent Estimates
oe 14,
was made in Western Town Property during the year 1909
Did you participate in these huge profits or did you "pigeon -hole" the propositions
submitted to you fly your western friends for future consideration ? In short, are you.
the man who made a profit or the unfortunate one who had the chance but did not possess
sufficient judgment to recognize the opportunity or sufficient courage to close a deal ?
The man or woman entitled to sympathy is the one who says: " Five or ten years ago I
had the chance to buy this or that property at $100 or $500, and now it is worth $10,000."
The average person sneers at the person who makes such a statement and says: "I would
have bought and made that money." Are you going to say five years from now that
you had a chance to buy a lot at Poe, Alta., at from $50 to $100 each, or are you going to
be the than who will have from $1,000 to $10,000 in cash as a result of having bought
,property in this town in this year of grace, 1911 ?
Poe is located on the main line of the Grand Trunk Pacific Railway between Ed -
mouton and Saskatoon. It is located in one of the finest farming districts in Western Canada.
The surrounding country is settled by a progressive type of farmers and consequently
C, will become the market centre for Northern Alberta. Poe district possesses rich coal
mines, is close to rivers and lakes and large forests, are easily accessible from this point.
These natural resources insure for the residents of the town, first, low cost of living,
and second, great commercial activity, two essentials in the upbuilding of a large town,
thus creating valuable real estate.
This townsite and contiguous territory has the requirements outlined by large
manufacturing concerns for the location of large factories or large enterprises of any kind
employing large numbers of people. The rivers and lakes furnish water, the coal fields
ana forests furnish fuel and cheap building material, the fine farming lands furnish farm
products, enabling the residents to live at a low cost.
The town is located on the main line of a transcontinental railway, assuring the
necessary transportation facilities. These combined conditions will furnish cheap labor,
\ one of the most important features of a manufacturing centre.
Poe townsite wasrecently placed on the market and already over 200 lots have been
sold, and many of these lots have already changed hands at a substantial increase in price.
Most of these lots, were purchased by representative business men throughout Canada,
who are now profiting by their foresight.
The townsite is high and dry and very suitable for building purposes.
is useless unless you possess the courage to act. You might possess great wisdom, you
might read a good deal or travel much and thus see all kinds of opportunities to make
money, but unless you have the courage to act on your judgment and wisdom all of these
desirable qualities are entirely useless.
Lots in Poe are a good investment at present prices. The town is bound to grow
rapidly, Owing to the easy terms of payment you have the ability to buy, and if you do
not buy now it is because you are lacking in courage, and the chances are you will never
be like the man you now admire most, rich, courageous and wise.
Poe townsite'is held by us under the Torrens system of title.
the title is guaranteed by the Government, therefore absolutely safe.
Under this system
Prices of lots range from $50 to $100 each, and they can be purchased on terms of
one-tenth cash, balance in eighteen equal monthly payments; or quarter cash, balance in
six, twelve and eighteen months..
We have issued an attractive circular giving full information pertaining to the town
, Snd its prospects, together with map showing lots for sale. If you wish to receive this
attractive circular, cut out and fill in the attached coupon and mail it to us to -day.
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Winnipeg, Canada
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\Ve l3ave rrr (lispltty
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1)re:,`. (4orltls. Almost
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wish i•'r 1'i .`mist:;
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I*Ilss l;r' Preetcr becomes than
laritie of Mr. 1.11 1(i-tfr•. on the after-
rn,'n !1f :lune the seventh, at four
+.'C.i (rk, t wo of terhen most popu-
L r 0rcrl w"ll established. families
' ev:"•re* united, the cera-i'1It being t:i',
rnart•itt!,t' of E second clatrglt-
,'i• 1.f Mr. and. ,Mrs, F. "'meter, to
31r El 1.:rsfu, eldest son of Mr. end
':sirs 11. L. .Kraft The un- rt:'.
'1l','170rfV WItS erg+lrniE(1 in Zie n
Tt t( rail c;li:rub, 1'=. •h":•errs, li: .
`Y114I1 C tine. '.1.'lie s;aae'ions
!n!l magnificent church :.l`; LSrt11[•:.
e i to } t u' door with d-ousi as nl .bur-
sn, est-. r t-vo litm7:•:41. anti TUti'1^
s:,d'r*tatorsi i.. -alder the melodious
tr:ti..:t of T,ril(,ngrina march beaut•
i folly.
rendered by Aliso Laura Pree•
ter, sister of the bride, the bridal
p•ir'IV marched s1ow1' tip the aisles
l . Tisher'ss lir. (it1311S ``: al; .
Irl:,l Mir. 1,\' '! eiti,r 1 1 `/.•:rich
1,.-.�•tiMI:: Lig The bvirie was lae..<ln1-
warned ily her fitillel`,'to- the altar.
Wi ere earls of t•he bridalparty to, , was very gracefully performed by
tapir I'esre,:tive position, The bride; little Miss Aalda Preeter of Dash.
presented au exceedingly pleasing • wood. cousin of the bride, and little
appearance, being dressed i11 a, a'liso Millie Schafer of Parkhill,
n1osi exquisite gown of Duchess cousin of the groom. The two little
ivory satin Polette, effectively girls presented winsome appearan
trl3tt:oed with wide, silk insertion ces, beim: gowned in similar girlish
alts silk ovorlace, She wore a long attire of Palest blue Tussore
fla,tvi:3:g veil, caught np•with lily of each utlrryin ; at basket of carnal,
tialie3v and bridles rosee, and tions and sheet peas and trailing
carried a. liberal sheaf ofeannationq; asparagus fern. They also wore
i•nte;twined with green fern. The their favors from the. groom, which
lar10,1.11 was attended by iVli,is L'u rl' Nvero g'l1!.l initial bracelets. After
Kra3`4, s;rt."r of the grOmn, it "t12 t=1d) ceremony the bridal parts' da
likewise presented' 0 picture an. partol '1 rum the church, under the
p( aches,—,,, and illi) ?.E'OJ:e a charm. 2tt tends of tilt? An111)all'tC'1 lfl''trch
1rtg gown of pink Tussore Silk, and; pendored in very ov.-eat melody. by,
ari'i;'ri a lancets pray of. pink cur- miss; la E cit organist cl tufa church
int lions t•123bodied in tern, • hilt: also i l'i'e bridal party pl'ei'ieeleel the
wore, her favor from. the groom, ,t•° guest, to the home of the bride's
1>( lag a gold brooch, - et• tivitil bril I p+lrents, +,vhere the reception Nvas
i:ttnt t The gr, W113 assisted b} , held. 'file guests 3 ?here there recel-
i Mr. 1 Pree tt T . brother: of the bride ved 1>.v Bliss E. R. Keys Tac) bride
lie v('reo. i l initial tic pin. it crud >.;'rooill in ,he d1ec'.lralted. parlor,
:11+1T3-+' ( ;ift ta',r1:1 the groom. nna ri.rleive:l hearty erctri ratulutil'ns
pleasant duty of beinlk i`' 3 er gid , from their guests, while tho march
Harts and. flowers" -tvas6 being
unit 1 slimed by Miss Laura Peet!-
ler .ct:ftt',r the congratulations the
wee ,.. ng liar's retiE'vd io the din.
int; room, to partake of 'ibe l ''1und-
nnt. repast, so oniony prepared. The
(lining; room was artistically decoru
ted, the evergreen c1ecw:a.tioue,
being caught up above the centre.
of the bride's table with a huge
pure white bow. After the wedd2ing
supper the bridal party went on a,
bort auto tour conducted by :Kr
inenan eonsYsesame sr,=weDomartlar tsoorlsil7aDA➢dDaammoene a461Rm4ti Game rCL�9.'.0�969 rasa v�)q
+ y9,-macocssmac•:• Psaat circa`:+' vo , .,OVi':r;."meq iu
{��{�a```�j�I4, 94 e9r : l t }d!- ,4I X191
iI :16L+rd it tl vi+las Z:. t4'a1 tl
I'VE keep in �itol a
full a.11:ll, r1i:rf'E,.11
meats, hams, ete. ete
Our cuts are, noted
for their i:emlevneSs
}Ind ,—ho}esomenetis.
Our aim is to keep
nothing but the Best.
We make our own
• Give us a t'•a]3.
Y �i `i � €J+ LUT
'Whooping cough is not danger.
ott:i wheii.the 'collgh is kept loose
.unci expectoration easv by giving
Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. It
has been used in orally epidemics
e't thin disehdeev with barter's s3Ye-
A C W d Treat: ei��
Mat Really C es
• Cat ' to
Canadi;in weather, with its
extreme cold and sudden changes,
gives ailno;t every one• Catarrh.
makes- it hard to cure, Sonne
�(g•rt�ros9� t" :rt: ? 11 e 1 y„ r('centin ncl internal remedies—
n*x xn rt � sonic external applications.
Patti r Morriscy used both*,
i7ri Y �( v '1r.�(�,';a h a! 4�' 3 fit° y tablets to be taken three or four
+ Fah
�'T tines a day to invigorate the
Rev. 'sl fat eii 1do'A l.bt� y� le system, purify the blood, , and
help it throw off the disease, and
a soothing, healing, . antiseptic
salve to be applied inside the
nostrils. This combined treatment known as
rS.' is 1'+9.3''' ' , - . It • ..w '�,'%.�'.+A�1.;,:ic:=Z
�� Faller M rcy s No. 26"
attacking the disease from within and without, soon cures.
Mr. A. C. 'rhibodeau, General Merchant in Rogersville, N.B., writeS on
,len.: mud last
"A few words as to the merits of your Catarrh Cure. B'or the
last 10 years rlaave been troubled with Catarrh of the head and etOtntsilt
and during that time have tried all kinds of other remedies with ne
results, until I tried your Catarrh Cure which 1 ant glad to syyrr has
cured ane. I highly recommend it to those who are suffering With this
Don't trifle with Catarrh --cath it with Father Morriscy's No. 28.
C60c for the`cembined treatment at your dealer's*
Fa# er el leretsoy fNiidfaiwd Co Ltd.
H }less of Zurich. The evening was
1)deatsant3y spent by the numerous
uursts 'Nrery numerous and costly
were the gifto shoxered upend the
popnla.r young couple, and through
out showed extremely good tastt,
in selection, among them were, o
bedstead, the groom's gift to the
bride, a, check from the bride's
father, a fur coat from the groom':,
parents, and a bedroom suite from
the choir, of which both were ar
dent members Many guests from a
distance attended the wedding
some being present from Guelph,
Walkerton, Varna, Parkhill F oreat
tiensall, Croswell Mich., London
Tho many friends of the happy
couple join in hearty good wishes
to thele. They will reside on the
12th Con, Lot 23, of Stephen,
The uniform success that has
attended the use of Chamberlain's
Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoc''a
Remedy has made . it a, favorite
everywhere. It can always he
deoeuded aro,* Par sale _br.. all
Tho woman of today who has
gond health, good temper, good
sense. bright eyes and a lovely
!complexion, the result, of correct
,living and good digestion, wins
the admiration of the world. If
your digestion its faults Chamber-
lain's Stomach and Liver Tablet'
will eorzect it. For sales by all
Ci itYn L.;wN-SY
Manitoba, Saskatchewan, Alberta
Spacial Trains leave Toronto 2,00 p.m, on
APRIL 4, 18 MAY 2, 16, 30 JURE 13, 27
JULY 11, 25 AUG. 8, 22 SEPT, 6, 19
Second class ticlets from Ontario stations to principal
Northwest points at
Winnipeg and return $33.00; Edmonton and return
$41.00, and to other points in proportion. Tickets
good to return within 60 days from =inn data.
on all excursions, Comfortable berths, fully equipped
with bedding, can be secured at moderate rata through
local' agent.
Early application must be made
containing rates and full information.
Apply to nearest C.P.R. Agent or to R. L. Thompson.
Dia. Pass. Aga.. Toronto.
:1/7; . a e { S
r-7171-li a;. WR .
Chill at The :\.l ney-
Harrio Shop.
Our Machines speak
for themselves.
We also handle
Olds Gasoline
All repairing promptly,
attended to,
Jas _h �/�. t �► 9�' ,