HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1911-06-16, Page 44 The r•Z'Irich Herald. • • - *DMED0DeS021D0DMienell)eia 00DMED(3D4111100D001MDCIDMIDO s ns Itteorl.4orated 1S515 Capital paid up $4,000,000 Total Assts over Head Office k Reserve Fund 54400,000 44,000,000 Al Has 7S Branches in Canada, and Agents rind' Correspondents in all the Principal Cities of the 'World. .t* • A GENERAL BANICINF BUSINESS TRANSACTED. SAVINGS BANK DEPARTMENT c:2 at all Branches. Interest allowed at highest current rate Zurich. Branch - J. A. CONSTA.N.TIN' 11,41=70t2OCWIFY2DEBEeiDetilaM=Qt1VD(M70(iI)C312106CAT LEGAL. CARDS', W. T4 a. J. D. COOKE 'BARRISTER AND. SO -t Reiter, NT Otary 4.t 'Zurich (Zeller's oilice) every Mon-, day. PROUDFOOT BAYS & KILLORAN, Barristers, Solicitors, 24'01:arias l'ubLic, etc. Golleriela Canada W. Proudfoot. K. C. R. (;.Ilays. 3. L. Killoran. SUSINESS CARDS. Sr PHILLIPS, AUC -TONER, Exeier. Sales conducted in all pazts. Satis- faction guaranteed or no pay. Terms -easonable. Orders left at this {Alice will be promptly attended to. SiNDREW FIRE IN:SI...TAN- ce •egent, representing the London, • Economical, Waterloo, llotarell, Stand- ard, NVellington and Guardian. Every- thing in fire insurance. OIL F. A. iiLLERY, DENTIST, ORA- duate cf the Royal .,:o..egeof Dental Surgeons, Toronto, also boner gradu- ate of Department of Dentistry, To- ronto L;niversity. Painless extraction of teeth. Plate work a speciality. At 1) iaiaI e, Zuriel:, every '21.-u- tiav E. ZELLEIt, CONVEYANCER AND Notary Public:. 1)e .Mortgages, Wills eat!. otlwr Legal 1.:;Nutiventt-• care ully and promptly prepared. Otili•t-- Zeller block, Zurich, Ont. WLGE MEET!fJ(S rt ."c,” tit 1F24•0 ‘,..9 ...IL' a %Wel V :0161 TlutmlaY ciit:i mouth at 6 e.c;otli p. m. in the A. 0. U. W. Sian. J. S. hlreee4, C. R. 0 TT Riekb,il Iulge 41 4..4 o is N. 9:3, mccts the ‘2nd and 4thridgy of every month, t 8 o'cicck, in thcir Hall, Mentor Pdoek. WIT'n T.' 7,11 fr"k7 tee ;i• • 14 a 1`1 '31 "7' 4.4 .4t) t4) t. sEccnd. to Lone (:1i t h e inrftleunc,Lt Shop E, Agent 'ILDODIM17043 0•11041.0.Ttrn. 47 1.4 eroeusexen E. ZELLER. FRIDAY 31.7.NE, leth, 1911. W. C. 12.. U. !THE CRY OF TEE TWO THIRDS Said the pietnan to Simple Simon. Siw roc first your penny ; said Simple Simon to the pieman. !deed I have not any, recited d !gamin beside the pair, and the street corner applauded. "Give it ;back here" cried the urchin, snat- ching the sheet from Be.sie's eager itzresp. to another chorus of laugh- ; ter. ';Why dont y ou give the poor thing a paper?" aske.d a 7.,elitlemati, !noting her disappointment as he Belted to purchase a copy for him• eelf. "I'll pate fur two" "That puts another face on it" elreeltled tee ycnth and. elnrcithing her troastirt, the woman sped off re1 the wings ef the wind. A light, she must have a light. Presently she was sitting' ;r iro Hininey's table. before the • lamp, tr:Fing to read. One have thought those glaring !capitals in the headlines would I have been ensy enough to deoipher. B i,oemehow. tho letters all swam to.ett'.ntr. boo -one one groat blur. t.31,e otralti make othing of it until ! her loi'og fare finger, searohirst; neee, found ere weten, the waft St) o sraight- *Jamie" Yes, yes elle could' spell that nue, dazed aq.sii;e w'is. $ht% stereo. at it blerk- ' r e. • nabeciliair 11.0'r t I ri 11(1141 kin US i?eir ti1;ts any fresh new o: tbo tiai. The kindly Wettlitill had 11('1701' 0:111.1fsett'fi thP prison with rtho hov she bad known. In Ler therghts hs eves still a ‘Vliftt7,1 V.1.•nt: ; dead long be 'fore /bee sin: lied 'no doubt To. night Bossie reith:iiir heard or heed eel 'nee She stared ut thrr won: a foe.- ni.Ituents, then • wit' namt, 3.ind nutior hor old sliawL terned to the door and dis- appeared in the darkness beyond. The courtreom was crowded with people, filling every nook and oor- ner. The jury tad come in, the verdiot had been,given, the prisoni er proven guiltY of murder in the second degree, ' The judge had just risen to prenounoe the senten• ce, when there arose a bustle at the door and ti.'cooznan's shrill voice, in agonized. .no angry tones. was hotttd, Pjamie, , • wantjatnie," and pushing her way through the carious crowd carne a woman's at tenuated form. a woman's weird face surrrettuded by gray, dishevel- ed locks lighted by unearthly eyes, whose fires' were kindled by voloan io flames .within. "jamie", sho cried as if the acme of her woe had unloosed her tongue, "Jamie" star- ing about wildly. A sudden light shot to her eyes ae they caught sight of thie lad. not the light of either joy., or affection. hut a hung ry, cornoatnea light. as she sprang towards him But at the sound of her voice', the sight of her face, a sickening faintness had seized the boy's lifeoenet he fell in the prison er's dock andowes carried out. She eseayed to follow him, but was pre- vented as ». officer sprang forward to deteni her. "My goori woman" began the judge, but she stopper? him shrilly "Jamie, I want n y *ramie" 33ei0g.hiet, my good women., said a genAeman near, you disturb the court. These people do rot know the whereabouts iof your son She Molted around the room in affright. are saw him. she said, "1 saw rnyJetnie". They have taken b irn away -1.'rdm mo oniGhod y knows where he is ; I only want my Jamie" “fliilicer," up spoke tori 4ndire and he officer approached. to further stated that the old gentle man had a sou of seventy-five and two grandsons of over fifty living in the st/meieotinty. 'Natnrally, the reader would think it strange that so sad a oourse could have been necessary. But if the inner history were known, it would probably be revealed that the son and grand- sons are in almost as bad a plight as: the old man, and that he preferred to "igo to the poorhouse rather than to add to their burdens. - The case is a pathetic one, but it is not unique -you- hear of such every day -and. the whole story emphasizes how terrible is an old age of penury, and how important it is that we should regard. youth. "as the Springthne which soon departeth, and wherein we onght to plant and sew all provision for a lone and happy life." If the old gentleman had been in . receipt of a Canadian Government .Annuity of only $200 his presence in the home of the son or grandson Woold have been a boon rather than a bierden. and the oozy corner y.vr,m1d, r..,) doubt, have been ktmit for hint, Ilo mey hare been a sober und treinetri o as youth. but he had no .tem of invest- ment 1.17111.(15. *MO nbs•IIntiply safe, and weahl • yield him a, bientifni return for the lime:lute whieb. hP might fr time save; and so lass illat37 Spentor lost tk fest me it %vas earned. But there no-su-h exctitse for thn bi)vs. or girl A, men or v.tionlen, of Canaan to d iv, for h 7 tile Canauten Government Ann nitiss Act they are iir:i.citied '.rit it syiitton !t:y which .savings will be telren care kn' end invested b r the n- ! adien kie:erninent; A unuities Act remove ; bus this skeleton of I, they ere i'I.t wih it.eystene worminheeed" shook him off. Janie I by the Government, and under all I want is:Jamie ; I will take him / which they will receive a retnrn away where nobody will find him : larger than it would be possible to ;Again, -I evit Jamie. As the prison s'ere from any other sate in veeti yr wilt) it7ust -fainted is your sciti ! tient because when ltto Annuity he has be etried and convicted of begins each peytnent abeorbs murder.:n.Y.ipOori friend, sail the portion of the purchase money as comPassilailitta judge. Officer, do well as of the interest thereon, and your dut0 ft:ludo:IT and as speeil if the Annuitant lines the average fly as outur,er nf vers he may he e: - (s !.e couttuurI p' ted to live ine will ret back till that ht' had paid in with accuraul- •- Pres. Supt. ated interest at een. If he lives • i'elt !beyond this perioa. the Annuity will not (lease brtt rit1 tinned It itt nt)than rtehihtese" to t4.117° ! to hint every threl mouths t -,t3 any inekciine internully f‘et I ae he may liva. The plan is inneeteler•Vre"ehronic rberenetieen available at an Money Order All tbaJ i..*.!ried is a free alyplieii tion in iCanatlit.. The Post mattuer Linimeintgive you 1.)),11,7 let N.VhiCh 1 'fi" le 8 -1fb '• all dealers i ' lee:08w the eyeeene; and. , if yoll _,,. It ..t. . ' • it ...„0vte.:41,1.ir inforniation at t 0 the c.a4t, ! " • . ie, ie et.. i2i,zec4 ri:A.te3 ' Tull' yelynedd do is to write, to the „ eee 8 pert n tendent o f An nnities, . .. - e !Ottawit, postage free. giving him A T:i.rontifiDaily tact week teen yonr lige lase, birthday. and he will tttinatti. a , ilesonteh from a !neigh advise you by Hirst mail what this boring cit ;,i ;that a m- n aged I i 1 yrs win be. Item ember that it is the tied pant ,to the OtItut ry Inil a:stria: °nix- abAohitel'r sate plan b : which Homo, there to end his tinvs. told i your old. ago ireey be ma le free he ii,,,, .1.to it.n have gone at his ewe: , ;rem ,, -0 tdioti,,,,„ and happy and :e0m. rreentist But how f etertles ns, that u. men zifilt('r er 1".:It't : !,11.11.1111epluElno :tidthatit)cv,h leil itit ivs, a tglazieonly , t Fternner me the bat ile of lite fer over one or pereon en email salary can hundredears hos to end his ditys in the poorhouse i The de,:lbet,0.1 prcvido for tin ralny %Ivy. STANLEY TOWNSHIP The shore , of Lake Huron ad jacent to the Township of Stanley is rapidly becoming notorions•as appropriate place for picnics. The gentle .sioping character of the beach along this line the numeraitS oedar groves and the fresh and eX, hilarating atmosphere of the lake all all conform ti) meet with the approval of Summer visitors. A terrifio wind storm cyclonic in nature and travelling at a. marvellous rate of speed rushed off Lake Huron, last Sunday afternoon and struck terratirrne, at a point one half mile north of Si.. Jesepu, city. At this point the cyelone divided into two parts one going Southeast and the other northeast. As the storm advancied it acceler- ated -in velieCity and destructive power. tearing tarns off their foundations, unroofing builclinge, sprouting trees and piecing thinge in general in a preotirions eon. a:Mon, Not only en lend was this storm seve.rehnt on weter es well. Waves resembling tlo4a Noitich sucoeeil earth .rinakc4 rose t .enorimui height and. rushed on shore With a force almost inorerlib. le, /Ingo steamers durine the tempest rophed with the wave,: but reoerte inlicate no lose, of life. on the greet lekee cvas sustained The petit tra vert.ed by the storni peesents it deeeletoanti. SON t•iiir3r a peearencei and to the peeeing teeyfarer rov:tni4 t ito LorrIblei ticrVaitadi-,n th.e. ..resavsyma.Nowelt • an ..MIA.WIIM1,130• te„t `4%-e'e:.• neehei:eeele Siyureeis of -1:e:einem Nor:nee:it Latal • NY per -on who Is the sole ketal it1 a famiiy, cr ant- male over Is year:: oal, mn y tannest ... a 1!•i, :let ttii.i. ,it(ql :111 4,1 :I rail a )1e.; 1)0111.11.0.1 ..‘ It ;i ...., '. -.-.* 4 v tachewan or Alberta. The ti pl./Heil-Mt lutist appear itt person at the Dominion Lamle Agency or Sub-At:re:icy for the district. Entry by prov mt).;,.• 1,4.1 mole at any tviit'ener on c..r.q.u.iin ittiniolition,,, 1y, father, 1 Mother, t -in, dauhttv, 1.n.r..hi.,te cr 2•14.,.ter of inteuJing hou•estt:tuier Dutie.:.-.Six months' reside.nno upon and 1 cultivation of the land in each of three •••icart.t. Al: niti-tt•ittileor may 1i'e \in:11in nine ilmiloi. of h:s lion este:Y.10a Pfarm of at least .. 80 acittes lolely iiiwned ami nocupied by him or by lai.; father, ninther, son, datightur, t brother or si.ter. i In . ctortain ilit.ttict:A a, lionv..stea•ittr in .. . . 'Iota stanwn9; ,rt.ylweittemp*iii a quirtert see - i,. teal 111011gt,iiith 1.01110W01. price 81,,no nor a4rre, mth$ in eeeh of t,ie- yeee ttJifl deniti. heineneed. I entry eineheling tee time levered to earn hotnest awl patent. ; and oultivAte fifty acres extra. • A homv,tnd,,r miho has exhansted his 1 riihr anti eanro.tt obtain a pre- • minion my t ai' it purch :sod homostead in certain districts. Fries $3.00 per acre. let eni.t re,ide SiN mliiths in rich cf • the n-. 'nhiv ,t.. exatii and eroct ,e tt.ntli V. W. COli V, 'fir the. ilitCritlr. S77."1,1,NA:llil nI thiS V•:1! It. Lit • ••••••••••••,:1•61 • 4.1*/*. ••••**40,0•••••••••••,[0•••••1•••••• .011.1,11**•••••••••••••...........••••••••111]........111 0.••••••2 • • - • • - . . . . • . • - •.• - • • • . • • 4. 1 OWN -?ALL' Wi'.1inre 1. earry nefIrly 71I-erything t 11 a t a an o-cs nec-(1. tcrtat.3.271.1eft con Opp oeit e Teen). Nall, ZURICH i. out eall fr:tz to. Rep:Litt. df11.4.*P10,,,,••••••••••••••...11 Here we Are i an with Lite fintst lot of goods ever showi in urich: just. received a large quantity to please any- body, so drop in and see if 1 Cant snit you. ,AIso carry an immense NO. of samples to choose from. 411 kinds of goods for trousers, darkor light, prices low as possible. Laundry in Connection., W. E. HOTTIVIAN falior, ZURICH 1 111 ; 1 • .. tt ' '' .', ' • ti," , • . 1 •. ,, , , 11111i11 .1 It '101111 it 441411 li . ;LiitiLiii.Luillth,..11 11111 1 ii 1111 , :, ., : , 111,"; "V ' 1 ii,' V.' .,' ..1`."" 1111 '1 '1111!11 1110 i L'''. i 1 . ' 'i 1 i '11 1111 i 1 . l'; ' ilii '1;1 .1 . '. .11 ‘. . ;1111 li 1 1.11111111 'o. .1; 1 rt.. 11111 'III 1 ; 1 t Olt . . ' . dt . 'I. . ,I. . • it i t . t ... , . it 0011. ii111111111111.1'„111111.'' 1.• t1 ' "1 tt 1' 11.1 ill ' tt t ' 111.1111' '' ,11111111 11 '11",1'1,11111111t.... 1 i. ' ' ' ' . , :i ' I' 1 11111142r' i"/ 1. '' II ii ' 1 ' . • i'' i '11 1 ; t • ; ' f<ti_lialli.....ILL :: , i , „... ___ ,,,,,,, il,,,. lilt, 11.1 I 14 : : , m ' 1 .1,1 ti i ' ' 1 , • .1 : I. Let's niake a Jelly Ro171.-- i , 1. 1 1 I 1il l., • 11 .. t , ,0 i 0 , . rl 0... II. ........._ 4.t . )1, ‘,.., itiou,t,,,, - D -0 , ;,. ---ost , i f • . : ... 4'1.--li::' • 4, ;:.• ..... - -Fn. ... •-‘,-.0 ;4*i' ' r: . •i , . „,-,, ,, „....." ,, `'..s.:/:;, ,.. it. i , . ,i. j .,ili -.,=1? -et., 7-4 ,,,' "i .tr''' t..,-• ee % , i I 1 . :i ii , i II III i 1 i; ., ii , , 1 . With ' Its Strength i hatter pan. Bakes Smooth porous, No holes, And when napkin vinder It doeen't Roll it gently, . Not a crack Perfect i Bak° anything, Use FIVE i Melting I tooth some FIVE ROSES 1Be flonrwilso. FIVE together even.fr. Texture yielding. hot side geti Smootbne-a puff R•SES f/our. and Fine ne.ss hoRelt your in the long well-grea.sed ,...0 -sof 4 6,-,oittien Crumb, spongy, nor lumps to ve,": you. you turn it out on the damp and sa.z,oy, and you spread the with "jell ' - SOgi,TV nor crurthly. carefully. -not a break. Perfect Roll -Yours. make onything. ROSES -bread and pastry. paste-fialry pis crust -crinkly fritters - rolls. for anything -everything. e r li. 1 tiio' ., A,'y ., c..4•1. ,i,,„.1.e•\,''. l• i,,. '.;.,,'',' -?1,0W, ,-,, I .4t•V la -;‘,0 It , ,, t ' 41 , ,r1 rt " J. * rl''' 1 r ool ,..; Of ''"111111 l';i , ' 11 0111111111111 ' ''''" 4., ta .1 4 , 't0+ tlVii1, kix. ''r 4' $114., 4' IIIMMIII11110 i, (i ,. " •,. P1.1.1' -ire ill 4Ailt6t.-c14.4 " "mofilim P. # 4011 ' ' * 0 limit ' ,-V IIIPP"." d'iA .91u,' IIIIIIiiiimoi11111 ', ,^ .0'11 t, Y ii iP'‘ '''' !t''.''' lini , ' 111111homil11111111mmilllill l' ii) • . . . /I . . • . i-,,,, 4 , , , Xot 9:3 ,... .40 . .... 4 , ,..._ A i , t iiii0 ti At if' ' '"'" )(t %te/actect 1 0111111 nill1311100 H1101111000111110 1111111 111 +- te;r0.-4° IV "Ill* all111111M111111 LAK,, or foie w000s M 0.1.11410 COMPANY i. MITRO 0401.1tREAl. 1111/ - - __ _- _ _ - - -__ -.. - ____---