HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1911-06-16, Page 2Does Your Back Ache
If You Rave Bladder or Urinary
'roubles and Weakness of the
Kidneys—knead (Below.
Your, back aches and fairly groans
'with the distress of kidney trouble.
Y•ana're discouraged, but you mut
give up. The battle can be quickly won
'when Dr, Tee.milton's Pills get to work.
These kidney specialists bring new
health and vitality to young and old
alike. Even one box proves their mar-
velous power. Continue this greet heal-
' ee, and your kidneys will become as
strong, tans vigorous, as able to work as
,faseew ones.
e Remember this: Dr. Hamilton's Pills
are purely vegetable; they do cure liver,
Madder and kidney trouble. They will
cure you, or your motley back. Price 25c
per box, at all dealers.
Dr. Luther H. Gulick, of the Russell
Sage Foundation, New York, crania atten-
tion to the need of further study of the
effeets of indoor air upon health 'This
air,' he says, "is somehow not as stood
for u;, even under the best ':onditmons of
ventilation, as the open air." He quotes
Doctors Thompson end Brennan, of New
York, as thinking that we ought to do
away with all systema of ventilation, en I
'see simply natural ventilation—open
windows. On the other hand, Dr. Leon•
and Hill, of England, finds the Plenum
sytem of ventilation sui>erior in its tsf-
fa'ets to open windows. But Doctor Gu-
lick holds that present conditions :s re not.
right. and that it still remains to die-
cover what must he ,lone to make in-
door as healthy na ontdoo*.' !:wing.
New Absorption Method
If you suffer from bleeding, itching,
blind or protruding Piles, send me your
address, and I will tell you how to cure
yourself at home by the new absorption
treatment, and will also send some of
.this home treatment free for trial, with
referer;ces from your own locality, if re-
quested. Immediate relief and perman-
ent cure assured. Send no money, but
tell others of this offer. Write to -day
to Mrs. M. Summers, Box P. 8, Windsor,
• s
An industrial comire cion appointed
ese w
ascondueting, certain i
restmgations with refnreuee to the opera-
tion of mllle 'rind factories in various.
pirtsi of the stemetry. and the members
istw the especially inters'eted in the work -
her of one mill in a Southwestern State.
The investigators were in one roots
when the whistle blew for noon. The
operators put up their tools and vanish-
ed as if by magic.
"Do all the workmen drop their tools
tine ineta.nt the whistle blows?" asked
one of the comrnission.
"No. not all," simmered the man who
wax acting as guide. *`1.1te more order-
ly have their tools all put away before
that, sir."
• If allowed to roam over your
`' house those few innocent -looking
"house flies may cause a real trag-
iedy any day, as they are known
to be the principal agents for the
spread of those deadly diseases,
.typhoid fever, diphtheria and
(Catholic Standard and Times).
"Poor woman! She works hard all
day and then she's up :dearly all night
wth the babies:"
"What's the matter with her husband?
Why doesn't he help .:er?"
"Oh, heuts In el! itis time agitating
icor an eight-hour day for the workine-
man." - -
Minard's Liniment Lumeerman's
(New York Herald.)
It to reported that leing George ap-
ppeered at the race course recently wear-
ing a high white hat and carrying in
hie band a gold -headed cane.
The late King Edward set many fash-
ion„ not a few of which were excel-
lent ones. He is said to have Invented
soda lemonade, and in his later years he
did much to popularize the straw hat and
ether listormai and comfortable articles
of summer .apparel. et is largely owing,
to him that the silk hat, once an object
of idolatrous worship in the eyes of the
English, is now nothing more than a
head covering, and not a universal one
either, If the complaints of the hatters
are well founded. Among other things
that he helped to nmake popular in Eng-
lnad were Americans and some of their
easy going customs.
King George's tastes differ in many
respects trent those of his lamented
father, and perhaps the high white hat
and gold headed cane are forerunners of
a return of the greater austerity and for-
mality of Victoria's times. It remains
to be seen whether his influence will ex-
tend to this side of the water. The last
high white hat disappeared with the
straw in the horse cars and among the
few canes carried nowadays the gold
headed one is a rarity. To be effective
the• nap of the high hat should be
brushed the wilting way; in that state it
was always worn during the reading of
the Declaration of Independence on the
Fourth of July.
"But why do you put your friend's
thinge in, the dining room?"
"Oh, he is so used to restaurants
that he won't enjoy his diluter unless
Ile can watch his -tat and coat."—
Minard's Liniment used by Physicians
"Of what emotes :levet ere you re-
minded by the extra eitarge rich people
are willing to pay for the privilege of
riding on a special flier?"
"Geo, that's ton continuous for inc.
What's the answer"
"'Vanity Pare,' of course. "---St. Louis
Mrs. Allen Mason, Carleton, N. B.,
writes: "1 have used Baby's then
Tablets ever since 1 have had children
and that is going on fifteen years. i
have always found them entirely satis-
factory for all the ailments of little ones
and feel that T cannot praise them too
highly." Mrs. Mason's praise is just that
of thouends of mothers who consider
Baby's Own Tablets; the only safe and
sure renietly to keep in the house for
their little ones. The Tablets are sold
by medicine dealers or by mail at 25
rents a box from The Dr. Williams' med-
icine Co., Brockville, Ont.
How true it is that without a vision
the people perish, says Orison Swett
Marden, in "Success Magazine."
Where the pursuits are sordid, where
the highest aim is the all -absorbing
ambition to make money, everything
that is finest, °leanest and most
beautiful in life evaporates; the
nartur'e coarsens. This is the threat-
ing picture of American character to-
The vast resources and great com-
mercial prizes of this country are so
tempting, so fascinating, that by the
time they are ready for active life our
youth are so satura-tett with com-
Tnerciali'm, so ambitious to coin every
hit of their ability, their education,
their influence, timer friendshpt;. al-
most everything into dollars, that all
else is neglected.
They lose their ideals, whioh are
the true teat of character.
- At the Yarmouth F. M. C. A. Boys'
C'antp. held at Tusket Palle in August.
beneficial for scut burn, and immediate
relief for colic and toothache.
General Secretary.
are new and entirety different from ordinary preparations. They accomplish
their purpose without disturbing the rest of the system, and are therefore the
ideal laxative for the nursing mother, as they do not affect the child,
Coinpquttded, like all. NA -DRU -CO preparations, by expert chemists. If
unsetisfectorj -we'll gladly return your money.
2gc. t boli:. ff your druggist has not yet stocked them, send 25c. and we
will mail theta. 24
National Davis anti Charnicel Company of Casada, Limited. - • . Montreal.
tfielearlessesete ase
5-tk, �', r ^.:,.`.'h. r,., rt.."If�t ;aV:,Y; :te4C-' lt•..,.Ywhn
He had lmany
cause of all disease, tae' about
that he could eure all ills that mortal
ever bore:
Hen ovhsolnefowcntrianeehecoudind to
reacts the highest mountain peaks and
through the air serenely soar.
The thought he often revelled In that be
could matte gold out of tin, that he In
many other ways could banish want
from off the eari.lt;
A book he thought that he could write
that would bring weleom In a night -
he thought the world would value it
at more than libraries were worth.
He thought it was an easy thing to teach
a rabbit how to eine;; he had no doubt
that he could retake a rose's fragrance
years remain;
It would not ee so great a feat to turn
pork into turkey :neat. and with lit-
tle effort he non' i :make beer taste
just like rirarnpag e
Some meglc l;fT.. i1 Iseel prepare ;ee rover
ball heads three ,air, and for a
p Rm•ann'S +lma'trsItS tiger 'to^.'' :metal a forts
night would au fire;
Ile would not firm It ver;: hard 's change
a prosee to a hard, and he a patent
had in mind to wr;te an e'p:-: in a
No doubt you think that n)e s a -•;re, ;.t •:;;
to say' the fellow m,, to slag:: seas.
that he was "ailed a a•r•aele cad fee:
and other names t1 nt yawn ma; gne+xs.
No doubt you think that her vas Piaci v
all the theories he had, that. ea area
weeping. bitter tears and s.a:•Jeri
But he was gayest of the gay and Kapp'
al the livelong day; he eteldlr•d a-1
his fancies queer and hugged the lops
they brought about;
The prospect seemed In n0 way dhm for
no one knew what botarred him -he
kept Iris notions to bineself and never
wurl:ed his problems 0111:
-Nathan M. Levy.
What more appropriate We -Adding Gxiit for a
young housekc.•eper than a set of
Comprising Tub, Pail, Dish Pon, etc. T
,e Handsome in appearance--Lastliiy; a lifetime� /
``, All Grocers.'�
A rent es innat
remelte of the omnoun' of
energy derived frean Nuance Frills p! ••'es
it at 273,140 h#.xsr-power, divided in t:.
applications aS follows: Electro-c!temical
industries, 1td,00: r:tilwity service. 36,-
200; lighting* vti,•'OO: varint's indttatrial
purposes, .54 54'1 The total energy of
the falls is esii' ,aced at 5,000.0t10 horse-
power, 'do, that -,est matin more teen 5
per cent. is et 'present ntiiized.
eaargaret would fain please those
whom she held worthy ur whose woes
she could relieve, but for time multitude
of bout sexes I fear she had an indif-
ference which often acidulated into
scorn or compassion., neither of which
are usually endearing traits. It was
therefore only, after an interval of pre-
liminary eversion, apparently, that those
who were afterward her friends became
such; while to those whose vanity she
had deeetly and not always unconsciously
wounded - she appeared a harsh vixen
sometimes, and they only waited (as Low-
ell did) an opportunity to repay indiffer-
ence .with malice
Lowell must have known that Marger-
et was not adull or tiresome person, yet
he chose so to represent her to a satire
so amusing that it was everywhere read.
He once told me, as doubtless Ire said to
others, that it was not her attack on
himself as poet which he resented, but
that she ought to have spared so good
natured and generous a person as Long-
This was true; so she ought; but it
she had„ - I fancy' Lowell would have
Still meld .ills own s,rievance.-Feoln an
• • addreea by, 1 ", ,1:.. S t*itorn,; ,
Send, for +, , ample to Dept. H. L„
Nati0nedeI9sii„ Cltemlcal Co_ Toronto.
A tr at star -Ole amount of 'rain
the - o . ,,, 1 a r'1 Ste tes in_ the.
eonmime q c «t given by President C.
It. Valls: J tutw . f iy etuture lent to ten
Misaissip!.t 8wit? a flowing constantly.
Otherwise ranee xured,,it equals thirty
inches of water +r the entire area, mak-
ing a total "vof'xme of 152.1)00,000,000,000
cubic feint.. l:'tmt: this is only half the
amount thrt' svcauld be n•'cess'try to
maintain 'lite. full productivity of the soil
of the whole crrnntt,v. One-third of this
amount runs down to the sea in rivers.
The problem for engineers is to utilize
to the utiuue[ the supply" that nature
furnishes. .
'o other, fly killer compares
with. Wilson's Fly Pads.
During 1910 England paid to foreign
countries $35,OOO;OUO for eggs. and $40,-
40;000,000 for puml l try.
(National 'elontitly,)
The political buss of a email western
city drove his hucicboartl at top spe'tI
down the main street on the morning of
"Iley, Johnnie. he yelled to his son:
"gib clown to the fourtim ward quittk:
There's people down there votilut as the::
blame please!"
Keep Minard's Liniment in the house_
The late Phil May delighted in tell-
ing how he turned. the tables on a
friend at a time when lie was ,-on his
uppers" in a small town in Australia.
To prevent starvation he sought and
found employment as a waiter in a.
fourth-class eating house. 00" day it
man who had known the famous )fluttk-
and-1Whitr' artist, in London dropped in
and took a sent at one of the tables.
When May wont to tante his order, mu-
tual r,'cngeetien followed.
"Phil May!" the visitor exclaimed,
"Anel eumpt`lled to work in a hole like
"That's true," replied the artist; "I
have sunk pretty low, 111 admit, but
I haven't yet. got so far down that 1
have to eat here." -•Metropolitan 'Them
TRY I E Q ERE Faasled,Weak,Weaty,WateryEycsnari,
Murine Does n't S rn art -S c: o th e s Ey-e Pai $
dnuaida Srn Marine Eya Renter. f uieiJ, 2Sr, 50s, $1.0t
Marine Eye Salve. in Aseptic Tubes, 25c.$1.00
MurineEy err.clnedyCo.,Chicago
"One of the most irritating accents of
all Is the Canadian, which is the nearest
thins there Is to utter negation of alt -
cent. There are types of Cana:Balr:t who
tall: very fast and very insistently on
one monotonous note, which to a setiel-
sive ear is simply maddenenng."
(Boston Transcript.)
Nell -Jack Is telling around that you
are worth your weight in gold.
Ethel -The foolish boy. Who is he tell-
irirg, it, too?
lett-2lfa creditors, clear.
Lots of old people are well preserved
because they hare kept out of jars.
We want to help you to make
it bright and prettier. Let us
tell you how. The greatest beau-
tifier and preserver for house and
home is paint. We mean
You should learn all about
these great paints, how they
brighten, (mow sate they are, how
good, how entry, how cheap, com-
Waring quality with the others.
Ve emit send you the prettiest
and most useful Booklet ever is-
sued, telling you all about paint -
leg your home, it you will write
us for Booklet B D You
should have a copy. It le free.
laic PAINT Montreal.
mal'd, teem.
r.r., ,.: •t . ,r;3-.,,,r,ti t,.7t.a5t.*..
eetttib Y,es estee•r•. ° tel
Dissoives QQuickly
While it is unsurpassed in appearance, color and taste, at the
same timethe moat quickly dissolved Sugar is
Granulated is made in all size grains, being in coarse, medium
and fine, wattpat up - in barrels and 20 lb, and 100 ib, bags,
It ' ee gUeeled in gitring satisfaction to all. Try it yourself.
Ti1fC . .LAAWRItNCE, SUGAR 1Rls„11eINING CO.. 1,1M*TEl<l. MONTREAtll,
ISSUE NO. 24, 1911
deretiime ; rit:
necessary. Our lines .especially used by
mothers and girls, Apply, Dept. A, Brit-
ish Canadian Intrustrlaf Company, tzs
Albert street, Ottalea.
L it other agency propositions convinces
us that none can equal ours. You will
always regret it 11 You don't apply for
particulars to Travellers' Dept., 228 Al-
hert street, Ottawa,
n•J' dress Edward Castle, Hamilton,
Onl- finclese stamps. -
IOR SA acres l.rame b ildings, nearRCit100
City of
r. t -Jen: ,•heap under mortgage. Easy
Apply at once, London Loan
C r n:tine, I,eedorl, Ont.
Is interested and should know
about the wonderful
MARVEL Whirling Spray
The nen Vaginal Syringe, Heat
-Most convenient. It cleanses
innte ntly. Ask year
druggist for i
JEW: cannot supply the
tvt., CVfi,_ accept no ether,
bur send anmp for illu.trete d
boon -sealed It give. full ppartic-
111 et and directions invaluable to ladies,
Clfialsoes, fiat. - General Agents for Canada.
t .vchang•e.)
"Sorry, flruwn," said the doctor•, alter
the examination. "You're in a very ser-
ious •.'orditton. I'm afraid I'll have to
op >ratan yd:u."
"'>perat g -lapel Brown. "Why I
1: •vert . r tr:,Irey for operations. flit
osee • .1. p rtr• i, ,t king• man-
- s'o'ar e !trait are ;'nit riot`'' •
• "•'rr. I dotet. get that until after
lett .lee l
o,„ be all right,” said the dor-
tar ly.
lu sits
Kingston, Ontario.
SCIEIiCE, including
The Arts course may be taken by
correspondence, but students desiring
to graduate must attend one session.
july 3rd to August 11th.
or Calendars Brite the Registrar,
77 G. Y. CHOWN, Kingston, Ontario
♦ n'r,l,...J,ZJ% :.•„ .Yd. .w. JIV+...Y.W.M.'.I1,M
M.iv at:Y eft
tn boasts of something
ger: elevator operators duly licensed by
tee lief 'nsslesetbr and certified to
be competent not ony to run lifts but to
make ordinary repairs on them.
There are two of them and they have
solved a problem for the Young Women's
Christian Association managers, who
startled up against a combination of a
building with elevators and a rule against
mare employees. As 'the head of elan"
win not allowed "to set toot" in the
Young Women's Christian Association,
the offlnlals had the two young women
take a course in elevator runniest and
repairing, and now everything is lovely_
5t. Louts Times.
ThePublic Too Often Faked.
C•n,ct'upulotms dealer:], ate :es t.I l by
targe profits, often recommend ec.rn curse
"an good as Putnam's." There is ouly
one genuine Corn Extractor, and that is
Pule>anee Painless Corn and Wart Ex-
lractor, which in twenty-four , lmours
,tures werts, torus, callouses and bunions.
Psrlemm4 is it miracle of efficacy and
promptness. Try it. 25c a bottle.
"Fe t, 1'11 go to the theatre with
you, Mr. Gi>ovini; that will be pleas-
anter than to have to stay here and
spend the evening talking'"
"That's o good cigar, Rivers; who
gave it to you?"
"Thank you, Binka, for telling me
the name of your tailor. I'll try
some other one,"
"Ethel, J love you, hut to save my
life i sgan't tell you any reason why."
"The nl.ia,ttua says she itsn't at hoarse
to -claw, Mrs, Kneeler, to anybody ex-
cept her friends."
"Tf ever we've met before stir, your
mem+>ry it P. thundering sight better
than mine."
"T could pay this bill to -day just .
as well as not, young man, but I'm
not going to do it. I want - to snake
a small het on the election."
"Yee, I'll maxry you, Mr.Stniggl•e;
you're positively my last chance.
"Sir, we return this contribution to
you because you sent a stamp with
it. Otherwise we should have thrown
it in the waste -basket."
"The thing I like about your. ooti-
versetion, Mr. Pickerel, is that you
don't talk much."—Chieago. Tribune.
Ask for Minard's end take no other.
IL was midnigh(Tt.il"-BThItse'. burglar had en-
tered the house as quietly as possible,
nut his shoes were not padded, and they
made some noise. Ile had just reached
the door of the bedroom when he heard
someone moving in the bed as if about
to get up and he paused, The sound of
a wontan's voice floated to his ears.
"If you don't take your boots d0.f
when you come into this house," 1t said.
'There's going to be trouble, and a whole
lot of it. Here it's been raining for three .
hours, and you dare to tramp over.'any
carpets with your boots oni Go dowwn
slates and take there off this minute!"
He went down stairs without a wont,
but he didn't take off his boots. In-
stead, he went straight out into the night
again, and the "pal" who was waiting
for him saw a tear glisten in his eye.
"I can't rob that house," he eatd, "It
reminds time of home."
When you are struck with an idea,
don't have e fit, Other hien and women ,
haus WA t tg ya.pre experience; , , , ,. ,