HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1911-06-09, Page 51
Was made in Western Town
o GoVern eft Estimates
Did you participate in these huge profits or did you "pigeon -hole" the•propositions
submltted•to you by your western friends for future consideration ? In short, are you
the.mytn who made a profit or the unfortunate one who had the chance but didlnot possess
sufficient judgment to recognize the opportunity or sufficient courage to .close a deal ?
'rhe mean ar man entitled to sympathy is the one who say.: "Five or ten years ago 1
'had the aflame to buy this or• that property at $100 or S500, and now it is worth 610,400."
The aierage person sneers at the person who crakes such a -statement and says: "I would
have bought and made that money." Are you going to say five years from now that
you had a chance to buy a lot at Poe, Alta.. at from SSOto $100 each, or are you going to
be the moa who will have from $1,000 to $10,000 in cash as a result of having bought
property in this town in this year of grace, 1911 ?
Poe is located on the main line of the Grand Trunk Pacific Railway between Ed-
monton and Sadkathoe. It is located in one of the finest farming districts in Western Canada.
The aurroundilig'country is settled by a progressive type of farmers and consequently
n will become -tile market centre for Northern Alberta. Poe district possesses rich coal
mines, is close to rivers and lakes and large forests, are easily accessible from this -point.
Thi natural' resources insure for the residents of the•town, first, low cost of living,
and second, great commercial activity, two essentials in the upbuilding of a large town.
thus creating valuable real estate.
This, townsite and contiguous territory has the requirements outlined by large
manufatcturingconcmes for the location of large factories or large enterprises of any kind
employing'large numbers of people. The rivers and lakes furnish water, the coal fields
and forests furnish fuel and cheap building anterial, the fine farining•lauds furnish farm
products, enabling the residents to live at a low cost.
The town is located on the main line of a transcontinental railway, assuring the
necessary transportation facilities. These combined conditions will furnish cheap labor•
one of the most important features of a manufacturing centre.
'om -fh0
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Property during the year 1909
Poe townsite was recently placed on the market and already over 2011 lots have been
sold, and, many of these lots have already chacsged hands at a substantial increase in price.
Most of these lots were purchased by representative business men throughout Canada,
who are now profiting by their foresight.
The townsite is high and dry and very suitable for••building purposes.
is useless unless you possess the courage to act. You might possess great wisdom. you
might read a good deal or travel much and thus see all kinds of opportunities to make
money, but unless you have the courage - to act on your judgment and wisdom all of these
desirable qualities are entirely useless.
Lots in Poe are a good investment at present prices. The town is bound to grow
rapidly. Owing to the easy terms of payment you have the ability to buy, and if you do
not buy now it is because you are lacking in courage, and the chances are you will never
be like the man you now admire most, rich, courageous and wise.
Poe townsite is held by us under the Torrens system of title. Under this system
the title is guaranteed by the Government, therefore absolutely safe.
Prices of lots range from 550 to 5100 each, and they can be purchased on terms of
one-tenth cash, belance in eighteen equal monthly payments; or quarter cash, balance in
slat, twelve and'eighteen months.
We have issued an attractive circular giving full information pertaining to the town
and its prospects, together with map showing lots for sale. If you wish to receive this
attractive circular, cut out and fill in the attached coupon and mail it to us to -day.
Union Bank Building,
Winnipeg, Canada
c° ,y saemaaatoapa,aao
sapsc�an®eoa�nas®rn®a►sr�+a`a�ae�m • •
} oOONDantOaGD®aootw)a NbaaltDGbraLIIMGCaiiIDa
Sit up aril
Take Notice
We have on display
onr New Prints, and
Dress (:foods. Almost
everything you could ^
wish for in Snring and c
1 'Summer wc..r.
Also Jur New Wall
Papers, of the latest de- le
designs at popular psis- 1
The hardware trade of the
oottntry is of a peculiar charneter Red plea z of ancient. origin Iron
in some respect: A hardware store was glace used as money and from
presents but few attraction 4 to a• Plutarch we gather the idea that
ccrsu Ll vieitc,r as there is not at one time it would, require tyro
'that is dressed. in the frying pant
shall be the prieytssOfyteit eth it"..
and other similiar passages show
that hardware • is of grew anti-
quity. One Nimrod 'found iron
w eapnnP berween the Nile and the
at)rtlatl the dealer thec)1)portunity
on carts to carry the value of tan
of display tip i•; :,riven t„ saierc,!tants nano, 475 00. The test t prodt&etion
t )u conte `'16""t)f l:')o•J�• of eget iron took place in the 1:5th
}But its risers .art' K.) 11 lull ta14111-, t•n- ,»t'ntnrv, and the Emet articles cast
11 CaII and Inspect e
i Before P1trchas i1 g
1 . 1. ,GLA,
gGeneral Merchant, E L A I� E. .12
forint; barn 4'it�!.'lll)lfl t )Nt1 were guns and in L '00 stoves were
no onsiness has; teen:me iren al•tant ; aKt 'merle It nebula il'C�Lltre a
Iron iK frog 7Ytttsv Irl,'S1T1"ttt'•i in 11" large volume to give a bi.torieal
bible, in Lev :, c't� !the tilt ; ske tele of the developments :Harte
following : ' All tits :neat r,il'a'rin,P.� lin the trifele. o� eon. Among the
that tire httken in tile+ even and all eerily settlers of !tie country and
Brought lCts Baker to Death's
ciniine; the last rent;ur•y many
rt deccestic utensils.of iron etre lie be
Ao :nett with even sfn the l)nniolost
dwellings. During this century
the iron manufacture of airuost
every conceivable objeet, trotu the
locomotive boiler flown to a cam-
bric needle is brims made As to
jFne �vent%lated room over the store, KorxL>ta--At Zurich, on the ;?t11
it a well`selectee `tipa.rt�7i,ei�t""'and it t., •c Mr Zuri • lira. Dani&.
Door. •Rather Morriscy's No. zo 1 o coca tho
vGea'A'e9GDQ�1VGb®a OGffisab W33Na 110217106110150:5L Saved Her.
o. a A Fu Via'. I C H m o a
,tuE keep in stock a
full line of fresh
meats, hams, etc. etc
' Our cuts are note
for their tenderness
and wholesomeness.
Our aim is to keep
nothing but the best.
We Inane our own
Give us a call.
Whooping cough is not danger.
ous when the cough is kept loose
and expectoration easy by giving
Chamberlain's Cough Remedy, It
bias been used in, many epidemics
91 this disease with perfect suc-
cess.' For sale by all dealers.
Of the many hundreds of'eures wrought
by Father lviorriscy's No. 10 (Lung Tonic)
Jew are more remarkable than the saving
of the life .of Mrs. John S. Baker, of 104
Rockland Road (North End), St. John,
N.B. She wrote on Oct. 1e, 1909:
"I wish .to express my gratitude that
is 'under the management of an
expert hat trimmer, Miss E. J.
Fowler. She gives her undivided
attention to the interests of the
department. and we know of no
place more enticing to the ladies in
the village. She has a large neat•
ly arranied stock of hats to choose
from and of different styles, so ns.
to suit one and all. The Ware is
favored with an excellent trade
and customers go away after 1
making tsar selections proud and
A Eetnr.n i(?f ThanIrs Tea The People i
Ot Zurich, Ii+, The ilx .
0 C. Six. ;.
It will •be seen by a perusal of
THE ,E EVAL) during the part three
weeks that nearly every line of
busiaees in Zurieh in the confiner•
eial and industrial have been stn- f
eess�:lly° written i p and carried j
forward by the Rev. O. O. Sink of
s'ttves, ranges nal implements of °i Port 'Huron, who carne among us
husbandrythere is n i an :b triesd1y visit.:1a,ow far he has,
most perfect heaters and csa'king ! stscr)eedec. in his endeavors to please,
irax)letnents are la vented niitilraow i and benefit Zurich and its business.
it seems itntrnseTbie toga fnrila.er. men tie 'leaves it them to judge
'i be proprietor of the estahy sh- l Theme are a few who .for some rea• 1
Koehler, a daughter.
trent mentioned at the bead of sacs waved. not •enbtsaeo the glad. ,o s of C_'anauialort]nva t Lan t;
tlrc:,i article has an. extensive Olaaassi- hour and have their •intsrebts writ• ti) t is pWet;ulitie.:r.
do ic.tit n of all !tile goods iIasually' tars gyp,
carr rieti in a flaw class hardware
Manitoba, Saskatchewan, Alberta
Special Train leave Toronto 2,00 p.m. on
APRIL 4, 18 MAY 2, 16, 30 JUNE 135, 27
JULY 11, 25 AUG. 8, 22
Sccoad dam defier rom,Ont. los at�n to principal
Winnipeg and return $33.00; Edmonton and return
$$1.00. and to other points in proportion. Tickets
good to return within 60 days from Roins date.
on all excursions. Comfortable berths, fully equipped
with bedding, can be` secured ed at moderate rates through
Early application must be made
containing rates and full information.
Apply 'to'naerest C.P.R. Agent or to R. L, Thompson,
Dial. Pass. Agt., Toronto.
store, it CeinsiStii chiefly in 0,t7ine
I sal living to -day, sNo.1Orom the grave lase of hammocks, cutlery, go-carts,
byFather Morriscy's No.10'(Tung Tonic).
This time last year I had pleuro -pneumo- I *Wary cabs, •stct�.i rakes, fortis,
nia and bronchitis, and had been given • shovels, latish, v.tashing machines,
slip to die, and had my lungs tapped hoes, whips. tools, tin and. copper
en the City Hospital, and never expected Ware, stoves, ze.tl es etc. ' is
to walk again; I was continually getting retail dry goods :department is in
worse every day. i came home from the an adjoining roost 'and when taken
hospital, and everyone was watching fo to g ether maker an enterprise of
me to die. I tried everything but there great importance 'and is a grand
seemed to be no cure for me. ar.. eeIon to the business interests
"I began taking Father Morrisey;s No
10, and the second day I could eat without
pale. I used 22 bottles of No. 10, as 1
was run down right into constimption,
and for six months was just a shadow
until I began to use it, and now I am in
good health, and surprised.most of my
neighbors by gaining so quickly, I feel
it my duty to publish it everywhere I can
as with all I can say I cannot recommend
it too highly—it was a life saver to me,
and I am very thankful to recommend
it, as it is worth all it is said."
FatherMorriscy's No. 10 is very different
from the many preparations that simply
relieve a cough. No. 10 relieves the
cause of the cough, restores the membranes
of throat and lungs to a healthy condition,
and tones up the whole system, giving
strength to resist future attacks.
Trial bottle 25c.—regular size 50c.
At your dealer's or from Father Morriscy
Medicine Co,, Ltd., Chatham, N.B. 92
Sold and o'ua •an It•, d in ! 'moll
By .1, J .1.1.laltw,a,t
of Zurich. The shelving and
counters of this large room is
packed with a heavy supply of
dress goods; towelling, table cloths.,
linen and cotton {;gods, silks and
satins and when taken together
must have demanded -an amount of
money running into thousands of
dollars The flood:! in both depart,
ments are disposed of to patrons at
a small margin of profit and
gentlemanly olerks are in constant
The millinery department. The
word ' milliner" is derived from
the word 'Milan" and for some
centuries was symonomous with
fine dress goo:ls of the Miltnan
manufacture, ''Mil Ln," is the most
fashionable city' in Milan Italy,
and the great olty for silk business.
This derar.lnent is located in
and this is the reason why"'
their stodk and .names do not ap r,
pear iin the showing The ohject lista ly, er r Cly male ores l5) ea;rs wltl,
Stas in the start ;to gather in every' may aaoluesteai+i )r cuarter-.eetion cr avail
maxi or woman doing business in."rlali� iaonlinion land l'n .l!a„tiro ,l a, Se.=l..
the village and give totem a worthy; i ittc,hetvan or .'vil,e t; . Ti,« ail:lica,lt trust
and respeci:frfl showing, having no
afxpoar iu person art flail T>:mvuion I incl;,
• f +;'irson.4 This would havo,,, A••ter.Loy et' .��.,Si,.r�tret1C 1
NY Henson who rti din :Gib ',earl of a
O ,p. : :,. tl,t'. ci1:�Tieii-
been clheexfa llv dose. Sant for tiie. P'b)nrS by l'ro:civ may' be :lards at any'
g> veli above the were r� .1.agency, on certain, condition,, by father.
lucriuntls left out./ desire to return
mother, se s, (laughter,l,;rothzr, or ristcr of
natentlint; homesteader.
my heartfelt thanks to all I Nati, ti sties.- ,4i,; months' res::leuce upon and
had dealings with, for the manner .clad+ovation of the lauxi ill e•te}, of throe
in which I have been treated by
years. A homesteader inay iia o ivitli ;l :iii16
then and talepaar•t tor our home ;Stile, of his homestead nu a f,r:r. of atlelwis
with the hope that our efforts vitt 8C' acres solely owned and occupied by brio*
prove of great benefit to them by yr by hi, iei,hcr, motl,trr, :,,:u, daughter,,
an increase in trade.. Many thanks lsrother or sister.
33x11 cern in di:triets a homeetowler irs
are due to the editor of Tam 1.•1ER.r.n . .
for his entlezrttural lcear ni Y, and tiorxl stalnrlin.0 ar-ay we-ern},t a i'riceer•�eo•.
g Y 1, ti v) alongside his homestead. }'rice $13.00
til libertality, collo doifatryeti bias 1)eraaere. Untie'—a\iustreside. six months -
press and paper sail 1lniasde taa3 a Eal}, in Ehxeh of sir years from date of home.lteod
to benefit and help his niti nierotts entry lincluding line tins 7 re. e. a.red tv e,.trt
readers and to build up and en- homestead patent) an 1 cuihi'.•.t.c fifty titres
courage the business of bis chosen creta.
C . aiINK A homesteader 1v110 kits erhatt reel itis
hemestetaal right and caunet obtain ca pre.
enlptton )na:;y take a purchased homestead
in certain e1iwtrictr. Pelee $;1.01) per acre.
Duties --Must reside six months in- each of
'Cholera and Diarrhoea
three years, cultivate fifty a:re., and erect
�otiC,d h cis it aL favorite a house worth f�300 ut)
W. W. t-OIt'S',
evergwhere. It can always be Deputy of the Minister o' the Into ;,,r,»
depended. upon. Fur astir; is ,u,.. 11114. r 33. --1 tt Luthoriyed publi: ati.m of !!ds . •
dealers. ..w,,,; ua...i _._ ,�, _ sdrerhasenieitt will not be paid for,
The uniform success that has
attended the use - of Cba neberltairrs
Remedy y h u.s ma t