HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1911-06-09, Page 2l WINVOW DRESSING.
_Aft You constipated?
A Visitor Observes, and Comments on
the Displays of Small Stores.
Subject to Bilious Attacks,"tn no uity in the country are store
Headache and Liver Com-
plaint, Try This CIll'e.
Why eo many people feel worse ahem
taking pills than before': Trouble is thin
drastic hills ul'e used.. Nu remedial ac-
tion is obtained, the bowels are irritated
and dreadful conatipatiou follows, In
using Dr. Hamilton's Pills you are
scarcely consdioue of having taken mcdi-
cdne. Although very mill, )r. Hamilton's
Pills do regulate the bowels, stimulate
normal action of the glints, and create
neither neafeea, piping or violent action,
Presitively guaranteed for biliousness., in-
digestion, stomach, liver and kidney i114.
For a acre family pill, rely ou Dr. Ham-
ilton's, 25e per box, at all defilers..
An American. appending his holidays in
Comity Roecomnhon, Ireland, fell into
conversation with a native, who was
feeding his hens.
-`I guess, Pat.. you haven't aft good.
hens here as we have in the States."
"Perhaps not," said Pat.
r'i'll tell you," said the Yankee,"about
a ben my mother bad. She went out one
day and ate a feed of come and returned
and laid: twelve eggs. She went out
the next day and ate a feed of corn, and
laid twelve -more eggs. She went out
the third day and returned and laid
twelve more eggs. She went col on the
'f'metli day and hatehod. seventy -taro
ehiike out of thirty-six egi;s. Now. that
is the kind of ben we have in the
"Well," said Pat. "I'll tell you about
a half blind hen my mother had. She
ate a feed of sawdust, thinking it was
oatmeal. She went to her nest and laid
a plank twelve feet long. She ate more
eawdellit the next day, and again laid
a, plank twelve feet long. Again, on the
'third day. she ate more sawdust, and
;laid another twelve -foot plank. She sat
on the three planks and hatched. three
• kitehen chairs, a sofa, one table, and
a mshogantr chest of drawers. Noah;'
said Pae, with a twinkle in his eye,
"that is the kind of Mena we have in
vinnaowe dreeeed so tastefully as in this
town, .aid the visitur•. ' Lhe laa'ge
.tore; go in tot• it on a maghtifuent scabs,
n;rlotbt(idly employ higl.:rprieed lv1u-
duty IU•esset•s, but owners Of the atnu1lei'
siders+ take great pains to det'orate their
window shfl et' 1n hamming fll.lhl oil.
"1. saw an in,tunel of this the other
day: It was in a duwtllnwn street. after
1014ineee hours. A new (hews was heilfg
fitted to the window of a spinet ng goods
"The lean who wee doing the juin feed
steno;; a line of golf bilge acru4a the
window. in tinier that there should be
no deviation in the distance between the.
bags he used a font rule to measure the
dietanee between theta, Of "morel., that
made proper alignment.
"I'he same rare was taken in the die-
trihution of golf sticks, boxes of balls
and other article'+ in the, window.:vatur-
ally that window dill not have a Sloven-
ly nppt'arance when the dresser got
"1 was interested in the' mon who wee
doing the work. He was ;Kink and pale,
aril there hie gray hair 'tvas not thin
there waft none, He looked the man who
would -bike infiniie pains in his world
and worry over it. Hie could net be an
easy job.." --Now York Sun.
Asthma Quickly Cured
Thousands of Asthmatic euft'erers will
1>e delighted to learn that Caturrhozune,
wilhich is breathed into the lungs, otters
a quick and effective relief frdom .Lyth -
matte troubles. it ]las a most sootlung
and healing influence upon the tiring
surfaces of the Bronchial 'Tulbee. acts as
at sedative and•anti-spasmodic, and quick-
ly relieves the ;moat acute paroyy3•ms.
f,atarrhozone ia very pleasant to use.
it is made of healing: lbalsttanie oils, and
reaoliee'thee very root of throat an.d lung
1' e;;, and. proven th blee:3•ing t;e itsth-
„.-facts in every stage of the malady.
'i.'ry C tamehoeone; tae, 30e. $1.00; it's a
surds remedy for ,Aisthnla, I.ougih Breath-
ing, and all diseases of the breathreg or -
The well baby es :t .:appy baby-al-
eaye coifing, gurgling and .Soiling. It is
only the sickly baby who is aces, fretful
and cries. The emilc or the tears indi-
cates baby's state of health. :Mothers. if
you want your baby to smile-- the smile
of gond health and freedom from pain—
give hila 13aby's awn '}'tbleat. They
never fail to turn the tear into a smile.
Concerning them Mre. Jae, Hutcheson,
Marysville, P. C'., writes: "Your Baby's
Own 'Tablets have been a 'great comfort
to me while baby was teething,. He was
cross and fretful, but as soon as I began
giving him the Tablets the effect was
wonderful. 1It' became n good-natured
baby right away and is now big. fat and
healthy. The Tablets. are gold by medi-
cine dnllera or by mail at 23 emits a box
Irons The Dr. Wil i ma' Medicine Co.,
Brockville, Ont.
4 0.
Parte ,juet n.ow is having a wave of in-
terest in human feet. Two scientists,
Marie and Mimenliffc, recently advanc-
ed the observation that the sanest type
of Igen had the biggest feet, while the
sanest type of women had the smallest
feet. Which has started the boulevard -
tors to scanning the feet of pedestrians.
Out of 100 normal men these scientists
have asserted that only 1.8 have small
feet, while of 100 insane men only 24
have large feet.. These proportions for.
women are almost exactly the reverse.
(het of 100 as wetter imedy 213" ,t?
large. fent, whilr,f• 100 insane Women T
have small feet. On tbe'maleside of the
proposition the .clnle.rican—long having
looked. upon Lincoln as one of the sanest,
sagest of American statesmen ---probably
will agree with the French scientists.—
From the Chicago Tribune.
The death has occurred in Dumfries
of Thomaa Brown, who was married to
s granddaughter of the poet, Robert
Burns. Mr. Brown, who was in his
eighty-ninth year, was for many years
associated with the tweed trade. For
twenty years thereafter he was church
officer of Greyfriars Parish Church, and
for several years was custodian of the
house in Burns street, Dumfries, where
, the poet died.
Mr. Brown married ,Tane Emma Burns,
daughter of the eldest son of the na-
tional bard, and his daughter, Miss
'Jeannie Armour Burns Brown, presents
'a strong resemblance to the :Nasmyth
•portrait of the poet.—London Globe.
4 -
Spanking does not cure children of
bed-wetting. There is a constitutional
cause for this trouble. Mrs. M. Sum-
mers, Boz W'., 8, Windsor, Ont., will
trend free to' any mother her successful
home treatment, with full instructions,
Send no money, but write her to -day if
your children trouble you in this way.
Don't blame the child; the chances are
it can't help it. This treatment also
cures adults and aged people troubled
with urine difficulties by day or night,,
A brooch.
Fine *Ina.
Old silver.
Bracelet watch.
Box of stockings.
(aced field -glasses.
Pearl opera glasses.
' • A hamper for motoring.
Jewelled pendant of necklace.
'Handsome furnishing embroideries.
. Clock in harmony with some of her
• Travelling, shopping or evening bag,
carefully chosen,
wild fawn You hot re of misses,. They' atop the headache but de You no harm.,2`u reties a box
et ail druggists'.
4.TLONA7(.. D'ssp(Jvr .°la CHEMICAL CO. 01? CANADA, DrisinPrtainotoasose
,v R.' tsss :,:'f:. 04 •,,:,afrith.,' Jix itis t!V Y.
col of mitt
A C•0114.1t itg *C AI 1'MAD SCIENCE.
I111111inted to Queen's Wctavesetty,
Qngfitit p to tit
For Calender of the School and further lnfornaation,
applytothe Secretary, School ofMirtng Kingston,Ont.
ii o4 ..1...,>4Jy:"•,1..6
Mining and Metallurgy.
Chemistry and Mineralogy.
Mineralogy and Geology.
Chemical Engineering.
Civil Engineering.
Mechanical Engineering.
Electrical Engineering.
Sanitary Engineering.
?ower Development
Gift ' for a
What more appropriate Wedding • - G.
young; housekeeper than a set of
Comp isieig Tub, Pail, Dish Pani, etc.
+• t5atadsortrd in nlyp?arartce--'i ng a lifetime:
Mt Grocers.
World wlsdeatupon reeendehip selected
by Dr. Crane:
Do not matte friends easily, but having
made them de'not blame them. --Solon.
Caution is necessary in friendehip; and
one should love• his friends as if some
clay he were going to hate them.—Blon.
Du not expecl,-a friend to ask of you;
anticipate his -Ord.—Socrates.
Amongst your friends esteem those who
do not envy your fortune more than
those who anticipate his need• $cerates.
Two things are to be fearer}; the envY
of friend's and tiro ambush or enemies.--
Friendship is one soul in tau bodies.—
MINARD'S TeINfMI'MT its the only
Liniment asked for at my store and the
only one we keep for sale.
All the people Ilse it.
H 1sRIiIN 1'(TJJ1'ON.
Pleasant Bay, C. 11.
Though' a man, should be "'ranted to
rise to heaven,, and to see the master-
pieces of divinity and all the secrets of
nature, he would be wretched In bis pri-
vilege if he rotild have no friend with
whom to talk it over.—Archita di Tar-
!; most Smut friendship is nothing
but a similarity -tea habits and desires, so
that they love the same hind of business,
aniueenhent and t alk.—Plutarcit-
Wrath and seine unveil the heart of
friend to friend. -Plutarch.
To save a man, give him
by lv
or bitter enetriies;
those by their hate to keep them from
evil doing.—Antisthenes.
In friendshite.tt'he absent are 'present.
the poor are rlthe weak are strong,
the stammering,ieak, and the dead live.
?.greetnent •t"alphg good men is friend-
ship, . among ;.vert mencorspb acy SO-
1 Tn-lie c l yv x 1?t our beet friends
: a t e ,Kent, gditri .lits-
I't'l'o pies frit ' ettriehip to love is riot
uncommon, knit the retorts trip Is well
night tmnossil)le.-sSeint—Evrettront.
Keep Minard's t,ir'ir+ient in the house.
ISSUE NO 23, 1911
dere in spare time no eeparlence
necessary. Our lines especially used by,
ntotllers and girls. _empty, Dept at• Brit-
ish Canadian Tndlusth•lai Cou ente y, '»211•. •
A1bel't street, Otte*,, r, es, '
AGENTS 41ft'ti,;e°
A GENTS WANTGD44,,,,stv,per
.tA. other agency propositions ,entavit1idea
its that none can 1101441 ours. You wilt
always regret It 11 you don't a5 )lY for
particulars to Travellers' Dept,,.
bert street, Ottawa.
A, dress Edward Castle, Hamilton,
Ont. (inclose stamps.)
Where Barrels Are Suhotantial.
There are Still some thiusis that btloy
do better in .aurone, and one f .fen
is barrel making. any
porter or dealer in spirits or winess and
he will tell you that nowhere else are
such cake made as in Francs and
Germany. A trip through the ve ults
of a big whisky house will show
thousands of gallons of American
whisky acquiring age and value while
resting in great oatks which onto
held the wines of the Rhine or of
France. Often they .are olaboratedy
oarved on the heads which line the
long arched corridors. For a'onie rea-
"1 once owned a setter," deodand
0r>opers will not put as much Nir•rt itl
their work and their barrels will not
last.—New York Sun.
Foe Red, Weak, Weary. Watery Eyes and,
MnrineDoestetSmttrt—Scathes Eye Pahl.
'Druggists Std Sonia Era tanner. Veal. ySt. Sae. $1.1/e
Murine Ere Salvo, in Aseptic Tu'1►mz, 2So, $1.00
Even "t' email
is iutores ad and should know
shone the•wonderful
fa4?tfitl(Ix,,' Wliirliag Spat,
rttd nor yeegt,ee1 Syriuir,. first
Moirygiwzniatly; • 11,,,..11r yoawool
7 ifruegitcfvr-ylt,,,.�
If he cannot supply tete ?�.ttt ;t yi
MANVG f. accept no (akar. „f
but send stamp for illustrated
boolt--vsolad. it giros full partic-
ulars awl dlroc1Ion> iavaivable tu' ladle.;,
WindsorOat, Goners! Agents for Caon • n
Trolley Disturbs Marino' Cable.
Recently It WAS found that the opera-
tion of the aipiion recorder of the sub'
marine telegraph cable at Cape 'Town,
South Africa, was interfered with by a
trolley line. 'l'.lhe shore end of the sub-
marine cable for the length of a mile
was at a meant distance of half a mitt
from the trolley 'line.
As a remedy of a second or dummy
cable with an. earthplacn was laid as
nearly as possible over the old one and
this effectually •• cancelled the disturb -
emcee, Observations made in London
have shown that the earth's magnetic
field is disturbed over the whole neigh-
borhood of the eity and South London
Electric Railroad, :.and in the United
States the utility of our magnetic obser-
vatories has more than once been threat-
ened by the trolley. -'-Scientific Amerl-
(Lippincott's Magazine.)
,Among the applicants for the 000kshlp
in a Richmond household was a rather
dashitue young yellow giri. The lady of
the house was rather doubtful about the
al,ility of the mulatto, and therefore pro-
pounded more than the usual number of
tiuestlons to her. Some were fairly sat-
isfactory; but when the interrogatories
touched the question of making tea, the
nc tlldboilti
"Row do ioua "
"Weil, ma'am," said the girl. "dat's
matter of taste, ain't it" Some foulks
biles it longer an' some shorter."
"'slut you do boil it?"
"C.ert'n'ly, (ma'am, S biles it. Possubly,
1 always thought that two hours was
lone. 'Hough to We any tea. To' can git•
de strength outer any kind of tea in dat
ltdinard's Liniment used by Physicians
(Toronto Mail and Empire.)
The boating fatality is distressing be-
yond. deserietinn, That. a holiday should
thus terminate: is deeply to be deplored.
it is not desirable. and it would not be
• D}ring tie present season the iargeat
areeuUt has been ypaid in bounty for
wolf and coyote sea}ps by.C'aunty Cleric
Sourk, of. Yehatua county, that has been
known for years. Recently siert ktlnry
Don't ignore the few house
flies you see in June.'Unless
ou eeess you
commence Using; y
Pads early your douse gill be
. (Ptttshur" Times.)
A member `of the 'Fifth Avenue Presby-
terian Churcli was prai'ting itis new pas-
tor, Dr. J, if Sdw'ett,: for t eruaing to
aerept In Newyiirk a salary greater
than his lut;l1rth ontt of $10.000.
••Dr. Jowett, .tee+se s, "lta!g; no world- •
Iy ambitions. So' far aa,tlhl:s world gaea,
he's a contented., malt, And ills coutent
tltattI the
e .heard him xdescribetin either. 1(1011.
Deliver me; he gala, 'from that con-
tentment which may be defined as the
feeling that, after all, things might be
A 0raft.' " '
A stitch in time saves n'ic'he, and
every house fly killed early saves
a thousand at least later ou. Wil-
son's Fly Pads will kill many
times more flies than any ' tAher. • .
s +
The beet walnuts in 'the warid--at,.
least they havtt that• ,reputatiol---arc
those grown around Geenbble. .trance,'
and a singular fact about thein,ie that
at least three-quarters of the entire
production are transported aerrltss 'rho
ocean to be eaten in New Yor};t, Buetun,.
Philadelphia, Chicago a•tat' other Large
America's cities. The ealcareou's soil of
Southeaster', Trance appears to b`(` par-
titularly favorable to the walnut,. On
the riling land at the blase of the French •
Alps the nut -trees oftep farm. veritable .
cultivated forests. The finest variety,
the "mayette," has s light-colored strep,
and a broad, flat base, on widish it '
readily stands upright.
brought •eight gray wolves over freta
Sabetha and was given a bounty of $ft
each for them, $40 in all,
While he was bringing his catch to
Seneca his brother-in-law went one In
the same locality and caught etgltt nesfee
wolves. Xie brought them to .Seneca and
received $40 for his catch. Never before
in Tehama cottony has suet a caten of
wolves been made.—Topek aCapitat.
New to the man who has never known
the pain of a sore corn 13 'mitering he en-
dures until lee rets relief and cure by
using Putnam'3 ainiass front and Wart
Extractor. ft acts like magic, trues,
hcais, cures, does, it all in twenty-four
hours. There's a whole po'.Ysr of merit
in Putnam's Palthle 4 Corn and. Wart rt lee ( tl
dttxnege sone -
Mrs. John Pettigrew, of Central .:con- .�
only, N. S., was practically helpless from
rrheumatism, She could not stoop, and
her •limbs ached so that it ws torture for
her to he up and around the house.
rin Mrs. Pettigrew put it. "1 was alk
crippled up. 1 saw Gin rills •advertised'
anti sent for some, and after taking only
two boxes, am a dieferelht woman. Gin
1 ills are the only things that iiielped hue.
ant 1 cannot say too much for them.'
If you have that dreadful pain in the
l.ac;t—if you are tortured with,. Ileums.-
ttsnt—get Gin Pills at once.
\frits Nattona,t Drug 8c (:henhieal Co.
(Dept. 11. L.1, Toronto, for free sample.
Regular size at dealers, ;,Om a box.' d for
Frankie 'Tatum left t-ircely this moria,
ing for a thirty-five anile horsebattle
ride cross-country to her ehonsestead
claim northeast of flreeley. • The girl in
at) years oil, and two years. ago filed a
dry farm claim..
She has done all 'the` Worfe required
by the Government up to date, and will
putt in this summer in fencing her faun.
a 2tic bottle. She lives there alone h in a cabin built by het' own
1 hands, and seise no odds from the op -
posite sex in developing her land.—
"All is vanity." Greeley correspondence in Denver Post.
Vanity is ehaniefai._.-"."-
Yet where would we be wit.h:s'et it? • Minard'3 Liniment LumLermare'3
How about a wedding tomo venity? Friend.
Haw about a ve.nityl••s1 uocia.l cele -BILE FOR CHINESE EMP:ROW
overrun by them midsummer. Where would the bueineee go, without
A Fviola v Y
(Fort Worth, Texas, Record.) now would woman, bereft of va,ntey,
t ' her time?
'Without vanityvanityThe harem skirt.
The, tariff wall.
The fool and his money.
Buda -Pest.
it would be difficult
to retain our friends.
'The pearly gates.
Mason and Dixon's tine.
Jahn Crow laws.
h ata Rio Grande Paver.
The King of England is in severe
training to get readyforthe eoronation
fair, to comment upon the seamanship
of those in charge of the little dingey
that upset. Yet the lesson of the incid-
ent canted hc, overlooked.. it is Lo he
feared that too many people are in-
clined to tempt the waves, although
their knowledge of navigation is 3mttll.
Their idea is that they have merely
to manipulate the oer4 or to put. up
the sails, and the .leliglht of motion
upon they lake is t ll)oyed without
danger. :.'his is a mietali t ,d .and a skiff is 1101 child's play,
Sailboat, a good Ileal of skill, and where
there are passengers on board who are
;mused to the boat 'a good dos) of pre- .
Bence of mint., is. required. No man
aught to undertake to sell a beat con-
taining a number of people, unless he is
an expert. No girl ought to trust her-
self in a boat unless she is aaeured that
her companioli .mows bow to - (lenduet
himself under .any fault all cil'culnstauces
on the water. '
4 Ask for Minard's and take no other.
i ►•
Husband (meditating upon the Easter
bonnet bill) ---God made woman, but the
devil certainly made the, new atydes.
Right at the starting point
have a care. Many unreliable
brands are offered. Whoever
uses then. pays Inc It. °?'0u can-
not afford to loan..
ora sold by reliable dealers only,
backed by guarantees, and the
makers are responsible. You
cannot got the established reput-
able quality In any other paints
—and you pay only that . proper
price -not too high and not too
low—known in'Ca;lada• for over
minty years. "Write for our Book-
let A.I1CDG1 on house painting.
It will help you. It Ie hantlsohne.
A. RAMSA`?f' St SOPI 00..
Unfiatti nti,
Meit'rd. 1442..
The Chinese Christians, about a damn
years ago presented the Dowager lean -
press with a magnificent copy of the
Scriptures translated into Chinese. fe
was a fine example of motions pehrnlan-
ship, the writing being on silk, and
the covers of the Bible being of silver.
The gift .was graciously received and
her -Majesty read the book. This ex -
tilted the Emperor's curiosity and he or-
dered one of the eunuchs to obtain for
him a copy of the 'New Testament.
The books formed a part of the loot
of the Forbidden city in 11)00. The Em-
peror was ah. close student of the Testa-
ment, white]) was freely annotated by
him. The 13ibie was fount.., in the Intlt-
pross's chamber, and. the' Testament in
the Emperor's study. . The future ruler
has been presented with smother and
less pretentious copy, but ,this baa cost
4:800, The regent, in aceeptang tee
gift at r he 1)11nddsi ofA1111.' 1lrr'rJ -clean his
ister 1. 3'
soon as the Emperor has tna.etcred his
rudiments he shall study the sacred
writings.—T.ondon Globe.
(Montreal Gazette.)
Mr. Justice Riddell, speaking n.t• Timone
to on the marriage question as recent eine
tints have brought it to the fore, po}nted
out that no church has any right art Say
that a marriage celebrated accortliKe«d t0
the law Is not valid; no ehuhcir tan
change the law; o. marriage is valid or •
invalid, not because tete church �5ays ee.
but because the laW says so. ICkViTI.14
thla in memory should prevent some era
rors by those who discuss the 'ethic. • !t
marriage was recently annuted in title
Provinoe because the law oP Quebec eay1t
that marriages contracted in defiance of
I,egltdlatureumaie the law all that metecoge eefl µ
eceiesiastical itnpedltnenty to nlart•tai{es.
and the Legislature can change It