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The Official Organ of ' :Zurich and Hay Township
Vol. X1.
CS:: f bn >t7
Wehave tried to make this
I the satisfactory store. The store
• that tries too please you. The store
• that uses you right. It is our aim
• to give everyX one a square deal �
11, and. in doing so we feel confident „
• that our efforts will be appreciat=
ped : by a continuance of your trade
Our large stock is well assorted
an w e a 'gays try and keep it in
a such shape, so that you can make
„ • your purchases quick and easy.
• Otxr clerks are ready and Willing w
w at all times to explain and show
Dress Goods
All the latest fabrics and colors for summer wear—Voiles,
Eolieunes Americans Silks, eord du sore; etc., etc.
Special 3f'iira. black 7Pa.illette Silk $1.00 a yard• pi
Wash Goods
In all the leading materials and shades--Repg, Linen'
fi Suiting. Colored Shautings, Raye 'tripes, Swiss Muslim,
141 Piques, Fan,y Muslius, 10 cents yard and up
Laces & Insertions
• '-"" Valencinnes laces and insertions to match. Embr• oideries
and Insertions, all widths and designs. 3 Specials—Corset
Cover embroidery, worth 25 cts for 20 cts a bargain, worth 35
(ts for 25 cts, worth 50 cts for 40 cts.
Ox . Summer' Vests & Hosiery ' i
le Lulies Summer -Vests, 10, 12-i, 15, 20, 25 ito 50 cents 0
Ladies and Children's hose in black. tan and white in plain and
lace fronts. Also fancy embroidered, ladies special hose 10, 15,
and 25 a pair.
White Wear
Lawn and mull waists, Special at $ 1.00, 1.25, 1.50, 1.3,
II2.00,. 2.50. it will pay you to look them over before purchas-
incr. Corset Covers, skirts, gowns, drawers, etc., at close prices
C. R. No Clothing
Do not forget that we are sole agents' for the e, lchrated
i C N R bland of men's and childi en's ready-to-wear clothing.
le Proper clothes for men and boys. Cur prices are as low as any.
Gents' Furnishing
A full range of alley socks, gloves shirts ties. fancy
vests, straw hats, panama hats, etc.
Fencing, New Perfection Oil Stove, Brantford Ready
Roofing, Safelock galvanized Shingle, "Star" Portland
'Cement, Samson Farrniug Tools, Sherwin Williams Paints
and Varnishes, Palmetto Rubber Roof Paint, Peninsular
Ranges, Hecla Furuaces, etc.
J. Preeter,
Telephone 9 - d Z I C 11
Rey. C. C. J. Amass is attending
the Lutheran Synod at Toronto.
Reeve Lamont is attending the
County (sonnet' meeting, this week.
Mr. Harold Appel of Seaforth
spent Sunday with his parents, Mr.
and Mrs. E. Appel,
Mr, F. Hess Sr., lost a valuable
Jersey Dow last week, from: milk
Mr. Milne Rennie of London,
visited at his home here, over
-7 Miss Ida Sipple left on • Monday
for Detroit, to visit" relatives and
friends, for a few Weeks.
Miss Myrtle Horner of the 14th
Con., visited her sister at Varna,
for a few days, teal week.
Sam E. Fatist has only a few
pair of ladies Gur Metal oxfords
at a snap. Come before they go.
Dr. Campbell attended a meeting
of the Ontario Medi",c1 Association,
at Niagara Falls, Viet week.
Mr. Alfred Genre= of London
visited his parents (Mr and Mrs.
John Gellman over"Snndey.
Mr. E. Rannie of,e"Eersall is In
town this week, , assisting stock.
taking at Faust'sist xe.
Mr. and Mrs. J.',eeter are at.
tending the funertrj;,, e a relative,
at Tavistock. this wi ek.
Mr. and Mrs D2n McIsaac of
Crediton, visited the' latter's par-
ents, Mr. and Mrs 46,00b Ort, ever
Sunday. see
Mr. Edgar Edig
nee Miss Laura. B a °
relatives in this satin•
make their home
Have the cothei,,.
agreeable acquai e
when you are,
The animal niee
4. and bride,
d, are visiting
in They will
ad Axe, Mich.
tout the most
ee you have,
'0,4,„he lacks
of the South
Huron Liberal , •.Association was
held at Brncefied ail :'i'uesday and
was well attend"eel. :The officers
for the ,, ear were elected and other
business transacted:
Mr. and Mrs. J"a•ck Taylor, Ieft
this week for Flint, Mich., where
they intend making their home.
We are sorry to lose them but wish
them every success,
Mr. Jacob Haberer the busy bee
keeper is erecting., an extracting
house on his property et the South
end. Mr. Ha,berer has over 200
hives of bees and is; the largest bee
keeper in the Couniy.
Life must be measured by actions
not by time, for a man may die old
at niety and young' at sixty.
The world will coo in your ear,
if you are rich, but it you are poor
it will kick like a mule.
There is one medicine that eve' y
family should be provided wits
and especially during the summer
months ; viz Chamberlain's Colic.
Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. It
costs but a quarter. Can you afford
to be without it? For sale by u 1
A Bee Demonstration is to be ] eld
in the Apiery of Mr. Jacob Baba rer
Zurich, Monday June 12th, 1911,
commencing at one e'clook sitar p.
The purpose of this demonstrate on
is to explain the nature of Foul
Brood and show how to cure it,
nlso save the Wax tram the combs
by means of the wax press. The
inspector of Apiaries will take
charge of the proceedings, assisted
by successful local Beekeepers. Be
sure to come and bring your
neighbors. Ladies specially in-
vited. Tho demonstration will
take place at Mr. ttaberer's apiary
at the Blind line about a mile
Northeast of Zurich.
NO 45
Shoe, time is here
and so are we with a great Bargain in Ladies'
Gun Metal Oxfords, with Cuban heels. These
shoes 'are made of the best ock and will out-
wear any other shoe. Only 14 pair left.
Regular $2.50, = = = now for $2.00
Dash,; while they last. 1 invite you to call.
We do Repairing Butter and eggs taken in exchange
021 IS
Miss Freda Hess of the Guelph
Collegiate returned to her home
here, on Tuesday.
About twenty-five from here at-
tended the Kraft-Preeter wedding
in Stephen, on Wednesday.
Found on Goshen Line North,
on May 24th, a rain coat. Owner
call at Mr. John Neuschwanger's,
or addrees Zurich P. O.
KRAFT-PREETER—At the Lutheran
church, Dashwood, by .Rev.
Thn.n, Mr. Edward G. Kraft, Miss
Rose Preeter, all of Stephen.
A friend may bear another's in
firmities but not his vices. Preserve
your concience always, for if you
open the door for one sin, yon open
for other sins. Do not think ona
lie is harmless, that another is
slight, the third, tinintended and
the fourth is white. Cast them
away, for they are all like soot and
ascend from an ugly source for all
that, and it's far better to keep
Clear of them, as there is no such
thing as a "white he" they are all
alike as black as satan. "Weep with
those who weep” and extend the
hand, of charity to the deserving.
see that each daily is improved to
advantag, cultivate good habits,
despise profanity, regard the Sab-
bath: Have reverence for the Bons i
of God. No than with a good heal
'will say TTHE13E 1S NO GOD,
The premises until recently
occupied by me as a shoe store, op-
posite the Commercial hotel is
offered for sale. Apply to P.
Sender, Zurich.
The Prettiest and `Healthiest
Town In Canada. A short Pro-
cession. Attractive ,special prizes.
Are yeti married? Good speakers.
Speoil trains and rates. See bills
1i.'.{ oa,Ileee,for,e f.171,1.011eXPIPalpx
A great b `efi a'" trs'a small : pr cr
Jos MoNEvIN, A. M, TODD.
Secy. Chairman,
The most interesting portion of
the fine story of the trip to
Hudson's Bay via, the AIbany
River by W. J. Malone appears in
the June issue or Rod and Gun in
Canada, published by W. J. Taylor
Limited, Woodstock, Ontario. Tho
trip was quite an adventurous ono
and is written in a ,spirit of
thorough ibppreciation of the
beauties and allurements of the
wild and of the advantages en.
j eyed by those able togo so far from
uhe beaten track. The interest is
deepened by Mr. Melon e's treat-
ment of the theme and illustrations
accompanying the narrative. As
maskinonge fishing opens in the
middle of the month, two papers
dealing with maskinonge fishing
in the Kawartha Lakes and in the
St. Lawrence are most appropriate.
The vacationist will turn to
Summer Holidays and where to
spend thorn, while many lovers of
firearms will read comparing 12, 16
and 20 Bore Guns by F. H. Conover
and note the illustrations with the
interest horn of enthusiasm. A
paper nn Game Law Violators who
commit offences in one Province
and escape punishment by going to
another, raises a question that
will have to he settled sooner or
later and which, in the interests of
all should be settled without un-
due delay.
Farmet s
That Want
Call at The Massey -
Harris Shop.
Our Machines speak
for themselves.
We also handle
Olds Gasoline
All repairing promptly:
attended to,
Jas. Whyte, Ag't
Mr. F. Hess Sr., is attending the
Lutheran Synod. at Toronto, this
week, .
No matter how well you live td -
day, you can live better and purer
E. E. Miller of Naperville, 311., is
visiting his mother a few days,
this week.
Mr. Joe Steinman and sister Miss
Mary, of Tavistock, are visiting at
the home Mr. and Mrs. J. Gascho
Bronson Line, at present.
Just received a new shipment of
ladies tan pumps, at S. E. S'au"st's
shoe store. These tan pumps are
the very latest and demand is
very strong, Be in the swim and
get a pair.
The cutting down of the bank at
the lake shore is progressing rapid-
ly, although foreman Laporte has
a big job on hand It i3 said that
it will require a thousand dollars
to make a road with a fairly mode-
rate grade. The road will be a
great convenience and will be
worth the money.
The woman of today who has
good health, good temper, good
sense. bright eyes and a Iovely
oomplex.ion, the ,result of operon,
1141 440.„ nod digestion,
thea niIt.'ation:,-of the :tyorl_ t
your digestion is faulty Chamber-
lain's Stomach and Liver Tablets
will correct it. For sale by all
Barbara Eckstein (nee Geiger)
whose death ccourred near Pigeon,
Mich, on the 29th of May, had
reached the age of 53 years 8
+months and 20 days. She was
married to Mr. Louis Eckstein in
1870, and who, with six children
remain to mourn the loss of an
affectionate and true companion
and a loving mother. They left,
this township in 1598 and settled.
in Michigan. The deceased was e.
member of the Evenge]ical church
since 1880, and proved a true
cl.ristian to the end. Besides her
family she Leaves six brothers and
four sisters to mourn her early
death. The funeral was held in.
the Evangelical church Winsoi;,
Mich., on Thursday June 1st and
was conducted by the pastor Rev.
A. A. Sehearer, assisted by Rev. H.
Dier]ainrn of Elkton, in the presen-
ce of a large congregation who met
to express their esteem of the de-
parted and their sympathy with.
the bereaved family. Her six
brotliets acted as pallbearers.
AWATCH will run without
TX oil or cleaning longer than
any other piece of inachin-
ery—but it needs both occasion-
If you will consider that the rim of
the balance wheel travels over fifteen
miles a day, you will not grudge your
watch a speck of oil and a cleaning
once a year. It will increase the
fife and accuracy of your watch.
Leave your watch with us to -dal..
Jewelier, ZA, RICA.