HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1911-05-05, Page 8Herald. - 1 • t reatest ' •.‘ts. t re We invite you to our Opening Pisplay of New Spring Styles fresh from the famous Broadway tailor shops. We want every gooiUdresser in Zurich and chityto:see these new models. represent the latest produc= otthe most celebrated de= .4nialg staff in Canada. Cut and iored by experts. A rare dis= play of handsome garments, that unquestionably set the style .:.lianda.rd for the corning season. iake your selection early. ras...,.tatmaa,soss Planting Time MIlleAaY11011.0.01.1611110.1.11.1[41111111MAlli• W have a Complete variety of Garden and Farm Seeds. includ- ing Corn. Hungarian, Beans, Mangold, Carrot, Turnip, Sugar Maig dd, Stigt:r Beet and all Field Roeb Seeds, House Furnishings Vv'e carry a very complete range of every - in. necessary to furnish the home, linoleums o.urtains, etc. A. beautiful lihe of new d. in wall paper is ready for inspection. Call examine them. Lad ies' Iepartnent VVe carry a full line of lad es underwear and ti6,7.) a beautifully assorted offering of ,.1,ks -waists, Dress Goods, Notions, etc. cr ; yert ••. 4,„:" ao4,..:,v "74'ho 41§'Atoriiin i ut / !Fs that have the best dollar shirts ever tl•(‘. ,:fkrly.q.,wc3 inequi what .we say. and our up the statement. The next time past,.•ing our dom. trop in, and we -will IL, fact. Thv New N'121113.11er 11/V Fabrics . . 'uer-wah goods fr.shions are fast de - 'ping now, and it you. would be prepared for ‘vnrin ilftyN it would wise to give heed while, our stock is complete. prices E. ge froni 1.2? to CO cents a yard. Otur Grocery Department • Our I.4rof..ery Department contains everything p wn:.alij,, in the grocery 1i.rie, fresh and of the. Bi,St QUality. Airbc-4 ces pald for all kinds of Fttinik Produce ' • •-• • S;•••A • ,.‘..zt #.) AL MERCHANT Telephone 28 tario HEADQUARTERS FOR ;Lebrated &roadway • CL/. onammaansutle nrusmorownore forgitli ahead at the Old Place. The wing are some of our lines we keep in stock PIONd & Repairs PerJival No. 10-13, Fleury's No. 21, ,Yookshutt all kinds, Wilk- inson a”. kinds, Land Rollers. We have not sold out our Implement Business yet We are still Imple lents & Repairs Eirut ,ers, Mowers, Cultivators (best inci tie) Floe Drills, Disc Har- rows (bo, it made) . Eureka, Onion Seed Drills for all seeds, 1iureka Fountain Spray- ers best in .the market, Gar - der). Cultivators, Lon. don's Hay Tracks, London's Barn Fixtures Bdig es, Carriages, Wagons At our own make. F. EEss s ZURICH .tink ,.° rgagriaopag The general public will take notice that I am doing business in Exeter in the line of purchasing all kinds of sorap, ' Highest Market Prices Paid, for Scrap Iron, Rags, Rubbers, Copper, Horse Hair, All purchases to be delivered to PBZETER'S HARDWARE, zunioa, where the cash will be paid ot' trade given. Orders for collection of scrap may be left at the same -store, iiromp t Attention will be given. Xeter lit • Ph rs n OOtWe ar •'"'" ' 011/ ItlIii rs„ 70111111111 Jo. 0,s,,,3,,,,/,',11.kr:,?,;:,.,41,,;?:,T;',ft. • 4 1 ir- Li showing all the late.,,t in high and low cut mod— Uli, SPRING SHOES have arrived, and we are M N CDT1C a. els. They await. your choosina—such as Oxford Tenders for • t he construction of Ties and Pumps. Footwear of beauty and durability. ten bridkes, cement abutments and We've many handsome styles that it will be a pleasure to show you AS well as to wear. cleaning out the “Sohwalin" and west branch south" Drains will be There's nothing beyond us in slrpplying you with. received bythe Council of Town. McPherson's handsome Dress Footwear, price and ship ot arty np to Ntonday May 22, quality considered. 2 o'clock p. 121- ',Plans and snecieations niay be seen at the office of the unperaign. ed. The lowest or any- Vender not necessarily accepted." . ;Zurich May -lib. ;tn. i. •. • Fred. Hess Sr , Clerk. . there entbiat in. all this world that is of more irnrortnnvo to ;von fdis.ii good digestion? Food must be,eaten to austn ii life 4tal1 must heAl.igested prat convened into blood When the digestidn fats the whele hod'; suff a Tr, 1•121' ht. bletti aro a rationni and mliable nitre for inilig,.stion. They increase the flew•ofbile,Purify the blood, strengthen the stomach, and tone up the -hole ap- paratut; to a 'Da turn) tied healthy action, For sale by all dealecs. The Reciprocity- Scheme now being discussed in state depart- ments, and the politioa1 world generally, seems to us is a -very vital question. rhe Canadian and Amerman peoples, living- as t hey are in fraternal and nehinborly relathm to each other, in the n t tire o thingstnr1dty duties and taritts 00 products that ars essen• tial to the wants or each other. WO do notbediere that either side desires any advantage over the other, but there seems to be a com- mendable feeling of mutuality thus far in the dperission and nei.lotia: tions. "May the AN•hoie question he consummated in wisdomi hnil equity May commercial relations 'between us be put "upon the wisest and best possiblebasis, and the ties of national regard and friendship be made indiss'ihibly Strong aul last- ing —IrlR:Hieks, in Word and Works, Porn WITIsER_At the G 11P11 Line, Hay On the ist inst., to Mr and Mrs. Sylvanns Witmer, a son. LOSE • EKERS EXCURSIONS EKERS • TO Manitoba, Saskatchewan, Marta Special Trains leave Taranto 2,00 p.m. on APRIL 4, 18 ' • MAY 2, 16, 30 JUNE 13, 27 JULY 11, 26 •AUG. 8, 22 SEPT. 6, 19 SOCOIlla stickets from Ontario stations to principal Northwest points at LOW ROUND-TRIP RATES r4i.mt, and return 63100 Lc. lmanton and return tad to other points in preponkm. Tickets stood to return wbhin 60 dos from sob:same. TOURIST SLEEPING CARS OAalIaseursiorn, Condonable berths. fully equipped with bedd61j, can be secured at moderate rates throusch local agent. • taHy sppliestion must be made ASK•POtt 1.10101ESite1CIEnIs* PAPAPHIATT coofsieinS listss and full idols:dation. Apply t� nanosstt,P.k. Agent or to R. L. Thompson, D. Pao, Aatts Tomtit*. assoomonossoos ONLY DIRECT UNE NO CHANOE OF CARS Try us when you need A Think or a Suit Case .11.n...tsuorscprummannam.conewsmsormralasretsta.,carowon.-naosamnsornarineal t 0-FraL7 • 9 The Horne of Good Shoes aar 414.1 Zurich orIit !ogre s.1:.. af el) IL i; '''''''q ) tir-vs 6_,F.;.1.P.Th ----'''..5.-4'.:4 •(,...........,:tii i Id .6„.i ii.) Osny • al -K rt.t at and below cost, until further notice. Note a few of our prices Team harness with collars, 525. Single harness, 8.00 and up. Halters, 5o to 75cts. soct full raw hide whip, 35cts. Curry=combs, 5, io and /5cts. 20 perceit off all horse blankets, bens and mitts. See our trunks, regular 2.50, for %uit cases, from 1.25 up. AT THE OLD RELIABLE WOE THINGS ABE BONE UP EIGHT Terms Cash or Trade at Ca,sh Price T .44, -0„ 104 ,.711.1RitcH ' F.HoNg 13 HURON'S LARcEsT,comiiiii4 ant We buy all kinds of good logs. Custom sawing and Planing mill work done on short notice. 131-10,V3 ss., • 4b fe KAII3FLEISC