HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1911-05-05, Page 5Ott
3 General hiea+cbaant, 13 L A K E,
f�J PAi
hoaszsa4atma40amat sumneDeraa o6sua4tanna'a
According to GoCern
ent Estimates
Was made in Western Tort Pro erty during the year 1909
' Did you pentiCigate in these huge profits or did you "pigeon -hole" the propositions
submittecito yolu,htq, bur, western friends for future consideration? In short, are you
the man who inaele"s; profit or•the unfortunate one who had the chance but did not possess
sufficient judgieent to recognize the opportunity or sufficient courage to close a deal ?
The man or wo"mau entitled to sympathy is the one who says: "Five or ten years ago I
had the chancEt•,tolleny this or that property at $100 or $500, and now it is worth $10,000."
The average person{ sneers at the person who makes such a statement and says: "I would
have bought; and made that nioney." Are you going to say five years from now that
you had a chance to buy a lot at Poe, Alta., at from $50 to $100 each, or are you going to
be the man who will have froni '$1,000,to $10,000 in cash as a result of having bought
property in this town? in this year of grace. 1911?
Poe is located on the main Iine of the Grand Trunk Pacific Railway between Ed-
•montonand Saskatoon. It is located in one of the finest farming districts in Western Canada.
The surrounding country is settled by a progressive type of farmers and consequently
will become the market centre for Northern Alberta. Poe district possesses rich coal
mines, is close to rivers and lakes and large forests, are easily accessible from this point.
These natural resources insure for, the residents of the town, first, low cost of living,
and second, great commercial activity, two essentials in the upbuilding of a large town,
thus creating valuable real estate.
This townsite and contig -nous territory has the requirements outlined by large
manufacturing concerns for the location of large factories or Large enterprises of any kind
employing large numbers of people. The rivers and lakes furnish water, the col fields
and forests furnish fuel and cheap building material, the fine farming lands furnish farm
products, enabling the residents to live at a low cost.
The town is located on the main line of a transcontinental railway,' assuring the
necessary transportation facilities. These combined conditions wilt furnish cheap labor,
one of the most important features of a manufacturing centre.
' Poe townsite was recently placed on the market and already over 200 lots b,
sold, and many of these lots have already changed hands at a substantial increase,
Most of these lots were purchased by representative business men thrgagttotrt,
who are now profiting by their foresight.
The townsite is high and dry and very suitable for buildingsheaPtge4sr
is useless unless you possess the courage to act. You might possess gre
might read a good deal or travel much and thus see all kinds of .60pOrtet.
=Leh. but unless you have the courage to act on your judgment and weed
desi`able qualities are entirely useless. ? $ f "
Lots in Poe are a good investment at present prices. The tosvvn'is bound to grow
rapii�lly. Owing to the easy terms of payment you have the abilityto buy, and]. it 3iou do,
notbuy now it.is. because you are lacking in courage, and the chances are ydu'*ill never
" be 1 ke the man you now admire most, rich, courageous and wise.
Poe townsite is held by us under the Torrens system of title. 'Under this system
the title is guaranteed by the Government, therefore absolutely safe.
Prices of lots range from $50 to $100 each, and they can be purchased on terms of
one-tenth cash, balance in eighteen equal monthly payments; or quarter cash, balance in
six, twelve and eighteen months.
, We have issued an attractive circular giving full information pertaining to the town
and its prospects, together with map showing lots for sale. If you wish to receive this
attractive circular, cut out and fill in the attached coupon and mail it to us to -day.
Union Bank Building,
.•. Winnipeg, Canada
eaaem s_as.WIeasaor••n arasastt• 611.1laac� cl9sssat
Sit up and
Take Notice
We have on dismay
our N'ew Prints, and
Dress Goods Almost
everything you could
wish for in rprir g and
Summer. weer.
Also our New Wall
Faders, of the latent de -
designs at popular pric-
Call and Inspect
Before Purchasing
E keep in stock a,
11 full lime of fresh
meats, hams, etc. etc
Our cuts are noted
for their tenderness'
and wholesomeness.
Our a;inm. is Via:: keep;
nothing Milt, the behst;..
e:snake .out
:sausages. SF
r ive iii 1�� ;e
Hay Council ntet May 3, all
The following chanties were
made in Pathmasters Div 40 John
Oer=cli, div le rt+; 20 Frank Memento
div 67 Wm Rennie.
The °wane i decided to buif•ad the
, following bridges this rr,aason,
Zurich ltrond Caldwell's hridge,
(irate'( bridge, Seimon's `])ridge
Con 2, 'CktntlsttPIl'e bridge, Rowe
and 1 orthsvntt's bridge, ion 14
kVillert's hridlie. Lake roars Turn.-
1?uIl'at aced Bend ir..t'-s 'bridge., Bioncl-
er's br i gn side I'rend, bete 15, 13
(,oia 11, Britlges t.., 1,14 All :steel
beirn:s, cements aabat•tlnents.
The Clerk to prepare plume and
specifications, site of bride to be
according to measnre.inente of the
4 cannon. T'ender's for the work to
4 be received tip to May 22, t, o'clock
'tp. tn. Tenders for °leonine Schwalm.
J and wept branch drain will also be
i received at the eaaue time, A
NOW itthe tune• to get rid of
your .rheumatism. Yott will find
Ohatniherlain's Liniment wonder-
fully effective. One application
will ectiviece yott of its merits.
Try it, For sale by all dealers.
Petition Signed by' 200 Snbt :ribsrs
asking oounoil to estatilsh a tenni•
cipal telephone eysietn was: receiv-
ed by- the council. It was decided
to hold a meeting at the Town
Ball on Wednesday, the" 10th, of
May at 7.30 p. ui., to consider the
advisability of the council taking
over the existing (Zeller) system.
Lin application the Police Villages
were granted nue half of the Town-
-ship rate levied ags+inst the Police
Villages of Zurich and Dashwood.
The. Police Villagen to maintain all
water ocurses witirin their 1imit;a,
also maintain all the streets except
elet IC 1t, in Zurich and Town line
re Dashwood.
The following; amounts were
ordered to be paid, ti', . Coates
witness fees Re }3iaaonette suit
s3it.00; Ily. Li@)pllardt ras1PSNors
salary $100.00 ; R•eleon Denotnie rep
cols 511.50; Wen Cornish pt pay-
ment cull§ eon 3, $3.00;•: Wendel
Smith rep mils $3.50 ; A Mit telholtz
rep Cul (1 R $1.50 ; John Preeter
i'1�•'✓Pi!'ly i'.'Jx r... ,tre,,i.' fti ,51 :Ti• r,i• , : .
tti- V4:04
Fa er Moririscy's Nom 0."
(Lung Tonic) is made,
of Balsams, Roots and
Herbs, and is absolutely free
from Opium, Morphine or
any similar dangerous drug.
"No. W®" quicMy relieves
and permanently cures
Coughs, Colds, Bronchitis
alnd other troubles of throat
and lungs, including even
mild cases of Consuinptiosi.
Moreover it strengthens
the lungs and the whole
system against further
Trial size 25c.
Regular size 50e.
At your dealer's or froth
Father Morrisey Medicine Lc., Ltd.
C1,7ia;1TnA.R' r s
Sold and Guaranteed in Zniieh•by 3. 3. ,l�r'MERIT'
cou6of ei•a ;
noxa ttnartast �a
c�S C1ra7116
e4 RWR Attu eta.
3li1Aa, Stz 24" (1,autt
Fil EF:AS asV.
Cti/ISHAM, ht,tt
account $7:95 r ..., .. i .The farmer had. bought allittrvf
Connell will meet again on 1 sboes in the city shop. *ti` iuvv
Monday, the 22nd day of May at ( can't I sell yon a pair al
trees?" sugeested tke •.e1•rk.
"Don't git fresh with me, not liy'r!"
replied the farmer, bristlirnu "rp;
"I don't believe shoes kin be raised
on trees any ntore'n 1 bel'ievo
rubbers grow on rubber p1aziteneor
oysters on oyster planta, b`g6=r& r"
Reports frotn the Went zs*ent
seeding operations vary very •tu;!at-
ly according to the districts Imo
which they come. The atonsaon Iles
2 o'olock p. m
Mr, N. R. Boyce. who passed his
Norniel Examination at Easter left
for Guelph, where he will take as
special Nature Study Course for
several weeks.
iW. J. Stevens sold a fine driver
toJ. Mouonald of near Batyd.eld,
!This wan an exceptional fine animal I been late, per tic t:ierly in the
1 and brought a good price. i northern districts, but seenwith-
This (Friday) is being observed standing this fact, it is Ee:idsnt'tbo
as Arbour Dray in o•tr schools ; total acreage pot to sred will show
+ all tin1/rocelAnaedty litrge iaRG)Y.fla�t7
Seeding,operationswere given I pr years. 1S] IY.O;+'t
of the southern districts seeding is
'swell advanced and the weather hes
generally been favorable. To the
north work is now botteroino,
set•baek this week owing to the { over that of form.
winter like weather.
()ur village will soon be all
moved away. SamDeit1 recently
moved what is known as the Dein- general and renditions] are :ttere or
bar bouse to his farm for a hen fess rtttisfaotory. I.eparts i f flail
h.ot:tse. 'wheat conditions are quite good
Mand Mrs• John Sherritt of The varied osaruetcar o the
ret Jody
called on friends is further evidance of the s a't
growth. of the settled area of the
West. A few years ao, when the
country was settled only along ite
ennthern edge the entire wheat
crop was subject to the same
Olt/tonic conditions As 'ware ehor�.rn
last year, the great area of eatti ry
sees varied conditions in different
districts. and even under the most;
adverse circumstances complete•r
crop disaster now sq.+. ant. -
.er, Abraham Zapfe. possible.
Jr II Lillie Meyers, Lydia Ginge•
rich, Ada Kennel..
Sr pt II Ada Meyers, Harve'
Moyer. Sara Erb.
Jr pt II Laura Oeseh, Herbia
Moyer, Gordon Zirk.
Sr pt I Carl MoOliziohey, John
Oesoh, Mary Gingerich,
Jr pt I Florence Boyce, Ruth
Sohraag, Edmund l3echier,
G. S. Howard, Teacher.
Stephen Township, cr
in our village on Sunday last.
The following' report shows the
r.ela.tive standing of the pupils of
U. S. S. No. 0, Stanley, for. April, -
IV class Emma, Beehier, Pearl Mc-
Bride, Mary Jane Meyers.
Sr IIA Lorne Manson, Rachel
tiascho, Jacob Mover.
Jr III Nanny Bronnerrnan, Menao
Gesell, Alberta Finlay.
Sr II Gladys Douglas, Pearl blow
lubbin r rs.` esm
r'We have made arraitgotuente
to oiler the following ]ow clubbing
rates with THE HxertAL» :
Daily Globe . , , $ 4.25
I,Mail 85 Empire 4.25
Weekly (Hobe . 1,60
Mail & Empire 1,60
.Berlir'.er Journal (German) 2.50
Family Herald & Star 1.75
Daily Advertiser 2.75
'Weekly Adver beer 1.50
Weekly Sun 1,75
Farmer's Advocate 2,25
Call A, 12410,�t,fas-',
Harris llopn, k 4
Our M'at;hikle d spo-a}I
for themselves.
We also handle
Olds Gasoline
All repair:ug protuptly�
ilttende t to,
Jas. Whyte, A 't